#region Disclaimer/Info
// Subtext WebLog
// Subtext is an open source weblog system that is a fork of the .TEXT
// weblog system.
// For updated news and information please visit http://subtextproject.com/
// Subtext is hosted at Google Code at http://code.google.com/p/subtext/
// The development mailing list is at subtext@googlegroups.com
// This project is licensed under the BSD license. See the License.txt file for more information.
using System;
using Subtext.Extensibility;
using Subtext.Extensibility.Interfaces;
using Subtext.Framework;
using Subtext.Framework.Components;
using Subtext.Framework.Routing;
namespace Subtext.Web.UI.ViewModels{
public class EntryViewModel : IEntryIdentity
string _fullyQualifiedUrl;
VirtualPath _url;
public EntryViewModel(Entry entry, ISubtextContext context)
if(entry == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("entry");
Entry = entry;
SubtextContext = context;
protected Entry Entry { get; private set; }
protected UrlHelper UrlHelper
get { return SubtextContext.UrlHelper; }
protected ISubtextContext SubtextContext { get; private set; }
public VirtualPath Url
if(_url == null)
_url = UrlHelper.EntryUrl(Entry);
return _url;
public string FullyQualifiedUrl
if(_fullyQualifiedUrl == null)
_fullyQualifiedUrl = Url.ToFullyQualifiedUrl(SubtextContext.Blog).ToString();
return _fullyQualifiedUrl;
public string Title
get { return Entry.Title; }
public bool AllowComments
get { return Entry.AllowComments; }
public bool CommentingClosed
get { return Entry.CommentingClosed; }
public int FeedBackCount
get { return Entry.FeedBackCount; }
#region IEntryIdentity Members
public string EntryName
get { return Entry.EntryName; }
public DateTime DateSyndicated
get { return Entry.DateSyndicated; }
public PostType PostType
get { return Entry.PostType; }
public int Id
get { return Entry.Id; }