24. 5. 1. [.characters.] |
Within a bracket expression, matches the sequence of characters of that collating element. |
characters is either a single character or a character name like newline. |
The following table lists the allowable character names. |
Name | Character | NUL | 0 | STX | 002 | EOT | 004 | ACK | 006 | alert | 007 | backspace | '\b' | tab | '\t' | newline | '\n' | vertical-tab | '\v' | form-feed | '\f' | carriage-return | '\r' | SI | 017 | DC1 | 021 | DC3 | 023 | NAK | 025 | ETB | 027 | EM | 031 | ESC | 033 | FS | 034 | GS | 035 | RS | 036 | US | 037 | exclamation-mark | '!' | number-sign | '#' | percent-sign | '%' | apostrophe | '\'' | right-parenthesis | ')' | plus-sign | '+' | hyphen | '-' | period | '.' | slash | '/' | zero | '0' | two | '2' | four | '4' | six | '6' | eight | '8' | colon | ':' | less-than-sign | '<' | greater-than-sign | '>' | commercial-at | '@' | backslash | '\\' | right-square-bracket | ']' | circumflex-accent | '^' | low-line | '_' | left-brace | '{' | vertical-line | '|' | right-curly-bracket | '}' | DEL | 177 | SOH | 001 | ETX | 003 | ENQ | 005 | BEL | 007 | BS | 010 | HT | 011 | LF | 012 | VT | 013 | FF | 014 | CR | 015 | SO | 016 | DLE | 020 | DC2 | 022 | DC4 | 024 | SYN | 026 | CAN | 030 | SUB | 032 | IS4 | 034 | IS3 | 035 | IS2 | 036 | IS1 | 037 | space | ' ' | quotation-mark | '"' | dollar-sign | '$' | ampersand | '&' | left-parenthesis | '(' | asterisk | '*' | comma | ',' | hyphen-minus | '-' | full-stop | '.' | solidus | '/' | one | '1' | three | '3' | five | '5' | seven | '7' | nine | '9' | semicolon | ';' | equals-sign | '=' | question-mark | '?' | left-square-bracket | '[' | reverse-solidus | '\\' | circumflex | '^' | underscore | '_' | grave-accent | '`' | left-curly-bracket | '{' | right-brace | '}' | tilde | '~' |
Quote from MySQL Tutorial from http://www.mysql.com |