ToolStripItem.cs :  » » System.Windows.Forms » System » Windows » Forms » C# / CSharp Open Source

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System.Windows.Forms » System » Windows » Forms » ToolStripItem.cs
// ToolStripItem.cs
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// Copyright (c) 2006 Jonathan Pobst
// Authors:
//  Jonathan Pobst (

#if NET_2_0

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace System.Windows.Forms{
  [DefaultEvent ("Click")]
  [DefaultProperty ("Text")]
  [DesignTimeVisible (false)]
  [ToolboxItem (false)]
  [Designer ("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ToolStripItemDesigner, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner")]
  public abstract class ToolStripItem : Component, IDropTarget, IComponent, IDisposable
    #region Private Variables
    private AccessibleObject accessibility_object;
    private string accessible_default_action_description;
    private bool allow_drop;
    private ToolStripItemAlignment alignment;
    private AnchorStyles anchor;
    private bool available;
    private bool auto_size;
    private bool auto_tool_tip;
    private Color back_color;
    private Image background_image;
    private ImageLayout background_image_layout;
    private Rectangle bounds;
    private bool can_select;
    private ToolStripItemDisplayStyle display_style;
    private DockStyle dock;
    private bool double_click_enabled;
    private bool enabled;
    private Size explicit_size;
    private Font font;
    private Color fore_color;
    private Image image;
    private ContentAlignment image_align;
    private int image_index;
    private string image_key;
    private ToolStripItemImageScaling image_scaling;
    private Color image_transparent_color;
    private bool is_disposed;
    internal bool is_pressed;
    private bool is_selected;
    private Padding margin;
    private MergeAction merge_action;
    private int merge_index;
    private string name;
    private ToolStripItemOverflow overflow;
    private ToolStrip owner;
    internal ToolStripItem owner_item;
    private Padding padding;
    private ToolStripItemPlacement placement;
    private RightToLeft right_to_left;
    private bool right_to_left_auto_mirror_image;
    private Object tag;
    private string text;
    private ContentAlignment text_align;
    private ToolStripTextDirection text_direction;
    private TextImageRelation text_image_relation;
    private string tool_tip_text;
    private bool visible;

    private EventHandler frame_handler;  // For animating images
    private ToolStrip parent;
    private Size text_size;

    #region Public Constructors
    protected ToolStripItem ()
      : this (String.Empty, null, null, String.Empty)

    protected ToolStripItem (string text, Image image, EventHandler onClick)
      : this (text, image, onClick, String.Empty)

    protected ToolStripItem (string text, Image image, EventHandler onClick, string name)
      this.alignment = ToolStripItemAlignment.Left;
      this.anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top;
      this.auto_size = true;
      this.auto_tool_tip = this.DefaultAutoToolTip;
      this.available = true;
      this.back_color = Color.Empty;
      this.background_image_layout = ImageLayout.Tile;
      this.can_select = true;
      this.display_style = this.DefaultDisplayStyle;
      this.dock = DockStyle.None;
      this.enabled = true;
      this.fore_color = Color.Empty;
      this.image = image;
      this.image_align = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
      this.image_index = -1;
      this.image_key = string.Empty;
      this.image_scaling = ToolStripItemImageScaling.SizeToFit;
      this.image_transparent_color = Color.Empty;
      this.margin = this.DefaultMargin;
      this.merge_action = MergeAction.Append;
      this.merge_index = -1; = name;
      this.overflow = ToolStripItemOverflow.AsNeeded;
      this.padding = this.DefaultPadding;
      this.placement = ToolStripItemPlacement.None;
      this.right_to_left = RightToLeft.Inherit;
      this.bounds.Size = this.DefaultSize;
      this.text = text;
      this.text_align = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
      this.text_direction = DefaultTextDirection;
      this.text_image_relation = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText;
      this.visible = true;

      this.Click += onClick;
      OnLayout (new LayoutEventArgs (null, string.Empty));

    #region Public Properties
    [Browsable (false)]
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public AccessibleObject AccessibilityObject {
      get { 
        if (this.accessibility_object == null)
          this.accessibility_object = CreateAccessibilityInstance ();
        return this.accessibility_object;

    [Browsable (false)]
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public string AccessibleDefaultActionDescription {
      get {
        if (this.accessibility_object == null)
          return null;
        return this.accessible_default_action_description;
      set { this.accessible_default_action_description = value; }

    [Localizable (true)]
    [DefaultValue (null)]
    public string AccessibleDescription {
      get {
        if (this.accessibility_object == null)
          return null;
        return this.AccessibilityObject.Description;
      set { this.AccessibilityObject.description = value; }

    [Localizable (true)]
    [DefaultValue (null)]
    public string AccessibleName {
      get { 
        if (this.accessibility_object == null)
          return null;
        return this.AccessibilityObject.Name; 
      set { this.AccessibilityObject.Name = value; }
    [DefaultValue (AccessibleRole.Default)]
    public AccessibleRole AccessibleRole {
        if (this.accessibility_object == null)
          return AccessibleRole.Default;
        return this.AccessibilityObject.Role;
      set { this.AccessibilityObject.role = value; }
    [DefaultValue (ToolStripItemAlignment.Left)]
    public ToolStripItemAlignment Alignment {
      get { return this.alignment; }
      set {
        if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (ToolStripItemAlignment), value))
          throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException (string.Format ("Enum argument value '{0}' is not valid for ToolStripItemAlignment", value));

        if (this.alignment != value) {
          this.alignment = value;
          this.CalculateAutoSize (); 

    [MonoTODO ("Stub, does nothing")]
    [Browsable (false)]
    [DefaultValue (false)]
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    public virtual bool AllowDrop {
      get { return this.allow_drop; }
      set { this.allow_drop = value; }
    [Browsable (false)]
    [DefaultValue (AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public AnchorStyles Anchor {
      get { return this.anchor; }
      set { this.anchor = value; }
    [Localizable (true)]
    [DefaultValue (true)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible)]
    [RefreshProperties (RefreshProperties.All)]
    public bool AutoSize {
      get { return this.auto_size; }
      set { 
        this.auto_size = value; 
        this.CalculateAutoSize (); 

    [DefaultValue (false)]
    public bool AutoToolTip {
      get { return this.auto_tool_tip; }
      set { this.auto_tool_tip = value; }

    [Browsable (false)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public bool Available {
      get { return this.available; }
      set {
        if (this.available != value) {
          available = value;
          visible = value;

          if (this.parent != null)
            parent.PerformLayout (); 
          OnAvailableChanged (EventArgs.Empty); 
          OnVisibleChanged (EventArgs.Empty);

    public virtual Color BackColor {
      get {
        if (back_color != Color.Empty)
          return back_color;

        if (Parent != null)
          return parent.BackColor;

        return Control.DefaultBackColor;
      set {
        if (this.back_color != value) {
          back_color = value;
          OnBackColorChanged (EventArgs.Empty);
          this.Invalidate ();

    [Localizable (true)]
    [DefaultValue (null)]
    public virtual Image BackgroundImage {
      get { return this.background_image; }
      set { 
        if (this.background_image != value) {
          this.background_image = value;
          this.Invalidate ();

    [Localizable (true)]
    [DefaultValue (ImageLayout.Tile)]
    public virtual ImageLayout BackgroundImageLayout {
      get { return this.background_image_layout; }
      set { 
        if (this.background_image_layout != value) {
          this.background_image_layout = value;
          this.Invalidate (); 

    [Browsable (false)]
    public virtual Rectangle Bounds {
      get { return this.bounds; }

    [Browsable (false)]
    public virtual bool CanSelect {
      get { return this.can_select; }

    [Browsable (false)]
    public Rectangle ContentRectangle {
      get {
        // ToolStripLabels don't have a border
        if (this is ToolStripLabel || this is ToolStripStatusLabel)
          return new Rectangle (0, 0, this.bounds.Width, this.bounds.Height);

        if (this is ToolStripDropDownButton && (this as ToolStripDropDownButton).ShowDropDownArrow)
          return new Rectangle (2, 2, this.bounds.Width - 13, this.bounds.Height - 4);

        return new Rectangle (2, 2, this.bounds.Width - 4, this.bounds.Height - 4);

    public virtual ToolStripItemDisplayStyle DisplayStyle {
      get { return this.display_style; }
      set {
        if (this.display_style != value) {
          this.display_style = value; 
          this.CalculateAutoSize (); 
          OnDisplayStyleChanged (EventArgs.Empty);

    [Browsable (false)]
    public bool IsDisposed {
      get { return this.is_disposed; }
    [Browsable (false)]
    [DefaultValue (DockStyle.None)]
    public DockStyle Dock {
      get { return this.dock; }
      set {
        if (this.dock != value) {
          if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (DockStyle), value))
            throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException (string.Format ("Enum argument value '{0}' is not valid for DockStyle", value));

          this.dock = value;
          this.CalculateAutoSize ();

    [DefaultValue (false)]
    public bool DoubleClickEnabled {
      get { return this.double_click_enabled; }
      set { this.double_click_enabled = value; }

    [Localizable (true)]
    [DefaultValue (true)]
    public virtual bool Enabled {
      get { 
        if (Parent != null)
          if (!Parent.Enabled)
            return false;

        if (Owner != null)
          if (!Owner.Enabled)
            return false;
        return enabled;
      set { 
        if (this.enabled != value) {
          this.enabled = value; 
          OnEnabledChanged (EventArgs.Empty); 
          this.Invalidate ();

    [Localizable (true)]
    public virtual Font Font {
      get { 
        if (font != null)
          return font;
        if (Parent != null)
          return Parent.Font;
        return DefaultFont;
      set { 
        if (this.font != value) {
          this.font = value; 
          this.CalculateAutoSize (); 
          this.OnFontChanged (EventArgs.Empty); 
          this.Invalidate ();

    public virtual Color ForeColor {
      get { 
        if (fore_color != Color.Empty)
          return fore_color;
        if (Parent != null)
          return parent.ForeColor;
        return Control.DefaultForeColor;
      set { 
        if (this.fore_color != value) {
          this.fore_color = value; 
          this.OnForeColorChanged (EventArgs.Empty); 
          this.Invalidate ();

    [Browsable (false)]
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Always)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public int Height {
      get { return this.Size.Height; }
      set { 
        this.Size = new Size (this.Size.Width, value); 
        this.explicit_size.Height = value;
        if (this.Visible) {
          this.CalculateAutoSize ();
          this.OnBoundsChanged ();
          this.Invalidate (); 

    [Localizable (true)]
    public virtual Image Image {
      get { 
        if (this.image != null)
          return this.image;
        if (this.image_index >= 0)
          if (this.owner != null && this.owner.ImageList != null && this.owner.ImageList.Images.Count > this.image_index)
            return this.owner.ImageList.Images[this.image_index];

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (this.image_key))
          if (this.owner != null && this.owner.ImageList != null && this.owner.ImageList.Images.Count > this.image_index)
            return this.owner.ImageList.Images[this.image_key];
        return null;
      set {
        if (this.image != value) {
          StopAnimation ();
          this.image = value; 
          this.image_index = -1;
          this.image_key = string.Empty;
          this.CalculateAutoSize (); 
          this.Invalidate ();
          BeginAnimation ();

    [Localizable (true)]
    [DefaultValue (ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter)]
    public ContentAlignment ImageAlign {
      get { return this.image_align; }
      set {
        if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (ContentAlignment), value))
          throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException (string.Format ("Enum argument value '{0}' is not valid for ContentAlignment", value));

        if (image_align != value) {
          this.image_align = value;
          this.CalculateAutoSize (); 

    [Localizable (true)]
    [Browsable (false)]
    [RelatedImageList ("Owner.ImageList")]
    [TypeConverter (typeof (NoneExcludedImageIndexConverter))]
    [RefreshProperties (RefreshProperties.Repaint)]
    [Editor ("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ToolStripImageIndexEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, typeof (System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))]
    public int ImageIndex {
      get { return this.image_index; }
      set {
        if (this.image_index != value) {
          // Lamespec: MSDN says ArgumentException, tests say otherwise
          if (value < -1)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("ImageIndex cannot be less than -1");

          this.image_index = value;
          this.image = null;
          this.image_key = string.Empty;
          this.CalculateAutoSize ();
          this.Invalidate ();

    [Localizable (true)]
    [Browsable (false)]
    [RelatedImageList ("Owner.ImageList")]
    [TypeConverter (typeof (ImageKeyConverter))]
    [RefreshProperties (RefreshProperties.Repaint)]
    [Editor ("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ToolStripImageIndexEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, typeof (System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))]
    public string ImageKey {
      get { return this.image_key; }
      set { 
        if (this.image_key != value) {
          this.image = null;
          this.image_index = -1;
          this.image_key = value;
          this.CalculateAutoSize ();
          this.Invalidate ();
    [Localizable (true)]
    [DefaultValue (ToolStripItemImageScaling.SizeToFit)]
    public ToolStripItemImageScaling ImageScaling {
      get { return this.image_scaling; }
      set { 
        if (image_scaling != value) {
          this.image_scaling = value; 
          this.CalculateAutoSize (); 

    [Localizable (true)]
    public Color ImageTransparentColor {
      get { return this.image_transparent_color; }
      set { this.image_transparent_color = value; }
    [Browsable (false)]
    public bool IsOnDropDown {
      get {
        if (this.parent != null && this.parent is ToolStripDropDown)
          return true;

        return false;

    [Browsable (false)]
    public bool IsOnOverflow {
      get { return this.placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow; }
    public Padding Margin {
      get { return this.margin; }
      set {
        this.margin = value; 
        this.CalculateAutoSize ();

    [DefaultValue (MergeAction.Append)]
    public MergeAction MergeAction {
      get { return this.merge_action; }
      set {
        if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (MergeAction), value))
          throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException (string.Format ("Enum argument value '{0}' is not valid for MergeAction", value));
        this.merge_action = value;

    [DefaultValue (-1)]
    public int MergeIndex {
      get { return this.merge_index; }
      set { this.merge_index = value; }

    [DefaultValue (null)]
    [Browsable (false)]
    public string Name {
      get { return; }
      set { = value; }

    [DefaultValue (ToolStripItemOverflow.AsNeeded)]
    public ToolStripItemOverflow Overflow {
      get { return this.overflow; }
      set { 
        if (this.overflow != value) {
          if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (ToolStripItemOverflow), value))
            throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException (string.Format ("Enum argument value '{0}' is not valid for ToolStripItemOverflow", value));
          this.overflow = value;
          if (owner != null)
            owner.PerformLayout ();
    [Browsable (false)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public ToolStrip Owner {
      get { return this.owner; }
      set { 
        if (this.owner != value) {
          if (this.owner != null)
            this.owner.Items.Remove (this);
          if (value != null)  
            value.Items.Add (this);
            this.owner = null;

    [Browsable (false)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public ToolStripItem OwnerItem {
      get { return this.owner_item; }

    public virtual Padding Padding {
      get { return this.padding; }
      set { 
        this.padding = value; 
        this.CalculateAutoSize (); 
        this.Invalidate (); 

    [Browsable (false)]
    public ToolStripItemPlacement Placement {
      get { return this.placement; }
    [Browsable (false)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public virtual bool Pressed { get { return this.is_pressed; } }

    [MonoTODO ("RTL not implemented")]
    [Localizable (true)]
    public virtual RightToLeft RightToLeft {
      get { return this.right_to_left; }
      set { 
        if (this.right_to_left != value) {
          this.right_to_left = value;
          this.OnRightToLeftChanged (EventArgs.Empty);
    [Localizable (true)]
    [DefaultValue (false)]
    public bool RightToLeftAutoMirrorImage {
      get { return this.right_to_left_auto_mirror_image; }
      set { 
        if (this.right_to_left_auto_mirror_image != value) {
          this.right_to_left_auto_mirror_image = value;
          this.Invalidate ();
    [Browsable (false)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public virtual bool Selected { get { return this.is_selected; } }

    [Localizable (true)]
    public virtual Size Size {
      get { 
        if (!this.AutoSize && this.explicit_size != Size.Empty) 
          return this.explicit_size; 
        return this.bounds.Size; 
      set { 
        this.bounds.Size = value; 
        this.explicit_size = value;
        if (this.Visible) {
          this.CalculateAutoSize ();
          this.OnBoundsChanged (); 

    [Localizable (false)]
    [Bindable (true)]
    [DefaultValue (null)]
    [TypeConverter (typeof (StringConverter))]
    public Object Tag {
      get { return this.tag; }
      set { this.tag = value; }

    [Localizable (true)]
    [DefaultValue ("")]
    public virtual string Text
      get { return this.text; }
      set { 
        if (this.text != value) { 
          this.text = value; 
          this.Invalidate (); 
          this.CalculateAutoSize (); 
          this.Invalidate ();
          this.OnTextChanged (EventArgs.Empty); 

    [Localizable (true)]
    [DefaultValue (ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter)]
    public virtual ContentAlignment TextAlign {
      get { return this.text_align; }
      set {
        if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (ContentAlignment), value))
          throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException (string.Format ("Enum argument value '{0}' is not valid for ContentAlignment", value));

        if (this.text_align != value) {
          this.text_align = value;
          this.CalculateAutoSize (); 

    public virtual ToolStripTextDirection TextDirection {
      get {
        if (this.text_direction == ToolStripTextDirection.Inherit) {
          if (this.Parent != null)
            return this.Parent.TextDirection;
            return ToolStripTextDirection.Horizontal;

        return this.text_direction;
      set {
        if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (ToolStripTextDirection), value))
          throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException (string.Format ("Enum argument value '{0}' is not valid for ToolStripTextDirection", value));
        if (this.text_direction != value) {
          this.text_direction = value;
          this.CalculateAutoSize ();
          this.Invalidate ();

    [Localizable (true)]
    [DefaultValue (TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText)]
    public TextImageRelation TextImageRelation {
      get { return this.text_image_relation; }
      set { 
        this.text_image_relation = value; 
        this.CalculateAutoSize (); 
        this.Invalidate (); 

    [Localizable (true)]
    [Editor ("System.ComponentModel.Design.MultilineStringEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design,
       "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)]
    public string ToolTipText {
      get { return this.tool_tip_text; }
      set { this.tool_tip_text = value; }

    [Localizable (true)]
    public bool Visible {
      get { 
        if (this.parent == null)
          return false;
        return this.visible && this.parent.Visible; 
      set { 
        if (this.visible != value) {
          this.available = value;
          this.SetVisibleCore (value);
          if (this.Owner != null)
            this.Owner.PerformLayout ();

    [Browsable (false)]
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Always)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    public int Width {
      get { return this.Size.Width; }
      set { 
        this.Size = new Size (value, this.Size.Height); 
        this.explicit_size.Width = value;
        if (this.Visible) {
          this.CalculateAutoSize ();
          this.OnBoundsChanged ();
          this.Invalidate ();

    #region Protected Properties
    protected virtual bool DefaultAutoToolTip { get { return false; } }
    protected virtual ToolStripItemDisplayStyle DefaultDisplayStyle { get { return ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.ImageAndText; } }
    protected internal virtual Padding DefaultMargin { get { return new Padding (0, 1, 0, 2); } }
    protected virtual Padding DefaultPadding { get { return new Padding (); } }
    protected virtual Size DefaultSize { get { return new Size (23, 23); } }
    protected internal virtual bool DismissWhenClicked { get { return true; } }
    [Browsable (false)]
    [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
    protected internal ToolStrip Parent {
      get { return this.parent; }
      set { 
        if (this.parent != value) {
          ToolStrip old_parent = this.parent;
          this.parent = value; 
          OnParentChanged(old_parent, this.parent);
    protected internal virtual bool ShowKeyboardCues { get { return false; } }

    #region Public Methods
    [MonoTODO ("Stub, does nothing")]
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    public DragDropEffects DoDragDrop (Object data, DragDropEffects allowedEffects)
      return allowedEffects;
    public ToolStrip GetCurrentParent ()
      return this.parent; 

    public virtual Size GetPreferredSize (Size constrainingSize)
      return this.CalculatePreferredSize (constrainingSize);

    public void Invalidate ()
      if (parent != null)
        parent.Invalidate (this.bounds);

    public void Invalidate (Rectangle r)
      if (parent != null)
        parent.Invalidate (r);

    public void PerformClick ()
      this.OnClick (EventArgs.Empty); 

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
    public virtual void ResetBackColor () { this.BackColor = Color.Empty; }

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
    public virtual void ResetDisplayStyle () { this.display_style = this.DefaultDisplayStyle; }

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
    public virtual void ResetFont () { this.font = null; }

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
    public virtual void ResetForeColor () { this.ForeColor = Color.Empty; }

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
    public virtual void ResetImage () { this.image = null; }

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
    public void ResetMargin () { this.margin = this.DefaultMargin; }

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
    public void ResetPadding () { this.padding = this.DefaultPadding; }

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
    public virtual void ResetRightToLeft () { this.right_to_left = RightToLeft.Inherit; }
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
    public virtual void ResetTextDirection () { this.TextDirection = this.DefaultTextDirection; }

    public void Select ()
      if (!this.is_selected && this.CanSelect) {
        this.is_selected = true;
        if (this.Parent != null) {
          if (this.Visible && this.Parent.Focused && this is ToolStripControlHost)
            (this as ToolStripControlHost).Focus ();
          this.Invalidate ();
          this.Parent.NotifySelectedChanged (this);
        OnUIASelectionChanged ();

    public override string ToString ()
      return this.text;

    #region Protected Methods
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected virtual AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance ()
      return new ToolStripItemAccessibleObject (this);

    protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
      if (!is_disposed && disposing)
        is_disposed = true;

      if (image != null) {
        StopAnimation ();
        image = null;

      if (owner != null)
        owner.Items.Remove (this);
      base.Dispose (disposing);
    protected internal virtual bool IsInputChar (char charCode)
      return false;
    protected internal virtual bool IsInputKey (Keys keyData)
      return false;
    protected virtual void OnAvailableChanged (EventArgs e)
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [AvailableChangedEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected virtual void OnBackColorChanged (EventArgs e)
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [BackColorChangedEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);

    protected virtual void OnBoundsChanged ()
      OnLayout (new LayoutEventArgs(null, string.Empty));

    protected virtual void OnClick (EventArgs e)
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [ClickEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected virtual void OnDisplayStyleChanged (EventArgs e)
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [DisplayStyleChangedEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);

    protected virtual void OnDoubleClick (EventArgs e)
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [DoubleClickEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected virtual void OnDragDrop (DragEventArgs dragEvent)
      DragEventHandler eh = (DragEventHandler)(Events[DragDropEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, dragEvent);

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected virtual void OnDragEnter (DragEventArgs dragEvent)
      DragEventHandler eh = (DragEventHandler)(Events[DragEnterEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, dragEvent);

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected virtual void OnDragLeave (EventArgs e)
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events[DragLeaveEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected virtual void OnDragOver (DragEventArgs dragEvent)
      DragEventHandler eh = (DragEventHandler)(Events[DragOverEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, dragEvent);

    protected virtual void OnEnabledChanged (EventArgs e)
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [EnabledChangedEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected virtual void OnFontChanged (EventArgs e)

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected virtual void OnForeColorChanged (EventArgs e)
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [ForeColorChangedEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected virtual void OnGiveFeedback (GiveFeedbackEventArgs giveFeedbackEvent)
      GiveFeedbackEventHandler eh = (GiveFeedbackEventHandler)(Events[GiveFeedbackEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, giveFeedbackEvent);

    protected virtual void OnLayout (LayoutEventArgs e)

    protected virtual void OnLocationChanged (EventArgs e)
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [LocationChangedEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);

    protected virtual void OnMouseDown (MouseEventArgs e)
      if (this.Enabled) {
        this.is_pressed = true;
        this.Invalidate ();

        MouseEventHandler eh = (MouseEventHandler)(Events [MouseDownEvent]);
        if (eh != null)
          eh (this, e);

    protected virtual void OnMouseEnter (EventArgs e)
      this.Select ();

      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [MouseEnterEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);

    protected virtual void OnMouseHover (EventArgs e)
      if (this.Enabled) {
        EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [MouseHoverEvent]);
        if (eh != null)
          eh (this, e);

    protected virtual void OnMouseLeave (EventArgs e)
      if (this.CanSelect) {
        this.is_selected = false;
        this.is_pressed = false;
        this.Invalidate ();
        OnUIASelectionChanged ();

      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [MouseLeaveEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);

    protected virtual void OnMouseMove (MouseEventArgs mea)
      if (this.Enabled) {
        MouseEventHandler eh = (MouseEventHandler)(Events [MouseMoveEvent]);
        if (eh != null)
          eh (this, mea);

    protected virtual void OnMouseUp (MouseEventArgs e)
      if (this.Enabled) {
        this.is_pressed = false;
        this.Invalidate ();

        if (this.IsOnDropDown)
          if (!(this is ToolStripDropDownItem) || !(this as ToolStripDropDownItem).HasDropDownItems || (this as ToolStripDropDownItem).DropDown.Visible == false) {
            if ((this.Parent as ToolStripDropDown).OwnerItem != null)
              ((this.Parent as ToolStripDropDown).OwnerItem as ToolStripDropDownItem).HideDropDown ();
              (this.Parent as ToolStripDropDown).Hide ();
        MouseEventHandler eh = (MouseEventHandler)(Events [MouseUpEvent]);
        if (eh != null)
          eh (this, e);

    protected virtual void OnOwnerChanged (EventArgs e)
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [OwnerChangedEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected internal virtual void OnOwnerFontChanged (EventArgs e)
      this.CalculateAutoSize ();
      OnFontChanged (EventArgs.Empty);

    void OnPaintInternal (PaintEventArgs e)
      // Have the background rendered independently from OnPaint
      if (this.parent != null)
        this.parent.Renderer.DrawItemBackground (new ToolStripItemRenderEventArgs (e.Graphics, this));

      OnPaint (e);

    protected virtual void OnPaint (PaintEventArgs e)
      PaintEventHandler eh = (PaintEventHandler)(Events [PaintEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);

    // This is never called.
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected virtual void OnParentBackColorChanged (EventArgs e)
    protected virtual void OnParentChanged (ToolStrip oldParent, ToolStrip newParent)
      this.text_size = TextRenderer.MeasureText (this.Text == null ? string.Empty : this.text, this.Font, Size.Empty, TextFormatFlags.HidePrefix);
      if (oldParent != null)
        oldParent.PerformLayout ();
      if (newParent != null)
        newParent.PerformLayout ();

    protected internal virtual void OnParentEnabledChanged (EventArgs e)
      this.OnEnabledChanged (e);

    // This is never called.
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected virtual void OnParentForeColorChanged (EventArgs e)

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected internal virtual void OnParentRightToLeftChanged (EventArgs e)
      this.OnRightToLeftChanged (e);

    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected virtual void OnQueryContinueDrag (QueryContinueDragEventArgs queryContinueDragEvent)
      QueryContinueDragEventHandler eh = (QueryContinueDragEventHandler)(Events[QueryContinueDragEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, queryContinueDragEvent);
    protected virtual void OnRightToLeftChanged (EventArgs e)
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events[RightToLeftChangedEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    protected virtual void OnTextChanged (EventArgs e)
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [TextChangedEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);

    protected virtual void OnVisibleChanged (EventArgs e)
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [VisibleChangedEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, e);

    protected internal virtual bool ProcessCmdKey (ref Message m, Keys keyData)
      return false;
    protected internal virtual bool ProcessDialogKey (Keys keyData)
      if (this.Selected && keyData == Keys.Enter) {
        this.FireEvent (EventArgs.Empty, ToolStripItemEventType.Click);
        return true;
      return false;
    // ProcessMnemonic will only be called if we are supposed to handle
    // it.  None of that fancy "thinking" needed!
    protected internal virtual bool ProcessMnemonic (char charCode)
      ToolStripManager.SetActiveToolStrip (this.Parent, true);
      this.PerformClick ();
      return true;
    protected internal virtual void SetBounds (Rectangle bounds)
      if (this.bounds != bounds) {
        this.bounds = bounds;
        OnBoundsChanged ();
    protected virtual void SetVisibleCore (bool visible)
      this.visible = visible;
      this.OnVisibleChanged (EventArgs.Empty);
      if (this.visible)
        BeginAnimation ();
        StopAnimation ();
      this.Invalidate ();

    #region Public Events
    static object AvailableChangedEvent = new object ();
    static object BackColorChangedEvent = new object ();
    static object ClickEvent = new object ();
    static object DisplayStyleChangedEvent = new object ();
    static object DoubleClickEvent = new object ();
    static object DragDropEvent = new object ();
    static object DragEnterEvent = new object ();
    static object DragLeaveEvent = new object ();
    static object DragOverEvent = new object ();
    static object EnabledChangedEvent = new object ();
    static object ForeColorChangedEvent = new object ();
    static object GiveFeedbackEvent = new object ();
    static object LocationChangedEvent = new object ();
    static object MouseDownEvent = new object ();
    static object MouseEnterEvent = new object ();
    static object MouseHoverEvent = new object ();
    static object MouseLeaveEvent = new object ();
    static object MouseMoveEvent = new object ();
    static object MouseUpEvent = new object ();
    static object OwnerChangedEvent = new object ();
    static object PaintEvent = new object ();
    static object QueryAccessibilityHelpEvent = new object ();
    static object QueryContinueDragEvent = new object ();
    static object RightToLeftChangedEvent = new object ();
    static object TextChangedEvent = new object ();
    static object VisibleChangedEvent = new object ();

    [Browsable (false)]
    public event EventHandler AvailableChanged {
      add { Events.AddHandler (AvailableChangedEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (AvailableChangedEvent, value); }

    public event EventHandler BackColorChanged {
      add { Events.AddHandler (BackColorChangedEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (BackColorChangedEvent, value); }

    public event EventHandler Click {
      add { Events.AddHandler (ClickEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (ClickEvent, value); }

    public event EventHandler DisplayStyleChanged {
      add { Events.AddHandler (DisplayStyleChangedEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (DisplayStyleChangedEvent, value); }

    public event EventHandler DoubleClick {
      add { Events.AddHandler (DoubleClickEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (DoubleClickEvent, value); }

    [MonoTODO ("Event never raised")]
    [Browsable (false)]
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    public event DragEventHandler DragDrop {
      add { Events.AddHandler (DragDropEvent, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DragDropEvent, value); }

    [MonoTODO ("Event never raised")]
    [Browsable (false)]
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    public event DragEventHandler DragEnter {
      add { Events.AddHandler (DragEnterEvent, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DragEnterEvent, value); }

    [MonoTODO ("Event never raised")]
    [Browsable (false)]
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    public event EventHandler DragLeave {
      add { Events.AddHandler (DragLeaveEvent, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DragLeaveEvent, value); }

    [MonoTODO ("Event never raised")]
    [Browsable (false)]
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    public event DragEventHandler DragOver {
      add { Events.AddHandler (DragOverEvent, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DragOverEvent, value); }

    public event EventHandler EnabledChanged {
      add { Events.AddHandler (EnabledChangedEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (EnabledChangedEvent, value); }

    public event EventHandler ForeColorChanged {
      add { Events.AddHandler (ForeColorChangedEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (ForeColorChangedEvent, value); }

    [MonoTODO ("Event never raised")]
    [Browsable (false)]
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    public event GiveFeedbackEventHandler GiveFeedback {
      add { Events.AddHandler (GiveFeedbackEvent, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler (GiveFeedbackEvent, value); }

    public event EventHandler LocationChanged {
      add { Events.AddHandler (LocationChangedEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (LocationChangedEvent, value); }

    public event MouseEventHandler MouseDown {
      add { Events.AddHandler (MouseDownEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (MouseDownEvent, value); }

    public event EventHandler MouseEnter {
      add { Events.AddHandler (MouseEnterEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (MouseEnterEvent, value); }

    public event EventHandler MouseHover {
      add { Events.AddHandler (MouseHoverEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (MouseHoverEvent, value); }

    public event EventHandler MouseLeave {
      add { Events.AddHandler (MouseLeaveEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (MouseLeaveEvent, value); }

    public event MouseEventHandler MouseMove {
      add { Events.AddHandler (MouseMoveEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (MouseMoveEvent, value); }

    public event MouseEventHandler MouseUp {
      add { Events.AddHandler (MouseUpEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (MouseUpEvent, value); }

    public event EventHandler OwnerChanged {
      add { Events.AddHandler (OwnerChangedEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (OwnerChangedEvent, value); }

    public event PaintEventHandler Paint {
      add { Events.AddHandler (PaintEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (PaintEvent, value); }

    [MonoTODO ("Event never raised")]
    public event QueryAccessibilityHelpEventHandler QueryAccessibilityHelp {
      add { Events.AddHandler (QueryAccessibilityHelpEvent, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler (QueryAccessibilityHelpEvent, value); }

    [MonoTODO ("Event never raised")]
    [Browsable (false)]
    [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
    public event QueryContinueDragEventHandler QueryContinueDrag {
      add { Events.AddHandler (QueryContinueDragEvent, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler (QueryContinueDragEvent, value); }

    public event EventHandler RightToLeftChanged {
      add { Events.AddHandler (RightToLeftChangedEvent, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler (RightToLeftChangedEvent, value); }
    public event EventHandler TextChanged {
      add { Events.AddHandler (TextChangedEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (TextChangedEvent, value); }

    public event EventHandler VisibleChanged {
      add { Events.AddHandler (VisibleChangedEvent, value); }
      remove {Events.RemoveHandler (VisibleChangedEvent, value); }

    #region Internal Methods
    internal Rectangle AlignInRectangle (Rectangle outer, Size inner, ContentAlignment align)
      int x = 0;
      int y = 0;

      if (align == ContentAlignment.BottomLeft || align == ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft || align == ContentAlignment.TopLeft)
        x = outer.X;
      else if (align == ContentAlignment.BottomCenter || align == ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter || align == ContentAlignment.TopCenter)
        x = Math.Max (outer.X + ((outer.Width - inner.Width) / 2), outer.Left);
      else if (align == ContentAlignment.BottomRight || align == ContentAlignment.MiddleRight || align == ContentAlignment.TopRight)
        x = outer.Right - inner.Width;
      if (align == ContentAlignment.TopCenter || align == ContentAlignment.TopLeft || align == ContentAlignment.TopRight)
        y = outer.Y;
      else if (align == ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter || align == ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft || align == ContentAlignment.MiddleRight)
        y = outer.Y + (outer.Height - inner.Height) / 2;
      else if (align == ContentAlignment.BottomCenter || align == ContentAlignment.BottomRight || align == ContentAlignment.BottomLeft)
        y = outer.Bottom - inner.Height;

      return new Rectangle (x, y, Math.Min (inner.Width, outer.Width), Math.Min (inner.Height, outer.Height));

    internal void CalculateAutoSize ()
      this.text_size = TextRenderer.MeasureText (this.Text == null ? string.Empty: this.text, this.Font, Size.Empty, TextFormatFlags.HidePrefix);

      // If our text is rotated, flip the width and height
      ToolStripTextDirection direction = this.TextDirection;
      if (direction == ToolStripTextDirection.Vertical270 || direction == ToolStripTextDirection.Vertical90)
        this.text_size = new Size (this.text_size.Height, this.text_size.Width);
      if (!this.auto_size || this is ToolStripControlHost)
      //this.text_size.Width += 6;

      Size final_size = this.CalculatePreferredSize (Size.Empty);

      if (final_size != this.Size) {
        this.bounds.Width = final_size.Width;
        if (this.parent != null)
          this.parent.PerformLayout ();

    internal virtual Size CalculatePreferredSize (Size constrainingSize)
      if (!this.auto_size)
        return this.explicit_size;
      Size preferred_size = this.DefaultSize;

      switch (this.display_style) {
        case ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text:
          int width = text_size.Width + this.padding.Horizontal;
          int height = text_size.Height + this.padding.Vertical;
          preferred_size = new Size (width, height);
        case ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image:
          if (this.GetImageSize () == Size.Empty)
            preferred_size = this.DefaultSize;
          else {
            switch (this.image_scaling) {
              case ToolStripItemImageScaling.None:
                preferred_size = this.GetImageSize ();
              case ToolStripItemImageScaling.SizeToFit:
                if (this.parent == null)
                  preferred_size = this.GetImageSize ();
                  preferred_size = this.parent.ImageScalingSize;
        case ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.ImageAndText:
          int width2 = text_size.Width + this.padding.Horizontal;
          int height2 = text_size.Height + this.padding.Vertical;

          if (this.GetImageSize () != Size.Empty) {
            Size image_size = this.GetImageSize ();
            if (this.image_scaling == ToolStripItemImageScaling.SizeToFit && this.parent != null)
              image_size = this.parent.ImageScalingSize;
            switch (this.text_image_relation) {
              case TextImageRelation.Overlay:
                width2 = Math.Max (width2, image_size.Width);
                height2 = Math.Max (height2, image_size.Height);
              case TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText:
              case TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage:
                width2 = Math.Max (width2, image_size.Width);
                height2 += image_size.Height;
              case TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText:
              case TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage:
                height2 = Math.Max (height2, image_size.Height);
                width2 += image_size.Width;

          preferred_size = new Size (width2, height2);

      if (!(this is ToolStripLabel)) {    // Everything but labels have a border
        preferred_size.Height += 4;
        preferred_size.Width += 4;

      return preferred_size;

    internal void CalculateTextAndImageRectangles (out Rectangle text_rect, out Rectangle image_rect)
      this.CalculateTextAndImageRectangles (this.ContentRectangle, out text_rect, out image_rect);
    internal void CalculateTextAndImageRectangles (Rectangle contentRectangle, out Rectangle text_rect, out Rectangle image_rect)
      text_rect = Rectangle.Empty;
      image_rect = Rectangle.Empty;
      switch (this.display_style) {
        case ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.None:
        case ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text:
          if (this.text != string.Empty)
            text_rect = AlignInRectangle (contentRectangle, this.text_size, this.text_align);
        case ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image:
          if (this.Image != null && this.UseImageMargin)
            image_rect = AlignInRectangle (contentRectangle, GetImageSize (), this.image_align);
        case ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.ImageAndText:
          if (this.text != string.Empty && (this.Image == null || !this.UseImageMargin))
            text_rect = AlignInRectangle (contentRectangle, this.text_size, this.text_align);
          else if (this.text == string.Empty && (this.Image == null || !this.UseImageMargin))
          else if (this.text == string.Empty && this.Image != null)
            image_rect = AlignInRectangle (contentRectangle, GetImageSize (), this.image_align);
          else {
            Rectangle text_area;
            Rectangle image_area;

            switch (this.text_image_relation) {
              case TextImageRelation.Overlay:
                text_rect = AlignInRectangle (contentRectangle, this.text_size, this.text_align);
                image_rect = AlignInRectangle (contentRectangle, GetImageSize (), this.image_align);
              case TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText:
                text_area = new Rectangle (contentRectangle.Left, contentRectangle.Bottom - (text_size.Height - 4), contentRectangle.Width, text_size.Height - 4);
                image_area = new Rectangle (contentRectangle.Left, contentRectangle.Top, contentRectangle.Width, contentRectangle.Height - text_area.Height);

                text_rect = AlignInRectangle (text_area, this.text_size, this.text_align);
                image_rect = AlignInRectangle (image_area, GetImageSize (), this.image_align);
              case TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage:
                text_area = new Rectangle (contentRectangle.Left, contentRectangle.Top, contentRectangle.Width, text_size.Height - 4);
                image_area = new Rectangle (contentRectangle.Left, text_area.Bottom, contentRectangle.Width, contentRectangle.Height - text_area.Height);

                text_rect = AlignInRectangle (text_area, this.text_size, this.text_align);
                image_rect = AlignInRectangle (image_area, GetImageSize (), this.image_align);
              case TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText:
                LayoutTextBeforeOrAfterImage (contentRectangle, false, text_size, GetImageSize (), text_align, image_align, out text_rect, out image_rect);
              case TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage:
                LayoutTextBeforeOrAfterImage (contentRectangle, true, text_size, GetImageSize (), text_align, image_align, out text_rect, out image_rect);

    private static Font DefaultFont { get { return new Font ("Tahoma", 8.25f); } }
    internal virtual ToolStripTextDirection DefaultTextDirection { get { return ToolStripTextDirection.Inherit; } }

    internal virtual void Dismiss (ToolStripDropDownCloseReason reason)
      if (is_selected) {
        this.is_selected = false;
        this.Invalidate ();
        OnUIASelectionChanged ();
    internal virtual ToolStrip GetTopLevelToolStrip ()
      if (this.Parent != null)
        return this.Parent.GetTopLevelToolStrip ();
      return null;

    private void LayoutTextBeforeOrAfterImage (Rectangle totalArea, bool textFirst, Size textSize, Size imageSize, ContentAlignment textAlign, ContentAlignment imageAlign, out Rectangle textRect, out Rectangle imageRect)
      int element_spacing = 0;  // Spacing between the Text and the Image
      int total_width = textSize.Width + element_spacing + imageSize.Width;
      int excess_width = totalArea.Width - total_width;
      int offset = 0;
      Rectangle final_text_rect;
      Rectangle final_image_rect;

      HorizontalAlignment h_text = GetHorizontalAlignment (textAlign);
      HorizontalAlignment h_image = GetHorizontalAlignment (imageAlign);
      if (h_image == HorizontalAlignment.Left)
        offset = 0;
      else if (h_image == HorizontalAlignment.Right && h_text == HorizontalAlignment.Right)
        offset = excess_width;
      else if (h_image == HorizontalAlignment.Center && (h_text == HorizontalAlignment.Left || h_text == HorizontalAlignment.Center))
        offset += (int)(excess_width / 3);
        offset += (int)(2 * (excess_width / 3));
      if (textFirst) {
        final_text_rect = new Rectangle (totalArea.Left + offset, AlignInRectangle (totalArea, textSize, textAlign).Top, textSize.Width, textSize.Height);
        final_image_rect = new Rectangle (final_text_rect.Right + element_spacing, AlignInRectangle (totalArea, imageSize, imageAlign).Top, imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height);
      } else {
        final_image_rect = new Rectangle (totalArea.Left + offset, AlignInRectangle (totalArea, imageSize, imageAlign).Top, imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height);
        final_text_rect = new Rectangle (final_image_rect.Right + element_spacing, AlignInRectangle (totalArea, textSize, textAlign).Top, textSize.Width, textSize.Height);
      textRect = final_text_rect;
      imageRect = final_image_rect;
    private HorizontalAlignment GetHorizontalAlignment (ContentAlignment align)
      switch (align) {
        case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft:
        case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft:
        case ContentAlignment.TopLeft:
          return HorizontalAlignment.Left;
        case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter:
        case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter:
        case ContentAlignment.TopCenter:
          return HorizontalAlignment.Center;
        case ContentAlignment.BottomRight:
        case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight:
        case ContentAlignment.TopRight:
          return HorizontalAlignment.Right;
      return HorizontalAlignment.Left;
    internal Size GetImageSize ()
      // Get the actual size of our internal image -or-
      // Get the ImageList.ImageSize if we are using ImageLists
      if (this.image_scaling == ToolStripItemImageScaling.None) {
        if (this.image != null)
          return image.Size;
        if (this.image_index >= 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty (this.image_key))
          if (this.owner != null && this.owner.ImageList != null)
            return this.owner.ImageList.ImageSize;
      } else {
        // If we have an image and a parent, return ImageScalingSize
        if (this.Parent == null)
          return Size.Empty;
        if (this.image != null)
          return this.Parent.ImageScalingSize;

        if (this.image_index >= 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty (this.image_key))
          if (this.owner != null && this.owner.ImageList != null)
            return this.Parent.ImageScalingSize;
      return Size.Empty;
    internal string GetToolTip ()
      if (this.auto_tool_tip && string.IsNullOrEmpty (this.tool_tip_text))
        return this.Text;
      return this.tool_tip_text;
    internal void FireEvent (EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType met)
      // If we're disabled, don't fire any of these events, except Paint
      if (!this.Enabled && met != ToolStripItemEventType.Paint)
      switch (met) {
        case ToolStripItemEventType.MouseUp:
          this.HandleClick (((MouseEventArgs)e).Clicks, e);
          this.OnMouseUp ((MouseEventArgs)e);
        case ToolStripItemEventType.MouseDown:
          this.OnMouseDown ((MouseEventArgs)e);
        case ToolStripItemEventType.MouseEnter:
          this.OnMouseEnter (e);
        case ToolStripItemEventType.MouseHover:
          this.OnMouseHover (e);
        case ToolStripItemEventType.MouseLeave:
          this.OnMouseLeave (e);
        case ToolStripItemEventType.MouseMove:
          this.OnMouseMove ((MouseEventArgs)e);
        case ToolStripItemEventType.Paint:
          this.OnPaintInternal ((PaintEventArgs)e);
        case ToolStripItemEventType.Click:
          this.HandleClick (1, e);
    internal virtual void HandleClick (int mouse_clicks, EventArgs e)
      this.Parent.HandleItemClick (this);
      if (mouse_clicks == 2 && double_click_enabled)
        this.OnDoubleClick (e);
        this.OnClick (e);
    internal virtual void SetPlacement (ToolStripItemPlacement placement)
      this.placement = placement;

    private void BeginAnimation ()
      if (image != null && ImageAnimator.CanAnimate (image)) {
        frame_handler = new EventHandler (OnAnimateImage);
        ImageAnimator.Animate (image, frame_handler);

    private void OnAnimateImage (object sender, EventArgs e)
      // This is called from a worker thread,BeginInvoke is used
      // so the control is updated from the correct thread

      // Check if we have a handle again, since it may have gotten
      // destroyed since the last time we checked.
      if (Parent == null || !Parent.IsHandleCreated)

      Parent.BeginInvoke (new EventHandler (UpdateAnimatedImage), new object[] { this, e });

    private void StopAnimation ()
      if (frame_handler == null)
      ImageAnimator.StopAnimate (image, frame_handler);
      frame_handler = null;

    private void UpdateAnimatedImage (object sender, EventArgs e)
      // Check if we have a handle again, since it may have gotten
      // destroyed since the last time we checked.
      if (Parent == null || !Parent.IsHandleCreated)

      ImageAnimator.UpdateFrames (image);
      Invalidate ();

    internal bool ShowMargin {
      get {
        if (!this.IsOnDropDown)
          return true;

        if (!(this.Owner is ToolStripDropDownMenu))
          return false;

        ToolStripDropDownMenu tsddm = (ToolStripDropDownMenu)this.Owner;

        return tsddm.ShowCheckMargin || tsddm.ShowImageMargin;

    internal bool UseImageMargin {
      get {
        if (!this.IsOnDropDown)
          return true;

        if (!(this.Owner is ToolStripDropDownMenu))
          return false;

        ToolStripDropDownMenu tsddm = (ToolStripDropDownMenu)this.Owner;

        return tsddm.ShowImageMargin || tsddm.ShowCheckMargin;

    internal virtual bool InternalVisible {
      get { return this.visible; }
      set { this.visible = value; Invalidate (); }

    internal ToolStrip InternalOwner {
      set {
        if (this.owner != value) {
          this.owner = value;
          this.CalculateAutoSize ();
          OnOwnerChanged (EventArgs.Empty);

    internal Point Location {
      get { return this.bounds.Location; }
      set {
        if (this.bounds.Location != value) {
          this.bounds.Location = value;
          this.OnLocationChanged (EventArgs.Empty);

    internal int Top {
      get { return this.bounds.Y; }
      set {
        if (this.bounds.Y != value) {
          this.bounds.Y = value;
          this.OnLocationChanged (EventArgs.Empty);

    internal int Left {
      get { return this.bounds.X; }
      set {
        if (this.bounds.X != value) {
          this.bounds.X = value;
          this.OnLocationChanged (EventArgs.Empty);
    internal int Right { get { return this.bounds.Right; } }
    internal int Bottom { get { return this.bounds.Bottom; } }

    #region IDropTarget Members
    void IDropTarget.OnDragDrop (DragEventArgs dragEvent)
      OnDragDrop (dragEvent);

    void IDropTarget.OnDragEnter (DragEventArgs dragEvent)
      OnDragEnter (dragEvent);

    void IDropTarget.OnDragLeave (EventArgs e)
      OnDragLeave (e);

    void IDropTarget.OnDragOver (DragEventArgs dragEvent)
      OnDragOver (dragEvent);

    #region UIA Framework: Methods, Properties and Events

    static object UIASelectionChangedEvent = new object ();

    internal event EventHandler UIASelectionChanged {
      add { Events.AddHandler (UIASelectionChangedEvent, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler (UIASelectionChangedEvent, value); }

    internal void OnUIASelectionChanged ()
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [UIASelectionChangedEvent]);
      if (eh != null)
        eh (this, EventArgs.Empty);

    [ComVisible (true)]
    public class ToolStripItemAccessibleObject : AccessibleObject
      internal ToolStripItem owner_item;
      public ToolStripItemAccessibleObject (ToolStripItem ownerItem)
        if (ownerItem == null)
          throw new ArgumentNullException ("ownerItem");
        this.owner_item = ownerItem;
        base.default_action = string.Empty;
        base.keyboard_shortcut = string.Empty; = string.Empty;
        base.value = string.Empty;

      #region Public Properties
      public override Rectangle Bounds {
        get {
          return owner_item.Visible ? owner_item.Bounds : Rectangle.Empty;

      public override string DefaultAction {
        get { return base.DefaultAction; }

      public override string Description {
        get { return base.Description; }

      public override string Help {
        get { return base.Help; }

      public override string KeyboardShortcut {
        get { return base.KeyboardShortcut; }

      public override string Name {
        get {
          if ( == string.Empty)
            return owner_item.Text;
          return base.Name;
        set { base.Name = value; }

      public override AccessibleObject Parent {
        get { return base.Parent; }

      public override AccessibleRole Role {
        get { return base.Role; }

      public override AccessibleStates State {
        get { return base.State; }

      #region Public Methods
      public void AddState (AccessibleStates state)
        base.state = state;

      public override void DoDefaultAction ()
        base.DoDefaultAction ();

      public override int GetHelpTopic (out string fileName)
        return base.GetHelpTopic (out fileName);

      public override AccessibleObject Navigate (AccessibleNavigation navigationDirection)
        return base.Navigate (navigationDirection);

      public override string ToString ()
        return string.Format ("ToolStripItemAccessibleObject: Owner = {0}", owner_item.ToString());

  internal class NoneExcludedImageIndexConverter : ImageIndexConverter

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