SspiSession.cs :  » » System.ServiceModel » System » ServiceModel » Security » C# / CSharp Open Source

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System.ServiceModel » System » ServiceModel » Security » SspiSession.cs
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using Mono.Security;
using Mono.Security.Protocol.Ntlm;

namespace System.ServiceModel.Security{
  internal abstract class SspiSession
    internal static readonly byte [] NtlmSSP = new byte [] {
      0x4E, 0x54, 0x4C, 0x4D, 0x53, 0x53, 0x50, 0x00};

    public long Challenge, Context, ClientOSVersion, ServerOSVersion;
    public string ServerName, DomainName, DnsHostName, DnsDomainName;

    public bool Verify (byte [] expected, byte [] actual, int offset, int length)
      if (expected.Length != length)
        return false;
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        if (expected [i] != actual [i + offset])
          return false;
      return true;

    public SspiSecurityBufferStruct ReadSecurityBuffer (BinaryReader reader)
      return new SspiSecurityBufferStruct (
        reader.ReadInt16 (),
        reader.ReadInt16 (),
        reader.ReadInt32 ());

  internal struct SspiSecurityBufferStruct
    public SspiSecurityBufferStruct (short length, short allocatedSpace, int offset)
      Length = length;
      AllocatedSpace = allocatedSpace;
      Offset = offset;

    public readonly short Length;
    public readonly short AllocatedSpace;
    public readonly int Offset;

  internal class SspiClientSession : SspiSession
    Type2Message type2;
    Type3Message type3;

    // Class(60) {
    //   OID(spnego),
    //   Class(A0) {
    //     Class(30) {
    //       Class(A0) {
    //         Class(30) { OID,OID,OID} },
    //       Class(A2) { OctetStream } } } }
    public byte [] ProcessSpnegoInitialContextTokenRequest ()
      Type1Message type1 = new Type1Message (NtlmVersion.Version3);
      type1.Flags = unchecked ((NtlmFlags) 0xE21882B7);
      type1.Domain = "WORKGROUP"; // FIXME: remove it

      ASN1 asn = new ASN1 (0x60);
      ASN1 asn2 = new ASN1 (0xA0);
      ASN1 asn21 = new ASN1 (0x30);
      ASN1 asn211 = new ASN1 (0xA0);
      ASN1 asn2111 = new ASN1 (0x30);
      asn211.Add (asn2111);
      asn2111.Add (ASN1Convert.FromOid (Constants.OidNtlmSsp));
      asn2111.Add (ASN1Convert.FromOid (Constants.OidKerberos5));
      asn2111.Add (ASN1Convert.FromOid (Constants.OidMIT));
      ASN1 asn212 = new ASN1 (0xA2);
      ASN1 asn2121 = new ASN1 (0x4);
      asn2121.Value = type1.GetBytes ();
      asn212.Add (asn2121);
      asn21.Add (asn211);
      asn21.Add (asn212);
      asn2.Add (asn21);
      asn.Add (ASN1Convert.FromOid (Constants.OidSpnego));
      asn.Add (asn2);
      return asn.GetBytes ();

    // Example buffer:
    // A18181 307F A003
    //   0A0101
    //   A10C 060A2B06010401823702020A
    //   A26A 0468 NTLM
    //   NTLM = 4E544C4D53535000 0200000004000400 3800000035829AE2
    //    0D1A7FF0F171F339 0000000000000000 2C002C003C000000
    //    0501280A0000000F 5000430002000400 5000430001000400
    //    5000430004000400 5000430003000400 5000430006000400
    //    0100000000000000
    public void ProcessSpnegoInitialContextTokenResponse (byte [] raw)
      ASN1 asn1 = new ASN1 (raw);
      // FIXME: check OIDs and structure
      ProcessMessageType2 (asn1 [0] [2] [0].Value);

    // Class { Class { Class { OctetStream } } }
    public byte [] ProcessSpnegoProcessContextToken (string user, string pass)
      ASN1 asn = new ASN1 (0xA1);
      ASN1 asn2 = new ASN1 (0x30);
      ASN1 asn3 = new ASN1 (0xA2);
      asn3.Add (new ASN1 (0x04, ProcessMessageType3 (user, pass)));
      asn2.Add (asn3);
      asn.Add (asn2);
      return asn.GetBytes ();

    public byte [] ProcessMessageType1 ()
      Type1Message type1 = new Type1Message (NtlmVersion.Version3);
      type1.Flags = unchecked ((NtlmFlags) 0xE21882B7);
      return type1.GetBytes ();

    string TargetName;

    public void ProcessMessageType2 (byte [] raw)
      type2 = new Type2Message (raw);

    public byte [] ProcessMessageType3 (string user, string password)
      TargetName = Environment.MachineName;
      ServerName = Environment.MachineName;
      // FIXME
      DomainName = ServerName;// IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties ().DomainName;
      DnsHostName = Dns.GetHostName ();
      DnsDomainName = DnsHostName; // FIXME

      type3 = new Type3Message (NtlmVersion.Version3);
      type3.Flags = (NtlmFlags) (unchecked ((int) 0xE2188235));
      type3.Domain = DomainName;
      type3.Host = DnsHostName;
      type3.Challenge = type2.Nonce;
      type3.Username = user;
      type3.Password = password;

      return type3.GetBytes ();

  internal class SspiServerSession : SspiSession
    public string TargetName;
    public long SuppliedDomain, SuppliedWorkstation;
    Type1Message type1;
    Type2Message type2;
    Type3Message type3;

    // Example buffer:
    // 6069 0606 2B0601050502 A05F 305D A024 3022
    //    060A 2B06010401823702020A
    //    0609 2A864882F712010202
    //    0609 2A864886F712010202
    // A235 0433 NTLM
    // NTLM = 4E544C4D53535000 01000000 B7B218E2 090009002A000000
    //  0200020028000000 0501280A0000000F 5043 574F524B47524F5550
    public void ProcessSpnegoInitialContextTokenRequest (byte [] raw)
      ASN1 asn1 = new ASN1 (raw);
      // FIXME: check OIDs
      ProcessMessageType1 (asn1 [1] [0] [1] [0].Value);

    // Class {
    //   Class {
    //     Class { Enum },
    //     Class { OID(NTLMSSP) },
    //     Class { OctetStream } } }
    public byte [] ProcessSpnegoInitialContextTokenResponse ()
      ASN1 top = new ASN1 (0xA1);
      ASN1 asn = new ASN1 (0x30);
      ASN1 asn1 = new ASN1 (0xA0);
      // FIXME: what is this enum?
      asn1.Add (new ASN1 (0x0A, new byte [] {1})); // Enum whatever
      ASN1 asn2 = new ASN1 (0xA1);
      asn2.Add (ASN1Convert.FromOid (Constants.OidNtlmSsp));
      ASN1 asn3 = new ASN1 (0xA2);
      asn3.Add (new ASN1 (0x04, ProcessMessageType2 ()));
      asn.Add (asn1);
      asn.Add (asn2);
      asn.Add (asn3);
      top.Add (asn);
      return top.GetBytes ();

    // Example buffer:
    // A181A7
    //   3081A4
    //     A281A1
    //       04819E
    // 4E544C4D53535000 03000000 
    // 180018005E000000 1800180076000000 0400040048000000
    // 0E000E004C000000 040004005A000000 100010008E000000
    // 358218E2 0501280A0000000F
    // 50004300 6100740073007500730068006900 50004300
    // [8 bytes LM] [16 bytes of 0s]
    // [24 bytes of NTLM]
    // C94EE2ADE7E32244 BD60D3B33609C167
    public void ProcessSpnegoProcessContextToken (byte [] raw)
      ASN1 asn1 = new ASN1 (raw);
      // FIXME: check structure
      ProcessMessageType3 (asn1 [0] [0] [0].Value);

    public void ProcessMessageType1 (byte [] raw)
      type1 = new Type1Message (raw, NtlmVersion.Version3);

    public byte [] ProcessMessageType2 ()
      byte [] bytes = new byte [8];
      RandomNumberGenerator.Create ().GetNonZeroBytes (bytes);
      Challenge = bytes [0] << 24 + bytes [1] << 16 + bytes [2] << 8 + bytes [3];
      Context = 0; // FIXME
      ServerOSVersion = 0x0F00000A28010500; // FIXME
      TargetName = Environment.MachineName;
      ServerName = Environment.MachineName;
      // FIXME
      DomainName = ServerName;// IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties ().DomainName;
      DnsHostName = Dns.GetHostName ();
      DnsDomainName = DnsHostName; // FIXME

      type2 = new Type2Message (NtlmVersion.Version3);
      type2.Flags = (NtlmFlags) (unchecked ((int) 0xE21882B7));
      type2.TargetName = TargetName;
      type2.Target.ServerName = ServerName;
      type2.Target.DomainName = DomainName;
      type2.Target.DnsHostName = DnsHostName;
      type2.Target.DnsDomainName = DnsDomainName;
      return type2.GetBytes ();

    public void ProcessMessageType3 (byte [] raw)
      MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (raw);
      if (!Verify (NtlmSSP, raw, 0, 8))
        throw new SecurityNegotiationException ("Expected NTLM SSPI header not found");
      BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader (ms);
      reader.ReadInt64 (); // skip 8 bytes
      if (reader.ReadInt32 () != 3)
        throw new SecurityNegotiationException ("SSPI type 3 message is expected");
      SspiSecurityBufferStruct lmResInfo = ReadSecurityBuffer (reader);
      SspiSecurityBufferStruct ntlmResInfo = ReadSecurityBuffer (reader);
      SspiSecurityBufferStruct targetNameInfo = ReadSecurityBuffer (reader);
      SspiSecurityBufferStruct userNameInfo = ReadSecurityBuffer (reader);
      SspiSecurityBufferStruct wsNameInfo = ReadSecurityBuffer (reader);
      SspiSecurityBufferStruct sessionKeyInfo = ReadSecurityBuffer (reader);
      int flags = reader.ReadInt32 ();
      ServerOSVersion = reader.ReadInt64 ();
      type3 = new Type3Message (raw, NtlmVersion.Version3);
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