using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace System.Windows.Data{
static class INPCProperty
public static INPCProperty<TValue> Create<TValue> (Expression<Func<TValue>> expression, Func<PropertyChangedEventHandler> notifier)
return new INPCProperty<TValue>(expression, notifier);
class INPCProperty<TValue>
TValue value;
Func<PropertyChangedEventHandler> Notifier {
get; set;
string PropertyName {
get; set;
public TValue Value {
get { return value; }
set {
this.value = value;
// Get the current list of registered event handlers
// then invoke them with the correct 'sender' and event args
var h = Notifier ();
if (h != null)
h (Notifier.Target, new PropertyChangedEventArgs (PropertyName));
public INPCProperty (Expression<Func<TValue>> expression, Func<PropertyChangedEventHandler> notifier)
if (expression.NodeType != ExpressionType.Lambda)
throw new ArgumentException("Value must be a lamda expression", "expression");
if (!(expression.Body is MemberExpression))
throw new ArgumentException("The body of the expression must be a memberref", "expression");
MemberExpression m = (MemberExpression) expression.Body;
Notifier = notifier;
PropertyName = m.Member.Name;