2. 42. Date Calculation |
| 2. 42. 1. | Compare date time using after method of Java Calendar | | |
| 2. 42. 2. | Compare date time using before method of Java Calendar | | |
| 2. 42. 3. | Increment and Decrement a Date Using the Calendar Class | | |
| 2. 42. 4. | Increment and Decrement Months Using the Calendar Class | | |
| 2. 42. 5. | Add or substract days to current date using Java Calendar | | |
| 2. 42. 6. | Substract days from current date using Calendar.add method | | |
| 2. 42. 7. | Add hours to current date using Calendar.add method | | |
| 2. 42. 8. | Calendar adjust date automatically | | |
| 2. 42. 9. | Substract hours from current date using Calendar.add method | | |
| 2. 42. 10. | Add minutes to current date using Calendar.add method | | |
| 2. 42. 11. | Substract minutes from current date using Calendar.add method | | |
| 2. 42. 12. | Add months to current date using Calendar.add method | | |
| 2. 42. 13. | Substract months from current date using Calendar.add method | | |
| 2. 42. 14. | Add seconds to current date using Calendar.add method | | |
| 2. 42. 15. | Substract seconds from current time using Calendar.add method | | |
| 2. 42. 16. | Add week to current date using Calendar.add method | | |
| 2. 42. 17. | Substract week from current date | | |
| 2. 42. 18. | Add year to current date using Calendar.add method | | |
| 2. 42. 19. | Substract year from current date | | |
| 2. 42. 20. | Substract 30 days from the calendar | | |
| 2. 42. 21. | Add 10 months to the calendar | | |
| 2. 42. 22. | Substract 1 year from the calendar | | |
| 2. 42. 23. | If a date is after another date | | |
| 2. 42. 24. | If a date is before another date | | |
| 2. 42. 25. | Compute days between 2 dates | | |
| 2. 42. 26. | Calculate the age | | |
| 2. 42. 27. | Determining If a Year Is a Leap Year | | |
| 2. 42. 28. | Determining the Day-of-Week for a Particular Date | | |
| 2. 42. 29. | Add hours, minutes or seconds to a date | | |
| 2. 42. 30. | Find the Difference Between Two Given Dates | | |
| 2. 42. 31. | add another 12 hours and print out the date and time | | |
| 2. 42. 32. | subtract 4 hours from the time and print out the date and time | | |
| 2. 42. 33. | add 8 days to the current date and print out the date and time | | |
| 2. 42. 34. | Returns the number of days within the fragment. | | |
| 2. 42. 35. | Returns the number of hours within the fragment. | | |
| 2. 42. 36. | Returns the number of milliseconds within the fragment. | | |
| 2. 42. 37. | Returns the number of minutes within the fragment. | | |
| 2. 42. 38. | Returns the number of seconds within the fragment. | | |
| 2. 42. 39. | Returns a Date set just to Noon, to the closest possible millisecond of the day. | | |
| 2. 42. 40. | Returns a Date set to the last possible millisecond of the month, just before midnight. | | |
| 2. 42. 41. | Returns a Date set to the first possible millisecond of the month, just after midnight. | | |
| 2. 42. 42. | Returns a Date set to the last possible millisecond of the minute. | | |
| 2. 42. 43. | Returns a Date set to the last possible millisecond of the day, just before midnight. | | |
| 2. 42. 44. | Returns a Date set to the first possible millisecond of the day, just after midnight. | | |
| 2. 42. 45. | Returns true if endDate is after startDate or if startDate equals endDate. | | |
| 2. 42. 46. | Round this date, leaving the field specified as the most significant field. | | |
| 2. 42. 47. | Checks if two date objects represent the same instant in time | | |
| 2. 42. 48. | Checks if two calendar objects represent the same local time. | | |
| 2. 42. 49. | Checks if two date objects are on the same day ignoring time | | |
| 2. 42. 50. | Truncate this date(Calendar), leaving the field specified as the most significant field. | | |
| 2. 42. 51. | Truncate this date, leaving the field specified as the most significant field. | | |
| 2. 42. 52. | Days Till End Of Year | | |
| 2. 42. 53. | Convert day of year to day of month | | |
| 2. 42. 54. | Determine if an hour is between an interval | | |