class Employee:
def __init__( self, first, last ):
self.firstName = first
self.lastName = last
def __str__( self ):
return "%s %s" % ( self.firstName, self.lastName )
class HourlyWorker( Employee ):
def __init__( self, first, last, initHours, initWage ):
Employee.__init__( self, first, last )
self.hours = float( initHours )
self.wage = float( initWage )
def getPay( self ):
return self.hours * self.wage
def __str__( self ):
print "HourlyWorker.__str__ is executing"""
return "%s is an hourly worker with pay of $%.2f" % ( Employee.__str__( self ), self.getPay() )
hourly = HourlyWorker( "Bob", "Smith", 40.0, 10.00 )
print hourly
print hourly.__str__()
print HourlyWorker.__str__( hourly )