IntegrationQueue.cs :  » Build-Systems » CruiseControl.NET » ThoughtWorks » CruiseControl » Core » Queues » C# / CSharp Open Source

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CruiseControl.NET » ThoughtWorks » CruiseControl » Core » Queues » IntegrationQueue.cs

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.Config;
using ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.Util;
using ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Remote;
using System.Threading;

namespace ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.Queues{
  /// <summary>
  /// Implementation of a named integration queue.
  /// The currently integrating project in this queue will be at queue position zero.
  /// </summary>
  public class IntegrationQueue : ArrayList, IIntegrationQueue
        // TryLockInUse serialized to prevent two integration queues from
        // partially locking their LockQueues, running into each other, and
        // aborting; that could cause a functional deadlock.
        private static object blockingLockObject = new object();
        private readonly string name;
        private readonly IQueueConfiguration configuration;
        private readonly List<string> blockingQueueNames;
        private readonly IntegrationQueueSet parentQueueSet;
        private bool inUse = false;

        private static readonly object queueLockSync = new object();

    public IntegrationQueue(string name, IQueueConfiguration configuration, IntegrationQueueSet parentQueueSet)
    { = name;
            this.configuration = configuration;
            this.parentQueueSet = parentQueueSet;

            this.blockingQueueNames = new List<string>();

    public string Name
      get { return name; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Is this Queue locked by another (N) Queue(s)?
        /// </summary>
        public virtual bool IsBlocked
                lock (queueLockSync) 
                    return blockingQueueNames.Count != 0; 
        /// <summary>
        /// The configuration settings for this queue.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual IQueueConfiguration Configuration
            get { return configuration; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Add a project integration request be added to the integration queue.
    /// If no requests are on that queue already the integration is just kicked off immediately.
    /// If the request is a force build and an integration is already on the queue for that project
    /// then the queue request is ignored as it is redundant.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="integrationQueueItem">The integration queue item.</param>
    public void Enqueue(IIntegrationQueueItem integrationQueueItem)
      lock (this)
        if (Count == 0)
          // We can start integration straight away as first in first served
          // We need to see if we already have a integration request for this project on the queue
          // If so then we will ignore the latest request.
          // Note we start at queue position 1 since position 0 is currently integrating.

          int? foundIndex = null;
                    bool addItem = true;
                    IIntegrationQueueItem foundItem = null;

          for (int index = 1; index < Count; index++)
            IIntegrationQueueItem queuedItem = GetIntegrationQueueItem(index);
            if (queuedItem.Project == integrationQueueItem.Project)
                            foundItem = queuedItem;
                            foundIndex = index;


          if (foundIndex != null)
                        switch (configuration.HandlingMode)
                            case QueueDuplicateHandlingMode.UseFirst:
                                // Only use the first item in the queue - if a newer item is added it will be ignored
                                Log.Info(String.Format("Project: {0} already on queue: {1} - cancelling new request", integrationQueueItem.Project.Name, Name));
                                addItem = false;

                            case QueueDuplicateHandlingMode.ApplyForceBuildsReAdd:
                                // If a force build is added to the queue, it will remove an existing non-force build and add the new request to the end of the queue
                                if (foundItem.IntegrationRequest.BuildCondition >= integrationQueueItem.IntegrationRequest.BuildCondition)
                                    Log.Info(String.Format("Project: {0} already on queue: {1} - cancelling new request", integrationQueueItem.Project.Name, Name));
                                    addItem = false;
                                    Log.Info(String.Format("Project: {0} already on queue: {1} with lower prority - cancelling existing request", integrationQueueItem.Project.Name, Name));
                                    lock (this)
                                        NotifyExitingQueueAndRemoveItem(foundIndex.Value, foundItem, true);

                            case QueueDuplicateHandlingMode.ApplyForceBuildsReAddTop:
                                // If a force build is added to th queue, it will remove an existing non-force build and add the new request to the beginning of the queue
                                addItem = false;
                                if (foundItem.IntegrationRequest.BuildCondition >= integrationQueueItem.IntegrationRequest.BuildCondition)
                                    Log.Info(String.Format("Project: {0} already on queue: {1} - cancelling new request", integrationQueueItem.Project.Name, Name));
                                    Log.Info(String.Format("Project: {0} already on queue: {1} with lower prority - cancelling existing request", integrationQueueItem.Project.Name, Name));
                                    lock (this)
                                        NotifyExitingQueueAndRemoveItem(foundIndex.Value, foundItem, true);
                                        // Add project to the queue directly after the currently building one.
                                        AddToQueue(integrationQueueItem, 1);

                            case QueueDuplicateHandlingMode.ApplyForceBuildsReplace:
                                // If a force build is added to the queue, it will replace an existing non-forc build
                                addItem = false;
                                if (foundItem.IntegrationRequest.BuildCondition >= integrationQueueItem.IntegrationRequest.BuildCondition)
                                    Log.Info(String.Format("Project: {0} already on queue: {1} - cancelling new request", integrationQueueItem.Project.Name, Name));
                                    Log.Info(String.Format("Project: {0} already on queue: {1} with lower prority - replacing existing request at position {2}", integrationQueueItem.Project.Name, Name, foundIndex));
                                    lock (this)
                                        NotifyExitingQueueAndRemoveItem(foundIndex.Value, foundItem, true);
                                        AddToQueue(integrationQueueItem, foundIndex);
                                throw new ConfigurationException("Unknown handling mode for duplicates: " + configuration.HandlingMode);

                    if (addItem)
                        lock (this)

    private IIntegrationQueueItem GetIntegrationQueueItem(int index)
      return this[index] as IIntegrationQueueItem;

    /// <summary>
    /// Releases the next integration request on the queue to start it's integration.
    /// </summary>
    public void Dequeue()
      lock (this)
        if (Count > 0)
          // The first item in the queue has now been integrated so discard it.
          IIntegrationQueueItem integrationQueueItem = (IIntegrationQueueItem) this[0];
          NotifyExitingQueueAndRemoveItem(0, integrationQueueItem, false);

    /// <summary>
    /// Removes a pending integration request (i.e. one that has not yet started) for this
    /// project from the queue if it is available.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="project">The project to have pending items removed from the queue.</param>
    public void RemovePendingRequest(IProject project)
      lock (this)
        bool considerFirstQueueItem = false;
        RemoveProjectItems(project, considerFirstQueueItem);

    /// <summary>
    /// Removes all queued integrations for this project. To be invoked when "stopping"
    /// a project.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="project">The project to be removed.</param>
    public void RemoveProject(IProject project)
      lock (this)
        bool considerFirstQueueItem = true;
        RemoveProjectItems(project, considerFirstQueueItem);

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns an array of the current queued integrations on the queue.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Array of current queued integrations on the queue.</returns>
    public IIntegrationQueueItem[] GetQueuedIntegrations()
      return (IIntegrationQueueItem[]) ToArray(typeof (IIntegrationQueueItem));

    public IntegrationRequest GetNextRequest(IProject project)
            lock (this)
                if (Count == 0) return null;

                if (IsBlocked) return null;

                IIntegrationQueueItem item = GetIntegrationQueueItem(0);

                if (item != null && item.Project == project)
                    return item.IntegrationRequest;

                return null;
    public bool HasItemOnQueue(IProject project)
      return HasItemOnQueue(project, /* pendingItemsOnly*/ false);
    public bool HasItemPendingOnQueue(IProject project)
      return HasItemOnQueue(project, /* pendingItemsOnly*/ true);

    private bool HasItemOnQueue(IProject project, bool pendingItemsOnly)
      lock (this)
        int startIndex = pendingItemsOnly ? 1 : 0;
        if (Count > startIndex)
          for  (int index = startIndex; index < Count; index++)
            IIntegrationQueueItem queuedIntegrationQueueItem = this[index] as IIntegrationQueueItem;
            if ((queuedIntegrationQueueItem != null) && (queuedIntegrationQueueItem.Project == project))
              return true;
        return false;

        private void AddToQueue(IIntegrationQueueItem integrationQueueItem)
            AddToQueue(integrationQueueItem, null);

    private void AddToQueue(IIntegrationQueueItem integrationQueueItem, int? queuePosition)
            if (!queuePosition.HasValue)
                queuePosition = GetPrioritisedQueuePosition(integrationQueueItem.Project.QueuePriority);
                Log.Info(string.Format("Project: '{0}' is added to queue: '{1}' in position {2}. Requestsource : {3} ({4})",
                                       integrationQueueItem.Project.Name, Name, queuePosition, integrationQueueItem.IntegrationRequest.Source,integrationQueueItem.IntegrationRequest.UserName));
      Insert(queuePosition.Value, integrationQueueItem);

    private int GetPrioritisedQueuePosition(int insertingItemPriority)
      // Assume the back of the queue will be where we insert it.
      int targetQueuePosition = Count;

      // Items with priority zero always get added to the end of the queue, as will anything if the
      // queue only has one item in it as we assume that item is integrating already and cannot be moved.
      if (insertingItemPriority != 0 && Count > 1)
        for (int index = 1; index < Count; index++)
          IIntegrationQueueItem queuedIntegrationQueueItem = this[index] as IIntegrationQueueItem;
          if (queuedIntegrationQueueItem != null)
            int compareQueuePosition = queuedIntegrationQueueItem.Project.QueuePriority;
            // If two items have the same priority it will be FIFO order for that priority
            if (compareQueuePosition == 0 || compareQueuePosition > insertingItemPriority)
              targetQueuePosition = index;
      return targetQueuePosition;

    private void RemoveProjectItems(IProject project, bool considerFirstQueueItem)
      // Note we are also potentially removing the item at index[0] as this method should
      // only be called when the thread performing the build has been stopped.
      int startQueueIndex = considerFirstQueueItem ? 0 : 1;
      for (int index = Count - 1; index >= startQueueIndex; index--)
        IIntegrationQueueItem integrationQueueItem = (IIntegrationQueueItem) this[index];
        if (integrationQueueItem.Project.Equals(project))
          Log.Info("Project: " + integrationQueueItem.Project.Name + " removed from queue: " + Name);
          bool isPendingItemCancelled = index > 0;
          NotifyExitingQueueAndRemoveItem(index, integrationQueueItem, isPendingItemCancelled);

    private void NotifyExitingQueueAndRemoveItem(int index, IIntegrationQueueItem integrationQueueItem, bool isPendingItemCancelled)

        private IEnumerable<IIntegrationQueue> LockQueues
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration.LockQueueNames) && parentQueueSet != null)
                    string[] queues = configuration.LockQueueNames.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    List<string> actualQueues = new List<string>(parentQueueSet.GetQueueNames());

                    for (int i = 0; i < queues.Length; i++)
                        string queueToLock = queues[i].Trim();
                        if (actualQueues.Contains(queueToLock))
                            yield return parentQueueSet[queueToLock];
                            Log.Warning(string.Format("Unknown queue found: '{0}'", queueToLock));

        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to acquire a lock on the queue to mark it as in-use.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lockObject">If locking the queue for use was
        /// successful (returned true), lockObject is an IDisposable that
        /// will discard the lock when disposed.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the queue is now marked as in-use, false if the
        /// queue could not be marked as in-use due to being blocked (or
        /// one of its lockqueues was in-use).</returns>
        public bool TryLock(out IDisposable lockObject)
            Log.Info(string.Format("Queue: '{0}' is attempting to be in-use, trying to lock related queues", Name));

            lockObject = null;
            lock (blockingLockObject)
                if (IsBlocked)
                    Log.Info(string.Format("Queue: '{0}' is locked and cannot be in-use", Name));
                    return false;

                IList<IIntegrationQueue> lockedQueues = new List<IIntegrationQueue>();
                bool failed = false;

                foreach (IIntegrationQueue queue in LockQueues)
                    if (queue.BlockQueue(this))
                        Log.Info(string.Format("Queue: '{0}' has acquired a lock against queue '{1}'", Name, queue.Name));
                        Log.Info(string.Format("Queue: '{0}' has FAILED to acquire a lock against queue '{1}'", Name, queue.Name));
                        failed = true;

                if (failed)
                    foreach (IIntegrationQueue queue in lockedQueues)
                        Log.Info(string.Format("Queue: '{0}' has released a lock against queue '{1}'", Name, queue.Name));
                        return false;

                lockObject = new LockHolder(this, lockedQueues);
                inUse = true;
                return true;

        private sealed class LockHolder : IDisposable
            private IntegrationQueue lockingQueue;
            private IList<IIntegrationQueue> lockedQueues;

            public LockHolder(IntegrationQueue lockingQueue, IList<IIntegrationQueue> lockedQueues)
                this.lockingQueue = lockingQueue;
                this.lockedQueues = lockedQueues;

            public void Dispose()
                foreach (IIntegrationQueue queue in lockedQueues)
                    Log.Info(string.Format("Queue: '{0}' has released a lock against queue '{1}'", lockingQueue.Name, queue.Name));
                lockingQueue.inUse = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Lock this queue, based upon a request from another queue.
        /// Acquires a fresh lock for the queue making the request (assuming none exists).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestingQueue">Queue requesting that a lock be taken out</param>
        public bool BlockQueue(IIntegrationQueue requestingQueue)
            if (inUse)
                return false;

            lock (queueLockSync)
                if (!blockingQueueNames.Contains(requestingQueue.Name))

            return true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Unlock this queue, based upon a request from another queue.
        /// Releases any locks currently held by the queue making the request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestingQueue">Queue requesting that a lock be released</param>
        public void UnblockQueue(IIntegrationQueue requestingQueue)
            lock (queueLockSync)
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