5. 9. 1. Demonstrating variable-length arguments |
A variable-length argument is specified by three periods (...). |
static void yourMethodInVarargs(int ... v) {}
yourMethodInVarargs( ) can be called with zero or more arguments. |
v is implicitly declared as an array of type int[ ]. |
Inside vaTest( ), v is accessed using the normal array syntax. |
public class MainClass {
// vaTest() now uses a vararg.
public static void vaTest(int... v) {
System.out.print("Number of args: " + v.length + " Contents: ");
for (int x : v)
System.out.print(x + " ");
public static void main(String args[]) {
vaTest(10); // 1 arg
vaTest(1, 2, 3); // 3 args
vaTest(); // no args
Number of args: 1 Contents: 10
Number of args: 3 Contents: 1 2 3
Number of args: 0 Contents: |