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System.Collections » System » Collections » Generic » Dictionary.cs
// System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary
// Authors:
//  Sureshkumar T (tsureshkumar@novell.com)
//  Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com)
//  Ankit Jain (radical@corewars.org)
//  David Waite (mass@akuma.org)
//  Juraj Skripsky (js@hotfeet.ch)
// Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
// Copyright (C) 2005 David Waite
// Copyright (C) 2007 HotFeet GmbH (http://www.hotfeet.ch)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace System.Collections.Generic{

   * Declare this outside the main class so it doesn't have to be inflated for each
   * instantiation of Dictionary.
  internal struct Link {
    public int HashCode;
    public int Next;

  [DebuggerDisplay ("Count={Count}")]
  [DebuggerTypeProxy (typeof (CollectionDebuggerView<,>))]
  public class Dictionary<TKey, TValue> : IDictionary<TKey, TValue>,
    ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>,
    IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>,
    // The implementation of this class uses a hash table and linked lists
    // (see: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms379571(VS.80).aspx).
    // We use a kind of "mini-heap" instead of reference-based linked lists:
    // "keySlots" and "valueSlots" is the heap itself, it stores the data
    // "linkSlots" contains information about how the slots in the heap
    //             are connected into linked lists
    //             In addition, the HashCode field can be used to check if the
    //             corresponding key and value are present (HashCode has the
    //             HASH_FLAG bit set in this case), so, to iterate over all the
    //             items in the dictionary, simply iterate the linkSlots array
    //             and check for the HASH_FLAG bit in the HashCode field.
    //             For this reason, each time a hashcode is calculated, it needs
    //             to be ORed with HASH_FLAG before comparing it with the save hashcode.
    // "touchedSlots" and "emptySlot" manage the free space in the heap 

    const int INITIAL_SIZE = 10;
    const float DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = (90f / 100);
    const int NO_SLOT = -1;
    const int HASH_FLAG = -2147483648;

    // The hash table contains indices into the linkSlots array
    int [] table;
    // All (key,value) pairs are chained into linked lists. The connection
    // information is stored in "linkSlots" along with the key's hash code
    // (for performance reasons).
    // TODO: get rid of the hash code in Link (this depends on a few
    // JIT-compiler optimizations)
    // Every link in "linkSlots" corresponds to the (key,value) pair
    // in "keySlots"/"valueSlots" with the same index.
    Link [] linkSlots;
    TKey [] keySlots;
    TValue [] valueSlots;

    // The number of slots in "linkSlots" and "keySlots"/"valueSlots" that
    // are in use (i.e. filled with data) or have been used and marked as
    // "empty" later on.
    int touchedSlots;
    // The index of the first slot in the "empty slots chain".
    // "Remove()" prepends the cleared slots to the empty chain.
    // "Add()" fills the first slot in the empty slots chain with the
    // added item (or increases "touchedSlots" if the chain itself is empty).
    int emptySlot;

    // The number of (key,value) pairs in this dictionary.
    int count;
    // The number of (key,value) pairs the dictionary can hold without
    // resizing the hash table and the slots arrays.
    int threshold;

    IEqualityComparer<TKey> hcp;
    SerializationInfo serialization_info;

    // The number of changes made to this dictionary. Used by enumerators
    // to detect changes and invalidate themselves.
    int generation;

    public int Count {
      get { return count; }

    public TValue this [TKey key] {
      get {
        if (key == null)
          throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");

        // get first item of linked list corresponding to given key
        int hashCode = hcp.GetHashCode (key) | HASH_FLAG;
        int cur = table [(hashCode & int.MaxValue) % table.Length] - 1;
        // walk linked list until right slot is found or end is reached 
        while (cur != NO_SLOT) {
          // The ordering is important for compatibility with MS and strange
          // Object.Equals () implementations
          if (linkSlots [cur].HashCode == hashCode && hcp.Equals (keySlots [cur], key))
            return valueSlots [cur];
          cur = linkSlots [cur].Next;
        throw new KeyNotFoundException ();

      set {
        if (key == null)
          throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");
        // get first item of linked list corresponding to given key
        int hashCode = hcp.GetHashCode (key) | HASH_FLAG;
        int index = (hashCode & int.MaxValue) % table.Length;
        int cur = table [index] - 1;

        // walk linked list until right slot (and its predecessor) is
        // found or end is reached
        int prev = NO_SLOT;
        if (cur != NO_SLOT) {
          do {
            // The ordering is important for compatibility with MS and strange
            // Object.Equals () implementations
            if (linkSlots [cur].HashCode == hashCode && hcp.Equals (keySlots [cur], key))
            prev = cur;
            cur = linkSlots [cur].Next;
          } while (cur != NO_SLOT);

        // is there no slot for the given key yet?         
        if (cur == NO_SLOT) {
          // there is no existing slot for the given key,
          // allocate one and prepend it to its corresponding linked
          // list
          if (++count > threshold) {
            Resize ();
            index = (hashCode & int.MaxValue) % table.Length;

          // find an empty slot
          cur = emptySlot;
          if (cur == NO_SLOT)
            cur = touchedSlots++;
            emptySlot = linkSlots [cur].Next;
          // prepend the added item to its linked list,
          // update the hash table
          linkSlots [cur].Next = table [index] - 1;
          table [index] = cur + 1;

          // store the new item and its hash code
          linkSlots [cur].HashCode = hashCode;
          keySlots [cur] = key;
        } else {
          // we already have a slot for the given key,
          // update the existing slot    

          // if the slot is not at the front of its linked list,
          // we move it there
          if (prev != NO_SLOT) {
            linkSlots [prev].Next = linkSlots [cur].Next;
            linkSlots [cur].Next = table [index] - 1;
            table [index] = cur + 1;
        // store the item's data itself
        valueSlots [cur] = value;

    public Dictionary ()
      Init (INITIAL_SIZE, null);

    public Dictionary (IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer)
      Init (INITIAL_SIZE, comparer);

    public Dictionary (IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary)
      : this (dictionary, null)

    public Dictionary (int capacity)
      Init (capacity, null);

    public Dictionary (IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer)
      if (dictionary == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("dictionary");
      int capacity = dictionary.Count;
      Init (capacity, comparer);
      foreach (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> entry in dictionary)
        this.Add (entry.Key, entry.Value);

    public Dictionary (int capacity, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer)
      Init (capacity, comparer);

    protected Dictionary (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
      serialization_info = info;

    private void Init (int capacity, IEqualityComparer<TKey> hcp)
      if (capacity < 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("capacity");
      this.hcp = (hcp != null) ? hcp : EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default;
      if (capacity == 0)
        capacity = INITIAL_SIZE;

      /* Modify capacity so 'capacity' elements can be added without resizing */
      capacity = (int)(capacity / DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR) + 1;
      InitArrays (capacity);
      generation = 0;
    private void InitArrays (int size) {
      table = new int [size];

      linkSlots = new Link [size];
      emptySlot = NO_SLOT;

      keySlots = new TKey [size];
      valueSlots = new TValue [size];
      touchedSlots = 0;

      threshold = (int)(table.Length * DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
      if (threshold == 0 && table.Length > 0)
        threshold = 1;

    void CopyToCheck (Array array, int index)
      if (array == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("array");
      if (index < 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("index");
      // we want no exception for index==array.Length && Count == 0
      if (index > array.Length)
        throw new ArgumentException ("index larger than largest valid index of array");
      if (array.Length - index < Count)
        throw new ArgumentException ("Destination array cannot hold the requested elements!");

    delegate TRet Transform<TRet> (TKey key, TValue value);

    void Do_CopyTo<TRet, TElem> (TElem [] array, int index, Transform<TRet> transform)
      where TRet : TElem
      for (int i = 0; i < touchedSlots; i++) {
        if ((linkSlots [i].HashCode & HASH_FLAG) != 0)
          array [index++] = transform (keySlots [i], valueSlots [i]);

    static KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> make_pair (TKey key, TValue value)
      return new KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> (key, value);

    static TKey pick_key (TKey key, TValue value)
      return key;

    static TValue pick_value (TKey key, TValue value)
      return value;

    void CopyTo (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> [] array, int index)
      CopyToCheck (array, index);
      Do_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>, KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> (array, index, make_pair);

    void Do_ICollectionCopyTo<TRet> (Array array, int index, Transform<TRet> transform)
      Type src = typeof (TRet);
      Type tgt = array.GetType ().GetElementType ();

      try {
        if ((src.IsPrimitive || tgt.IsPrimitive) && !tgt.IsAssignableFrom (src))
          throw new Exception (); // we don't care.  it'll get transformed to an ArgumentException below

        // BOOTSTRAP: gmcs 2.4.x seems to have trouble compiling the alternative
        throw new Exception ();
        Do_CopyTo ((object []) array, index, transform);

      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ArgumentException ("Cannot copy source collection elements to destination array", "array", e);

    private void Resize ()
      // From the SDK docs:
      //   Hashtable is automatically increased
      //   to the smallest prime number that is larger
      //   than twice the current number of Hashtable buckets
      int newSize = Hashtable.ToPrime ((table.Length << 1) | 1);

      // allocate new hash table and link slots array
      int [] newTable = new int [newSize];
      Link [] newLinkSlots = new Link [newSize];

      for (int i = 0; i < table.Length; i++) {
        int cur = table [i] - 1;
        while (cur != NO_SLOT) {
          int hashCode = newLinkSlots [cur].HashCode = hcp.GetHashCode(keySlots [cur]) | HASH_FLAG;
          int index = (hashCode & int.MaxValue) % newSize;
          newLinkSlots [cur].Next = newTable [index] - 1;
          newTable [index] = cur + 1;
          cur = linkSlots [cur].Next;
      table = newTable;
      linkSlots = newLinkSlots;

      // allocate new data slots, copy data
      TKey [] newKeySlots = new TKey [newSize];
      TValue [] newValueSlots = new TValue [newSize];
      Array.Copy (keySlots, 0, newKeySlots, 0, touchedSlots);
      Array.Copy (valueSlots, 0, newValueSlots, 0, touchedSlots);
      keySlots = newKeySlots;
      valueSlots = newValueSlots;      

      threshold = (int)(newSize * DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
    public void Add (TKey key, TValue value)
      if (key == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");

      // get first item of linked list corresponding to given key
      int hashCode = hcp.GetHashCode (key) | HASH_FLAG;
      int index = (hashCode & int.MaxValue) % table.Length;
      int cur = table [index] - 1;

      // walk linked list until end is reached (throw an exception if a
      // existing slot is found having an equivalent key)
      while (cur != NO_SLOT) {
        // The ordering is important for compatibility with MS and strange
        // Object.Equals () implementations
        if (linkSlots [cur].HashCode == hashCode && hcp.Equals (keySlots [cur], key))
          throw new ArgumentException ("An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.");
        cur = linkSlots [cur].Next;

      if (++count > threshold) {
        Resize ();
        index = (hashCode & int.MaxValue) % table.Length;
      // find an empty slot
      cur = emptySlot;
      if (cur == NO_SLOT)
        cur = touchedSlots++;
        emptySlot = linkSlots [cur].Next;

      // store the hash code of the added item,
      // prepend the added item to its linked list,
      // update the hash table
      linkSlots [cur].HashCode = hashCode;
      linkSlots [cur].Next = table [index] - 1;
      table [index] = cur + 1;

      // store item's data 
      keySlots [cur] = key;
      valueSlots [cur] = value;

    public IEqualityComparer<TKey> Comparer {
      get { return hcp; }

    public void Clear ()
      count = 0;
      // clear the hash table
      Array.Clear (table, 0, table.Length);
      // clear arrays
      Array.Clear (keySlots, 0, keySlots.Length);
      Array.Clear (valueSlots, 0, valueSlots.Length);
      Array.Clear (linkSlots, 0, linkSlots.Length);

      // empty the "empty slots chain"
      emptySlot = NO_SLOT;
      touchedSlots = 0;

    public bool ContainsKey (TKey key)
      if (key == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");

      // get first item of linked list corresponding to given key
      int hashCode = hcp.GetHashCode (key) | HASH_FLAG;
      int cur = table [(hashCode & int.MaxValue) % table.Length] - 1;
      // walk linked list until right slot is found or end is reached
      while (cur != NO_SLOT) {
        // The ordering is important for compatibility with MS and strange
        // Object.Equals () implementations
        if (linkSlots [cur].HashCode == hashCode && hcp.Equals (keySlots [cur], key))
          return true;
        cur = linkSlots [cur].Next;

      return false;

    public bool ContainsValue (TValue value)
      IEqualityComparer<TValue> cmp = EqualityComparer<TValue>.Default;

      for (int i = 0; i < table.Length; i++) {
        int cur = table [i] - 1;
        while (cur != NO_SLOT) {
          if (cmp.Equals (valueSlots [cur], value))
            return true;
          cur = linkSlots [cur].Next;
      return false;

    [SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter)]
    public virtual void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
      if (info == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("info");

      info.AddValue ("Version", generation);
      info.AddValue ("Comparer", hcp);
      // MS.NET expects either *no* KeyValuePairs field (when count = 0)
      // or a non-null KeyValuePairs field. We don't omit the field to
      // remain compatible with older monos, but we also doesn't serialize
      // it as null to make MS.NET happy.
      KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> [] data = new KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue> [count];
      if (count > 0)
        CopyTo (data, 0);
      info.AddValue ("HashSize", table.Length);
      info.AddValue ("KeyValuePairs", data);

    public virtual void OnDeserialization (object sender)
      if (serialization_info == null)

      int hashSize = 0;
      KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> [] data = null;

      // We must use the enumerator because MS.NET doesn't
      // serialize "KeyValuePairs" for count = 0.
      SerializationInfoEnumerator e = serialization_info.GetEnumerator ();
      while (e.MoveNext ()) {
        switch (e.Name) {
        case "Version":
          generation = (int) e.Value;

        case "Comparer":
          hcp = (IEqualityComparer<TKey>) e.Value;

        case "HashSize":
          hashSize = (int) e.Value;

        case "KeyValuePairs":
          data = (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> []) e.Value;

      if (hcp == null)
        hcp = EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default;
      if (hashSize < INITIAL_SIZE)
        hashSize = INITIAL_SIZE;
      InitArrays (hashSize);
      count = 0;

      if (data != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
          Add (data [i].Key, data [i].Value);
      serialization_info = null;

    public bool Remove (TKey key)
      if (key == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");

      // get first item of linked list corresponding to given key
      int hashCode = hcp.GetHashCode (key) | HASH_FLAG;
      int index = (hashCode & int.MaxValue) % table.Length;
      int cur = table [index] - 1;
      // if there is no linked list, return false
      if (cur == NO_SLOT)
        return false;
      // walk linked list until right slot (and its predecessor) is
      // found or end is reached
      int prev = NO_SLOT;
      do {
        // The ordering is important for compatibility with MS and strange
        // Object.Equals () implementations
        if (linkSlots [cur].HashCode == hashCode && hcp.Equals (keySlots [cur], key))
        prev = cur;
        cur = linkSlots [cur].Next;
      } while (cur != NO_SLOT);

      // if we reached the end of the chain, return false
      if (cur == NO_SLOT)
        return false;

      // remove slot from linked list
      // is slot at beginning of linked list?
      if (prev == NO_SLOT)
        table [index] = linkSlots [cur].Next + 1;
        linkSlots [prev].Next = linkSlots [cur].Next;

      // mark slot as empty and prepend it to "empty slots chain"        
      linkSlots [cur].Next = emptySlot;
      emptySlot = cur;

      linkSlots [cur].HashCode = 0;
      // clear empty key and value slots
      keySlots [cur] = default (TKey);
      valueSlots [cur] = default (TValue);
      return true;

    public bool TryGetValue (TKey key, out TValue value)
      if (key == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");

      // get first item of linked list corresponding to given key
      int hashCode = hcp.GetHashCode (key) | HASH_FLAG;
      int cur = table [(hashCode & int.MaxValue) % table.Length] - 1;

      // walk linked list until right slot is found or end is reached
      while (cur != NO_SLOT) {
        // The ordering is important for compatibility with MS and strange
        // Object.Equals () implementations
        if (linkSlots [cur].HashCode == hashCode && hcp.Equals (keySlots [cur], key)) {
          value = valueSlots [cur];
          return true;
        cur = linkSlots [cur].Next;

      // we did not find the slot
      value = default (TValue);
      return false;

    ICollection<TKey> IDictionary<TKey, TValue>.Keys {
      get { return Keys; }

    ICollection<TValue> IDictionary<TKey, TValue>.Values {
      get { return Values; }

    public KeyCollection Keys {
      get { return new KeyCollection (this); }

    public ValueCollection Values {
      get { return new ValueCollection (this); }

    ICollection IDictionary.Keys {
      get { return Keys; }

    ICollection IDictionary.Values {
      get { return Values; }

    bool IDictionary.IsFixedSize {
      get { return false; }

    bool IDictionary.IsReadOnly {
      get { return false; }

    TKey ToTKey (object key)
      if (key == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");
      if (!(key is TKey))
        throw new ArgumentException ("not of type: " + typeof (TKey).ToString (), "key");
      return (TKey) key;

    TValue ToTValue (object value)
      if (value == null && !typeof (TValue).IsValueType)
        return default (TValue);
      if (!(value is TValue))
        throw new ArgumentException ("not of type: " + typeof (TValue).ToString (), "value");
      return (TValue) value;

    object IDictionary.this [object key] {
      get {
        if (key is TKey && ContainsKey((TKey) key))
          return this [ToTKey (key)];
        return null;
      set { this [ToTKey (key)] = ToTValue (value); }

    void IDictionary.Add (object key, object value)
      this.Add (ToTKey (key), ToTValue (value));

    bool IDictionary.Contains (object key)
      if (key == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");
      if (key is TKey)
        return ContainsKey ((TKey) key);
      return false;

    void IDictionary.Remove (object key)
      if (key == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");
      if (key is TKey)
        Remove ((TKey) key);

    bool ICollection.IsSynchronized {
      get { return false; }

    object ICollection.SyncRoot {
      get { return this; }

    bool ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>.IsReadOnly {
      get { return false; }

    void ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>.Add (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> keyValuePair)
      Add (keyValuePair.Key, keyValuePair.Value);

    bool ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>.Contains (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> keyValuePair)
      return ContainsKeyValuePair (keyValuePair);

    void ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>.CopyTo (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> [] array, int index)
      this.CopyTo (array, index);

    bool ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>.Remove (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> keyValuePair)
      if (!ContainsKeyValuePair (keyValuePair))
        return false;

      return Remove (keyValuePair.Key);

    bool ContainsKeyValuePair (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> pair)
      TValue value;
      if (!TryGetValue (pair.Key, out value))
        return false;

      return EqualityComparer<TValue>.Default.Equals (pair.Value, value);

    void ICollection.CopyTo (Array array, int index)
      KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> [] pairs = array as KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> [];
      if (pairs != null) {
        this.CopyTo (pairs, index);

      CopyToCheck (array, index);
      DictionaryEntry [] entries = array as DictionaryEntry [];
      if (entries != null) {
        Do_CopyTo (entries, index, delegate (TKey key, TValue value) { return new DictionaryEntry (key, value); });

      Do_ICollectionCopyTo<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> (array, index, make_pair);

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
      return new Enumerator (this);

    IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>.GetEnumerator ()
      return new Enumerator (this);

    IDictionaryEnumerator IDictionary.GetEnumerator ()
      return new ShimEnumerator (this);

    public Enumerator GetEnumerator ()
      return new Enumerator (this);

    private class ShimEnumerator : IDictionaryEnumerator, IEnumerator
      Enumerator host_enumerator;
      public ShimEnumerator (Dictionary<TKey, TValue> host)
        host_enumerator = host.GetEnumerator ();

      public void Dispose ()
        host_enumerator.Dispose ();

      public bool MoveNext ()
        return host_enumerator.MoveNext ();

      public DictionaryEntry Entry {
        get { return ((IDictionaryEnumerator) host_enumerator).Entry; }

      public object Key {
        get { return host_enumerator.Current.Key; }

      public object Value {
        get { return host_enumerator.Current.Value; }

      // This is the raison d' etre of this $%!@$%@^@ class.
      // We want: IDictionary.GetEnumerator ().Current is DictionaryEntry
      public object Current {
        get { return Entry; }

      public void Reset ()
        host_enumerator.Reset ();

    public struct Enumerator : IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>,
      IDisposable, IDictionaryEnumerator, IEnumerator
      Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary;
      int next;
      int stamp;

      internal KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> current;

      internal Enumerator (Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary)
        : this ()
        this.dictionary = dictionary;
        stamp = dictionary.generation;

      public bool MoveNext ()
        VerifyState ();

        if (next < 0)
          return false;

        while (next < dictionary.touchedSlots) {
          int cur = next++;
          if ((dictionary.linkSlots [cur].HashCode & HASH_FLAG) != 0) {
            current = new KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> (
              dictionary.keySlots [cur],
              dictionary.valueSlots [cur]
            return true;

        next = -1;
        return false;

      // No error checking happens.  Usually, Current is immediately preceded by a MoveNext(), so it's wasteful to check again
      public KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> Current {
        get { return current; }
      internal TKey CurrentKey {
        get {
          VerifyCurrent ();
          return current.Key;
      internal TValue CurrentValue {
        get {
          VerifyCurrent ();
          return current.Value;

      object IEnumerator.Current {
        get {
          VerifyCurrent ();
          return current;

      void IEnumerator.Reset ()
        Reset ();

      internal void Reset ()
        VerifyState ();
        next = 0;

      DictionaryEntry IDictionaryEnumerator.Entry {
        get {
          VerifyCurrent ();
          return new DictionaryEntry (current.Key, current.Value);

      object IDictionaryEnumerator.Key {
        get { return CurrentKey; }

      object IDictionaryEnumerator.Value {
        get { return CurrentValue; }

      void VerifyState ()
        if (dictionary == null)
          throw new ObjectDisposedException (null);
        if (dictionary.generation != stamp)
          throw new InvalidOperationException ("out of sync");

      void VerifyCurrent ()
        VerifyState ();
        if (next <= 0)
          throw new InvalidOperationException ("Current is not valid");

      public void Dispose ()
        dictionary = null;

    // This collection is a read only collection
    [DebuggerDisplay ("Count={Count}")]
    [DebuggerTypeProxy (typeof (CollectionDebuggerView<,>))]    
    public sealed class KeyCollection : ICollection<TKey>, IEnumerable<TKey>, ICollection, IEnumerable {
      Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary;

      public KeyCollection (Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary)
        if (dictionary == null)
          throw new ArgumentNullException ("dictionary");
        this.dictionary = dictionary;

      public void CopyTo (TKey [] array, int index)
        dictionary.CopyToCheck (array, index);
        dictionary.Do_CopyTo<TKey, TKey> (array, index, pick_key);

      public Enumerator GetEnumerator ()
        return new Enumerator (dictionary);

      void ICollection<TKey>.Add (TKey item)
        throw new NotSupportedException ("this is a read-only collection");

      void ICollection<TKey>.Clear ()
        throw new NotSupportedException ("this is a read-only collection");

      bool ICollection<TKey>.Contains (TKey item)
        return dictionary.ContainsKey (item);

      bool ICollection<TKey>.Remove (TKey item)
        throw new NotSupportedException ("this is a read-only collection");

      IEnumerator<TKey> IEnumerable<TKey>.GetEnumerator ()
        return this.GetEnumerator ();

      void ICollection.CopyTo (Array array, int index)
        var target = array as TKey [];
        if (target != null) {
          CopyTo (target, index);

        dictionary.CopyToCheck (array, index);
        dictionary.Do_ICollectionCopyTo<TKey> (array, index, pick_key);

      IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
        return this.GetEnumerator ();

      public int Count {
        get { return dictionary.Count; }

      bool ICollection<TKey>.IsReadOnly {
        get { return true; }

      bool ICollection.IsSynchronized {
        get { return false; }

      object ICollection.SyncRoot {
        get { return ((ICollection) dictionary).SyncRoot; }

      public struct Enumerator : IEnumerator<TKey>, IDisposable, IEnumerator {
        Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.Enumerator host_enumerator;

        internal Enumerator (Dictionary<TKey, TValue> host)
          host_enumerator = host.GetEnumerator ();

        public void Dispose ()
          host_enumerator.Dispose ();

        public bool MoveNext ()
          return host_enumerator.MoveNext ();

        public TKey Current {
          get { return host_enumerator.current.Key; }

        object IEnumerator.Current {
          get { return host_enumerator.CurrentKey; }

        void IEnumerator.Reset ()
          host_enumerator.Reset ();

    // This collection is a read only collection
    [DebuggerDisplay ("Count={Count}")]
    [DebuggerTypeProxy (typeof (CollectionDebuggerView<,>))]    
    public sealed class ValueCollection : ICollection<TValue>, IEnumerable<TValue>, ICollection, IEnumerable {
      Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary;

      public ValueCollection (Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary)
        if (dictionary == null)
          throw new ArgumentNullException ("dictionary");
        this.dictionary = dictionary;

      public void CopyTo (TValue [] array, int index)
        dictionary.CopyToCheck (array, index);
        dictionary.Do_CopyTo<TValue, TValue> (array, index, pick_value);

      public Enumerator GetEnumerator ()
        return new Enumerator (dictionary);

      void ICollection<TValue>.Add (TValue item)
        throw new NotSupportedException ("this is a read-only collection");

      void ICollection<TValue>.Clear ()
        throw new NotSupportedException ("this is a read-only collection");

      bool ICollection<TValue>.Contains (TValue item)
        return dictionary.ContainsValue (item);

      bool ICollection<TValue>.Remove (TValue item)
        throw new NotSupportedException ("this is a read-only collection");

      IEnumerator<TValue> IEnumerable<TValue>.GetEnumerator ()
        return this.GetEnumerator ();

      void ICollection.CopyTo (Array array, int index)
        var target = array as TValue [];
        if (target != null) {
          CopyTo (target, index);

        dictionary.CopyToCheck (array, index);
        dictionary.Do_ICollectionCopyTo<TValue> (array, index, pick_value);

      IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
        return this.GetEnumerator ();

      public int Count {
        get { return dictionary.Count; }

      bool ICollection<TValue>.IsReadOnly {
        get { return true; }

      bool ICollection.IsSynchronized {
        get { return false; }

      object ICollection.SyncRoot {
        get { return ((ICollection) dictionary).SyncRoot; }

      public struct Enumerator : IEnumerator<TValue>, IDisposable, IEnumerator {
        Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.Enumerator host_enumerator;

        internal Enumerator (Dictionary<TKey,TValue> host)
          host_enumerator = host.GetEnumerator ();

        public void Dispose ()
          host_enumerator.Dispose ();

        public bool MoveNext ()
          return host_enumerator.MoveNext ();

        public TValue Current {
          get { return host_enumerator.current.Value; }

        object IEnumerator.Current {
          get { return host_enumerator.CurrentValue; }

        void IEnumerator.Reset ()
          host_enumerator.Reset ();
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