using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using MbUnit.Framework;
using Subtext.Framework.Util;
namespace UnitTests.Subtext.Framework.Util{
public class TimeZonesTest
const string CentralEuropeZoneId = "Central Europe Standard Time";
public const string HawaiiTimeZoneId = "Hawaiian Standard Time";
const string NewZealandZoneId = "New Zealand Standard Time";
public const string PacificTimeZoneId = "Pacific Standard Time";
public void CanGetTimeZones()
// arrange, act
ReadOnlyCollection<TimeZoneInfo> timeZones = TimeZones.GetTimeZones();
foreach(TimeZoneInfo timeZone in timeZones)
Console.WriteLine(timeZone.Id.GetHashCode() + "\t" + timeZone.StandardName);
// assert
Assert.Greater(timeZones.Count, 10);
public void GenerateUpdateScript()
string sql = string.Empty;
string sqlFormat =
"UPDATE [<dbUser,varchar,dbo>].[subtext_Config] SET TimeZoneId = '{0}' WHERE TimeZone = {1}" +
Environment.NewLine + "GO" + Environment.NewLine;
foreach(TimeZoneInfo timezone in TimeZones.GetTimeZones())
sql += String.Format(sqlFormat, timezone.Id, timezone.Id.GetHashCode());
//[Ignore("Only run this when we need to regen this file. Better to make this a build step.")]
//public void WriteTimeZonesToFile()
// ReadOnlyCollection<TimeZoneInfo> timeZones = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones();
// foreach(TimeZoneInfo timeZone in timeZones)
// {
// Console.WriteLine(timeZone.ToSerializedString());
// }
// Type tzcType = timeZones.GetType();
// XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(tzcType);
// using(StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("c:\\WindowsTimeZoneCollection.xml", false, Encoding.UTF8))
// {
// ser.Serialize(writer, timeZones);
// }