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System.Numerics » System » Numerics » Complex.cs
// Complex.cs: Complex number support
// Author:
//   Miguel de Icaza (
//   Marek Safar (
// Copyright 2009, 2010 Novell, Inc.
// TODO:
// string ToString (string format, IFormatProvider)
// string ToString (string format)
// string ToString (IFormatProvider)
// Acos, Asin, Atan, Exp, Log, Log10, Pow, Sqrt

using System;

namespace System.Numerics{

  public struct Complex : IEquatable<Complex>
    double real, imaginary;

    public static readonly Complex ImaginaryOne = new Complex (0, 1);
    public static readonly Complex One = new Complex (1, 0);
    public static readonly Complex Zero = new Complex (0, 0);
    public Complex (double real, double imaginary)
      this.imaginary = imaginary;
      this.real = real;

    public static Complex FromPolarCoordinates (double magnitude, double phase)
      return new Complex (magnitude * Math.Cos (phase), magnitude * Math.Sin (phase));

    public static Complex operator + (Complex left, Complex right)
      return new Complex (left.real + right.real, left.imaginary + right.imaginary);

    public static Complex Add (Complex left, Complex right)
      return new Complex (left.real + right.real, left.imaginary + right.imaginary);
    public static Complex operator - (Complex left, Complex right)
      return new Complex (left.real - right.real, left.imaginary - right.imaginary);

    public static Complex Subtract (Complex left, Complex right)
      return new Complex (left.real - right.real, left.imaginary - right.imaginary);
    public static Complex operator * (Complex left, Complex right)
      return new Complex (
        left.real * right.real - left.imaginary * right.imaginary,
        left.real * right.imaginary + left.imaginary * right.real);

    public static Complex Multiply (Complex left, Complex right)
      return new Complex (
        left.real * right.real - left.imaginary * right.imaginary,
        left.real * right.imaginary + left.imaginary * right.real);

    public static Complex operator / (Complex left, Complex right)
      double rsri = right.real * right.real + right.imaginary * right.imaginary;
      return new Complex (
        (left.real * right.real + left.imaginary * right.imaginary) / rsri,

        (left.imaginary * right.real - left.real * right.imaginary) / rsri);

    public static Complex Divide (Complex left, Complex right)
      double rsri = right.real * right.real + right.imaginary * right.imaginary;
      return new Complex (
        (left.real * right.real + left.imaginary * right.imaginary) / rsri,

        (left.imaginary * right.real - left.real * right.imaginary) / rsri);

    public static bool operator == (Complex left, Complex right)
      return left.real == right.real && left.imaginary == right.imaginary;

    public bool Equals (Complex value)
      return real == value.real && imaginary == value.imaginary;

    public override bool Equals (object value)
      if (value == null || !(value is Complex))
        return false;

      Complex r = (Complex) value;
      return real == r.real && imaginary == r.imaginary;
    public static bool operator != (Complex left, Complex right)
      return left.real != right.real || left.imaginary != right.imaginary;
    public static Complex operator - (Complex value)
      return new Complex (-value.real, -value.imaginary);

    public static implicit operator Complex (byte value)
      return new Complex (value, 0);

    public static implicit operator Complex (double value)
      return new Complex (value, 0);
    public static implicit operator Complex (short value)
      return new Complex (value, 0);
    public static implicit operator Complex (int value)
      return new Complex (value, 0);
    public static implicit operator Complex (long value)
      return new Complex (value, 0);

    [CLSCompliant (false)]
    public static implicit operator Complex (sbyte value)
      return new Complex (value, 0);

    public static implicit operator Complex (float value)
      return new Complex (value, 0);

    [CLSCompliant (false)]
    public static implicit operator Complex (ushort value)
      return new Complex (value, 0);

    [CLSCompliant (false)]
    public static implicit operator Complex (uint value)
      return new Complex (value, 0);

    [CLSCompliant (false)]
    public static implicit operator Complex (ulong value)
      return new Complex (value, 0);

    public static explicit operator Complex (decimal value)
      return new Complex ((double) value, 0);

    public static explicit operator Complex (BigInteger value)
      return new Complex ((double) value, 0);

    public override string ToString ()
      return String.Format ("({0:G}, {1:G})", real, imaginary);

    public static double Abs (Complex value)
      return Math.Sqrt (value.imaginary * value.imaginary + value.real * value.real);
    public static Complex Conjugate (Complex value)
      return new Complex (value.real, -value.imaginary);

    public static Complex Cos (Complex value)
      return new Complex (Math.Cos (value.real) * Math.Cosh (value.imaginary),
              -Math.Sin (value.real)  * Math.Sinh (value.imaginary));

    public static Complex Cosh (Complex value)
      return new Complex (Math.Cosh (value.real) * Math.Cos (value.imaginary),
              -Math.Sinh (value.real)  * Math.Sin (value.imaginary));
    public static Complex Negate (Complex value)
      return -value;

    public static Complex Sin (Complex value)
      return new Complex (Math.Sin (value.real) * Math.Cosh (value.imaginary),
              Math.Cos (value.real)  * Math.Sinh (value.imaginary));
    public static Complex Sinh (Complex value)
      return new Complex (Math.Sinh (value.real) * Math.Cos (value.imaginary),
              Math.Cosh (value.real)  * Math.Sin (value.imaginary));
    public static Complex Reciprocal (Complex value)
      if (value == Zero)
        return value;
      return One / value;
    public static Complex Tan (Complex value)
      return Sin (value) / Cos (value);
    public static Complex Tanh (Complex value)
      return Sinh (value) / Cosh (value);
    public override int GetHashCode ()
      return real.GetHashCode () ^ imaginary.GetHashCode ();
    public double Imaginary { get { return imaginary; } }
    public double Real { get { return real; } }

    public double Magnitude {
      get {
        return Math.Sqrt (imaginary * imaginary + real * real);

    public double Phase {
      get {
        return Math.Atan (imaginary / real);
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