format Parameter | Output Format | %r | 12-hour time (hh:mm:ss (AM|PM)) | %T | 24-hour time (hh:mm:ss) | %Y | Numeric year, 4 digits | %y | Numeric year, 2 digits | %m | Month with leading 0 (01, 02-12) | %c | Month without leading 0 (1, 2-12) | %M | Month name (January, February, and so on) | %b | Month name, abbreviated (Jan, Feb, and so on) | %D | Day of the month with an English suffix (1st, 2nd, and so on) | %d | Day of the month with leading 0 (00, 01, 02-31) | %e | Day of the month without leading 0 (0, 1, 2-31) | %W | Weekday name (Sunday, Monday, and so on) | %a | Weekday name, abbreviated (Sun, Mon, and so on) | %H | Hour (00, 01-23) | %k | Hour (0, 1-23) | %h | Hour (01, 02-12) | %I | Hour (01, 02-12) | %l | Hour (1, 2-12) | %i | Minutes (00, 01-59) | %S | Seconds (00, 01-59) | %s | Seconds (00, 01-59) | %P | AM or PM | %U | Week number in the year,in which Sunday is the first day of the week | $u | Week number in the year,in which Monday is the first day of the week | %X & %V | Year and week number, respectively,in which Sunday is the first day of the week | %x & %v | Year and week number, respectively,in which Monday is the first day of the week | %j | Day of year with leading 0's (001, 002-366) | %w | Weekday number (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, and so on) | %% | Literal % |