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System.Data » System » Data » SqlTypes » SqlDecimal.cs
// System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal
// Authors:
//  Konstantin Triger <kostat@mainsoft.com>
//  Boris Kirzner <borisk@mainsoft.com>
// (C) 2005 Mainsoft Corporation (http://www.mainsoft.com)

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namespace System.Data.SqlTypes{

     * <p>Title: </p>
     * <p>Description: </p>
     * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002</p>
     * <p>Company: MainSoft</p>
     * @author Pavel Sandler
     * @version 1.0

    using System;

    using java.math;

    * 1. public byte[] Data not implemented.
    * 2. public byte[] BinData not implemented.
    * 3. Precision value is ignored.
    * 4. public SqlDecimal AdjustScale(SqlDecimal n, int position) not implemented.
    * 5. public SqlDecimal ConvertToPrecScale(SqlDecimal n, int precision, int scale) not implemented.

    public struct SqlDecimal : INullable

        private Decimal _value;
        private bool _isNull;

        public static readonly SqlDecimal MaxValue = new SqlDecimal(Decimal.MaxValue);
        public static readonly SqlDecimal MinValue = new SqlDecimal(Decimal.MinValue);
        public static readonly int MaxPrecision = 38;
        public static readonly int MaxScale = MaxPrecision;
        public static readonly SqlDecimal Null = new SqlDecimal(true);

        private int _precision;
        private int _scale;

        private SqlDecimal(bool isNull)
            _value = Decimal.Zero;
            _isNull = isNull;
            _precision = 38;
            _scale = 0;
         * Initializes a new instance of the SqlDecimal instance using the supplied Decimal value.
         * @param value The Decimal value to be stored as a SqlDecimal instance.
        public SqlDecimal(Decimal value) 
            _value = value;
            _isNull = false;
            int[] bits = Decimal.GetBits(value);
            int i = bits[3] & 0xff0000;
            _scale = i >> 16;
            _precision = 38;

         * Initializes a new instance of the SqlDecimal instance using the supplied double value.
         * @param value The double value to be stored as a SqlDecimal instance.
        public SqlDecimal(double value) 
            _value = new Decimal(value);
            _isNull = false; 
            int[] bits = Decimal.GetBits(_value);
            int i = bits[3] & 0xff0000;
            _scale = i >> 16;
            _precision = 38;

         * Initializes a new instance of the SqlDecimal instance using the supplied int value.
         * @param value The int value to be stored as a SqlDecimal instance.
        public SqlDecimal(int value) 
            _value = new Decimal(value);
            _isNull = false;
            int[] bits = Decimal.GetBits(_value);
            int i = bits[3] & 0xff0000;
            _scale = i >> 16;
            _precision = 38;

         * Initializes a new instance of the SqlDecimal instance using the supplied long value.
         * @param value The long value to be stored as a SqlDecimal instance.
        public SqlDecimal(long value) 
            _value = new Decimal(value);
            _isNull = false;
            int[] bits = Decimal.GetBits(_value);
            int i = bits[3] & 0xff0000;
            _scale = i >> 16;
            _precision = 38;

         * Indicates whether or not Value is null.
         * @return true if Value is null, otherwise false.
        public bool IsNull
                return _isNull;

         * Gets the value of the SqlDecimal instance.
         * @return the value of this instance
        public Decimal Value
                    throw new SqlNullValueException();
                return _value;

        public byte[] BinData
                /** @todo implement this method */
                throw new NotImplementedException();

        public byte[] Data
                /** @todo implement this method */
                throw new NotImplementedException();

         * Indicates whether or not the Value of this SqlDecimal instance is greater than zero.
         * @return true if the Value is assigned to null, otherwise false.
        public bool IsPositive
                if (!IsNull)
                    if (_value >= 0)
                        return true;

                    return false;
                throw new SqlNullValueException("The value of this instance is null");

         * Gets the maximum number of digits used to represent the Value property.
         * @return The maximum number of digits used to represent the Value of this SqlDecimal instance.
        public int Precision
                return _precision;

         * Gets the number of decimal places to which Value is resolved.
         * @return The number of decimal places to which the Value property is resolved.
        public int Scale
                return  _precision;

         * The Abs member function gets the absolute value of the SqlDecimal parameter.
         * @param n A SqlDecimal instance.
         * @return A SqlDecimal instance whose Value property contains the unsigned number representing the absolute value of the SqlDecimal parameter.
        public static SqlDecimal Abs(SqlDecimal n)
            if (n.IsNull)
                return new SqlDecimal();

            Decimal val;

            if (n.IsPositive)
                val = n.Value;
                val = Decimal.Negate(n._value);

            return new SqlDecimal(val);


         * Calcuates the sum of the two SqlDecimal operators.
         * @param x A SqlDecimal instance.
         * @param y A SqlDecimal instance.
         * @return A new SqlDecimal instance whose Value property contains the sum.
         * If one of the parameters or their value is null return SqlDecimal.Null.
        public static SqlDecimal Add(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull)
                return SqlDecimal.Null;

            Decimal res = Decimal.Add(x._value, y._value);

            return new SqlDecimal(res);

        public static SqlDecimal AdjustScale(SqlDecimal n, int digits, bool fround)
            /** @todo find out what the logic */
            throw new NotImplementedException();

         * Returns the smallest whole number greater than or equal to the specified SqlDecimal instance.
         * @param n The SqlDecimal instance for which the ceiling value is to be calculated.
         * @return A SqlDecimal representing the smallest whole number greater than or equal to the specified SqlDecimal instance.
        public static SqlDecimal Ceiling(SqlDecimal n)
            if (n.IsNull)
                return SqlDecimal.Null;

            double d = Math.Ceiling((double)n._value);
            return new SqlDecimal(d);

         * Compares this instance to the supplied object and returns an indication of their relative values.
         * @param obj The object to compare.
         * @return A signed number indicating the relative values of the instance and the object.
         * Less than zero This instance is less than object.
         * Zero This instance is the same as object.
         * Greater than zero This instance is greater than object -or-
         * object is a null reference.
        public int CompareTo(Object obj)
            if (obj == null)
                return 1;

            if (obj is SqlDecimal)
                SqlDecimal value = (SqlDecimal)obj;
                if (IsNull)
                    return -1;

                if (value.IsNull)
                    return 1;

                if (_value == value._value)
                    return 0;

                return Decimal.Compare(_value, value._value);

            throw new ArgumentException("parameter obj is not SqlDecimal : " + obj.GetType().Name);


        public SqlDecimal ConvertToPrecScale(SqlDecimal n, int precision, int scale)
            /** @todo find out what the logic */
            throw new NotImplementedException();

         * The division operator divides the first SqlDecimal operand by the second.
         * @param x A SqlDecimal instance.
         * @param y A SqlDecimal instance.
         * @return A SqlDecimal instance containing the results of the division operation.
         * If one of the parameters is null or null value - return SqlDouble.Null.
        public static SqlDecimal Divide(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull)
                return SqlDecimal.Null;

            Decimal res = Decimal.Divide(x._value, y._value);

            return new SqlDecimal(res);

        public override bool Equals(Object obj)
            if (obj == null)
                return false;

            if (obj is SqlDecimal)
                SqlDecimal dec = (SqlDecimal)obj;

                return Decimal.Equals(_value, dec._value);

            return false;

         * Performs a logical comparison on two instances of SqlDecimal to determine if they are equal.
         * @param x A SqlDecimal instance.
         * @param y A SqlDecimal instance.
         * @return true if the two values are equal, otherwise false.
         * If one of the parameters is null or null value return SqlBoolean.Null.
        public static SqlBoolean Equals(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull)
                return SqlBoolean.Null;

            if (x.Equals(y))
                return SqlBoolean.True;

            return SqlBoolean.False;

         * Rounds a specified SqlDecimal number to the next lower whole number.
         * @param n The SqlDecimal instance for which the floor value is to be calculated.
         * @return A SqlDecimal instance containing the whole number portion of this SqlDecimal instance.
        public static SqlDecimal Floor(SqlDecimal n)
            Decimal res = Decimal.Floor(n._value);

            return new SqlDecimal(res);

         * Compares two instances of SqlDecimal to determine if the first is greater than the second.
         * @param x A SqlDecimal instance
         * @param y A SqlDecimal instance
         * @return A SqlBoolean that is True if the first instance is greater than the second instance, otherwise False.
         * If either instance of SqlDouble is null, the Value of the SqlBoolean will be Null.
        public static SqlBoolean GreaterThan(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull)
                return SqlBoolean.Null;

            if (x.CompareTo(y) > 0)
                return SqlBoolean.True;

            return SqlBoolean.False;

         * Compares two instances of SqlDecimal to determine if the first is greater than or equal to the second.
         * @param x A SqlDecimal instance
         * @param y A SqlDecimal instance
         * @return A SqlBoolean that is True if the first instance is greaater than or equal to the second instance, otherwise False.
         * If either instance of SqlDouble is null, the Value of the SqlBoolean will be Null.
        public static SqlBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull)
                return SqlBoolean.Null;

            if (x.CompareTo(y) >= 0)
                return SqlBoolean.True;

            return SqlBoolean.False;

         * Compares two instances of SqlDecimal to determine if the first is less than the second.
         * @param x A SqlDecimal instance
         * @param y A SqlDecimal instance
         * @return A SqlBoolean that is True if the first instance is less than the second instance, otherwise False.
         * If either instance of SqlDouble is null, the Value of the SqlBoolean will be Null.
        public static SqlBoolean LessThan(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull)
                return SqlBoolean.Null;

            if (x.CompareTo(y) < 0)
                return SqlBoolean.True;

            return SqlBoolean.False;

         * Compares two instances of SqlDecimal to determine if the first is less than the second.
         * @param x A SqlDecimal instance
         * @param y A SqlDecimal instance
         * @return A SqlBoolean that is True if the first instance is less than the second instance, otherwise False.
         * If either instance of SqlDouble is null, the Value of the SqlBoolean will be Null.
        public static SqlBoolean LessThanOrEqual(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull)
                return SqlBoolean.Null;

            if (x.CompareTo(y) <= 0)
                return SqlBoolean.True;

            return SqlBoolean.False;

         * The multiplication operator computes the product of the two SqlDecimal operands.
         * @param x A SqlDecimal instance
         * @param y A SqlDecimal instance
         * @return The product of the two SqlDecimal operands.
        public static SqlDecimal Multiply(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull)
                return SqlDecimal.Null;

            Decimal res = Decimal.Multiply(x._value, y._value);

            return new SqlDecimal(res);

         * Compares two instances of SqlDecimal to determine if they are equal.
         * @param x A SqlDecimal instance
         * @param y A SqlDecimal instance
         * @return A SqlBoolean that is True if the two instances are not equal or False if the two instances are equal.
         * If either instance of SqlDouble is null, the Value of the SqlBoolean will be Null.
        public static SqlBoolean NotEquals(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            SqlBoolean eVal = Equals(x, y);

            if (eVal.IsNull)
                return eVal;
            if (eVal.IsTrue)
                return SqlBoolean.False;

            return SqlBoolean.True;

         * Converts the String representation of a number to its Decimal number equivalent.
         * @param s The String to be parsed.
         * @return A SqlDecimal containing the value represented by the String.
        public static SqlDecimal Parse(String s)
            Decimal val = Decimal.Parse(s);
            SqlDecimal retVal = new SqlDecimal(val);

            if (GreaterThan(retVal, MaxValue).IsTrue || LessThan(retVal, MinValue).IsTrue)
                throw new OverflowException("The parse of this string is overflowing : " + val);

            return retVal;


         * Raises the value of the specified SqlDecimal instance to the specified exponential power.
         * @param n The SqlDecimal instance to be raised to a power.
         * @param exponent A double value indicating the power to which the number should be raised.
         * @return A SqlDecimal instance containing the results.
        public static SqlDecimal Power(SqlDecimal n, double exponent)
            /** @todo decide if we treat the Decimal as a double and use Math.pow() */
            double d = (double)n._value;

            d = java.lang.Math.pow(d, exponent);

            return new SqlDecimal(d);

         * Gets the number nearest the specified SqlDecimal instance's value with the specified precision.
         * @param n The SqlDecimal instance to be rounded.
         * @param position The number of significant fractional digits (precision) in the return value.
         * @return A SqlDecimal instance containing the results of the rounding operation.
        public static SqlDecimal Round(SqlDecimal n, int position)
            Decimal val = Decimal.Round(n._value, position);

            return new SqlDecimal(val);

         * Gets a value indicating the sign of a SqlDecimal instance's Value property.
         * @param n The SqlDecimal instance whose sign is to be evaluated.
         * @return A number indicating the sign of the SqlDecimal instance.
        public static int Sign(SqlDecimal n)
            if (n._value < 0)
                return -1;
            if(n._value > 0)
                return 1;
            return 0;

         * The subtraction operator the second SqlDecimal operand from the first.
         * @param x A SqlDecimal instance
         * @param y A SqlDecimal instance
         * @return The results of the subtraction operation.
        public static SqlDecimal Subtract(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            Decimal val = Decimal.Subtract(x._value, y._value);
            SqlDecimal retVal = new SqlDecimal(val);

            return retVal;


         * Returns the a double equal to the contents of the Value property of this instance.
         * @return The decimal representation of the Value property.
        public double ToDouble()
            return Decimal.ToDouble(_value);

         * Converts this SqlDecimal instance to SqlBoolean.
         * @return A SqlBoolean instance whose Value will be True if the SqlDecimal instance's Value is non-zero,
         * False if the SqlDecimal is zero
         * and Null if the SqlDecimal instance is Null.
        public SqlBoolean ToSqlBoolean()
            if (IsNull)
                return SqlBoolean.Null;

            return new SqlBoolean(!_value.Equals(Decimal.Zero));

         * Converts this SqlDecimal instance to SqlByte.
         * @return A SqlByte instance whose Value equals the Value of this SqlDouble instance.
        public SqlByte ToSqlByte()
            if (IsNull)
                return SqlByte.Null;

            return new SqlByte(checked((byte)_value));

         * Converts this SqlDecimal instance to SqlDouble.
         * @return A SqlDouble instance whose Value equals the Value of this SqlDecimal instance.
        public SqlDouble ToSqlDouble()
            if (IsNull)
                return SqlDouble.Null;

            return new SqlDouble((double)_value);

         * Converts this SqlDouble structure to SqlInt16.
         * @return A SqlInt16 structure whose Value equals the Value of this SqlDouble structure.
        public SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16()
            if (IsNull)
                return SqlInt16.Null;

            return new SqlInt16(checked((short)_value));

         * Converts this SqlDouble structure to SqlInt32.
         * @return A SqlInt32 structure whose Value equals the Value of this SqlDouble structure.
        public SqlInt32 ToSqlInt32()
            if (IsNull)
                return SqlInt32.Null;

            return new SqlInt32(checked((int)_value));

         * Converts this SqlDecimal structure to SqlInt64.
         * @return A SqlInt64 structure whose Value equals the Value of this SqlDecimal structure.
        public SqlInt64 ToSqlInt64()
            if (IsNull)
                return SqlInt64.Null;

            return new SqlInt64(checked((long)_value));

         * Converts this SqlDecimal instance to SqlDouble.
         * @return A SqlMoney instance whose Value equals the Value of this SqlDecimal instance.
        public SqlMoney ToSqlMoney()
            if (IsNull)
                return SqlMoney.Null;

            return new SqlMoney(_value);

         * Converts this SqlDecimal instance to SqlSingle.
         * @return A SqlSingle instance whose Value equals the Value of this SqlDecimal instance.
        public SqlSingle ToSqlSingle()
            if (IsNull)
                return SqlSingle.Null;

            return new SqlSingle(checked((float)_value));

         * Converts this SqlDecimal structure to SqlString.
         * @return A SqlString structure whose value is a string representing the date and time contained in this SqlDecimal structure.
        public SqlString ToSqlString()
            return new SqlString(ToString());

        public override String ToString()
            if (IsNull)
                return "null";

            return _value.ToString();

         * Truncates the specified SqlDecimal instance's value to the desired position.
         * @param n The SqlDecimal instance to be truncated.
         * @param position The decimal position to which the number will be truncated.
         * @return Supply a negative value for the position parameter in order to truncate the value to the corresponding positon to the left of the decimal point.
        public static SqlDecimal Truncate(SqlDecimal n, int position)
            if (n.IsNull)
                return n;
            Decimal tmp = Decimal.Round(n._value, position);

            return new SqlDecimal(tmp);

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return _value.GetHashCode();
        public static SqlDecimal operator + (SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if(x.IsNull || y.IsNull)
                return SqlDecimal.Null;

            return new SqlDecimal(x.Value + y.Value);

        public static SqlDecimal operator / (SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if(x.IsNull || y.IsNull)
                return SqlDecimal.Null;
            return new SqlDecimal (x.Value / y.Value);

        public static SqlBoolean operator == (SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) 
                return SqlBoolean.Null;

            return new SqlBoolean(x.Value == y.Value);

        public static SqlBoolean operator > (SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) 
                return SqlBoolean.Null;

            return new SqlBoolean(x.Value > y.Value);

        public static SqlBoolean operator >= (SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) 
                return SqlBoolean.Null;

            return new SqlBoolean(x.Value >= y.Value);

        public static SqlBoolean operator != (SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) 
                return SqlBoolean.Null;

            return new SqlBoolean(x.Value != y.Value);

        public static SqlBoolean operator < (SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)

            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) 
                return SqlBoolean.Null;

            return new SqlBoolean(x.Value < y.Value);


        public static SqlBoolean operator <= (SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull) 
                return SqlBoolean.Null;

            return new SqlBoolean(x.Value <= y.Value);

        public static SqlDecimal operator * (SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            // adjust the scale to the smaller of the two beforehand
            if (x.Scale > y.Scale)
                x = SqlDecimal.AdjustScale(x, y.Scale - x.Scale, true);
            else if (y.Scale > x.Scale)
                y = SqlDecimal.AdjustScale(y, x.Scale - y.Scale, true);

            return new SqlDecimal(x.Value * y.Value);

        public static SqlDecimal operator - (SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if(x.IsNull || y.IsNull)
                return SqlDecimal.Null;

            return new SqlDecimal(x.Value - y.Value);

        public static SqlDecimal operator - (SqlDecimal n)
                return n;
            return new SqlDecimal (Decimal.Negate(n.Value));

        public static explicit operator SqlDecimal (SqlBoolean x)
            if (x.IsNull) 
                return Null;
                return new SqlDecimal ((decimal)x.ByteValue);

        public static explicit operator Decimal (SqlDecimal n)
            return n.Value;

        public static explicit operator SqlDecimal (SqlDouble x)
                if (x.IsNull) 
                    return Null;
                    return new SqlDecimal ((decimal)x.Value);

        public static explicit operator SqlDecimal (SqlSingle x)
                if (x.IsNull) 
                    return Null;
                    return new SqlDecimal ((decimal)x.Value);

        public static explicit operator SqlDecimal (SqlString x)
                return Parse (x.Value);

        public static implicit operator SqlDecimal (decimal x)
            return new SqlDecimal (x);

        public static implicit operator SqlDecimal (SqlByte x)
            if (x.IsNull) 
                return Null;
                return new SqlDecimal ((decimal)x.Value);

        public static implicit operator SqlDecimal (SqlInt16 x)
            if (x.IsNull) 
                return Null;
                return new SqlDecimal ((decimal)x.Value);

        public static implicit operator SqlDecimal (SqlInt32 x)
            if (x.IsNull) 
                return Null;
                return new SqlDecimal ((decimal)x.Value);

        public static implicit operator SqlDecimal (SqlInt64 x)
            if (x.IsNull) 
                return Null;
                return new SqlDecimal ((decimal)x.Value);

        public static implicit operator SqlDecimal (SqlMoney x)
            if (x.IsNull) 
                return Null;
                return new SqlDecimal ((decimal)x.Value);

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