Built-in type Description Example(s)
xsd:string A sequence of any of the legal XML characters This is a string.
xsd:boolean The value true or false, or 1(true) or 0(false) true,
xsd:decimal A number that may contain a decimal component -5.2
xsd:integer A whole number -389
xsd:positiveInteger A positive whole number (not including 0) 5
xsd:negativeInteger A negative whole number (not including 0) -389
xsd:date A calendar date, represented as CCYY-MM-DD 2008-05-21
xsd:time A time of day, represented as hh:mm:ss.ss 11:30:00.00 (11:30 A.M.)
xsd:dateTime A date and time of day, CCYY-MM-DD Thh:mm:ss.ss 2008-05-21T17:28:00.00
xsd:gMonth A Gregorian calendar month, represented as --MM-- --05-- (May)
xsd:gYear A Gregorian calendar year, represented as CCYY 2008
xsd:gDay A day of a Gregorian calendar month, represented as ---DD ---05
xsd:gYearMonth A Gregorian calendar year and month, as CCYY-MM 2008-05 (May, 2008)
xsd:anyURI A URI http://www.java2java.com