Answer: long type and switch statement : Questions « Statements « SCJP

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SCJP » Statements » Questions 
5.15.32.Answer: long type and switch statement

long cannot be used in a switch statement.
5.15.1.What is the correct statement for line 3 to sum all elements in an array?
5.15.2.Answer: for loop definition
5.15.3.Which of the following statements about this method are true?
5.15.4.Answer: if ladder
5.15.5.Which are input and output?
5.15.6.Answer: switch statement and default
5.15.7.Which declarations of x will not cause a compiler error?
5.15.8.Answer: switch controlling variable
5.15.9.What will the printed output be?
5.15.10.Answer: break statement with label
5.15.11.What is the output from the following code(number format exception)?
5.15.12.Answer: number format exception
5.15.13.What is the output from the following code(Compare strings)?
5.15.14.Answer: Compare strings
5.15.15.What is the output from the following code(switch statement)?
5.15.16.Answer: switch statement and calculation
5.15.17.What is the output from the following code(variable inheritance)?
5.15.18.Answer: variable inheritance
5.15.19.Which modifiers used in XXXXXX would allow the BigWidget class to access the Widget.setWidth method?
5.15.20.Answer: access modifier
5.15.21.What is the output of the following code(nested for loop with continue label)?
5.15.22.Answer: nested for loop with continue label
5.15.23.Which method will be acceptable when aMethod may throw a AException or a BException?
5.15.24.Answer: exception throwing
5.15.25.Choose all of the declarations of x that will not cause a compiler error.
5.15.26.Answer: switch statement controller variable
5.15.27.type char may appear in a switch statement(True/False)
5.15.28.Answer: char type and switch statement
5.15.29.type byte may appear in a switch statement(True/False)
5.15.30.Answer: byte type and switch statement
5.15.31.type long may appear in a switch statement(True/False)
5.15.32.Answer: long type and switch statement
5.15.33.type boolean may appear in a switch statement(True/False)
5.15.34.Answer: boolean variable and switch statement
5.15.35.What is the output when compiling and running the following code(while statement)?
5.15.36.Answer: while statement and condition
5.15.37.What is the output when compiling and running the following code(while statement(2))?
5.15.38.Answer: while statement(2)
5.15.39.What is the output when compiling and running the following code(do... while)?
5.15.40.Answer: do... while | Contact Us
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