3. 9. Error Exception |
| 3. 9. 1. | Catching Exceptions with try..except | | |
| 3. 9. 2. | ZeroDivisionError: division by any numeric zero | | |
| 3. 9. 3. | IndexError: request for an out-of-range index for sequence | | |
| 3. 9. 4. | KeyError: request for a non-existent dictionary key | | |
| 3. 9. 5. | AssertionError | | |
| 3. 9. 6. | IOError: input/output error | | |
| 3. 9. 7. | AttributeError: attempt to access an unknown object attribute | | |
| 3. 9. 8. | try-except Statement | | |
| 3. 9. 9. | try Statement with Multiple excepts | | |
| 3. 9. 10. | except Statement with Multiple Exceptions | | |
| 3. 9. 11. | replace our single error string with the string representation of the exception argument. | | |
| 3. 9. 12. | Demonstrating a programmer-defined exception class. | | |
| 3. 9. 13. | Exceptions Can Be Classes | | |
| 3. 9. 14. | Exception Classes | | |
| 3. 9. 15. | String-Based Exceptions | | |
| 3. 9. 16. | Working with the Exception Information | | |