ExpressionElement.cs :  » » System.Data » System » Data » C# / CSharp Open Source

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System.Data » System » Data » ExpressionElement.cs
// System.Data.ExpressionElement 
// Author:
//   Ville Palo <>
// Copyright (C) Ville Palo, 2003
// TODO: - Some functionelements and aggregates.
//       - New parsing style.
//       - Exceptions

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Reflection;

using System.Collections;
using System.Text;

namespace System.Data{
#if false
  /// <summary>
  /// The main element which includes whole expression
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionMainElement : ExpressionElement

    public ExpressionMainElement (string s)
      s = ExpressionElement.ValidateExpression (s);
      ParseExpression (s);
    public override bool Test (DataRow Row) 

      foreach (ExpressionElement El in Elements) 
        if (!El.Test (Row))
          return false;
      return true;


  // O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_S

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for =
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionEquals : ExpressionElement

    public ExpressionEquals (string exp1, string exp2) 
      this.exp1 = exp1;
      this.exp2 = exp2;
      ParseExpression (exp1);
      ParseExpression (exp2);

    public override bool Test (DataRow Row) 
      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      ExpressionElement E2 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [1];

      return ExpressionElement.Compare (E1, E2, Row) == 0;

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for <
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionLessThan : ExpressionElement

    public ExpressionLessThan (string exp1, string exp2) 
      this.exp1 = exp1;
      this.exp2 = exp2;
      ParseExpression (exp1);
      ParseExpression (exp2);

    public override bool Test (DataRow Row) 
      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      ExpressionElement E2 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [1];
      return ExpressionElement.Compare (E1, E2, Row) < 0;

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for <=
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionLessThanOrEqual : ExpressionElement

    public ExpressionLessThanOrEqual (string exp1, string exp2) 
      this.exp1 = exp1;
      this.exp2 = exp2;
      ParseExpression (exp1);
      ParseExpression (exp2);

    public override bool Test (DataRow Row) 

      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      ExpressionElement E2 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [1];

      return ExpressionElement.Compare (E1, E2, Row) <= 0;

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for >
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionGreaterThan : ExpressionElement

    public ExpressionGreaterThan (string exp1, string exp2) 
      this.exp1 = exp1;
      this.exp2 = exp2;
      ParseExpression (exp1);
      ParseExpression (exp2);

    public override bool Test (DataRow Row) 
      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      ExpressionElement E2 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [1];

      return ExpressionElement.Compare (E1, E2, Row) > 0;

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for >=
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionGreaterThanOrEqual : ExpressionElement

    public ExpressionGreaterThanOrEqual (string exp1, string exp2) 
      this.exp1 = exp1;
      this.exp2 = exp2;
      ParseExpression (exp1);
      ParseExpression (exp2);

    public override bool Test (DataRow Row) 

      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      ExpressionElement E2 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [1];

      return ExpressionElement.Compare (E1, E2, Row) >= 0;

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for <>
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionUnequals : ExpressionElement

    public ExpressionUnequals (string exp1, string exp2) 
      this.exp1 = exp1;
      this.exp2 = exp2;
      ParseExpression (exp1);
      ParseExpression (exp2);

    public override bool Test (DataRow Row) 
      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      ExpressionElement E2 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [1];

      return ExpressionElement.Compare (E1, E2, Row) != 0;

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for LIKE-operator
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionLike : ExpressionElement

    public ExpressionLike (string exp1, string exp2) 
      ParseExpression (exp1);
      ParseExpression (exp2);

    public override bool Test (DataRow Row) 

      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      ExpressionElement E2 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [1];
      object value1 = E1.Result (Row);
      object value2 = E2.Result (Row);
      if (value1.GetType () != typeof (string) || value2.GetType () != typeof (string))
        throw new Exception (); // TODO: what exception
      string operand1 = value1.ToString ();
      string operand2 = value2.ToString ();

      // find out is there wildcards like * or %.
      while (operand2.EndsWith ("*") || operand2.EndsWith ("%"))              
        operand2 = operand2.Remove (operand2.Length - 1, 1);
      while (operand2.StartsWith ("*") || operand2.StartsWith ("%"))
        operand2 = operand2.Remove (0, 1);

      int oldIndex = 0;
      int indexOf = -1;

      indexOf = operand2.IndexOf ("*");
      while (indexOf != -1) 

        oldIndex = indexOf + 1;
        if (operand2 [indexOf + 1] != ']' || operand2 [indexOf - 1] != '[')
          throw new EvaluateException ("Error in Like operator: ther string pattern " + operand1 + " is invalid");
          operand2 = operand2.Remove (indexOf + 1, 1);
          operand2 = operand2.Remove (indexOf -1, 1);
        indexOf = operand2.IndexOf ("*", oldIndex);

      oldIndex = 0;
      indexOf = operand2.IndexOf ("%");
      while (indexOf != -1) 

        oldIndex = indexOf + 1;
        if (operand2 [indexOf + 1] != ']' || operand2 [indexOf - 1] != '[')
          throw new EvaluateException ("Error in Like operator: ther string pattern " + operand2 + " is invalid");
          operand2 = operand2.Remove (indexOf + 1, 1);
          operand2 = operand2.Remove (indexOf -1, 1);          

        indexOf = operand2.IndexOf ("%", oldIndex);

      int len2 = operand2.Length;
      int startIndex = 0;
      while ((startIndex + len2) <= operand1.Length) 
        if (String.Compare (operand1.Substring (startIndex, len2), operand2, !Row.Table.CaseSensitive) == 0)
          return true;

      return false;

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for OR
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionOr : ExpressionElement
    public ExpressionOr (string exp1, string exp2)
      ParseExpression (exp1);
      ParseExpression (exp2);

    public override bool Test (DataRow Row) 
      foreach (ExpressionElement El in Elements) 
        if (El.Test (Row))
          return true;
      return false;
  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for AND
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionAnd : ExpressionElement
    public ExpressionAnd (string exp1, string exp2)
      ParseExpression (exp1);
      ParseExpression (exp2);
    public override object Result (DataRow Row) 
      return Test(Row);

    public override bool Test (DataRow Row) 
      foreach (ExpressionElement El in Elements) 
        if (!El.Test (Row))
          return false;
      return true;

  // A_R_I_T_H_M_E_T_I_C  O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_S

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for +
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionAddition : ExpressionElement
    public ExpressionAddition (string exp1, string exp2)
      this.exp1 = exp1;
      this.exp2 = exp2;
      ParseExpression (exp1);
      ParseExpression (exp2);
    public override Type ResultType (DataRow Row)
      Type ResultType = typeof (string);
      ExpressionElement exp1Temp = ((ExpressionElement)Elements [0]);
      ExpressionElement exp2Temp = ((ExpressionElement)Elements [1]);

      if (exp1Temp.ResultType (Row) == typeof (string) || exp2Temp.ResultType (Row) == typeof (string))
        ResultType = typeof (string);

      else if (exp1Temp.ResultType (Row) == typeof (long) || exp2Temp.ResultType (Row) == typeof (long))
        ResultType = typeof (long);

      else if (exp1Temp.ResultType (Row) == typeof (int) || exp2Temp.ResultType (Row) == typeof (int))
        ResultType = typeof (int);

      return ResultType;

    public override object Result (DataRow Row) 
      return CalculateResult (Row);
    protected override object Calculate (object value1, object value2, Type TempType) 
      object Result = null;      

      if (TempType == typeof (string))
        Result = (string)value1 + (string)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (long))
        Result = (long)value1 + (long)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (int))
        Result = (int)value1 + (int)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (short))
        Result = (short)value1 + (short)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (ulong))
        Result = (ulong)value1 + (ulong)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (uint))
        Result = (uint)value1 + (uint)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (ushort))
        Result = (ushort)value1 + (ushort)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (byte))
        Result = (byte)value1 + (byte)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (sbyte))
        Result = (sbyte)value1 + (sbyte)value2;
        // FIXME:
        //else if (TempType == typeof (bool))
        //  Result = (bool)value1 + (bool)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (float))
        Result = (float)value1 + (float)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (double))
        Result = (double)value1 + (double)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (decimal))
        Result = (decimal)value1 + (decimal)value2;
      // FIXME:
      //else if (TempType == typeof (DateTime))
      //  Result = (DateTime)value1 + (DateTime)value2;
      return Result;

    // This method is shouldnt never invoked
    public override bool Test (DataRow Row)
      throw new EvaluateException ();

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for -
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionSubtraction : ExpressionElement
    public ExpressionSubtraction (string exp1, string exp2)
      this.exp1 = exp1;
      this.exp2 = exp2;
      ParseExpression (exp1);
      ParseExpression (exp2);
    public override object Result (DataRow Row) 
      return CalculateResult (Row);
    // This method is shouldnt never invoked
    public override bool Test (DataRow Row)
      throw new EvaluateException ();

    protected override object Calculate (object value1, object value2, Type TempType) 
      object Result = null;      

      // FIXME:
      //if (TempType == typeof (string))
      //  Result = (string)value1 - (string)value2;
      if (TempType == typeof (long))
        Result = (long)value1 - (long)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (int))
        Result = (int)value1 - (int)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (short))
        Result = (short)value1 - (short)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (ulong))
        Result = (ulong)value1 + (ulong)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (uint))
        Result = (uint)value1 - (uint)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (ushort))
        Result = (ushort)value1 - (ushort)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (byte))
        Result = (byte)value1 - (byte)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (sbyte))
        Result = (sbyte)value1 - (sbyte)value2;
        // FIXME:
        //else if (TempType == typeof (bool))
        //  Result = (bool)value1 - (bool)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (float))
        Result = (float)value1 - (float)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (double))
        Result = (double)value1 - (double)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (decimal))
        Result = (decimal)value1 - (decimal)value2;
      // FIXME:
      //else if (TempType == typeof (DateTime))
      //  Result = (DateTime)value1 - (DateTime)value2;
      return Result;

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for *
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionMultiply : ExpressionElement
    public ExpressionMultiply (string exp1, string exp2)
      this.exp1 = exp1;
      this.exp2 = exp2;
      ParseExpression (exp1);
      ParseExpression (exp2);
    public override Type ResultType (DataRow Row)
      Type ResultType = null;
      ExpressionElement E1 = ((ExpressionElement)Elements [0]);
      ExpressionElement E2 = ((ExpressionElement)Elements [1]);
      Type t1 = E1.ResultType (Row);
      Type t2 = E2.ResultType (Row);
      if (t1 == typeof (string) || t2 == typeof (string))
        throw new EvaluateException ("Cannon perform '*' operation on " + t1.ToString () + 
          " and " + t2.ToString ());

      else if (t1 == typeof (long) || t2 == typeof (long))
        ResultType = typeof (long);

      else if (t1 == typeof (int) || t2 == typeof (int))
        ResultType = typeof (int);

      return ResultType;

    public override object Result (DataRow Row) 
      return CalculateResult (Row);
    public override bool Test (DataRow Row)
      throw new EvaluateException ();

    protected override object Calculate (object value1, object value2, Type TempType) 
      object Result = null;      

      if (TempType == typeof (long))
        Result = (long)value1 * (long)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (int))
        Result = (int)value1 * (int)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (short))
        Result = (short)value1 * (short)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (ulong))
        Result = (ulong)value1 * (ulong)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (uint))
        Result = (uint)value1 * (uint)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (ushort))
        Result = (ushort)value1 * (ushort)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (byte))
        Result = (byte)value1 * (byte)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (sbyte))
        Result = (sbyte)value1 * (sbyte)value2;
        // FIXME:
        //else if (TempType == typeof (bool))
        //  Result = (bool)value1 * (bool)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (float))
        Result = (float)value1 * (float)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (double))
        Result = (double)value1 * (double)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (decimal))
        Result = (decimal)value1 * (decimal)value2;
      // FIXME:
      //else if (TempType == typeof (DateTime))
      //  Result = (DateTime)value1 * (DateTime)value2;
      return Result;


  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for *
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionDivide : ExpressionElement
    public ExpressionDivide (string exp1, string exp2)
      this.exp1 = exp1;
      this.exp2 = exp2;
      ParseExpression (exp1);
      ParseExpression (exp2);
    public override object Result (DataRow Row) 
      return CalculateResult (Row);
    // This method is shouldnt never invoked
    public override bool Test (DataRow Row)
      throw new EvaluateException ();

    protected  override object Calculate (object value1, object value2, Type TempType) 
      object Result = null;      

      if (TempType == typeof (long))
        Result = (long)value1 / (long)value2;
        // FIXME: 
        //else if (TempType == typeof (int))
        //  Result = (string)value1 / (string)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (int))
        Result = (int)value1 / (int)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (short))
        Result = (short)value1 / (short)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (ulong))
        Result = (ulong)value1 / (ulong)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (uint))
        Result = (uint)value1 / (uint)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (ushort))
        Result = (ushort)value1 / (ushort)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (byte))
        Result = (byte)value1 / (byte)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (sbyte))
        Result = (sbyte)value1 / (sbyte)value2;
        // FIXME:
        //else if (TempType == typeof (bool))
        //  Result = (bool)value1 // (bool)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (float))
        Result = (float)value1 / (float)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (double))
        Result = (double)value1 / (double)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (decimal))
        Result = (decimal)value1 / (decimal)value2;
      // FIXME:
      //else if (TempType == typeof (DateTime))
      //  Result = (DateTime)value1 / (DateTime)value2;
      return Result;

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for *
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionModulus : ExpressionElement
    public ExpressionModulus (string exp1, string exp2)
      this.exp1 = exp1;
      this.exp2 = exp2;
      ParseExpression (exp1);
      ParseExpression (exp2);
    public override object Result (DataRow Row) 
      return CalculateResult (Row);
    // This method is shouldnt never invoked
    public override bool Test (DataRow Row)
      throw new EvaluateException ();

    protected  override object Calculate (object value1, object value2, Type TempType) 
      object Result = null;      

      if (TempType == typeof (long))
        Result = (long)value1 % (long)value2;
        // FIXME: 
        //else if (TempType == typeof (int))
        //  Result = (string)value1 % (string)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (int))
        Result = (int)value1 % (int)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (short))
        Result = (short)value1 % (short)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (ulong))
        Result = (ulong)value1 % (ulong)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (uint))
        Result = (uint)value1 % (uint)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (ushort))
        Result = (ushort)value1 % (ushort)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (byte))
        Result = (byte)value1 % (byte)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (sbyte))
        Result = (sbyte)value1 % (sbyte)value2;
        // FIXME:
        //else if (TempType == typeof (bool))
        //  Result = (bool)value1 // (bool)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (float))
        Result = (float)value1 % (float)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (double))
        Result = (double)value1 % (double)value2;
      else if (TempType == typeof (decimal))
        Result = (decimal)value1 % (decimal)value2;
      // FIXME:
      //else if (TempType == typeof (DateTime))
      //  Result = (DateTime)value1 / (DateTime)value2;
      return Result;

  // _____A_G_G_R_E_G_A_T_E_S_____

  internal class ExpressionAggregate : ExpressionElement
    public ExpressionAggregate()

    public ExpressionAggregate(string s)
      s = ExpressionElement.ValidateExpression (s);
      ParseExpression (s);

    public override bool Test (DataRow Row)
      throw new EvaluateException ();

    public override object Result(DataRow Row)
      DataRow[] rows = new DataRow[Row.Table.Rows.Count];
      Row.Table.Rows.CopyTo(rows, 0);
      return ((ExpressionAggregate)Elements[0]).Result(rows);

    public virtual object Result(DataRow[] rows)
      return ((ExpressionAggregate)Elements[0]).Result(rows);

    protected virtual void ParseParameters (string s)
      string stemp = s.ToLower ();
      bool inString = false;
      string p1 = null;

      // find (
      while (!s.StartsWith ("("))
        s = s.Remove (0, 1);
      // remove (
      s = s.Remove (0, 1);

      int parentheses = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) 

        if (s [i] == '\'')
          inString = !inString;
        else if (s [i] == '(')
        else if (s [i] == ')')

        if ((s [i] == ',' ||  s [i] == ')') && !inString && parentheses == -1) 
        { // Parameter changed

          if (p1 == null) 
            p1 = s.Substring (0, i);

      if (p1 == null)
        throw new Exception ();

      ParseExpression (p1);    

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for Sum (column_Name)
  /// </summary
  internal class ExpressionSum : ExpressionAggregate
    public ExpressionSum (string exp1)
      ParseParameters (exp1);

    public override object Result(DataRow[] rows)
      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      object value1 = E1.Result (rows[0]);
      Type t1 = value1.GetType ();
      object result = 0;
      // This could be optimized. If E1 is single element (Not child or parent) the
      // result of Sum() aggregate is allways same

      if (E1 is ExpressionSingleElement) 
        // This should be optimized somehow
        for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) 

          // TODO: other types and exceptions
          object v = E1.Result (rows[i]);
          t1 = v.GetType ();

          if (v == null || v == DBNull.Value)

          if (t1 == typeof (long)) 
            result = (long)result + (long)v;
          else if (t1 == typeof (int)) 
            result = (int)result + (int)v;
          else if (t1 == typeof (short)) 
            result = (short)result + (short)v;
          else if (t1 == typeof (double)) 
            result = (double)result + (double)v;
          else if (t1 == typeof (float)) 
            result = (float)result + (float)v;
            throw new NotImplementedException ();
      return result;

    // Copy: This method is copy-paste in every Aggregate class.

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for Avg (column_Name)
  /// </summary
  internal class ExpressionAvg : ExpressionAggregate
    public ExpressionAvg (string exp1)
      ParseParameters (exp1);

    public override object Result(DataRow[] rows)
      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      object value1 = E1.Result (rows[0]);
      Type original = value1.GetType ();
      object result = null;
      if (E1 is ExpressionSingleElement) 
        Type t1 = null;
        // This should be optimized somehow
        for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) 
          // TODO: other types and exceptions
          object v = E1.Result (rows[i]);

          if (v == null || v == DBNull.Value)

          t1 = v.GetType ();

          if (result == null)
            result = 0;
          if (t1 == typeof (long)) 
            result = (long)result + (long)v;
          else if (t1 == typeof (int)) 
            result = (int)result + (int)v;
          else if (t1 == typeof (short)) 
            result = (short)result + (short)v;
          else if (t1 == typeof (double)) 
            result = (double)result + (double)v;
          else if (t1 == typeof (float)) 
            result = (float)result + (float)v;
            throw new NotImplementedException ();

        // TODO: types

        if (t1 == typeof (long))
          result = (long)result / rows.Length;
        else if (t1 == typeof (int))
          result = (int)result / rows.Length;
        else if (t1 == typeof (short))
          result = (short)result / rows.Length;
        else if (t1 == typeof (double))
          result = (double)result / rows.Length;
      return result;

    /// <summary>
    ///  This is used from ExpressionStdDev for evaluating avg.
    /// </summary>
    public ExpressionAvg (ExpressionElement E)
      Elements.Add (E);

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for Min (column_Name)
  /// </summary
  internal class ExpressionMin : ExpressionAggregate
    public ExpressionMin (string exp1)
      ParseParameters (exp1);

    public override object Result(DataRow[] rows)
      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      object value1 = E1.Result (rows[0]);
      Type original = value1.GetType ();
      object result = null;
      if (E1 is ExpressionSingleElement) 
        Type t1 = null;
        // This should be optimized somehow
        for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++)
          // TODO: other types and exceptions
          object v = E1.Result (rows[i]);

          if (v == null || v == DBNull.Value)

          t1 = v.GetType ();

          if (result == null)
            result = 0;

          object CompResult = t1.InvokeMember ("CompareTo", BindingFlags.Default | 
            BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, 
            new object [] {result});

          if ((int)CompResult < 0)
            result = v;

      return result;


  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for Max (column_Name)
  /// </summary
  internal class ExpressionMax : ExpressionAggregate
    public ExpressionMax (string exp1)
      ParseParameters (exp1);

    public override object Result(DataRow[] rows)
      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      object value1 = E1.Result (rows[0]);
      Type original = value1.GetType ();
      object result = null;
      if (E1 is ExpressionSingleElement) 
        Type t1 = null;
        // This should be optimized somehow
        for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) 
          // TODO: other types and exceptions
          object v = E1.Result (rows[i]);

          if (v == null || v == DBNull.Value)

          t1 = v.GetType ();

          if (result == null)
            result = 0;

          object CompResult = t1.InvokeMember ("CompareTo", BindingFlags.Default | 
            BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, 
            new object [] {result});

          if ((int)CompResult > 0)
            result = v;

      return result;


  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for count (column)
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionCount : ExpressionAggregate
    public ExpressionCount (string exp1)
      ParseParameters (exp1);
    public override object Result(DataRow[] rows)
      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      int count = 0;

      if (E1 is ExpressionSingleElement) 
        count = rows.Length;
      return count;

    public override object Result (DataRow Row) 
      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      int count = 0;

      if (E1 is ExpressionSingleElement) 
        count = Row.Table.Rows.Count;
      return count;

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for StdDev (column)
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionStdev : ExpressionAggregate
    public ExpressionStdev (string exp1)
      ParseParameters (exp1);

    public override object Result(DataRow[] rows)
      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      ExpressionAvg Avg = new ExpressionAvg (E1);

      object tempAvg = Avg.Result (rows[0]);
      double avg = 0;
      double sum = 0;
      double result = 0;

      if (tempAvg.GetType () == typeof (int))
        avg = (double)(int)tempAvg;
      if (E1 is ExpressionSingleElement) 

        for (int i = 0; i <rows.Length; i++)
          // (value - avg)
          object v = E1.Result (rows[i]);

          if (v == null || v == DBNull.Value)

          if (v.GetType () == typeof (long))
            sum = avg - (long)v;
          else if (v.GetType () == typeof (int))
            sum = avg - (int)v;
          else if (v.GetType () == typeof (short))
            sum = avg - (short)v;
            throw new NotImplementedException ();

          result += Math.Pow (sum, 2);
        result = result / (rows.Length - 1);
        result = Math.Sqrt (result);

      return result;

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for Var (column)
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionVar : ExpressionAggregate
    public ExpressionVar (string exp1)
      ParseParameters (exp1);

    public override object Result(DataRow[] rows)
      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      ExpressionAvg Avg = new ExpressionAvg (E1);

      object tempAvg = Avg.Result (rows[0]);
      double avg = 0;
      double sum = 0;
      double result = 0;

      if (tempAvg.GetType () == typeof (int))
        avg = (double)(int)tempAvg;
      if (E1 is ExpressionSingleElement) 

        for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++)

          // (value - avg)
          object v = E1.Result (rows[i]);

          if (v == null || v == DBNull.Value)

          if (v.GetType () == typeof (long))
            sum = avg - (long)v;
          else if (v.GetType () == typeof (int))
            sum = avg - (int)v;
          else if (v.GetType () == typeof (short))
            sum = avg - (short)v;
            throw new NotImplementedException ();

          result += Math.Pow (sum, 2);
        result = result / (rows.Length - 1);

      return result;

  // _____F_U_ N_C_T_I_O_N_S_______

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for len (string) function
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionLen : ExpressionElement
    public ExpressionLen (string exp1)
      _ResultType = typeof (int);
      ParseParameters (exp1);
    public override object Result (DataRow Row) 
      ExpressionElement E1 = ((ExpressionElement)Elements [0]);
      object value1 = E1.Result (Row);
      return value1.ToString ().Length;
    public override bool Test (DataRow Row)
      throw new EvaluateException ();

    public void ParseParameters (string s)
      string stemp = s.ToLower ();
      bool inString = false;
      string p1 = null;

      // find (
      while (!s.StartsWith ("("))
        s = s.Remove (0, 1);

      // remove (
      s = s.Remove (0, 1);
      int parentheses = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) 

        if (s [i] == '\'')
          inString = !inString;
        else if (s [i] == '(')
        else if (s [i] == ')')

        if ((s [i] == ',' ||  s [i] == ')') && !inString && parentheses == -1) 
        { // Parameter changed

          if (p1 == null) 
            p1 = s.Substring (0, i);

      if (p1 == null)
        throw new Exception ();

      ParseExpression (p1);    

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for iif (exp1, truepart, falsepart) function
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionIif : ExpressionElement
    public ExpressionIif (string exp)
      ParseParameters (exp);

    public override object Result (DataRow Row) 
      ExpressionElement E1 = ((ExpressionElement)Elements [0]);
      ExpressionElement E2 = ((ExpressionElement)Elements [1]);
      ExpressionElement E3 = ((ExpressionElement)Elements [2]);

      if (E1.Test (Row)) // expression
        return E2.Result (Row); // truepart
        return E3.Result (Row); // false part      
    // This method is shouldnt never invoked
    public override bool Test (DataRow Row)
      throw new EvaluateException ();

    public override Type ResultType (DataRow Row)
      ExpressionElement E1 = ((ExpressionElement)Elements [0]);
      ExpressionElement E2 = ((ExpressionElement)Elements [1]);
      ExpressionElement E3 = ((ExpressionElement)Elements [2]);
      if (E1.Test (Row)) // expression
        return E2.Result (Row).GetType (); // truepart
        return E3.Result (Row).GetType (); // false part      

    /// <summary>
    ///  Parses expressions in parameters (exp, truepart, falsepart)
    /// </summary>
    private void ParseParameters (string s)
      bool inString = false;
      string stemp = s.ToLower ();
      string p1 = null;
      string p2 = null;
      string p3 = null;
      s = s.Substring (stemp.IndexOf ("iif") + 3);

      // find (
      while (!s.StartsWith ("("))
        s = s.Remove (0, 1);

      // remove (
      s = s.Remove (0, 1);
      int parentheses = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) 

        if (s [i] == '\'')
          inString = !inString;
        else if (s [i] == '(')
        else if (s [i] == ')')

        if ((s [i] == ',' && !inString && parentheses == 0) || 
          (s [i] == ')' && i == (s.Length -1))) 
        { // Parameter changed

          if (p1 == null) 
            p1 = s.Substring (0, i);
            s = s.Substring (i + 1);
            i = 0;

          else if (p2 == null) 
            p2 = s.Substring (0, i);
            s = s.Substring (i + 1);
            i = 0;

          else if (p3 == null) 
            p3 = s.Substring (0, i);
            s = s.Substring (i + 1);
            i = 0;

            throw new Exception (); // FIXME: What exception

      if (p1 == null || p2 == null || p3 == null)
        throw new Exception ();

      ParseExpression (p1);
      ParseExpression (p2);
      ParseExpression (p3);

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for isnull (expression, returnvalue) function
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionIsNull : ExpressionElement
    public ExpressionIsNull (string exp)
      ParseParameters (exp);
    public override object Result (DataRow Row) 
      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      ExpressionElement E2 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [1];
      object R1 = E1.Result (Row);
      object value1 = null;
      if (R1 == null || R1 == DBNull.Value)
        return E2.Result (Row);
        return R1;

    public override Type ResultType (DataRow Row)
      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      ExpressionElement E2 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [1];
      object R1 = E1.Result (Row);
      object value1 = null;
      if (R1 == null || R1 == DBNull.Value)
        return E2.Result (Row).GetType ();
        return R1.GetType ();
    /// <summary>
    ///  IsNull function does not return boolean value, so throw exception
    /// </summary>
    public override bool Test (DataRow Row)
      throw new EvaluateException ();

    /// <summary>
    ///  Parses parameters of function and invoke ParseExpression methods
    /// </summary>
    private void ParseParameters (string s)
      bool inString = false;
      string stemp = s.ToLower ();
      string p1 = null;
      string p2 = null;

      s = s.Substring (stemp.IndexOf ("isnull") + 6);

      // find (
      while (!s.StartsWith ("("))
        s = s.Remove (0, 1);

      // remove (
      s = s.Remove (0, 1);
      int parentheses = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) 

        if (s [i] == '\'')
          inString = !inString;
        else if (s [i] == '(')
        else if (s [i] == ')')

        if ((s [i] == ',' && !inString && parentheses == 0) || 
          (s [i] == ')' && i == (s.Length -1))) 
        { // Parameter changed

          if (p1 == null) 
            p1 = s.Substring (0, i);
            s = s.Substring (i + 1);
            i = 0;

          else if (p2 == null) 
            p2 = s.Substring (0, i);
            s = s.Substring (i + 1);
            i = 0;

            throw new Exception (); // FIXME: What exception

      if (p1 == null || p2 == null)
        throw new Exception ();

      ParseExpression (p1);
      ParseExpression (p2);

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for Substring (expression, start, length) function
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionSubstring : ExpressionElement
    public ExpressionSubstring (string exp)
      ParseParameters (exp);
      _ResultType = typeof (string);
    public override object Result (DataRow Row) 
      ExpressionElement E1 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];
      ExpressionElement E2 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [1];
      ExpressionElement E3 = (ExpressionElement)Elements [2];
      object value1 = E1.Result (Row);
      object value2 = E2.Result (Row);
      object value3 = E3.Result (Row);
      Type t1 = value1.GetType ();
      Type t2 = value2.GetType ();
      Type t3 = value3.GetType ();

      if (value1 == null || value2 == null || value3 == null 
        || value1 == DBNull.Value || value2 == DBNull.Value || value3 == DBNull.Value)
        return string.Empty;

      if (t1 != typeof (string))
        throw new Exception (); // FIXME: what exception
      else if (t2 != typeof (int))
        throw new EvaluateException ("Type mismatch is function argument: Substring (), argument 2, excepted System.Int32");
      else if (t3 != typeof (int))
        throw new EvaluateException ("Type mismatch is function argument: Substring (), argument 3, excepted System.Int32");

      string str = value1.ToString ();
      int start = (int)value2;
      int length = (int)value3;

      if (str.Length < start)
        str =  string.Empty;
        if ((start + length - 1) > str.Length)
          str = str.Substring (start - 1);
          str = str.Substring (start - 1, length);

      return str;

    /// <summary>
    ///  IsNull function does not return boolean value, so throw exception
    /// </summary>
    public override bool Test (DataRow Row)
      throw new EvaluateException ();

    /// <summary>
    ///  Parses parameters of function and invoke ParseExpression methods
    /// </summary>
    private void ParseParameters (string s)
      bool inString = false;
      string stemp = s.ToLower ();
      string p1 = null;
      string p2 = null;
      string p3 = null;

      s = s.Substring (stemp.IndexOf ("substring") + 9);

      // find (
      while (!s.StartsWith ("("))
        s = s.Remove (0, 1);

      // remove (
      s = s.Remove (0, 1);
      int parentheses = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) 

        if (s [i] == '\'')
          inString = !inString;
        else if (s [i] == '(')
        else if (s [i] == ')')

        if ((s [i] == ',' && !inString && parentheses == 0) || 
          (s [i] == ')' && i == (s.Length -1))) 
        { // Parameter changed

          if (p1 == null) 
            p1 = s.Substring (0, i);
            s = s.Substring (i + 1);
            i = 0;

          else if (p2 == null) 
            p2 = s.Substring (0, i);
            s = s.Substring (i + 1);
            i = 0;

          else if (p3 == null) 
            p3 = s.Substring (0, i);
            s = s.Substring (i + 1);
            i = 0;

            throw new Exception (); // FIXME: What exception

      if (p1 == null || p2 == null)
        throw new Exception ();

      ParseExpression (p1);
      ParseExpression (p2);
      ParseExpression (p3);      

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for In (exp, exp, exp, ...) function
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionIn : ExpressionElement
    public ExpressionIn (string exp1, string exp2)
      ParseParameters (exp2);

    /// <summary>
    ///  IsNull function does not return boolean value, so throw exception
    /// </summary>
    public override bool Test (DataRow Row) 
      ExpressionElement E;
      ExpressionElement columnElement = (ExpressionElement)Elements [0];

      ExpressionElementComparer comparer = new ExpressionElementComparer(columnElement, Row);

      for (int i = 1; i < Elements.Count; i++)
        E = (ExpressionElement)Elements [i];
        if(comparer.CompareTo(E) == 0)
          return true;
      return false;

    /// <summary>
    ///  Parses parameters of function and invoke ParseExpression methods
    /// </summary>
    private void ParseParameters (string s)
      bool inString = false;
      ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList();
      // find (
      while (!s.StartsWith ("("))
        s = s.Remove (0, 1);

      // remove (
      s = s.Remove (0, 1);
      int parentheses = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) 

        if (s [i] == '\'')
          inString = !inString;
        else if (s [i] == '(')
        else if (s [i] == ')')

        if ((s [i] == ',' && !inString && parentheses == 0) || 
          (s [i] == ')' && i == (s.Length -1))) 
          parameters.Add(s.Substring (0, i));
          s = s.Substring (i + 1);
          i = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)

  /// <summary>
  ///  Class for just one element for example string, int, ...
  /// </summary>
  internal class ExpressionSingleElement : ExpressionElement
    private object Element = null;
    public ExpressionSingleElement (string s)
      // TODO: Every type should be checked
      if (s.StartsWith ("'") && s.EndsWith ("'")) 
        Element = s.Substring (1, s.Length - 2);
        _ResultType = typeof (string);
      else if (!Char.IsDigit (s [0]) && s [0] != '-' && s [0] != '+') 
        Element = s;
        _ResultType = typeof (DataColumn);
      else if (s.StartsWith ("#") && s.EndsWith ("#")) 
        Element = DateTime.Parse (s.Substring (1, s.Length - 2));
        _ResultType = typeof (DateTime);
          Element = int.Parse (s);
          _ResultType = typeof (int);
          Element = Decimal.Parse (s);
          _ResultType = typeof (Decimal);

    public override object Result (DataRow Row)
      object Result = null;
      if (ResultType (Row) == typeof (DataColumn)) 
        if (!Row.Table.Columns.Contains (Element.ToString ()))
          throw new EvaluateException ("Column name '" + Element.ToString () + "' not found.");
          DataRowVersion rowVersion = DataRowVersion.Default;
          // if this row is deleted we get the original version, or else we get an exception.
          if (Row.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted)
            rowVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;
          Result = Row [Element.ToString (), rowVersion];
        Result = Element;
      return Result;
    public override bool Test (DataRow Row)
      throw new EvaluateException ();

  /// <summary>
  ///  Parent class of all the elements of expression
  /// </summary>
  internal abstract class ExpressionElement

    // TODO/FIXME: This class should be inherited more than once. I mean own subclass for operators, functions,...

    protected string exp1;
    protected string exp2;
    protected  Type _ResultType;

    protected ArrayList Elements = new ArrayList ();

    //protected ArrayList Singles = new ArrayList ();
    /// <summary>
    /// Tells does the current expressions match to current DataRow
    /// </summary>
    abstract public bool Test (DataRow Row);

    public virtual object Result (DataRow Row) {return null;}
    public virtual Type ResultType (DataRow Row)
      return _ResultType;

    protected object CalculateResult (DataRow Row)
      ExpressionElement E1 = ((ExpressionElement)Elements [0]);
      ExpressionElement E2 = ((ExpressionElement)Elements [1]);
      object Result = null;
      object value1 = E1.Result (Row);
      object value2 = E2.Result (Row);
      Type t1 = value1.GetType ();
      Type t2 = value2.GetType ();
      // Check nulls
      if (value1 ==  DBNull.Value && value2 == DBNull.Value)
        return null;
      // TODO: More types
      if (t1 == typeof (string) || t2 == typeof (string)) 
        if (t1 != typeof (string))
          value1 = Convert.ChangeType (value1, Type.GetTypeCode (t2));
        else if (t2 != typeof (string))
          value2 = Convert.ChangeType (value2, Type.GetTypeCode (t1));
      if (t1 != t2)
        value2 = Convert.ChangeType (value2, Type.GetTypeCode (t1));
      Result = Calculate (value1, value2, t1);
      return Result; 
    protected virtual object Calculate (object value1, object value2, Type TempType)
      return null;
    /// <summary>
    ///  static method for comparing two ExpressionElement. This is used in =, <, >, <>, <=, >= elements.
    ///  If elements are equal returns 0, if E1 is less that E2, return -1 else if E1 is greater 1 
    /// </summary>
    protected static int Compare (ExpressionElement E1, ExpressionElement E2, DataRow Row)
      ExpressionElementComparer comparer = new ExpressionElementComparer(E1, Row);

      return comparer.CompareTo(E2);

    /// <summary>
    ///  Checks syntax of expression and throws exception if needed.
    ///  Also removes whitespaces between operator elements for example: age < = 64 --> age <= 64
    /// </summary>
    internal static string ValidateExpression (string s)
      // TODO: find out nice way to do this. This is NOT nice way :-P
      //string temp = "";
      OP op = OP.OPERAND;

      StringBuilder strOperator = new StringBuilder();
      StringBuilder strOperand = new StringBuilder();
      int quotes = 0;
      int parentheses = 0;
      StringBuilder newExp = new StringBuilder();
      bool isDigit = false;
      //bool litOperator = false;
      s = s.Trim();
      for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) 

        char c = s [i];
        if (c == '\'')

        if ((c == '\n' || c == '\t') && quotes == 0)
          c = ' ';

        if (op == OP.OPERAND && c == '(')
        else if (op == OP.OPERAND && c == ')')

        if (c == ' ' && op ==  OP.OPERAND && (quotes % 2) == 0 && parentheses == 0) 
          op = OP.OPERATOR;
          int max = strOperand.Length;
          for (int it = 0; it < max; it++)
          strOperand.Remove(0, max);
          strOperator.Append(' ');

        if (op == OP.OPERAND) 

          if (!Char.IsDigit (c) && isDigit && (quotes % 2) == 0) 
            int max = strOperand.Length;
            for (int it = 0; it < max; it++)
            strOperand.Remove(0, max);
            op = OP.OPERATOR;
            operatorType = OPERATOR_TYPE.UNDEFINED;

        if (op == OP.OPERATOR) 

          isDigit = false;
          if (operatorType == OPERATOR_TYPE.UNDEFINED) 

            if (c == '<' || c == '=' || c == '>' || c == '*' || c == '/' || c == '%' 
              || c == '-' || c == '+')

              operatorType = OPERATOR_TYPE.SYMBOLIC;
            else if (c != ' ')
              operatorType = OPERATOR_TYPE.LITERAL;
          else if (operatorType == OPERATOR_TYPE.SYMBOLIC) 
            //Checking for operators following one another
            if ((c == '=' || c== '<' || c== '>') &&
              (strOperator.Length == 2) &&
              (strOperator[0] == ' '))
              char chSecond = strOperator[1];
              if (chSecond == '+' ||
                chSecond == '-' ||
                chSecond == '%' ||
                chSecond == '*')
              throw new SyntaxErrorException (
                "The operator " + strOperator.ToString() + c + " is not valid");

            // this is COPY-PASTE
            op = OP.OPERAND;
            if (newExp[newExp.Length - 1] != ' '  && 
              strOperator[0] != ' ')
              newExp.Append(' ');

            int max = strOperator.Length;
            for (int it = 0; it < max; it++)
            strOperator.Remove(0, max);

            if (Char.IsDigit (c))
              isDigit = true;
            strOperand.Remove(0, strOperand.Length);


          if (operatorType == OPERATOR_TYPE.LITERAL && c == ' ') 
            op = OP.OPERAND;
            int max = strOperator.Length;
            for (int it = 0; it < max; it++)
            strOperator.Remove(0, max);

            strOperand.Append(' ');

          if (Char.IsDigit (c) && operatorType != OPERATOR_TYPE.LITERAL) 

            op = OP.OPERAND;
            if (newExp[newExp.Length - 1] != ' '  && 
              strOperator[0] != ' ')
              newExp.Append(' ');

            int max = strOperator.Length;
            for (int it = 0; it < max; it++)
            strOperator.Remove(0, max);

            if (Char.IsDigit (c))
              isDigit = true;
            strOperand.Remove(0, strOperand.Length);

          else if (c != ' ')

      if (op == OP.OPERATOR)
        throw new SyntaxErrorException (
          "Missing operand after '" + strOperator.ToString() + "' operator");
        int max = strOperand.Length;
        for (int it = 0; it < max; it++)

      return newExp.ToString();

    /// <summary>
    ///  Finds and creates Expression elements.
    ///  This presumes that expression is valid.
    /// </summary>
    protected void ParseExpression (string s)
      // TODO/FIXME: IMHO, this should be done with different kind of parsing:
      // char by char not operand by operand. 
      // fixed the easy places, should consider better parsing

      string inside = String.Empty; // stores string betwee parentheses like a = 12 and (b = 1 or b = 2)
      string lower = s.ToLower();
      //string function = ""; // stores fuction paramters like substring (this, are, paramters)
      //string s1 = "";
      //string s2 = "";
      int startIndex = lower.IndexOf ('(');
      // Find parenthesis
      if (startIndex != -1) 
        string functionName = String.Empty;
        if (startIndex > 0)
          int functionStart = lower.LastIndexOf('=', startIndex-1, startIndex);
          if (functionStart < 0)
          functionName = lower.Substring(functionStart, startIndex);

          functionName = functionName.Trim ();

        // check if previous element is a function
        if (functionName.Length == 0 || (!functionName.EndsWith ("convert") && !functionName.EndsWith ("len") &&
          !functionName.EndsWith ("isnull") && !functionName.EndsWith ("iif") &&
          !functionName.EndsWith ("trim") && !functionName.EndsWith ("substring") &&
          !functionName.EndsWith ("sum") && !functionName.EndsWith ("avg") &&
          !functionName.EndsWith ("min") && !functionName.EndsWith ("max") &&
          !functionName.EndsWith ("count") && !functionName.EndsWith ("stdev") &&
          !functionName.EndsWith ("var")&& !functionName.EndsWith ("in"))) 
          int i = startIndex + 1;
          int max = lower.Length;
          for (int par = 1; par > 0 && i < max; i++) 

            char c = s [i];
            if (c == '(')
            if (c == ')')
          inside = s.Substring(startIndex + 1, i - startIndex - 2); 
          lower = lower.Remove (startIndex, i - startIndex);
          s = s.Remove (startIndex, i - startIndex);
      string string1 = null;
      string string2 = null;
      if (FindOrElement (s, lower, ref string1, ref string2))    
        CreateOrElement (string1, string2, inside);

      else if (FindAndElement (s, lower, ref string1, ref string2))
        CreateAndElement (string1, string2, inside);

        // find LIKE
      else if (FindLikeElement (s, lower, ref string1, ref string2))
        CreateLikeElement (string1, string2, inside);
        // find IN
      else if (FindInElement (s, lower, ref string1, ref string2))
        CreateInElement (string1, string2, inside);

        // find =
      else if (FindEqualElement (s, lower, ref string1, ref string2))
        CreateEqualsElement (string1, string2, inside);

        // find <>
      else if (FindUnequalElement (s, lower, ref string1, ref string2))
        CreateUnequalsElement (string1, string2, inside);

        // find <=
      else if (FindLessThanOrEqualElement (s, lower, ref string1, ref string2))
        CreateLessThanOrEqualElement (string1, string2, inside);

        // find <
      else if (FindLessThanElement (s, lower, ref string1, ref string2))
        CreateLessThanElement (string1, string2, inside);

        // find >=
      else if (FindGreaterThanOrEqualElement (s, lower, ref string1, ref string2))
        CreateGreaterThanOrEqualElement (string1, string2, inside);

        // find >
      else if (FindGreaterThanElement (s, lower, ref string1, ref string2))
        CreateGreaterThanElement (string1, string2,  inside);

        // if there wasn't any operators like 'and' or 'not' there still could be
        // arithmetic operators like '+' or '-' or functions like 'iif' or 'substring'

        // find *
      else if (FindMultiplyElement (s, lower, ref string1, ref string2))
        CreateMultiplyElement (string1, string2, inside);
        // find /
      else if (FindDivideElement (s, lower, ref string1, ref string2))
        CreateDivideElement (string1, string2, inside);

        // find +
      else if (FindAdditionElement (s, lower, ref string1, ref string2))
        CreateAdditionElement (string1, string2, inside);

        // find -
      else if (FindSubtractElement (s, lower, ref string1, ref string2))
        CreateSubtractionElement (string1, string2, inside);

        // find %
      else if (FindModulusElement (s, lower, ref string1, ref string2))
        CreateModulusElement (string1, string2, inside);

        // find sum ()
      else if (FindAggregateElement (s, lower, AGGREGATE.SUM))
        Elements.Add (new ExpressionSum (s.Trim ()));

        // find avg ()
      else if (FindAggregateElement (s, lower, AGGREGATE.AVG))
        Elements.Add (new ExpressionAvg (s.Trim ()));

        // find min ()
      else if (FindAggregateElement (s, lower, AGGREGATE.MIN))
        Elements.Add (new ExpressionMin (s.Trim ()));

        // find max ()
      else if (FindAggregateElement (s, lower, AGGREGATE.MAX))
        Elements.Add (new ExpressionMax (s.Trim ()));

        // find count ()
      else if (FindAggregateElement (s, lower, AGGREGATE.COUNT))
        Elements.Add (new ExpressionCount (s.Trim ()));           

        // find stdev ()
      else if (FindAggregateElement (s, lower, AGGREGATE.STDEV))
        Elements.Add (new ExpressionStdev (s.Trim ()));

        // find var ()
      else if (FindAggregateElement (s, lower, AGGREGATE.VAR))
        Elements.Add (new ExpressionVar (s.Trim ()));

        // find len
      else if (FindLenElement (s, lower))
        Elements.Add (new ExpressionLen (s.Trim ()));

        // find iif
      else if (FindIifElement (s, lower))
        Elements.Add (new ExpressionIif (s.Trim ()));

        // find isnull
      else if (FindIsNullElement (s, lower))
        Elements.Add (new ExpressionIsNull (s.Trim ()));

        // find substring
      else if (FindSubstringElement (s, lower))
        Elements.Add (new ExpressionSubstring (s.Trim ()));

        // if expression is like '(something someoperator something)'
      else if (inside.Trim () != string.Empty)
        ParseExpression (inside);

        // At least, if it wasnt any of the above it is just normat string or int
        // or....      
        Elements.Add (new ExpressionSingleElement (s.Trim ()));      

    #region CheckElement methods

    // These methods are temporary for now

    private bool FindOrElement (string s, string lower, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf("or");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      // Test if or is between ''
      int oldIndex = -1;      
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("or", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 
        oldIndex = indexOf;

        // check is the 'or' element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))
        // Check is or part of something else for example column name
        if (indexOf != 0) 
          if (stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ' && stemp [indexOf - 1] != '\'')
        if (indexOf < s.Length + 2) 
          if (stemp [indexOf + 2] != ' ' && stemp [indexOf + 2] != '\'')

        if (IsPartOfFunction (stemp, indexOf))

        s1 = s.Substring (0, indexOf).Trim ();
        s2 = s.Substring (indexOf + 2).Trim ();

        return true;

      return false;
    private bool FindAndElement (string s, string lower, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf("and");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      // Test if or is between ''
      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("and", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 
        oldIndex = indexOf;
        // check is the 'and' element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        // Check is or part of something else for example column name
        if (indexOf != 0) 
          if (stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ' && stemp [indexOf - 1] != '\'')
        if (indexOf < stemp.Length + 3) 
          if (stemp [indexOf + 3] != ' ' && stemp [indexOf + 3] != '\'')

        if (IsPartOfFunction (stemp, indexOf))

        s1 = s.Substring (0, indexOf).Trim ();
        s2 = s.Substring (indexOf + 3).Trim ();
        return true;

      return false;

    private bool FindLikeElement (string s, string lower, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf("like");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      // Test if or is between ''
      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("like", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 
        oldIndex = indexOf;
        // check is the 'and' element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        // Check is or part of something else for example column name
        if (indexOf != 0) 
          if (stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ' && stemp [indexOf - 1] != '\'')
        if (indexOf < stemp.Length + 4) 
          if (stemp [indexOf + 4] != ' ' && stemp [indexOf + 4] != '\'')

        if (IsPartOfFunction (stemp, indexOf))

        s1 = s.Substring (0, indexOf).Trim ();
        s2 = s.Substring (indexOf + 4).Trim ();
        return true;

      return false;

    private bool FindEqualElement (string s, string lower, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("=");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;
      int oldIndex = -1;

      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("=", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;

        // Check is the = part of <= or >=
        if (stemp [indexOf - 1] == '<' || stemp [indexOf - 1] == '>')

        // Check is the = element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (IsPartOfColumnName (stemp, indexOf))
        if (IsPartOfFunction (stemp, indexOf))

        s1 = s.Substring (0, indexOf).Trim ();
        s2 = s.Substring (indexOf + 1).Trim ();
        return true;

      return false;

    private bool FindUnequalElement (string s, string lower, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("<>");

      if (stemp.IndexOf ("<>") == -1)
        return false;
      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("<>", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;

        // test if next charachter is something else than ' '
        bool failed = false;

        // Check is the <> element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (IsPartOfColumnName (stemp, indexOf))
        if (IsPartOfFunction (stemp, indexOf))

        s1 = s.Substring (0, indexOf).Trim ();
        s2 = s.Substring (indexOf + 2).Trim ();
        return true;

      return false;

    private bool FindLessThanElement (string s, string lower, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("<");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("<", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;

        // if < is part of <> or <=
        if (stemp [indexOf + 1] == '>' || stemp [indexOf + 1] == '=')

        // Test is < element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (IsPartOfColumnName (stemp, indexOf))

        if (IsPartOfFunction (stemp, indexOf))

        s1 = s.Substring (0, indexOf).Trim ();
        s2 = s.Substring (indexOf + 1).Trim ();

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindLessThanOrEqualElement (string s, string lower, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("<=");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("<=", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        // Test is <= element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (IsPartOfColumnName (stemp, indexOf))

        if (IsPartOfFunction (stemp, indexOf))

        s1 = s.Substring (0, indexOf).Trim ();
        s2 = s.Substring (indexOf + 2).Trim ();

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindGreaterThanElement (string s, string lower, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf (">");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf (">", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;

        // if < is part of <> or <=
        if (stemp [indexOf - 1] == '<' || stemp [indexOf + 1] == '=')

        // Test is < element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (IsPartOfColumnName (stemp, indexOf))

        if (IsPartOfFunction (stemp, indexOf))

        s1 = s.Substring (0, indexOf).Trim ();
        s2 = s.Substring (indexOf + 1).Trim ();
        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindGreaterThanOrEqualElement (string s, string lower, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf (">=");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf (">=", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;
        // Test is <= element part of string element

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (IsPartOfColumnName (stemp, indexOf))

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        if (IsPartOfFunction (stemp, indexOf))

        s1 = s.Substring (0, indexOf).Trim ();
        s2 = s.Substring (indexOf + 2).Trim ();

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindAdditionElement (string s, string lower, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("+");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("+", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        // FIXME: if '+' represents sign of integer

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (IsPartOfColumnName (stemp, indexOf))

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        if (IsPartOfFunction (stemp, indexOf))

        s1 = s.Substring (0, indexOf).Trim ();
        s2 = s.Substring (indexOf + 1).Trim ();

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindSubtractElement (string s, string lower, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("-");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("-", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // check is this lonely element    
        failed = true;
        for (int i = indexOf - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
          if (stemp [i] != ' ') 
            failed = false;
        if (failed)

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (IsPartOfColumnName (stemp, indexOf))

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        if (IsPartOfFunction (stemp, indexOf))

        s1 = s.Substring (0, indexOf).Trim ();
        s2 = s.Substring (indexOf + 1).Trim ();

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindMultiplyElement (string s, string lower, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("*");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("*", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // FIXME: If there is a divide operator before multiply operator.

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (IsPartOfColumnName (stemp, indexOf))

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        if (IsPartOfFunction (stemp, indexOf))

        s1 = s.Substring (0, indexOf).Trim ();
        s2 = s.Substring (indexOf + 1).Trim ();

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindDivideElement (string s, string lower, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("/");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("/", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // FIXME: If there is a multiply operator before divide operator.

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (IsPartOfColumnName (stemp, indexOf))

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        if (IsPartOfFunction (stemp, indexOf))
        s1 = s.Substring (0, indexOf).Trim ();
        s2 = s.Substring (indexOf + 1).Trim ();

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindModulusElement (string s, string lower, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("%");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("%", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // FIXME: If there is a multiply operator before divide operator.

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (IsPartOfColumnName (stemp, indexOf))

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        s1 = s.Substring (0, indexOf).Trim ();
        s2 = s.Substring (indexOf + 1).Trim ();

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindAggregateElement (string s, string lower, AGGREGATE aggregate)
      string agg = null;

      switch (aggregate) 

        case AGGREGATE.SUM:
          agg = "sum";
        case AGGREGATE.AVG:
          agg = "avg";
        case AGGREGATE.MIN:
          agg = "min";
        case AGGREGATE.MAX:
          agg = "max";
        case AGGREGATE.COUNT:
          agg = "count";
        case AGGREGATE.STDEV:
          agg = "stdev";
        case AGGREGATE.VAR:
          agg = "var";
          throw new NotImplementedException ();
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf (agg);

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf (agg, oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (indexOf != 0 && stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ')

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindSumElement (string s, string lower)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("sum");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("sum", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (indexOf != 0 && stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ')

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindAvgElement (string s, string lower)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("avg");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("avg", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (indexOf != 0 && stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ')

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindMinElement (string s, string lower)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("min");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("min", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (indexOf != 0 && stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ')

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindMaxElement (string s, string lower)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("max");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("max", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (indexOf != 0 && stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ')

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindCountElement (string s, string lower)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("count");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("count", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (indexOf != 0 && stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ')

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindStdevElement (string s, string lower)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("stdev");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("stdev", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (indexOf != 0 && stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ')

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindVarElement (string s, string lower)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("var");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("var", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (indexOf != 0 && stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ')

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindLenElement (string s, string lower)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("len");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("len", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (indexOf != 0 && stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ')

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindIifElement (string s, string lower)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("iif");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("iif", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (indexOf != 0 && stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ')

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindIsNullElement (string s, string lower)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("isnull");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("isnull", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (indexOf != 0 && stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ')

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))
        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindSubstringElement (string s, string lower)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("substring");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("substring", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 

        oldIndex = indexOf;
        bool failed = false;

        // Check is or part of column name
        if (indexOf != 0 && stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ')

        // is the element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        return true;
      return false;      

    private bool FindInElement (string s, string lower, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      string stemp = lower;
      int indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("in");

      if (indexOf == -1)
        return false;

      int oldIndex = -1;
      while ((indexOf = stemp.IndexOf ("in", oldIndex + 1)) != -1 && indexOf > oldIndex) 
        oldIndex = indexOf;
        // check is the 'and' element part of string element
        if (IsPartOfStringElement (stemp, indexOf))

        // Check is or part of something else for example column name
        if (indexOf != 0) 
          if (stemp [indexOf - 1] != ' ' && stemp [indexOf - 1] != '\'')
        if (indexOf < stemp.Length + 2) 
          if (stemp [indexOf + 2] != ' ' && stemp [indexOf + 2] != '\'')

        if (IsPartOfFunction (stemp, indexOf))

        s1 = s.Substring (0, indexOf).Trim ();
        s2 = s.Substring (indexOf + 2).Trim ();
        return true;
      return false;      

    #endregion // CheckElement methods

    #region CreateElement methods

    // These methods are going to be removed when way of parsing is changed

    private void CreateOrElement (string s1, string s2, string inside) 
      CheckParenthesis (inside, ref s1, ref s2);
      Elements.Add (new ExpressionOr (s1.Trim (), s2.Trim ()));

    private void CreateAndElement (string s1, string s2, string inside)
      CheckParenthesis (inside, ref s1, ref s2);
      Elements.Add (new ExpressionAnd (s1.Trim (), s2.Trim ()));

    private void CreateLikeElement (string s1, string s2, string inside)
      CheckParenthesis (inside, ref s1, ref s2);
      Elements.Add (new ExpressionLike (s1.Trim (), s2.Trim ()));

    private void CreateInElement (string s1, string s2, string inside)
      CheckParenthesis (inside, ref s1, ref s2);
      Elements.Add (new ExpressionIn (s1.Trim (), s2.Trim ()));

    private void CreateEqualsElement (string s1, string s2, string inside)
      CheckParenthesis (inside, ref s1, ref s2);
      Elements.Add (new ExpressionEquals (s1.Trim (), s2.Trim ()));      

    private void CreateUnequalsElement (string s1, string s2, string inside)
      CheckParenthesis (inside, ref s1, ref s2);
      Elements.Add (new ExpressionUnequals (s1.Trim (), s2.Trim ()));

    private void CreateLessThanElement (string s1, string s2, string inside)
      CheckParenthesis (inside, ref s1, ref s2);
      Elements.Add (new ExpressionLessThan (s1.Trim (), s2.Trim ()));

    private void CreateLessThanOrEqualElement (string s1, string s2, string inside)
      CheckParenthesis (inside, ref s1, ref s2);
      Elements.Add (new ExpressionLessThanOrEqual (s1.Trim (), s2.Trim ()));

    private void CreateGreaterThanElement (string s1, string s2, string inside)
      CheckParenthesis (inside, ref s1, ref s2);
      Elements.Add (new ExpressionGreaterThan (s1.Trim (), s2.Trim ()));

    private void CreateGreaterThanOrEqualElement (string s1, string s2, string inside)
      CheckParenthesis (inside, ref s1, ref s2);
      Elements.Add (new ExpressionGreaterThanOrEqual (s1.Trim (), s2.Trim ()));

    private void CreateAdditionElement (string s1, string s2,  string inside)
      CheckParenthesis (inside, ref s1, ref s2);      
      Elements.Add (new ExpressionAddition (s1.Trim (), s2.Trim ()));

    private void CreateSubtractionElement (string s1, string s2,  string inside)
      CheckParenthesis (inside, ref s1, ref s2);      
      Elements.Add (new ExpressionSubtraction (s1.Trim (), s2.Trim ()));

    private void CreateMultiplyElement (string s1, string s2, string inside)
      CheckParenthesis (inside, ref s1, ref s2);
      Elements.Add (new ExpressionMultiply (s1.Trim (), s2.Trim ()));

    private void CreateDivideElement (string s1, string s2, string inside)
      CheckParenthesis (inside, ref s1, ref s2);
      Elements.Add (new ExpressionDivide (s1.Trim (), s2.Trim ()));

    private void CreateModulusElement (string s1, string s2, string inside)
      CheckParenthesis (inside, ref s1, ref s2);
      Elements.Add (new ExpressionModulus (s1.Trim (), s2.Trim ()));

    #endregion // CreateElemnt methods

    #region Little helppers

    private void CheckParenthesis (string inside, ref string s1, ref string s2)
      if (s1 == string.Empty && inside != string.Empty)
        s1 = inside;
      else if (s2 == string.Empty && inside != string.Empty)
        s2 = inside;  

    /// <summary>
    ///  Checks is the element part of stringelement
    /// </summary>
    private bool IsPartOfStringElement (string s, int indexOf)
      // count how many '-charachters are before or. If count is odd it means or IS between quotes
      int quotes = 0;
      for (int i = indexOf - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
        if (s [i] == '\'')
      if ((quotes & 1) != 0)
        return true;
        return false;

    /// <summary>
    ///  Checks is the element part of column table
    /// </summary>
    private bool IsPartOfColumnName (string s, int indexOf)
      for (int i = indexOf; i >= 0; i--) 
        // If the element is between [] it is part of columnname
        if (s [i] == '\'' || s [i] == ']') 
        else if (s [i] == '[') 
          return true;

      return false;

    /// <summary>
    ///  Checks are element part of function
    /// </summary>
    private bool IsPartOfFunction (string s, int indexOf)

      // If ',' or '\''  comes before '(' this element is not part of function's parameters
      for (int i = indexOf; i >= 0; i--) 
        if (s [i] == '(' || s [i] == ',') 
          return true;
        else if (s [i] == ')') 

      return false;

    #endregion // Little helppers

    #region ExpressionElementComparer
    protected sealed class ExpressionElementComparer
      object _value1 = null;
      Type _t1 = null;
      Type _RT1 = null;
      DataRow _row = null;

      public ExpressionElementComparer(ExpressionElement E1, DataRow Row)
        _value1 = E1.Result (Row);

        _row = Row;

        if (_value1 == null || _value1 == DBNull.Value)

        _t1 = _value1.GetType ();
        _RT1 = E1.ResultType (Row);

      public int CompareTo (ExpressionElement E2)
        object value1 = _value1;
        object value2 = E2.Result (_row);

        if ((value1 == null || value1 == DBNull.Value) && (value2 == null || value2 == DBNull.Value))
          return 0;
        else if (value2 == null || value2 == DBNull.Value)
          return 1;
        else if (value1 == null || value1 == DBNull.Value)
          return -1;

        Type t2 = value2.GetType ();
        Type RT2 = E2.ResultType (_row);

        if (_t1 == typeof (string) || t2 == typeof (string)) 
          // FIXME: If one of elements are string they both should be???
          return String.Compare(value1.ToString(), value2.ToString(), !_row.Table.CaseSensitive);

        if (_t1 != t2) 
          value2 = Convert.ChangeType (value2, Type.GetTypeCode (_t1));

        if (value1 is IComparable)
          return ((IComparable)value1).CompareTo(value2);

        return (int) _t1.InvokeMember ("CompareTo", BindingFlags.Default | 
          BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, 
          new object [] {value2});
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