NumberFormatInfo.cs :  » » System.Globalization » System » Globalization » C# / CSharp Open Source

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System.Globalization » System » Globalization » NumberFormatInfo.cs
// System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.cs
// Author:
//   Derek Holden (
//   Bob Smith    (
//   Mohammad DAMT (
// (C) Derek Holden
// (C) Bob Smith
// (c) 2003, PT Cakram Datalingga Duaribu

// Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

// NumberFormatInfo. One can only assume it is the class gotten
// back from a GetFormat() method from an IFormatProvider / 
// IFormattable implementer. There are some discrepencies with the
// ECMA spec and the SDK docs, surprisingly. See my conversation
// with myself on it at:
// Other than that this is totally ECMA compliant.

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace System.Globalization{

  [ComVisible (true)]
  public sealed class NumberFormatInfo : ICloneable, IFormatProvider {

/* Keep in sync with object-internals.h */
#pragma warning disable 649
    private bool isReadOnly;
    // used for temporary storage. Used in InitPatterns ()
    string decimalFormats;
    string currencyFormats;
    string percentFormats;
    string digitPattern = "#";
    string zeroPattern = "0";
    // Currency Related Format Info
    private int currencyDecimalDigits;
    private string currencyDecimalSeparator;
    private string currencyGroupSeparator;
    private int[] currencyGroupSizes;
    private int currencyNegativePattern;
    private int currencyPositivePattern;
    private string currencySymbol;

    private string nanSymbol;
    private string negativeInfinitySymbol;
    private string negativeSign;

    // Number Related Format Info
    private int numberDecimalDigits;
    private string numberDecimalSeparator;
    private string numberGroupSeparator;
    private int[] numberGroupSizes;
    private int numberNegativePattern;

    // Percent Related Format Info
    private int percentDecimalDigits;
    private string percentDecimalSeparator;
    private string percentGroupSeparator;
    private int[] percentGroupSizes;
    private int percentNegativePattern;
    private int percentPositivePattern;
    private string percentSymbol;

    private string perMilleSymbol;
    private string positiveInfinitySymbol;
    private string positiveSign;
#pragma warning restore 649
#pragma warning disable 169
    string ansiCurrencySymbol;  // TODO, MS.NET serializes this.
    int m_dataItem;  // Unused, but MS.NET serializes this.
    bool m_useUserOverride; // Unused, but MS.NET serializes this.
    bool validForParseAsNumber; // Unused, but MS.NET serializes this.
    bool validForParseAsCurrency; // Unused, but MS.NET serializes this.
#pragma warning restore 169
    string[] nativeDigits = invariantNativeDigits;
    int digitSubstitution = 1; // DigitShapes.None.

    static readonly string [] invariantNativeDigits = new string [] {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"};

    internal NumberFormatInfo (int lcid, bool read_only)
      isReadOnly = read_only;

      //FIXME: should add more LCID
      // CultureInfo uses this one also.
      if (lcid != 0x007F)
        lcid = 0x007F;
      switch (lcid){

        // The Invariant Culture Info ID.
      case 0x007f:
        isReadOnly = false;
        // Currency Related Format Info
        currencyDecimalDigits =       2;
        currencyDecimalSeparator =    ".";
        currencyGroupSeparator =      ",";
        currencyGroupSizes =          new int[1] { 3 };
        currencyNegativePattern =     0;
        currencyPositivePattern =     0;
        currencySymbol =              "$";
        nanSymbol =                   "NaN";
        negativeInfinitySymbol =      "-Infinity";
        negativeSign =                "-";
        // Number Related Format Info
        numberDecimalDigits =         2;
        numberDecimalSeparator =      ".";
        numberGroupSeparator =        ",";
        numberGroupSizes =            new int[1] { 3 };
        numberNegativePattern =       1;
        // Percent Related Format Info
        percentDecimalDigits =        2;
        percentDecimalSeparator =     ".";
        percentGroupSeparator =       ",";
        percentGroupSizes =           new int[1] { 3 };
        percentNegativePattern =      0;
        percentPositivePattern =      0;
        percentSymbol=                "%";
        perMilleSymbol =              "\u2030";
        positiveInfinitySymbol =      "Infinity";
        positiveSign =                "+";

    internal NumberFormatInfo (bool read_only) : this (0x007f, read_only)
    public NumberFormatInfo () : this (false)

    // this is called by mono/mono/metadata/locales.c
#pragma warning disable 169    
    void InitPatterns ()
      string [] partOne, partTwo;
      string [] posNeg = decimalFormats.Split (new char [1] {';'}, 2);
      if (posNeg.Length == 2) {
        partOne = posNeg [0].Split (new char [1] {'.'}, 2);
        if (partOne.Length == 2) {
          // assumed same for both positive and negative
          // decimal digit side
          numberDecimalDigits = 0;          
          for (int i = 0; i < partOne [1].Length; i ++) {            
            if (partOne [1][i] == digitPattern [0]) {
              numberDecimalDigits ++;              
            } else

          // decimal grouping side
          partTwo = partOne [0].Split (',');
          if (partTwo.Length > 1) {
            numberGroupSizes = new int [partTwo.Length - 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < numberGroupSizes.Length; i ++) {
              string pat = partTwo [i + 1];
              numberGroupSizes [i] = pat.Length;
          } else {
            numberGroupSizes = new int [1] { 0 };

          if (posNeg [1].StartsWith ("(") && posNeg [1].EndsWith (")")) {
            numberNegativePattern = 0;
          } else if (posNeg [1].StartsWith ("- ")) {
            numberNegativePattern = 2;
          } else if (posNeg [1].StartsWith ("-")) {
            numberNegativePattern = 1;
          } else if (posNeg [1].EndsWith (" -")) {
            numberNegativePattern = 4;
          } else if (posNeg [1].EndsWith ("-")) {
            numberNegativePattern = 3;
          } else {
            numberNegativePattern = 1;

      posNeg = currencyFormats.Split (new char [1] {';'}, 2);      
      if (posNeg.Length == 2) {
        partOne = posNeg [0].Split (new char [1] {'.'}, 2);
        if (partOne.Length == 2) {
          // assumed same for both positive and negative
          // decimal digit side
          currencyDecimalDigits = 0;
          for (int i = 0; i < partOne [1].Length; i ++) {
            if (partOne [1][i] == zeroPattern [0])
              currencyDecimalDigits ++;

          // decimal grouping side
          partTwo = partOne [0].Split (',');
          if (partTwo.Length > 1) {            
            currencyGroupSizes = new int [partTwo.Length - 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < currencyGroupSizes.Length; i ++) {
              string pat = partTwo [i + 1];
              currencyGroupSizes [i] = pat.Length;
          } else {
            currencyGroupSizes = new int [1] { 0 };

          if (posNeg [1].StartsWith ("(\u00a4 ") && posNeg [1].EndsWith (")")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 14;
          } else if (posNeg [1].StartsWith ("(\u00a4") && posNeg [1].EndsWith (")")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 0;
          } else if (posNeg [1].StartsWith ("\u00a4 ") && posNeg [1].EndsWith ("-")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 11;
          } else if (posNeg [1].StartsWith ("\u00a4") && posNeg [1].EndsWith ("-")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 3;
          } else if (posNeg [1].StartsWith ("(") && posNeg [1].EndsWith (" \u00a4")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 15;
          } else if (posNeg [1].StartsWith ("(") && posNeg [1].EndsWith ("\u00a4")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 4;
          } else if (posNeg [1].StartsWith ("-") && posNeg [1].EndsWith (" \u00a4")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 8;
          } else if (posNeg [1].StartsWith ("-") && posNeg [1].EndsWith ("\u00a4")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 5;
          } else if (posNeg [1].StartsWith ("-\u00a4 ")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 9;
          } else if (posNeg [1].StartsWith ("-\u00a4")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 1;
          } else if (posNeg [1].StartsWith ("\u00a4 -")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 12;
          } else if (posNeg [1].StartsWith ("\u00a4-")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 2;
          } else if (posNeg [1].EndsWith (" \u00a4-")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 10;
          } else if (posNeg [1].EndsWith ("\u00a4-")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 7;
          } else if (posNeg [1].EndsWith ("- \u00a4")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 13;
          } else if (posNeg [1].EndsWith ("-\u00a4")) {
            currencyNegativePattern = 6;
          } else {
            currencyNegativePattern = 0;
          if (posNeg [0].StartsWith ("\u00a4 ")) {
            currencyPositivePattern = 2;
          } else if (posNeg [0].StartsWith ("\u00a4")) {
            currencyPositivePattern = 0;
          } else if (posNeg [0].EndsWith (" \u00a4")) {
            currencyPositivePattern = 3;
          } else if (posNeg [0].EndsWith ("\u00a4")) {
            currencyPositivePattern = 1; 
          } else {
            currencyPositivePattern = 0;

      // we don't have percentNegativePattern in CLDR so 
      // the percentNegativePattern are just guesses
      if (percentFormats.StartsWith ("%")) {
        percentPositivePattern = 2;
        percentNegativePattern = 2;
      } else if (percentFormats.EndsWith (" %")) {
        percentPositivePattern = 0;
        percentNegativePattern = 0;
      } else if (percentFormats.EndsWith ("%")) {
        percentPositivePattern = 1;
        percentNegativePattern = 1;
      } else {
        percentPositivePattern = 0;
        percentNegativePattern = 0;

      partOne = percentFormats.Split (new char [1] {'.'}, 2);
      if (partOne.Length == 2) {
        // assumed same for both positive and negative
        // decimal digit side
        percentDecimalDigits = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < partOne [1].Length; i ++) {
          if (partOne [1][i] == digitPattern [0])
            percentDecimalDigits ++;

        // percent grouping side
        partTwo = partOne [0].Split (',');
        if (partTwo.Length > 1) {
          percentGroupSizes = new int [partTwo.Length - 1];
          for (int i = 0; i < percentGroupSizes.Length; i ++) {
            string pat = partTwo [i + 1];
            percentGroupSizes [i] = pat.Length;
        } else {
          percentGroupSizes = new int [1] { 0 };
#pragma warning restore 169

    // =========== Currency Format Properties =========== //

    public int CurrencyDecimalDigits {
      get {
        return currencyDecimalDigits;
      set {
        if (value < 0 || value > 99) 
          throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
          ("The value specified for the property is less than 0 or greater than 99");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");

        currencyDecimalDigits = value;

    public string CurrencyDecimalSeparator {
      get {
        return currencyDecimalSeparator;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");
        currencyDecimalSeparator = value;

    public string CurrencyGroupSeparator {
      get {
        return currencyGroupSeparator;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");  
        currencyGroupSeparator = value;

    public int[] CurrencyGroupSizes {
      get {
        return (int []) RawCurrencyGroupSizes.Clone ();
      set {
        RawCurrencyGroupSizes = value;

    internal int[] RawCurrencyGroupSizes {
      get {
        return currencyGroupSizes;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");
        if (value.Length == 0) {
          currencyGroupSizes = new int [0];
        // All elements except last need to be in range 1 - 9, last can be 0.
        int last = value.Length - 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < last; i++)
          if (value[i] < 1 || value[i] > 9)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
            ("One of the elements in the array specified is not between 1 and 9");

        if (value[last] < 0 || value[last] > 9)
          throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
          ("Last element in the array specified is not between 0 and 9");
        currencyGroupSizes = (int[]) value.Clone();

    public int CurrencyNegativePattern {
      get {
        // See ECMA NumberFormatInfo page 8
        return currencyNegativePattern;
      set {
        if (value < 0 || value > 15) 
          throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
          ("The value specified for the property is less than 0 or greater than 15");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");

        currencyNegativePattern = value;

    public int CurrencyPositivePattern {
      get {
        // See ECMA NumberFormatInfo page 11 
        return currencyPositivePattern;
      set {
        if (value < 0 || value > 3) 
          throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
          ("The value specified for the property is less than 0 or greater than 3");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");

        currencyPositivePattern = value;

    public string CurrencySymbol {
      get {
        return currencySymbol;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");  
        currencySymbol = value;

    // =========== Static Read-Only Properties =========== //

    public static NumberFormatInfo CurrentInfo {
      get {
        NumberFormatInfo nfi = (NumberFormatInfo) System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat;
        nfi.isReadOnly = true;
        return nfi;

    public static NumberFormatInfo InvariantInfo {
      get {
        // This uses invariant info, which is same as in the constructor
        NumberFormatInfo nfi = new NumberFormatInfo ();
        nfi.NumberNegativePattern = 1;
        nfi.isReadOnly = true;
        return nfi;

    public bool IsReadOnly {
      get {
        return isReadOnly;

    public string NaNSymbol {
      get {
        return nanSymbol;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");  
        nanSymbol = value;
#if !NET_2_1
    [MonoNotSupported ("We don't have native digit info")]
    [ComVisible (false)]
    public string [] NativeDigits {
      get { return nativeDigits; }
      set {
        if (value == null)
          throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
        if (value.Length != 10)
          throw new ArgumentException ("Argument array length must be 10");
        foreach (string s in value)
          if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (s))
            throw new ArgumentException ("Argument array contains one or more null strings");
        nativeDigits = value;

    [MonoNotSupported ("We don't have native digit info")]
    [ComVisible (false)]
    public DigitShapes DigitSubstitution {
      get { return (DigitShapes) digitSubstitution; }
      set { digitSubstitution = (int) value; }
    public string NegativeInfinitySymbol {
      get {
        return negativeInfinitySymbol;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");  
        negativeInfinitySymbol = value;

    public string NegativeSign {
      get {
        return negativeSign;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");  
        negativeSign = value;
    // =========== Number Format Properties =========== //

    public int NumberDecimalDigits {
      get {
        return numberDecimalDigits;
      set {
        if (value < 0 || value > 99) 
          throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
          ("The value specified for the property is less than 0 or greater than 99");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");

        numberDecimalDigits = value;

    public string NumberDecimalSeparator {
      get {
        return numberDecimalSeparator;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");
        numberDecimalSeparator = value;

    public string NumberGroupSeparator {
      get {
        return numberGroupSeparator;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");  
        numberGroupSeparator = value;

    public int[] NumberGroupSizes {
      get {
        return (int []) RawNumberGroupSizes.Clone ();
      set {
        RawNumberGroupSizes = value;

    internal int[] RawNumberGroupSizes {
      get {
        return numberGroupSizes;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");
        if (value.Length == 0) {
          numberGroupSizes = new int [0];
        // All elements except last need to be in range 1 - 9, last can be 0.
        int last = value.Length - 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < last; i++)
          if (value[i] < 1 || value[i] > 9)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
            ("One of the elements in the array specified is not between 1 and 9");

        if (value[last] < 0 || value[last] > 9)
          throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
          ("Last element in the array specified is not between 0 and 9");
        numberGroupSizes = (int[]) value.Clone();

    public int NumberNegativePattern {
      get {
        // See ECMA NumberFormatInfo page 27
        return numberNegativePattern;
      set {
        if (value < 0 || value > 4) 
          throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
          ("The value specified for the property is less than 0 or greater than 15");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");

        numberNegativePattern = value;

    // =========== Percent Format Properties =========== //

    public int PercentDecimalDigits {
      get {
        return percentDecimalDigits;
      set {
        if (value < 0 || value > 99) 
          throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
          ("The value specified for the property is less than 0 or greater than 99");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");

        percentDecimalDigits = value;

    public string PercentDecimalSeparator {
      get {
        return percentDecimalSeparator;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");
        percentDecimalSeparator = value;

    public string PercentGroupSeparator {
      get {
        return percentGroupSeparator;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");  
        percentGroupSeparator = value;

    public int[] PercentGroupSizes {
      get {
        return (int []) RawPercentGroupSizes.Clone ();
      set {
        RawPercentGroupSizes = value;

    internal int[] RawPercentGroupSizes {
      get {
        return percentGroupSizes;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");
        if (this == CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat)
          throw new Exception ("HERE the value was modified");
        if (value.Length == 0) {
          percentGroupSizes = new int [0];

        // All elements except last need to be in range 1 - 9, last can be 0.
        int last = value.Length - 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < last; i++)
          if (value[i] < 1 || value[i] > 9)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
            ("One of the elements in the array specified is not between 1 and 9");

        if (value[last] < 0 || value[last] > 9)
          throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
          ("Last element in the array specified is not between 0 and 9");
        percentGroupSizes = (int[]) value.Clone();

    public int PercentNegativePattern {
      get {
        // See ECMA NumberFormatInfo page 8
        return percentNegativePattern;
      set {
        if (value < 0 || value > 2) 
          throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
          ("The value specified for the property is less than 0 or greater than 15");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");

        percentNegativePattern = value;

    public int PercentPositivePattern {
      get {
        // See ECMA NumberFormatInfo page 11 
        return percentPositivePattern;
      set {
        if (value < 0 || value > 2) 
          throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
          ("The value specified for the property is less than 0 or greater than 3");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");

        percentPositivePattern = value;

    public string PercentSymbol {
      get {
        return percentSymbol;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");  
        percentSymbol = value;

    public string PerMilleSymbol {
      get {
        return perMilleSymbol;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");
        perMilleSymbol = value;

    public string PositiveInfinitySymbol {
      get {
        return positiveInfinitySymbol;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");  
        positiveInfinitySymbol = value;

    public string PositiveSign {
      get {
        return positiveSign;
      set {
        if (value == null) 
          throw new ArgumentNullException
          ("The value specified for the property is a null reference");
        if (isReadOnly)
          throw new InvalidOperationException
          ("The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted");  
        positiveSign = value;

    public object GetFormat (Type formatType) 
      return (formatType == typeof (NumberFormatInfo)) ? this : null;
    public object Clone () 
      NumberFormatInfo clone = (NumberFormatInfo) MemberwiseClone();
      // clone is not read only
      clone.isReadOnly = false;
      return clone;

    public static NumberFormatInfo ReadOnly (NumberFormatInfo nfi)
      NumberFormatInfo copy = (NumberFormatInfo)nfi.Clone();
      copy.isReadOnly = true;
      return copy;

    public static NumberFormatInfo GetInstance(IFormatProvider formatProvider)
      if (formatProvider != null) {
        NumberFormatInfo nfi;
        nfi = (NumberFormatInfo)formatProvider.GetFormat(typeof(NumberFormatInfo));
        if (nfi != null)
          return nfi;
      return CurrentInfo;
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