using System;
using System.Collections;
using NMock.Constraints;
namespace ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.UnitTests.UnitTestUtils{
public class HashtableConstraint : IConstraint
private readonly Hashtable expected;
private string message = "";
public HashtableConstraint(Hashtable expected)
this.expected = expected;
public bool Eval(object val)
if (!(val is Hashtable))
message = "Expected Hashtable but was " + val.GetType().FullName;
return false;
Hashtable obtained = val as Hashtable;
if (expected.Keys.Count != obtained.Keys.Count)
message = string.Format("Expected {0} keys but found {1}", expected.Keys.Count, obtained.Keys.Count);
return false;
foreach (object expectedKey in expected.Keys)
if (!obtained.ContainsKey(expectedKey))
message = "Expected to contain key " + expectedKey;
return false;
if (expected[expectedKey] is IConstraint)
IConstraint ic = (IConstraint) expected[expectedKey];
bool constraint = ic.Eval(obtained[expectedKey]);
message = ic.Message;
return constraint;
if (expected[expectedKey] is Array)
ArrayConstraint ac = new ArrayConstraint((object[]) expected[expectedKey]);
bool constraint = ac.Eval(obtained[expectedKey]);
message = ac.Message;
return constraint;
if (!object.Equals(expected[expectedKey], obtained[expectedKey]))
message =
string.Format("Expected {0} to be {1} but was {2}", expectedKey, expected[expectedKey], obtained[expectedKey]);
return false;
return true;
public object ExtractActualValue(object actual)
return actual;
public string Message
get { return message; }