It is appropriate to use assertions to generate alerts when you reach code that should not be reachable(True/False) : Questions « Statements « SCJP

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5.17.37.It is appropriate to use assertions to generate alerts when you reach code that should not be reachable(True/False)
A. True
B. False
5.17.1.What Java statement is used to completely abort the execution of a loop?
5.17.2.Answer: abort the execution of a loop
5.17.3.What is the output from the following code(continue and break)?
5.17.4.Answer: continue and break
5.17.5.What can be thrown by a throw statement?
5.17.6.Answer: throw statement
5.17.7.What can be caught for the following types?
5.17.8.Answer: caught type
5.17.9.finally clause of a try-catch-finally is only executed after a catch clause has executed(True/False).
5.17.10.Answer: try-catch-finally
5.17.11.finally clause of a try-catch-finally is only executed if a catch clause has not executed(True/False).
5.17.12.Answer: finally
5.17.13.finally clause of a try-catch-finally is always executed unless its thread terminates(True/False).
5.17.14.Answer: finally(2)
5.17.15.finally clause of a try-catch-finally is only executed if an exception is thrown(True/False).
5.17.16.Answer: finally(3)
5.17.17.What is the output from the following code(throw exception)?
5.17.18.Answer: throw exception
5.17.19.What is the output from the following code(nested try statement)?
5.17.20.Answer: nested try statement
5.17.21.What is the result(nested for loop and break)?
5.17.22.Answer: nested for loop and break
5.17.23.What is the result(throw exception in try block)?
5.17.24.Answer: throw exception in try block
5.17.25.What is the result(break and label)?
5.17.26.Answer: break and label
5.17.27.What is the result(try...catch)?
5.17.28.Answer: try...catch
5.17.29.Which could be used to create an appropriate catch block?
5.17.30.Answer: catch block
5.17.31.It is appropriate to use assertions to validate arguments to methods marked public(True/False)
5.17.32.Answer: assertion
5.17.33.It is appropriate to catch and handle assertion errors(True/False)
5.17.34.Answer: assertion and catch clause
5.17.35.It is NOT appropriate to use assertions to validate command-line arguments(True/False)
5.17.36.Answer: assertion and commandline
5.17.37.It is appropriate to use assertions to generate alerts when you reach code that should not be reachable(True/False)
5.17.38.Answer: assertion and unreachable code
5.17.39.Which, inserted independently at XXX, compiles?
5.17.40.Answer: for loop and hanced for loop
5.17.41.What is the result(nested try /catch blocks)?
5.17.42.Answer: nested try /catch blocks
5.17.43.What is the result(switch and fall-through)?
5.17.44.Answer: switch and fall-through | Contact Us
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