| |
15. 7. 22. TO_CHAR(12345.67, 'U99,999.99') |
SQL> Select TO_CHAR(12345.67, 'U99,999.99') from dual;
15. 7. TO_CHAR | | 15. 7. 1. | Format Parameters | | | | 15. 7. 2. | TO_CHAR(x [, format]) converts x to a string. | | | | 15. 7. 3. | TO_CHAR() will return a string of pound characters (#) if you try and format a number that contains too many digits for the format you have provided. | | | | 15. 7. 4. | Use TO_CHAR() to convert columns containing numbers to strings. | | | | 15. 7. 5. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '99,999.99') (1) | | | | 15. 7. 6. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '99999.99') (2) | | | | 15. 7. 7. | TO_CHAR(-12345.67, '99,999.99') (3) | | | | 15. 7. 8. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '099,999.99') (4) | | | | 15. 7. 9. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '99,999.9900') | | | | 15. 7. 10. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '$99,999.99') | | | | 15. 7. 11. | TO_CHAR(0.67, 'B9.99') | | | | 15. 7. 12. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, 'C99,999.99') | | | | 15. 7. 13. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '99999D99') | | | | 15. 7. 14. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '99999.99EEEE') | | | | 15. 7. 15. | TO_CHAR(0012345.6700, 'FM99999.99') | | | | 15. 7. 16. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '99999G99') | | | | 15. 7. 17. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, 'L99,999.99') | | | | 15. 7. 18. | TO_CHAR(-12345.67, '99,999.99MI') | | | | 15. 7. 19. | TO_CHAR(-12345.67, '99,999.99PR') | | | | 15. 7. 20. | TO_CHAR(2007, 'RN') | | | | 15. 7. 21. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, 'TM') | | | | 15. 7. 22. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, 'U99,999.99') | | | | 15. 7. 23. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '99999V99') | | | | 15. 7. 24. | TO_CHAR(last_ddl_time,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi') | | | | 15. 7. 25. | to_char(sysdate,'hh24:mi:ss') as time | | | | 15. 7. 26. | to_char(to_date('01/01/2006','dd/mm/yyyy'),is on Day') as new_year_2006 | | | | 15. 7. 27. | to_char(sysdate, 'Day', 'nls_date_language=Dutch') | | | | 15. 7. 28. | to_char(sysdate,'DAY dy Dy') | | | | 15. 7. 29. | to_char(sysdate,'MONTH mon') as month | | | | 15. 7. 30. | to_char(bdate,'fmMonth ddth, yyyy') | | | | 15. 7. 31. | use to_char more than once to create long date format | | |