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// Original code borrowed from Ray Hayes and downloaded from 

// Revisions
// 1. Updates were made to support double quotes.
// Note, this should probably be moved to it's own GDN workspace and then the
// DLL be referenced in this workspace.  However, there is a similar workspace
// called Eas.Console that serves a similar purpose and should be investigated
// before another command line parser workspace is created.
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace RJH.CommandLineHelper{
  /// <summary>Implementation of a command-line parsing class.  Is capable of
  /// having switches registered with it directly or can examine a registered
  /// class for any properties with the appropriate attributes appended to
  /// them.</summary>
  public class Parser
    /// <summary>A simple internal class for passing back to the caller
    /// some information about the switch.  The internals/implementation
    /// of this class has privillaged access to the contents of the
    /// SwitchRecord class.</summary>
    public class SwitchInfo 
      #region Private Variables
      private object m_Switch = null;

      #region Public Properties
      public string Name        { get { return (m_Switch as SwitchRecord).Name; } }
      public string Description    { get { return (m_Switch as SwitchRecord).Description; } }
      public string[] Aliases      { get { return (m_Switch as SwitchRecord).Aliases; } }
      public System.Type Type      { get { return (m_Switch as SwitchRecord).Type; } }
      public object Value        { get { return (m_Switch as SwitchRecord).Value; } }
      public object InternalValue  { get { return (m_Switch as SwitchRecord).InternalValue; } }
      public bool   IsEnum        { get { return (m_Switch as SwitchRecord).Type.IsEnum; } }
      public string[] Enumerations  { get { return (m_Switch as SwitchRecord).Enumerations; } }

      /// <summary>
      /// Constructor for the SwitchInfo class.  Note, in order to hide to the outside world
      /// information not necessary to know, the constructor takes a System.Object (aka
      /// object) as it's registering type.  If the type isn't of the correct type, an exception
      /// is thrown.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="rec">The SwitchRecord for which this class store information.</param>
      /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if the rec parameter is not of
      /// the type SwitchRecord.</exception>
      public SwitchInfo( object rec )
        if ( rec is SwitchRecord )
          m_Switch = rec;
          throw new ArgumentException();

    /// <summary>
    /// The SwitchRecord is stored within the parser's collection of registered
    /// switches.  This class is private to the outside world.
    /// </summary>
    private class SwitchRecord
      #region Private Variables
      private string m_name = "";
      private string m_description = "";
      private object m_value = null;
      private System.Type m_switchType = typeof(bool);
      private System.Collections.ArrayList m_Aliases = null;
      private string m_Pattern = "";

      // The following advanced functions allow for callbacks to be
      // made to manipulate the associated data type.
      private System.Reflection.MethodInfo m_SetMethod = null;
      private System.Reflection.MethodInfo m_GetMethod = null;
      private object m_PropertyOwner = null;

      #region Private Utility Functions
      private void Initialize( string name, string description )
        m_name = name;
        m_description = description;


      private void BuildPattern()
        string matchString = Name;

        if ( Aliases != null && Aliases.Length > 0 )
          foreach( string s in Aliases )
            matchString += "|" + s;

        string strPatternStart = @"(\s|^)(?<match>(-{1,2}|/)(";
        string strPatternEnd;  // To be defined below.

        // The common suffix ensures that the switches are followed by
        // a white-space OR the end of the string.  This will stop
        // switches such as /help matching /helpme
        string strCommonSuffix = @"(?=(\s|$))";

        if ( Type == typeof(bool) )
          strPatternEnd = @")(?<value>(\+|-){0,1}))";
        else if ( Type == typeof(string) )
          strPatternEnd = @")(?::|\s+))((?:"")(?<value>.+?)(?:"")|(?:')(?<value>.+?)(?:')|(?<value>\S+))";
        else if ( Type == typeof(int) )
          strPatternEnd = @")(?::|\s+))((?<value>(-|\+)[0-9]+)|(?<value>[0-9]+))";
        else if ( Type.IsEnum )
          string[] enumNames = Enumerations;
          string e_str = enumNames[0];
          for ( int e=1; e<enumNames.Length; e++ )
            e_str += "|" + enumNames[e];
          strPatternEnd = @")(?::|\s+))(?<value>" + e_str + @")";
          throw new System.ArgumentException();

        // Set the internal regular expression pattern.
        m_Pattern = strPatternStart + matchString + strPatternEnd + strCommonSuffix;

      #region Public Properties
      public object Value 
          if ( ReadValue != null )
            return ReadValue;
            return m_value;

      public object InternalValue 
        get { return m_value; }

      public string Name 
        get { return m_name;  }
        set { m_name = value; }

      public string Description 
        get { return m_description;  }
        set { m_description = value; }

      public System.Type Type 
        get { return m_switchType; }

      public string[] Aliases 
        get { return (m_Aliases != null) ? (string[])m_Aliases.ToArray(typeof(string)): null; }

      public string Pattern 
        get { return m_Pattern; }
      public System.Reflection.MethodInfo SetMethod 
        set { m_SetMethod = value; }
      public System.Reflection.MethodInfo GetMethod 
        set { m_GetMethod = value; }

      public object PropertyOwner 
        set { m_PropertyOwner = value; }

      public object ReadValue 
          object o = null;
          if ( m_PropertyOwner != null && m_GetMethod != null )
            o = m_GetMethod.Invoke( m_PropertyOwner, null );
          return o;

      public string[] Enumerations 
          if ( m_switchType.IsEnum )
            return System.Enum.GetNames( m_switchType );
            return null;

      #region Constructors
      public SwitchRecord( string name, string description )
        Initialize( name, description );

      public SwitchRecord( string name, string description, System.Type type )
        if ( type == typeof(bool)   ||
            type == typeof(string) ||
            type == typeof(int)    ||
            type.IsEnum )
          m_switchType = type;
          Initialize( name, description );
          throw new ArgumentException("Currently only Ints, Bool and Strings are supported");

      #region Public Methods
      public void AddAlias( string alias )
        if ( m_Aliases == null )
          m_Aliases = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
        m_Aliases.Add( alias );


      public void Notify( object value )
        if ( m_PropertyOwner != null && m_SetMethod != null )
          object[] parameters = new object[1];
          parameters[0] = value;
          m_SetMethod.Invoke( m_PropertyOwner, parameters );
        m_value = value;

    #region Private Variables
    private string m_commandLine = "";
    private string m_workingString = "";
    private string m_applicationName = "";
    private string[] m_splitParameters = null;
    private System.Collections.ArrayList m_switches = null;

    #region Private Utility Functions
    private void ExtractApplicationName()
      Regex r = new Regex(@"((?:"")(?<commandLine>.+?)(?:"")|(?:')(?<commandLine>.+?)(?:')|(?<commandLine>\S+)) (?<remainder>.+)",
      Match m = r.Match(m_commandLine);      
      if ( m != null && m.Groups["commandLine"] != null )
        m_applicationName = m.Groups["commandLine"].Value;
        m_applicationName = m_applicationName.Trim();
        if(m_applicationName.Length > 0)
          if(m_applicationName[0]== '\'' || m_applicationName[0]== '"')
            m_applicationName = m_applicationName.Remove(0,1);
            m_applicationName = m_applicationName.Remove(m_applicationName.Length-1,1);
          m_applicationName = m_commandLine;
        m_workingString = m.Groups["remainder"].Value;

    private static readonly Regex splitParametersRegex = new Regex(@"((\s*(""(?<param>.+?)""|'(?<param>.+?)'|(?<param>\S+))))",
      RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.Compiled);
    private void SplitParameters()
      // Populate the split parameters array with the remaining parameters.
      // Note that if quotes are used, the quotes are removed.
      // e.g.   one two three "four five six"
      //            0 - one
      //            1 - two
      //            2 - three
      //            3 - four five six
      // (e.g. 3 is not in quotes).
      MatchCollection m = splitParametersRegex.Matches( m_workingString );

      if ( m != null )
        m_splitParameters = new string[ m.Count ];
        for ( int i=0; i < m.Count; i++ )
          m_splitParameters[i] = m[i].Groups["param"].Value;

    private void HandleSwitches()
      if ( m_switches != null )
        foreach ( SwitchRecord s in m_switches )
          Regex r = new Regex( s.Pattern,
            | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );
          MatchCollection m = r.Matches( m_workingString );
          if ( m != null )
            for ( int i=0; i < m.Count; i++ )
              string value = null;
              if ( m[i].Groups != null && m[i].Groups["value"] != null )
                value = m[i].Groups["value"].Value;

              if ( s.Type == typeof(bool))
                bool state = true;
                // The value string may indicate what value we want.
                if ( m[i].Groups != null && m[i].Groups["value"] != null )
                  switch ( value )
                    case "+": state = true;
                    case "-": state = false;
                    case "":  if ( s.ReadValue != null )
                             state = !(bool)s.ReadValue;
                    default:  break;
                s.Notify( state );
              else if ( s.Type == typeof(string) )
                s.Notify( value );
              else if ( s.Type == typeof(int) )
                s.Notify( int.Parse( value ) );
              else if ( s.Type.IsEnum )
                s.Notify( System.Enum.Parse(s.Type,value,true) );

          m_workingString = r.Replace(m_workingString, " ");


    #region Public Properties
    public string ApplicationName 
      get { return m_applicationName; }

    public string[] Parameters 
      get { return m_splitParameters; }

    public SwitchInfo[] Switches 
        if ( m_switches == null )
          return null;
          SwitchInfo[] si = new SwitchInfo[ m_switches.Count ];
          for ( int i=0; i<m_switches.Count; i++ )
            si[i] = new SwitchInfo( m_switches[i] );
          return si;

    public object this[string name] 
        if ( m_switches != null )
          for ( int i=0; i<m_switches.Count; i++ )
            if ( string.Compare( (m_switches[i] as SwitchRecord).Name, name, true )==0 )
              return (m_switches[i] as SwitchRecord).Value;
        return null;

    private static readonly Regex switchPatternRegex = new Regex( @"(\s|^)(?<match>(-{1,2}|/)(.+?))(?=(\s|$))",
      | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
    /// <summary>This function returns a list of the unhandled switches
    /// that the parser has seen, but not processed.</summary>
    /// <remark>The unhandled switches are not removed from the remainder
    /// of the command-line.</remark>
    public string[] UnhandledSwitches 
        MatchCollection m = switchPatternRegex.Matches( m_workingString );

        if ( m != null )
          string[] unhandled = new string[ m.Count ];
          for ( int i=0; i < m.Count; i++ )
            unhandled[i] = m[i].Groups["match"].Value;
          return unhandled;
          return null;

    #region Public Methods
    public void AddSwitch( string name, string description )
      if ( m_switches == null )
        m_switches = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

      SwitchRecord rec = new SwitchRecord( name, description );
      m_switches.Add( rec );

    public void AddSwitch( string[] names, string description )
      if ( m_switches == null )
        m_switches = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
      SwitchRecord rec = new SwitchRecord( names[0], description );
      for ( int s=1; s<names.Length; s++ )
        rec.AddAlias( names[s] );
      m_switches.Add( rec );

    public bool Parse()

      // Remove switches and associated info.

      // Split parameters.

      return true;

    public string GetHelpText()
      System.Text.StringBuilder message = new System.Text.StringBuilder("");
      message.Append( this.ApplicationName + " ");
      foreach(Parser.SwitchInfo switchInfo in this.Switches)
        message.Append( "[/" );
        if(switchInfo.Aliases != null)
        message.Append( switchInfo.Name);
        if(switchInfo.Aliases != null)
          foreach(string alias in switchInfo.Aliases)
            message.Append( "|" + alias);
          message.Append( ":" + string.Join("|", Enum.GetNames(switchInfo.Type)));        
        message.Append( "] ");

      foreach(Parser.SwitchInfo switchInfo in this.Switches)
        message.AppendFormat("\t/{0,-17}-{1}\n", switchInfo.Name, switchInfo.Description);
        if(switchInfo.Aliases != null)
          message.AppendFormat("{0,-30}Aliases: ", "");
          message.Append(string.Join(", ", switchInfo.Aliases));
      return message.ToString();
    public object InternalValue(string name)
      if ( m_switches != null )
        for ( int i=0; i<m_switches.Count; i++ )
          if ( string.Compare( (m_switches[i] as SwitchRecord).Name, name, true )==0 )
            return (m_switches[i] as SwitchRecord).InternalValue;
      return null;

    #region Constructors
    public Parser( string commandLine )
      m_commandLine = commandLine;

    public Parser( string commandLine,
              object classForAutoAttributes )
      m_commandLine = commandLine;

      Type type = classForAutoAttributes.GetType();
      System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] members = type.GetMembers();

      for(int i=0; i<members.Length; i++)
        object[] attributes = members[i].GetCustomAttributes(false);
        if(attributes.Length > 0)
          SwitchRecord rec = null;

          foreach ( Attribute attribute in attributes )
            if ( attribute is CommandLineSwitchAttribute )
              CommandLineSwitchAttribute switchAttrib =
                (CommandLineSwitchAttribute) attribute;

              // Get the property information.  We're only handling
              // properties at the moment!
              if ( members[i] is System.Reflection.PropertyInfo )
                System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi = (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo) members[i];

                rec = new SwitchRecord( switchAttrib.Name,
                                pi.PropertyType );

                // Map in the Get/Set methods.
                rec.SetMethod = pi.GetSetMethod();
                rec.GetMethod = pi.GetGetMethod();
                rec.PropertyOwner = classForAutoAttributes;

                // Can only handle a single switch for each property
                // (otherwise the parsing of aliases gets silly...)

          // See if any aliases are required.  We can only do this after
          // a switch has been registered and the framework doesn't make
          // any guarantees about the order of attributes, so we have to
          // walk the collection a second time.
          if ( rec != null )
            foreach ( Attribute attribute in attributes )
              if ( attribute is CommandLineAliasAttribute )
                CommandLineAliasAttribute aliasAttrib =
                  (CommandLineAliasAttribute) attribute;
                rec.AddAlias( aliasAttrib.Alias );

          // Assuming we have a switch record (that may or may not have
          // aliases), add it to the collection of switches.
          if ( rec != null )
            if ( m_switches == null )
              m_switches = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
            m_switches.Add( rec );
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