Read class data from file : class save load « File Stream « C++ Tutorial

C++ Tutorial
1.Language Basics
2.Data Types
3.Operators statements
10.Operator Overloading
12.File Stream
14.STL Introduction
19.set multiset
21.queue stack
22.deque multimap
24.STL Algorithms Modifying sequence operations
25.STL Algorithms Non modifying sequence operations
26.STL Algorithms Binary search
27.STL Algorithms Sorting
28.STL Algorithms Merge
29.STL Algorithms Min Max
30.STL Algorithms Iterator
31.STL Algorithms Heap
32.STL Algorithms Helper
C Tutorial
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C++ Tutorial » File Stream » class save load 
12.4.3.Read class data from file
#include <iostream>
using std::cerr;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::fixed;
using std::ios;
using std::left;
using std::right;
using std::showpoint;

#include <string>
using std::string;

#include <iomanip>
using std::setprecision;
using std::setw;

#include <fstream>
using std::ifstream;
using std::ostream;

#include <cstdlib>
using std::exit; // exit function prototype

class Account
    Account(  )

    Accountint accountNumberValue, string lastNameValue, string firstNameValue, double balanceValue )
       setAccountNumberaccountNumberValue );
       setLastNamelastNameValue );
       setFirstNamefirstNameValue );
       setBalancebalanceValue );

    int getAccountNumber() const
       return accountNumber;
    void setAccountNumberint accountNumberValue )
       accountNumber = accountNumberValue; // should validate
    string getLastName() const
       return lastName;
    void setLastNamestring lastNameString )
       const char *lastNameValue =;
       strncpylastName, lastNameValue, );

    string getFirstName() const
       return firstName;

    void setFirstNamestring firstNameString )
       const char *firstNameValue =;
       strncpyfirstName, firstNameValue, );
    double getBalance() const
       return balance;
    void setBalancedouble balanceValue )
       balance = balanceValue;

   int accountNumber;
   char lastName15 ];
   char firstName10 ];
   double balance;

void outputLineostream&, const Account & )// prototype

int main()
   ifstream inCredit"credit.dat", ios::in );

   if !inCredit )
      cerr << "File could not be opened." << endl;
   // end if

   Account client; // create record

   inCredit.readreinterpret_cast< char * >&client ), sizeofAccount ) );

   while inCredit && !inCredit.eof() )
      if client.getAccountNumber() != )
         outputLinecout, client );

      inCredit.readreinterpret_cast< char * >&client ),sizeofAccount ) );

   return 0;
void outputLineostream &output, const Account &record )
   output << left << setw10 << record.getAccountNumber()
      << setw16 << record.getLastName()
      << setw11 << record.getFirstName()
      << setw10 << setprecision<< right << fixed
      << showpoint << record.getBalance() << endl;
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12.4.class save load
12.4.1.Save class to a file
12.4.2.Writing a class to a file.
12.4.3.Read class data from file
12.4.4.Writing a Class to a File
12.4.5.Read person object from disk
12.4.6.saves person object to disk
12.4.7.reads and writes several objects to disk | Contact Us
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