Answer: method overloading : Questions « Type Casting « SCJP

1.Java Source And Data Type
4.Type Casting
6.Object Oriented
8.Utility Classes
SCJP » Type Casting » Questions 
4.6.22.Answer: method overloading

promotion of the int primitives to long values is handled by the compiler.
4.6.1.Object references can be converted in both method calls and assignments, and the rules are identical(True/False)
4.6.2.Answer: reference method call and assignment
4.6.3.What is the output(object and primitive type)?
4.6.4.Answer: object and primitive type
4.6.5.What is the output(object type conversion)?
4.6.6.Answer: object type conversion
4.6.7.What is the output(interface type)?
4.6.8.Answer: interface type
4.6.9.What is the output(boolean operator and short type)?
4.6.10.Answer: boolean operator and short type
4.6.11.What are the possible values of b in the following code?
4.6.12.Answer: casting between long and byte
4.6.13.What are the possible values of the result l in the following code?
4.6.14.Answer: assignment between byte and long
4.6.15.For the following hierarchy and code, Which of the following saveEvent calls would run without an exception?
4.6.16.Answers: exception hierarchy
4.6.17.Which of the following Java statements will compile and execute without error?
4.6.18.Answer: implement Runnable interface
4.6.19.What will happen when you try to compile and run this code?
4.6.20.Answer: interface casting
4.6.21.What will happen when you call this method with int primitives as in the following fragment?
4.6.22.Answer: method overloading
4.6.23.Which of the following Java code fragments compiles and executes without error?
4.6.24.Answer: interface type casting
4.6.25.What will be the result of trying to compile the following class?
4.6.26.Answer: instanceof object | Contact Us
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