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// Subtext WebLog
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using MbUnit.Framework;
using Subtext.Framework;
using Subtext.Framework.Text;
using Subtext.Framework.Web.HttpModules;

namespace UnitTests.Subtext.Framework.Text{
    /// <summary>
    /// Tests of the <see cref="HtmlHelper"/> class.
    /// </summary>
    public class HtmlHelperTests
        [Row("", 10, "")]
        [Row("", 50, "")]
        [Row("", 25, "")]
        [Row("", 10, "example...")]
        [Row("", 11, "")]
        [Row("", 11, "")]
        [Row("", 5, "ex...")]
        public void CanShortenUrl(string url, int max, string expected)
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, url.ShortenUrl(max));

        public void ShortenUrl_WithNullUrl_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
            UnitTestHelper.AssertThrowsArgumentNullException(() => ((string)null).ShortenUrl(10) );

        public void ShortenUrl_WithTwoSegmentsEndingWithFileName_OnlyCompressesMiddleSegment()
            const string url = "";

            string shorty = url.ShortenUrl(25);

            Assert.AreEqual("", shorty);

        public void ShortenUrl_WithTwoSegmentsAndTrailingSlash_OnlyCompressesMiddleSegment()
            const string url = "";

            string shorty = url.ShortenUrl(26);

            Assert.AreEqual("", shorty);

        public void ShortenUrl_WithMaxLessThanFive_ThrowsArgumentOutOfRangeException()
            // arrange
            const string url = "";

            // act, assert
            UnitTestHelper.AssertThrows<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => url.ShortenUrl(4));

        public void ShortenUrl_WithQueryParamsMakingUrlTooLong_RemovesQueryParams()
            // arrange
            const string url = "";

            // act
            string shorty = url.ShortenUrl(6);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual("", shorty);

        [Row("", "", "")]
        [Row("", "", "")]
        [Row("", "", "")]
        [Row("", "", "")]
        [Row("", "", "")]
        [Row("", "", "")]
        [Row("", "", "")]
        [Row("", "",
        [Row("", "",
        [Row("", "", "")]
        public void CanReplaceHostInUrl(string url, string host, string expected)
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, HtmlHelper.ReplaceHost(url, host));

        public void AppendNullClassThrowsArgumentNullException()
            UnitTestHelper.AssertThrowsArgumentNullException(() => HtmlHelper.AppendCssClass(new TextBox(), null));

        public void AppendClassToNullControlThrowsArgumentNullException()
            UnitTestHelper.AssertThrowsArgumentNullException(() => HtmlHelper.AppendCssClass(null, "blah"));

        public void RemoveNullClassThrowsArgumentNullException()
            UnitTestHelper.AssertThrowsArgumentNullException(() => HtmlHelper.RemoveCssClass(new TextBox(), null));

        public void RemoveClassFromNullControlThrowsArgumentNullException()
            UnitTestHelper.AssertThrowsArgumentNullException(() => HtmlHelper.RemoveCssClass(null, "blah"));

        public void RemoveClassFromControlWithNoClasHasNoEffect()
            var textbox = new TextBox();
            HtmlHelper.RemoveCssClass(textbox, "blah");
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, textbox.CssClass);

        public void CanAppendCssClassToControl()
            var textbox = new TextBox();
            HtmlHelper.AppendCssClass(textbox, "testclass");
            Assert.AreEqual("testclass", textbox.CssClass);

            HtmlHelper.AppendCssClass(textbox, "testclass");
            Assert.AreEqual("testclass", textbox.CssClass);

            HtmlHelper.AppendCssClass(textbox, "blah");
            Assert.AreEqual("testclass blah", textbox.CssClass);

            HtmlHelper.AppendCssClass(textbox, "BLAH");
            Assert.AreEqual("testclass blah BLAH", textbox.CssClass);

        public void CanRemoveCssClassToControl()
            var textbox = new TextBox();
            HtmlHelper.AppendCssClass(textbox, "testclass");
            HtmlHelper.AppendCssClass(textbox, "blah");
            HtmlHelper.AppendCssClass(textbox, "BLAH");
            Assert.AreEqual("testclass blah BLAH", textbox.CssClass);

            HtmlHelper.RemoveCssClass(textbox, "blah");
            Assert.AreEqual("testclass BLAH", textbox.CssClass);

            HtmlHelper.RemoveCssClass(textbox, "BLAH");
            HtmlHelper.RemoveCssClass(textbox, "testclass");
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, textbox.CssClass);

        /// <summary>
        /// Tests that EnableUrls formats urls with anchor tags.
        /// </summary>
        [Row("", "")]
            "<a rel=\"nofollow external\" href=\"\" title=\"\"></a>"
        [Row("begin end.",
            "begin <a rel=\"nofollow external\" href=\"\" title=\"\"></a> end."
        [Row("begin two http://localhost/someplace/ end.",
            "begin <a rel=\"nofollow external\" href=\"\" title=\"\"></a> two <a rel=\"nofollow external\" href=\"http://localhost/someplace/\" title=\"http://localhost/someplace/\">http://localhost/someplace/</a> end."
            "this <a rel=\"nofollow external\" href=\"\" title=\"\"></a>"
            "<p><a rel=\"nofollow external\" href=\"\" title=\"\"></a></p>"
            "<b><a rel=\"nofollow external\" href=\"\" title=\"\"></a></b>"
        [Row("", "")]
            "<a rel=\"nofollow external\" href=\";blah=blah\" title=\";blah=blah\">;blah=blah</a>"
        [Row("<a href=\"\">Test</a>", "<a href=\"\">Test</a>")]
        [Row("<img src=\"\" />", "<img src=\"\" />")]
        [Row("<a href=''>Test</a>", "<a href=\"\">Test</a>")]
        [Row("<a href=>Test</a>", "<a href=\"\">Test</a>")]
        [Row("<b title=\"blah blah\" />", "<b title=\"blah blah\" />")]
        [Row("a < b blah",
            "a &lt; b blah <a rel=\"nofollow external\" href=\"\" title=\"\"></a>"
        [Row("<a href=\"test\">test</a>",
            "<a rel=\"nofollow external\" href=\"\" title=\"\"></a><a href=\"test\">test</a>"
        public void ConvertUrlsToHyperLinksConvertsUrlsToAnchorTags(string html, string expected)
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, HtmlHelper.ConvertUrlsToHyperLinks(html));

        public void ConvertUrlsToHyperLinks_WithNullHtml_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
            UnitTestHelper.AssertThrowsArgumentNullException(() => HtmlHelper.ConvertUrlsToHyperLinks(null));

        public void ConvertUrlToHyperlinksIgnoreAnchorContents()
            string html = "<a href=\"/\"><b></b></a>";
            Assert.AreEqual(html, HtmlHelper.ConvertUrlsToHyperLinks(html));

        public void Html_WithEncodedMarkup_IsNotUnencoded()
            string html = "&lt;script /&gt;";
            Assert.AreEqual(html, HtmlHelper.ConvertUrlsToHyperLinks(html));

        /// <summary>
        /// HasIllegalContent throws exception when encountering encoded tag.
        /// </summary>
        [Row("blah &#60script ", true)]
        [Row("blah <script ", true)]
        [Row("blah script ", false)]
        public void HasIllegalContentReturnsExpectedAnswer(string html, bool expected)
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, HtmlHelper.HasIllegalContent(html));

        public void CanParseTag()
            IList<string> tags =
                "blah blah <a href=\"\" rel=\"tag\">test1</a> goo goo".ParseTags();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, tags.Count, "Should have found one tag.");
            Assert.AreEqual("mytag", tags[0], "Should have found one tag.");

        public void ParseTags_WithDuplicateTags_DoesNotParseDuplicate()
            IList<string> tags =
                "<a href=\"\" rel=\"tag\">test1</a><a href=\"\" rel=\"tag\">test2</a>"
            Assert.AreEqual(1, tags.Count, "The same tag exists twice, should only count as one.");

        public void ParseTagsDoesNotMatchRelOfAnotherTag()
            IList<string> tags =
                ("<a title=\"blah\" href=\"\" " + Environment.NewLine +
                 " rel=\"lightbox\">mytag1</a>other junk " + Environment.NewLine +
                 "<a href=\"\" rel=\"tag\">mytag2</a>").ParseTags();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, tags.Count, "The first anchor is not a tag.");
            Assert.AreEqual("mytag2", tags[0]);

        public void ParseTags_WithWhitespaceBetweenAttributes_ParsesTagCorrectly()
            IList<string> tags =
                ("<a title=\"blah\" href = " + Environment.NewLine + " \"\" rel = " +
                 Environment.NewLine + " \"tag\">mytag1</a>").ParseTags();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, tags.Count, "The attributes contain whitespace but should be recognized as valid");
            Assert.AreEqual("mytag1", tags[0]);

        public void ParseTags_WithWeirdWhiteSpace_ParsesTagCorrectly()
            IList<string> tags =
                ("<a title=\"Programmer's Bill of Rights\" href=\"\">Programmer&rsquo;s Bill of Rights</a> that <a rel=\"friend met\" href=\"\">Jeff Atwood</a>" +
                 Environment.NewLine +
                 "<div class=\"tags\">Technorati tags: <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Programming</a>")
            Assert.AreEqual(1, tags.Count, "The attributes contain whitespace but should be recognized as valid");
            Assert.AreEqual("Programming", tags[0]);

        public void ParseTags_WithUrlEndingWithDefaultAspx_WeirdWhiteSpace()
            // arrange
            string html =
                "<a title=\"Programmer's Bill of Rights\" href=\"\">Programmer&rsquo;s Bill of Rights</a> that <a rel=\"friend met\" href=\"\">Jeff Atwood</a>" +
                Environment.NewLine +
                "<div class=\"tags\">Technorati tags: <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Programming</a>";

            // act
            IList<string> tags = html.ParseTags();

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, tags.Count, "The attributes contain whitespace but should be recognized as valid");
            Assert.AreEqual("Programming", tags[0]);

        public void ParseTags_WithMultipleRelAttributeValues_ParsesTag()
            // arrange
            string html = "<a href=\"http://blah/yourtag\" rel=\"tag friend\">nothing</a>";

            // act
            IList<string> tags = html.ParseTags();

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual("yourtag", tags.First());

        [Row("", "blah")]
        [Row("", "foo-bar")]
        [Row("", "query")]
        [Row("", "query")]
        [Row("", "decode test")]
        [Row("", "decode test2")]
        [Row("", "another decode test")]
        public void CanParseEntryTags(string url, string expectedTag)
            // arrange
            string html = "<a href=\"" + url + "\" rel=\"tag\">nothing</a>";

            // act
            IList<string> tags = html.ParseTags();

            // assert;
            Assert.AreEqual(1, tags.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTag, tags.First());

        [Row(" rel = \"tag\" ", " rel = \"tag\"", true)]
        [Row(" xrel = \"tag\" ", null, false)]
        [Row(" rel = \"friend tag\" ", " rel = \"friend tag\"", true)]
        [Row(" rel = \"friend tag met\" ", " rel = \"friend tag met\"", true)]
        [Row(" rel = \"tag met\" ", " rel = \"tag met\"", true)]
        [Row(" rel=\"friend met\"> rel=\"tag\" ", " rel=\"tag\"", true)]
        [Row(" rel = \'tag\' ", " rel = \'tag\'", true)]
        [Row(" xrel = \'tag\' ", null, false)]
        [Row(" rel = \'friend tag\' ", " rel = \'friend tag\'", true)]
        [Row(" rel = \'friend tag met\' ", " rel = \'friend tag met\'", true)]
        [Row(" rel = \'tag met\' ", " rel = \'tag met\'", true)]
        [Row(" rel=\'friend met\'> rel=\'tag\' ", " rel=\'tag\'", true)]
        public void CanParseRelTag(string original, string matched, bool expected)
            var relRegex = new Regex(@"\s+rel\s*=\s*(""[^""]*?\btag\b.*?""|'[^']*?\btag\b.*?')",
                                     RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Match match = relRegex.Match(original);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, match.Success);
                Assert.AreEqual(matched, match.Value);

        [Row("  <a href=\"foo\">test</a>  ", "<a href=\"foo\">test</a>", true)]
        [Row("  <a href=\"foo\" title=\"blah\">test</a>  ", "<a href=\"foo\" title=\"blah\">test</a>", true)]
        [Row("  <a href = \"foo\" >test</a>  ", "<a href = \"foo\" >test</a>", true)]
        [Row("  <span title=\"test <a href=\"> <a href=\"foo2\">test2</a>", "<a href=\"foo2\">test2</a>", true)]
        public void CanParseAnchorTags(string original, string expectedMatchValue, bool expectedMatch)
            var regex = new Regex(@"<a(\s+\w+\s*=\s*(?:""[^""]*?""|'[^']*?')(?!\w))+\s*>.*?</a>",
                                  RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Match match = regex.Match(original);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMatch, match.Success);
                string matchValue = match.Value;
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedMatchValue, matchValue);

        public void ParseUri_WithValidUri_ReturnsNull()
            // arrange
            string notUri = "";

            // act
            Uri parsed = notUri.ParseUri();

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual("", parsed.Host);

        public void ParseUri_WithInvalidUri_ReturnsNull()
            // arrange
            string notUri = "";

            // act
            Uri parsed = notUri.ParseUri();

            // assert

        public void EnsureUrl_WithoutHttp_PrependsHttp()
            // arrange
            string text = "";

            // act
            Uri url = text.EnsureUrl();

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual("", url.Host);

        public void EnsureUrl_WithNull_ReturnsNull()
            // arrange
            string text = null;

            // act
            Uri url = text.EnsureUrl();

            // assert

        public void EnsureUrl_WithStringHavingOnlyWhitespace_ReturnsNull()
            // arrange
            string text = "     ";

            // act
            Uri url = text.EnsureUrl();

            // assert

        public void GetAttributeValues_WithHtmlContainingAttributeValues_ReturnsAttributeValues()
            // arrange
            string html =
                <img src=""test.jpg"" />
                <img src=""test2.jpg""></img>

            // act
            IEnumerable<string> imageSources = html.GetAttributeValues("img", "src");

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(2, imageSources.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("test.jpg", imageSources.First());
            Assert.AreEqual("test2.jpg", imageSources.ElementAt(1));

        public void GetAttributeValues_WithNonBalancedQuoteInMiddle_ReturnsAttributeValuesContainingQuoteCharacter()
            // arrange
            string html =
                <img src=""test's.jpg"" />
                <img src='test2"".jpg'></img>

            // act
            IEnumerable<string> imageSources = html.GetAttributeValues("img", "src");

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(2, imageSources.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("test's.jpg", imageSources.First());
            Assert.AreEqual("test2\".jpg", imageSources.ElementAt(1));

        public void
            // arrange
            string html =
                <img src=""test.jpg"" />
                <img src=""test2.jpg""></img>

            // act
            IEnumerable<string> imageSources = html.GetAttributeValues("img", "src");

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(2, imageSources.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("test.jpg", imageSources.First());
            Assert.AreEqual("test2.jpg", imageSources.ElementAt(1));

        public void TestFixtureSetUp()
            //Confirm app settings

        public void SetUp()
            UnitTestHelper.SetHttpContextWithBlogRequest("localhost", "MyBlog");
            var blogInfo = new Blog();
            blogInfo.Host = "localhost";
            blogInfo.Subfolder = "MyBlog";

            BlogRequest.Current.Blog = blogInfo;

        public void TearDown()
            HttpContext.Current = null;
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