Attributes that begin with __ are mangled during runtime so direct access is thwarted.
Module-level privacy is provided by using a single underscore _ prefixing an attribute name.
This prevents a module attribute from being imported with "from mymodule import *".
It will work with functions too.
class WrapMe(object):
def __init__(self, obj):
self.__data = obj
def get(self):
return self.__data
def __repr__(self):
return 'self.__data'
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__data)
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self.__data, attr)
wrappedComplex = WrapMe(3.5+4.2j)
print wrappedComplex
print wrappedComplex.real
print wrappedComplex.imag
print wrappedComplex.conjugate()
print wrappedComplex.get()
wrappedList = WrapMe([123, 'foo', 45.67])
print wrappedList
print wrappedList.index(45.67)
print wrappedList.count(123)
print wrappedList.pop()
print wrappedList
f = WrapMe(open('/etc/motd'))
print f
print f.get()
print f.readline()
print f.tell()
print f.readline(),
print f.get()