VssHistoryParserTest.cs :  » Build-Systems » CruiseControl.NET » ThoughtWorks » CruiseControl » UnitTests » Core » Sourcecontrol » C# / CSharp Open Source

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CruiseControl.NET » ThoughtWorks » CruiseControl » UnitTests » Core » Sourcecontrol » VssHistoryParserTest.cs
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using NUnit.Framework;
using ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core;
using ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.Sourcecontrol;

namespace ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.UnitTests.Core.Sourcecontrol{
  public class VssHistoryParserTest : CustomAssertion
    private VssHistoryParser parser;

    public void SetUp()
      parser = new VssHistoryParser(new VssLocale(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

    public void Parse()
      Modification[] mods = parser.Parse(VssMother.ContentReader, VssMother.OLDEST_ENTRY, VssMother.NEWEST_ENTRY);
      Assert.IsNotNull(mods, "mods should not be null");
      Assert.AreEqual(19, mods.Length);      

    public void ReadAllEntriesTest() 
      string[] entries = parser.ReadAllEntries(VssMother.ContentReader);
      Assert.AreEqual(24, entries.Length);

    public void IsEntryDelimiter()
      string line = "*****  cereal.txt  *****";
      Assert.IsTrue(parser.IsEntryDelimiter(line), "should recognize as delim");

      line = "*****************  Version 8   *****************";
      Assert.IsTrue(parser.IsEntryDelimiter(line), "should recognize as delim");

      line = "*****";
      Assert.IsTrue(parser.IsEntryDelimiter(line) == false, string.Format("should not recognize as delim '{0}'", line));

      line = "*****************  Version 4   *****************";
      Assert.IsTrue(parser.IsEntryDelimiter(line), "should recognize as delim");

    public void ParseCreatedModification()
      string entry = EntryWithSingleLineComment();
      Modification expected = new Modification();
      expected.Comment = "added subfolder";
      expected.UserName = "Admin";
      expected.ModifiedTime = new DateTime(2002, 9, 16, 14, 41, 0);
      expected.Type = "Created";
      expected.FileName = "[none]";
      expected.FolderName = "plant";

      Modification[] actual = parser.ParseModifications(makeArray(entry));
      Assert.IsNotNull(actual, "expected a mod");
      Assert.AreEqual(0, actual.Length, "created should not have produced a modification");

    public void ParseUsernameAndUSDate()
      Modification mod = new Modification();
      string line = "foo\r\nUser: Admin        Date:  9/16/02   Time:  2:40p\r\n";
      CheckInParser parser = new CheckInParser(line, new VssLocale(new CultureInfo("en-US")));
      string expectedUsername = "Admin";
      DateTime expectedDate = new DateTime(2002, 09, 16, 14, 40, 0);
      Assert.AreEqual(expectedUsername, mod.UserName);
      Assert.AreEqual(expectedDate, mod.ModifiedTime);

    public void ParseUsernameAndUKDate()
      Modification mod = new Modification();
      string line = "foo\r\nUser: Admin        Date:  16/9/02   Time:  22:40\r\n";
            CheckInParser myParser = new CheckInParser(line, new VssLocale(new CultureInfo("en-GB")));

      Assert.AreEqual("Admin", mod.UserName);
      Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2002, 9, 16, 22, 40, 0), mod.ModifiedTime);

    public void ShouldThrowCruiseControlExceptionShowingDateStringIfCannotParseDate()
      Modification mod = new Modification();
      string line = "foo\r\nUser: Admin        Date:  16/24/02   Time:  22:40\r\n";
            CheckInParser myParser = new CheckInParser(line, new VssLocale(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            Assert.That(delegate { myParser.ParseUsernameAndDate(mod); },

    public void ParseUsernameAndFRDate()
      Modification mod = new Modification();
      string line = "foo\r\nUtilisateur: Admin        Date:  2/06/04   Heure: 14:04\r\n";
            CheckInParser myParser = new CheckInParser(line, new VssLocale(new CultureInfo("fr-FR")));

      Assert.AreEqual("Admin", mod.UserName);
      Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2004,6,2,14,4,0), mod.ModifiedTime);

    /// <summary>
    /// Regression lock test for CCNET-251 - "VSS Parser Error with french environnment"
    /// At least in french (not in english), VSS adds an ascii char 160 before the colon, which messes up the parsing.
    /// </summary>
    public void ParseUsernameAndFRDateWithAsciiCode160()
      Modification mod = new Modification();
      string line = "*****  Tools.build  *****\r\nVersion 3\r\nUtilisateur\xA0: Thomas       Date\xA0: 15/11/04   Heure\xA0: 18:24\r\nArchiv dans $/Projets/Tools\r\nCommentaire: \r\n\r\n";
      CheckInParser parser = new CheckInParser(line, new VssLocale(new CultureInfo("fr-FR")));

      Assert.AreEqual("Thomas", mod.UserName);
      Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2004,11,15,18,24,0), mod.ModifiedTime);

    public void ParseUsernameAndDateWithPeriod() 
      //User: Gabriel.gilabert     Date:  5/08/03   Time:  4:06a
      Modification mod = new Modification();
      string line = "foo\r\nUser: Gabriel.gilabert     Date:  5/08/03   Time:  4:06a\r\n";
      CheckInParser parser = new CheckInParser(line, new VssLocale(new CultureInfo("en-US")));
      string expectedUsername = "Gabriel.gilabert";
      DateTime expectedDate = new DateTime(2003, 05, 08, 04, 06, 0);
      Assert.AreEqual(expectedUsername, mod.UserName);
      Assert.AreEqual(expectedDate, mod.ModifiedTime);
    public void ParseMultiWordUsername()
      Modification mod = new Modification();
      string line = "foo\r\nUser: Gabriel Gilabert     Date:  5/08/03   Time:  4:06a\r\n";
      CheckInParser parser = new CheckInParser(line, new VssLocale(new CultureInfo("en-US")));
      string expectedUsername = "Gabriel Gilabert";
      DateTime expectedDate = new DateTime(2003, 05, 08, 04, 06, 0);
      Assert.AreEqual(expectedUsername, mod.UserName);
      Assert.AreEqual(expectedDate, mod.ModifiedTime);

    public void ParseInvalidUsernameLine()
      string line = "foo\r\nbar\r\n";
            Assert.That(delegate { new CheckInParser(line, new VssLocale(new CultureInfo("en-US"))).ParseUsernameAndDate(new Modification()); },

    public void ParseFileName() 
      string fileName = "**** Im a file name.fi     ********\r\n jakfakjfnb  **** ** lkjnbfgakj ****";
      CheckInParser myParser = new CheckInParser(fileName, new VssLocale(new CultureInfo("en-US")));
            string actual = myParser.ParseFileName();
      Assert.AreEqual("Im a file name.fi", actual);

    public void ParseCheckedInFileAndFolder()
      string entry = @"*****  happyTheFile.txt  *****
Version 3
User: Admin        Date:  9/16/02   Time:  5:01p
Checked in $/you/want/folders/i/got/em
Comment: added fir to tree file, checked in recursively from project root";

      string expectedFile = "happyTheFile.txt";
      string expectedFolder = "$/you/want/folders/i/got/em";

      Modification mod = ParseAndAssertFilenameAndFolder(entry, expectedFile, expectedFolder);
      Assert.AreEqual("Admin", mod.UserName);
      Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2002, 9, 16, 17, 01, 0), mod.ModifiedTime);
      Assert.AreEqual("Checked in", mod.Type);
      Assert.AreEqual("added fir to tree file, checked in recursively from project root",mod.Comment);

    public void ParseCheckedInFileAndFolderInFrench()
      // change the parser culture for this test only
      parser = new VssHistoryParser(new VssLocale(new CultureInfo("fr-FR")));

      string entry = @"*****  happyTheFile.txt  *****
Version 16
Utilisateur: Admin        Date:  25/11/02   Heure: 17:32
Archiv dans $/you/want/folders/i/got/em
Commentaire: adding this file makes me so happy";

      string expectedFile = "happyTheFile.txt";
      string expectedFolder = "$/you/want/folders/i/got/em";

      Modification mod = ParseAndAssertFilenameAndFolder(entry, expectedFile, expectedFolder);
      Assert.AreEqual("Admin", mod.UserName);
      Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2002, 11, 25, 17, 32, 0), mod.ModifiedTime);
      Assert.AreEqual("Archiv dans", mod.Type);
      Assert.AreEqual("adding this file makes me so happy",mod.Comment);

    public void ParseCheckedInFileAndFolderWithHypenInFilename()
      string entry = @"*****  happy-The-File.txt  *****
Version 3
User: Admin        Date:  9/16/02   Time:  5:01p
Checked in $/you/want/folders/i/got/em
Comment: added fir to tree file, checked in recursively from project root";

      string expectedFile = "happy-The-File.txt";
      string expectedFolder = "$/you/want/folders/i/got/em";

      Modification mod = ParseAndAssertFilenameAndFolder(entry, expectedFile, expectedFolder);
      Assert.AreEqual("Admin", mod.UserName);
      Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2002, 9, 16, 17, 01, 0), mod.ModifiedTime);
      Assert.AreEqual("Checked in", mod.Type);
      Assert.AreEqual("added fir to tree file, checked in recursively from project root",mod.Comment);

    public void ParseFileAndFolderWithNoComment()
      string entry = @"*****  happyTheFile.txt  *****
Version 3
User: Admin        Date:  9/16/02   Time:  5:01p
Checked in $/you/want/folders/i/got/em

      Modification mod = ParseAndAssertFilenameAndFolder(entry, "happyTheFile.txt", "$/you/want/folders/i/got/em");
      Assert.AreEqual("Checked in", mod.Type);

    public void ParseFileAndFolder_addAtRoot()
      // note: this represents the entry after version line insertion 
      // (see _parser.InsertVersionLine)
      string entry = @"*****************  Version 2   *****************
Version 2
User: Admin        Date:  9/16/02   Time:  2:40p
happyTheFile.txt added
      string expectedFile = "happyTheFile.txt";
      string expectedFolder = "[projectRoot]";

      Modification mod = ParseAndAssertFilenameAndFolder(entry, expectedFile, expectedFolder);
      Assert.AreEqual("Admin", mod.UserName);
      Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2002, 9, 16, 14, 40, 0), mod.ModifiedTime);
      Assert.AreEqual("added", mod.Type);
      Assert.AreEqual(null, mod.Comment);
    public void ParseFileAndFolderIfFolderIsCalledAdded()
      string entry = @"*****  added  *****
Version 8
User: Admin        Date:  9/16/02   Time:  5:29p
happyTheFile.txt added
      string expectedFile = "happyTheFile.txt";
      string expectedFolder = "added";

      Modification mod = ParseAndAssertFilenameAndFolder(entry, expectedFile, expectedFolder);
      Assert.AreEqual("Admin", mod.UserName);
      Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2002, 9, 16, 17, 29, 0), mod.ModifiedTime);
      Assert.AreEqual("added", mod.Type);
      Assert.AreEqual(null, mod.Comment);

    public void ParseFileAndFolder_deleteFromSubfolder()
string entry = @"*****  iAmAFolder  *****
Version 8
User: Admin        Date:  9/16/02   Time:  5:29p
happyTheFile.txt deleted";

      string expectedFile = "happyTheFile.txt";
      string expectedFolder = "iAmAFolder";

      Modification mod = ParseAndAssertFilenameAndFolder(entry, expectedFile, expectedFolder);
      Assert.AreEqual("Admin", mod.UserName);
      Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2002, 9, 16, 17, 29, 0), mod.ModifiedTime);
      Assert.AreEqual("deleted", mod.Type);
      Assert.AreEqual(null, mod.Comment);

    private static string[] makeArray(params string[] entries) 
      return entries;

    private Modification ParseAndAssertFilenameAndFolder(
      string entry, string expectedFile, string expectedFolder)
      string[] entries = makeArray(entry);

      Modification[] mod = parser.ParseModifications(entries);
      Assert.AreEqual(1, mod.Length);
      Assert.AreEqual(expectedFile, mod[0].FileName);
      Assert.AreEqual(expectedFolder, mod[0].FolderName);

      return mod[0];

    public void ParseSingleLineComment()
      CheckInParser myParser = new CheckInParser(EntryWithSingleLineComment(), new VssLocale(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
      Modification mod = new Modification();
      Assert.AreEqual("added subfolder", mod.Comment);

    public void ParseMultiLineComment()
            CheckInParser myParser = new CheckInParser(EntryWithMultiLineComment(), new VssLocale(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
      Modification mod = new Modification();
      Assert.AreEqual(@"added subfolder
and then added a new line", mod.Comment);

    public void ParseEmptyComment()
            CheckInParser myParser = new CheckInParser(EntryWithEmptyComment(), new VssLocale(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
      Modification mod = new Modification();
      Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, mod.Comment);

    public void ParseEmptyLineComment()
            CheckInParser myParser = new CheckInParser(EntryWithEmptyCommentLine(), new VssLocale(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
      Modification mod = new Modification();
      Assert.AreEqual(null, mod.Comment);

    public void ParseNoComment()
            CheckInParser myParser = new CheckInParser(EntryWithNoCommentLine(), new VssLocale(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
      Modification mod = new Modification();
      Assert.AreEqual(null, mod.Comment);

    public void ParseNonCommentAtCommentLine()
            CheckInParser myParser = new CheckInParser(EntryWithNonCommentAtCommentLine(), new VssLocale(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
      Modification mod = new Modification();
      Assert.AreEqual(null, mod.Comment);
    [Test, Ignore("later")]
    public void ParseCheckedInFileAndFolderWithLineBreaks()
      string entry = @"*****  happyTheFile.txt  *****
Version 3
User: Admin        Date:  9/16/02   Time:  5:01p
Checked in $/you/want/" + '\n' + @"folders/i/got/em
Comment: added fir to tree file, checked in recursively from project root";

      string expectedFile = "happyTheFile.txt";
      string expectedFolder = "$/you/want/folders/i/got/em";

      Modification mod = ParseAndAssertFilenameAndFolder(entry, expectedFile, expectedFolder);
      Assert.AreEqual("Admin", mod.UserName);
      Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2002, 9, 16, 17, 01, 0), mod.ModifiedTime);
      Assert.AreEqual("Checked in", mod.Type);
      Assert.AreEqual("added fir to tree file, checked in recursively from project root",mod.Comment);

        public void ShouldBeAbleToCreateAllLocales()
            // Extend this list when new translations are added.  Each entry is
            // "ll" or "ll-CC" where "ll" is the two-character langage code (e.g.,
            // "en" for English) and "CC" is the two-character country code (e.g.,
            // "US" for the United States).  There must be a "VssLocale.ll.resx" file
            // or a "VssLocal.ll-CC.resx" file. Also include "en" for the default
            // English locale and "" for the invariate locale.
            string[] localeNames = {"", "de", "en", "es", "fr", "ja"};
            foreach (string localeName in localeNames)
                CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo(localeName);
                VssLocale locale = new VssLocale(culture);
                Assert.IsNotNull(locale, "Locale for \"{0}\"", localeName);

    private static string EntryWithSingleLineComment()
            return @"*****  plant  *****
Version 1
User: Admin        Date:  9/16/02   Time:  2:41p
Comment: added subfolder";

    private static string EntryWithMultiLineComment()
      return @"*****  plant  *****
Version 1
User: Admin        Date:  9/16/02   Time:  2:41p
Comment: added subfolder
and then added a new line";

    private static string EntryWithEmptyComment()
return @"*****************  Version 1   *****************
User: Admin        Date:  9/16/02   Time:  2:29p


    private static string EntryWithEmptyCommentLine()
return @"*****************  Version 2   *****************
User: Admin        Date:  9/16/02   Time:  2:40p
jam.txt added


    private static string EntryWithNoCommentLine()
return @"*****************  Version 2   *****************
User: Admin        Date:  9/16/02   Time:  2:40p
jam.txt added";
    private static string EntryWithNonCommentAtCommentLine()
return @"*****************  Version 2   *****************
User: Admin        Date:  9/16/02   Time:  2:40p
jam.txt added
booya, grandma, booya";
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