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System.Windows.Forms » System » Windows » Forms » ScrollableControl.cs
// System.Windows.Forms.Form
// Author:
//   Miguel de Icaza (
//   stubbed out by Daniel Carrera (
//   ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdges stub added by Jaak Simm (
//  Dennis Hayes (
//   WINELib implementation started by John Sohn (
// (C) 2002 Ximian, Inc

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace System.Windows.Forms{

  public class ScrollableControl : Control {

    //  --- Constructor
    public ScrollableControl () : base ()

    //  --- Public Properties
    public virtual bool AutoScroll {
      get {
        throw new NotImplementedException ();
      set {
        throw new NotImplementedException ();

    public Size AutoScrollMargin {
      get {
        throw new NotImplementedException ();
      set {
        throw new NotImplementedException ();

    public Size AutoScrollMinSize {
      get {
        throw new NotImplementedException ();
      set {
        throw new NotImplementedException ();

    public Point AutoScrollPosition {
      get {
        throw new NotImplementedException ();
      set {
        throw new NotImplementedException ();

    public override Rectangle DisplayRectangle {
      get {
        return base.DisplayRectangle;

    public ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdges DockPadding {
      get {
        throw new NotImplementedException ();

    public override ISite Site {
      get {
        throw new NotImplementedException ();
      set {
        throw new NotImplementedException ();

    //  --- Public Methods
    //public IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(Delegate del)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(Delegate del, object[] objs)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void Dispose()
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();

    public override bool Equals (object o)
      throw new NotImplementedException ();

    //public static bool Equals(object o1, object o2)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();

    public override int GetHashCode () {
      //FIXME add our proprities
      return base.GetHashCode ();

    //public void Invalidate()
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void Invalidate(bool val)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void Invalidate(Rectangle rect)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void Invalidate(Region reg)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void Invalidate(Rectangle rect, bool val)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void Invalidate(Region reg, bool val)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public object Invoke(Delegate del)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public object Invoke(Delegate del, object[] objs)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void PerformLayout()
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void PerformLayout(Control ctl, string str)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void ResumeLayout()
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void ResumeLayout(bool val)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void Scale(float val)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void Scale(float val1, float val2)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void Select()
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void Select(bool val1, bool val2)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void SetBounds(int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //public void SetBounds(int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4, BoundsSpecified bounds)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();

    //  --- Protected Properties

    protected override CreateParams CreateParams {
      get {
        return base.CreateParams;

    protected bool HScroll {
      get {
        throw new NotImplementedException ();
      set {
        throw new NotImplementedException ();

    protected bool VScroll {
      get {
        throw new NotImplementedException ();
      set {
        throw new NotImplementedException ();

    //  --- Protected Methods
    protected virtual void AdjustFormScrollbars (
      bool displayScrollbars)
      throw new NotImplementedException ();

    //protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();

    protected override void OnLayout (LayoutEventArgs e)
      base.OnLayout (e);

    protected override void OnMouseWheel (MouseEventArgs e)
      base.OnMouseWheel (e);

    protected override void OnVisibleChanged (EventArgs e)
      base.OnVisibleChanged (e);

    //ContentAlignment RtlTranslateAlignment(ContentAlignment calign)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //HorizontalAlignment RtlTranslateAlignment(HorizontalAlignment halign)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //LeftRightAlignment RtlTranslateAlignment(LeftRightAlignment lralign)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();

    protected override void ScaleCore (float dx, float dy)
      base.ScaleCore (dx, dy);

    //protected void UpdateBounds()
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //protected void UpdateBounds(int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();
    //protected void UpdateBounds(int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4, int val5, int val6)
    //  throw new NotImplementedException ();

    protected override void WndProc (ref Message m)
      base.WndProc (ref m);
    /// ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdges
    /// Determines the border padding for docked controls.
    public class DockPaddingEdges : ICloneable {
      // --- Fields ---
      int all;
      int bottom;
      int left;
      int right;
      int top;
      // --- public Properties ---
      public int All {
        get { return all; }
        set { all=value; }
      public int Bottom {
        get { return bottom; }
        set { bottom=value; }
      public int Left {
        get { return left; }
        set { left=value; }
      public int Right {
        get { return right; }
        set { right=value; }
      public int Top {
        get { return top; }
        set { top=value; }
      /// --- public Methods ---
      public override bool Equals (object other) 
        throw new NotImplementedException ();
      public override int GetHashCode () 
        throw new NotImplementedException ();
      /// This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
      object ICloneable.Clone () 
        throw new NotImplementedException ();
      public override string ToString () 
        throw new NotImplementedException ();
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