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// 32feet.NET - Personal Area Networking for .NET
// InTheHand.Net.Widcomm.WidcommSocketExceptions
// Copyright (c) 2008-2010 In The Hand Ltd, All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Alan J. McFarlane, All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the In The Hand Community License - see License.txt

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using InTheHand.Net.Sockets;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Factory;
using List_IBluetoothDeviceInfoSystem.Collections.Generic.ListInTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Factory.IBluetoothDeviceInfo;
using AR_InquiryInTheHand.Net.AsyncResultSystem.Collections.Generic.ListInTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Factory.IBluetoothDeviceInfo;
using System.Threading;

namespace InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Widcomm{
    internal sealed class WidcommBtInterface : IDisposable
        readonly WidcommBluetoothFactoryBase m_factory;
        readonly IBtIf m_btIf;
        // The Win32 Widcomm documentation says 'don't call back into the API on a
        // thread where the API raised a callback'.  So we have to detect this situation
        // and launch the API call on a new thread.
        //   This is apparently not the case on CE/WM,
        // and here they don't support ThreadStatic anyway.
        //   Note because this is ThreadStatic it obviously doesn't need thread-safe access.
#if !NETCF
        static int _InWidcommCallbackThreadCount;
        public static bool _IsWidcommSingleThread;
        static readonly LocalDataStoreSlot _slotIsWidcommSingleThread, _slotInWidcommCallbackThreadCount;

        static WidcommBtInterface()
            _slotIsWidcommSingleThread = Thread.AllocateNamedDataSlot("_IsWidcommSingleThread");
            _slotInWidcommCallbackThreadCount = Thread.AllocateNamedDataSlot("_InWidcommCallbackThreadCount");

        internal WidcommBtInterface(IBtIf btIf, WidcommBluetoothFactoryBase factory)
            m_factory = factory;
            bool created = false;
            try {
                m_btIf = btIf;
                // "An object of this class must be instantiated before any other DK classes are used"
                created = true;
            } finally {
                if (!created) { GC.SuppressFinalize(this); }

        void IDisposable.Dispose()


        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters", MessageId = "disposing")]
        void Dispose(bool disposing)

        object lockInquiry = new object();
        AR_Inquiry m_arInquiry;
        List_IBluetoothDeviceInfo m_inquiryDevices;
        List<AR_Inquiry> m_arInquiryFollowers;

        internal IAsyncResult BeginInquiry(int maxDevices, bool authenticated, bool remembered, bool unknown,
            TimeSpan inquiryLength,
            AsyncCallback asyncCallback, Object state)
            int fakeUseI = maxDevices;
            bool fackUseB = authenticated = remembered = unknown;
            AR_Inquiry ar;
            AR_Inquiry sacAr = null;
            List_IBluetoothDeviceInfo sacResult = null;
            lock (lockInquiry) {
                if (m_arInquiry != null) {
                    Debug.Fail("This use of multiple concurrent DiscoverDevices calls on Widcomm is COMPLETELY untested!");
                    // Just give any new request the same results as the outstanding Inquiry.
                    ar = new AR_Inquiry(asyncCallback, state);
                    if (m_arInquiry.IsCompleted) {
                        // This can never occur (is nulled before SAC'd), but leave in anyway...
                        sacAr = ar;
                        sacResult = m_inquiryDevices;
                    } else {
                        if (m_arInquiryFollowers == null)
                            m_arInquiryFollowers = new List<AR_Inquiry>();
                } else { // New inquiry process.
                    ar = new AR_Inquiry(asyncCallback, state);
                    m_arInquiry = ar;
                    m_arInquiryFollowers = null;
                    m_inquiryDevices = new List_IBluetoothDeviceInfo();
                    bool siSuccess=false;
                    try {
                        siSuccess = true;
                    } finally {
                        if (!siSuccess) { m_arInquiry = null; }
                    if (inquiryLength.CompareTo(TimeSpan.Zero) > 0) {
                            new InquiryTimeoutParams(ar, inquiryLength));
            if (sacAr != null) {
                sacAr.SetAsCompleted(sacResult, true);
            return ar;

        private void StartInquiry() // We are inside the lock.
            // TO-DO Need to use the InquiryLength property and then return whatever devices 
            // we've got by that point.
            bool success = m_btIf.StartInquiry();
            if (!success)
                throw WidcommSocketExceptions.Create_StartInquiry("StartInquiry");

        internal void HandleDeviceResponded(byte[] bdAddr, byte[] devClass,
            byte[] deviceName, bool connected)
            lock (lockInquiry) {
                WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("HDR: {0} {1} {2} {3}",
                    ToStringQuotedOrNull(bdAddr), ToStringQuotedOrNull(devClass),
                    ToStringQuotedOrNull(deviceName), connected);
                if (m_inquiryDevices == null) {
                    Debug.Assert(TestUtilities.IsUnderTestHarness(), "HandleDeviceResponded without DD i.e. m_inquiryDevices == null.");
                    goto exit;
                IBluetoothDeviceInfo bdi = WidcommBluetoothDeviceInfo.CreateFromHandleDeviceResponded(
                    bdAddr, deviceName, devClass, connected, m_factory);
                int idx = BluetoothDeviceInfo.ListIndexOf(m_inquiryDevices, bdi);
                AssertManualExistsIf(idx, m_inquiryDevices, bdi);
                if (idx == -1) {
                } else {
                    // Check the new info versus the previously discovered device.
                    IBluetoothDeviceInfo bdiOld = m_inquiryDevices[idx];
                    Debug.Assert(deviceName != null);
                    Debug.Assert(deviceName.Length != 0);
                    // Replace
                    m_inquiryDevices[idx] = bdi;
            WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("exit HDR");

        private void AssertManualExistsIf(int index, List_IBluetoothDeviceInfo list, IBluetoothDeviceInfo item)
            bool found = false;
            foreach (IBluetoothDeviceInfo cur in list) {
                if (cur.DeviceAddress == item.DeviceAddress)
                    found = true;
            Debug.Assert(found == (index != -1), "manual found != list->object found");

        private static string ToStringQuotedOrNull(byte[] array)
            if (array == null)
                return "(null)";
                return "\"" + BitConverter.ToString(array) + "\"";

        internal void HandleInquiryComplete(bool success, UInt16 numResponses)
            HandleInquiryComplete_Internal(success, numResponses);
            WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("exit HandleInquiryComplete");

        internal void HandleInquiryComplete_Internal(bool success, UInt16 numResponses)
            AR_Inquiry sacAr;
            List<AR_Inquiry> sacArFollowers = null;
            List_IBluetoothDeviceInfo sacResult;
            lock (lockInquiry) {
                sacAr = m_arInquiry;
                sacResult = m_inquiryDevices;
                m_arInquiry = null;
                if (m_arInquiryFollowers != null) {
                    sacArFollowers = m_arInquiryFollowers;
                    m_arInquiryFollowers = null;
            WaitCallback dlgt = delegate {
                RaiseInquiryComplete(sacAr, sacResult, sacArFollowers);

        static void RaiseInquiryComplete(AR_Inquiry sacAr,
            List_IBluetoothDeviceInfo sacResult, List<AR_Inquiry> sacArFollowers)
            if (sacAr != null) {
                sacAr.SetAsCompleted(sacResult, false);
                if (sacArFollowers != null) {
                    foreach (AR_Inquiry ar in sacArFollowers)
                        ar.SetAsCompleted(sacResult, false);

        internal List_IBluetoothDeviceInfo EndInquiry(IAsyncResult ar)
            // (Can't lock here as that would block the callback methods).
            // Check is one of queued ar.  However this function is only called from 
            // inside BluetoothClient.DiscoverDevices so we can be less careful/helpful!!
            AR_Inquiry ar2 = (AR_Inquiry)ar;
            return ar2.EndInvoke();

        struct InquiryTimeoutParams
            internal readonly IAsyncResult _ar;
            internal readonly TimeSpan _InquiryLength;

            public InquiryTimeoutParams(AR_Inquiry ar, TimeSpan inquiryLength)
                _ar = ar;
                _InquiryLength = inquiryLength;

            /// <summary>
            /// Get timeout value in Int32 milliseconds,
            /// as NETCF <c>WaitHandle.WaitOne</c> can't use TimeSpan.
            /// </summary>
            /// -
            /// <returns>An Int32 containing the timeout value in milliseconds.
            /// </returns>
            internal int InquiryLengthAsMiliseconds()
                double ms0 = this._InquiryLength.TotalMilliseconds;
                int ms = checked((int)ms0);
                return ms;

        void _InquiryTimeoutRunner(object state)
            InquiryTimeoutParams args = (InquiryTimeoutParams)state;
            bool completed = args._ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(args.InquiryLengthAsMiliseconds(), false);
            if (completed)
            lock (lockInquiry) {
                if (args._ar.IsCompleted) // It won the race to enter the lock.
                object arDD = m_arInquiry;
                // TO-DO What if its in the 'followers' list.
                if (arDD == null) // etc
                if (arDD != args._ar)
                HandleInquiryComplete_Internal(false, unchecked((ushort)-1));
                WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("Cancelling Inquiry due to timeout.");
                Debug.Assert(m_arInquiry == null, "NOT m_arInquiry==null after (timed-out) completion.");

        const int MaxNumberSdpRecords = 10;
        object lockServiceDiscovery = new object();
        AsyncResult<ISdpDiscoveryRecordsBuffer, ServiceDiscoveryParams> m_arServiceDiscovery;

        public IAsyncResult BeginServiceDiscovery(BluetoothAddress address, Guid serviceGuid, SdpSearchScope searchScope,
            AsyncCallback asyncCallback, Object state)
            // Just in case the user modifies the original address!!!
            BluetoothAddress addr2 = (BluetoothAddress)address.Clone();
            AsyncResult<ISdpDiscoveryRecordsBuffer, ServiceDiscoveryParams> ar
                = new AsyncResult<ISdpDiscoveryRecordsBuffer, ServiceDiscoveryParams>(asyncCallback, state,
                    new ServiceDiscoveryParams(addr2, serviceGuid, searchScope));
            lock (lockServiceDiscovery) {
                if (m_arServiceDiscovery != null)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Currently support only one concurrent Service Lookup operation.");
                bool success = false;
                try {
                    m_arServiceDiscovery = ar;
                    bool ret = m_btIf.StartDiscovery(addr2, serviceGuid);
                    if (!ret) {
                        WBtRc ee = GetExtendedError();
                        throw WidcommSocketExceptions.Create_StartDiscovery(ee);
                    success = true;
                } finally {
                    if (!success)
                        m_arServiceDiscovery = null;
            return ar;

        public ISdpDiscoveryRecordsBuffer EndServiceDiscovery(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
            AsyncResult<ISdpDiscoveryRecordsBuffer, ServiceDiscoveryParams> checkTypeMatches = m_arServiceDiscovery;
            AsyncResult<ISdpDiscoveryRecordsBuffer, ServiceDiscoveryParams> ar2
                = (AsyncResult<ISdpDiscoveryRecordsBuffer, ServiceDiscoveryParams>)asyncResult;
            return ar2.EndInvoke();

        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes", Justification = "will rethrow")]
        internal void HandleDiscoveryComplete()
            AsyncResult<ISdpDiscoveryRecordsBuffer, ServiceDiscoveryParams> sacAr = null;
            ISdpDiscoveryRecordsBuffer recBuf = null;
            Exception sacEx = null;
            try {
                lock (lockServiceDiscovery) {
                    Debug.Assert(m_arServiceDiscovery != null, "NOT m_arServiceDiscovery != null");
                    if (m_arServiceDiscovery == null) { return; } // Nothing we can do then!
                    sacAr = m_arServiceDiscovery;
                    m_arServiceDiscovery = null;
                    BluetoothAddress addr;
                    ushort numRecords0;
                    DISCOVERY_RESULT result = m_btIf.GetLastDiscoveryResult(out addr, out numRecords0);
                    if (result != DISCOVERY_RESULT.SUCCESS) {
                        sacEx = WidcommSocketExceptions.Create(result, "ServiceRecordsGetResult");
                    if (!addr.Equals(sacAr.BeginParameters.address)) {
                        sacEx = new InvalidOperationException("Internal error -- different DiscoveryComplete address.");
                    // Get the records
                    recBuf = m_btIf.ReadDiscoveryRecords(addr, MaxNumberSdpRecords,
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                sacEx = ex;
            } finally {
                Debug.Assert(sacAr != null, "out: NOT sacAr != null");
                Debug.Assert(m_arServiceDiscovery == null, "out: NOT m_arServiceDiscovery == null");
                WaitCallback dlgt = delegate {
                    RaiseDiscoveryComplete(sacAr, recBuf, sacEx);

        static void RaiseDiscoveryComplete(
            AsyncResult<ISdpDiscoveryRecordsBuffer,ServiceDiscoveryParams> sacAr,
            ISdpDiscoveryRecordsBuffer recBuf, Exception sacEx)
            if (sacAr != null) { // will always be true!
                if (sacEx != null) {
                    sacAr.SetAsCompleted(sacEx, false);
                } else {
                    sacAr.SetAsCompleted(recBuf, false);

        public List_IBluetoothDeviceInfo GetKnownRemoteDeviceEntries()
            List<REM_DEV_INFO> list = new List<REM_DEV_INFO>();
            REM_DEV_INFO info = new REM_DEV_INFO();
            int cb = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(REM_DEV_INFO));
            IntPtr pBuf = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cb);
            try {
                REM_DEV_INFO_RETURN_CODE ret = m_btIf.GetRemoteDeviceInfo(ref info, pBuf, cb);
                WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("GRDI: ret: {0}=0x{0:X}", ret);
                while (ret == REM_DEV_INFO_RETURN_CODE.SUCCESS) {
                    list.Add(info); // COPY it into the list
                    ret = m_btIf.GetNextRemoteDeviceInfo(ref info, pBuf, cb);
                    WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("GnRDI: ret: {0}=0x{0:X}", ret);
                if (ret != REM_DEV_INFO_RETURN_CODE.EOF)
                    throw WidcommSocketExceptions.Create(ret, "Get[Next]RemoteDeviceInfo");
                List_IBluetoothDeviceInfo bdiList = new List_IBluetoothDeviceInfo(list.Count);
                foreach (REM_DEV_INFO cur in list) {
                    IBluetoothDeviceInfo bdi = WidcommBluetoothDeviceInfo.CreateFromStoredRemoteDeviceInfo(cur, m_factory);
                return bdiList;
            } finally {

        const string DevicesRegPath = @"Software\WIDCOMM\BTConfig\Devices\"; // "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\..."

        public List_IBluetoothDeviceInfo ReadKnownDevicesFromRegistry()
            // Multiple keys, one per device, named with address e.g. 00:11:22:33:44:55
            // Each with values: BRCMStack DWORD, Code DWORD, DevClass DWORD, etc etc
            List_IBluetoothDeviceInfo devices = new List_IBluetoothDeviceInfo();
            using (RegistryKey rkDevices = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(DevicesRegPath)) {
                if (rkDevices == null) {
                    // The Registry key is created when the first device is stored, 
                    // so on a new device it doesn't exist. So return an empty list.
                    return devices;
                    // IOException is what GetValueKind throws.
                    //throw new System.IO.IOException("Widcomm 'Devices' key not found in the Registry.");
                foreach (string itemName in rkDevices.GetSubKeyNames()) {
                    using (RegistryKey rkItem = rkDevices.OpenSubKey(itemName)) {
                        WidcommBluetoothDeviceInfo bdi = ReadDeviceFromRegistryAndCheckAndSetIfPaired_(
                            itemName, rkItem, m_factory);
            return devices;

        private WidcommBluetoothDeviceInfo ReadDeviceFromRegistryAndCheckAndSetIfPaired_(
            string itemName, RegistryKey rkItem, WidcommBluetoothFactoryBase factory)
            BluetoothAddress address = BluetoothAddress.Parse(itemName);
            byte[] devName = Registry_ReadBinaryValue(rkItem, "Name");
            byte[] devClass = Registry_ReadBinaryValue(rkItem, "DevClass");
            Int32? trusted = Registry_ReadDwordValue_Optional(rkItem, "TrustedMask");
            WidcommBluetoothDeviceInfo bdi = CreateFromStoredRemoteDeviceInfo(address, devName, devClass, factory);
            WidcommBluetoothDeviceInfo.CheckAndSetIfPaired(bdi, factory);
            return bdi;

        internal WidcommBluetoothDeviceInfo ReadDeviceFromRegistryAndCheckAndSetIfPaired(BluetoothAddress address,
            WidcommBluetoothFactoryBase factory)
            using (RegistryKey rkDevices = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(DevicesRegPath)) {
                if (rkDevices == null) {
                    // The Registry key is created when the first device is stored, 
                    // so on a new device it doesn't exist. So return an empty list.
                    return null;
                string itemName = address.ToString("C");
                using (RegistryKey rkItem = rkDevices.OpenSubKey(itemName)) {
                    if (rkItem == null) {
                        return null;
                    WidcommBluetoothDeviceInfo bdi = ReadDeviceFromRegistryAndCheckAndSetIfPaired_(itemName, rkItem, factory);
                    return bdi;

        private static WidcommBluetoothDeviceInfo CreateFromStoredRemoteDeviceInfo(
            BluetoothAddress devAddress, byte[] devName, byte[] devClass,
            WidcommBluetoothFactoryBase factory)
            REM_DEV_INFO rdi = new REM_DEV_INFO();
            rdi.bda = WidcommUtils.FromBluetoothAddress(devAddress);
            rdi.bd_name = devName;
            rdi.dev_class = devClass;
            // rdi.b_connected = ...
            // rdi.b_paired = ...
            WidcommBluetoothDeviceInfo bdi = WidcommBluetoothDeviceInfo.CreateFromStoredRemoteDeviceInfo(rdi, factory);
            string nameStr = bdi.DeviceName;
            Debug.Assert(nameStr.Length == 0 || nameStr[nameStr.Length - 1] != 0, "null terminator!!");
            int idxDbg;
            Debug.Assert((idxDbg = nameStr.IndexOf((char)0)) == -1, "null terminator!! at: " + idxDbg);
            return bdi;

        private static byte[] Registry_ReadBinaryValue(RegistryKey rkItem, string name)
            Registry_CheckIsKind(rkItem, name, RegistryValueKind.Binary);
            byte[] raw = (byte[])rkItem.GetValue(name);
            return raw;

        private static Int32? Registry_ReadDwordValue_Optional(RegistryKey rkItem, string name)
            object val = rkItem.GetValue(name);
            if (val == null)
                return null;
            Registry_CheckIsKind(rkItem, name, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
            return (Int32)val;

        private static void Registry_CheckIsKind(RegistryKey rkItem, string name, RegistryValueKind expectedKind)
            if (PlatformVerification.IsMonoRuntime) {
                WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("Skipping Registry_CheckIsKind check on Mono as it's not supported.");
            RegistryValueKind kind = rkItem.GetValueKind(name);
            if (kind != expectedKind) {
                string msg = string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                    "Expected '{0}':'{1}', to be '{2}' but was '{3}'.",
                    rkItem.Name, name, expectedKind, kind);
                throw new FormatException(msg);

        internal bool GetLocalDeviceVersionInfo(ref DEV_VER_INFO m_dvi)
            return m_btIf.GetLocalDeviceVersionInfo(ref m_dvi);

        internal bool GetLocalDeviceInfoBdAddr(byte[] bdAddr)
            return m_btIf.GetLocalDeviceInfoBdAddr(bdAddr);

        internal bool GetLocalDeviceName(byte[] bdName)
            return m_btIf.GetLocalDeviceName(bdName);

        internal void IsStackUpAndRadioReady(out bool stackServerUp, out bool deviceReady)
            m_btIf.IsStackUpAndRadioReady(out stackServerUp, out deviceReady);

        internal void IsDeviceConnectableDiscoverable(out bool conno, out bool disco)
            m_btIf.IsDeviceConnectableDiscoverable(out conno, out disco);

        internal void SetDeviceConnectableDiscoverable(bool connectable, bool forPairedOnly, bool discoverable)
            m_btIf.SetDeviceConnectableDiscoverable(connectable, forPairedOnly, discoverable);

        internal int GetRssi(byte[] bd_addr)
            return m_btIf.GetRssi(bd_addr);

        internal bool BondQuery(byte[] bd_addr)
            return m_btIf.BondQuery(bd_addr);

        internal BOND_RETURN_CODE Bond(BluetoothAddress address, string passphrase)
            return m_btIf.Bond(address, passphrase);

        internal bool UnBond(BluetoothAddress address)
            return m_btIf.UnBond(address);

        /// <summary>
        /// Call CBtIf::GetExtendedError.
        /// </summary>
        /// -
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>Is not currently used anywhere...
        /// </para>
        /// <para>Not supported on Widcomm WCE WM/WinCE, we (natively) return -1.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// -
        /// <returns>A <see cref="T:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Widcomm.WBtRc"/> value.</returns>
        private WBtRc GetExtendedError()
            return m_btIf.GetExtendedError();

        /// <summary>
        /// CBtIf::IsRemoteDevicePresent
        /// </summary>
        /// -
        /// <remarks>
        /// <note>"added BTW and SDK"</note>
        /// <note>"added BTW-CE and SDK"</note>
        /// </remarks>
        internal SDK_RETURN_CODE IsRemoteDevicePresent(byte[] bd_addr)
            return m_btIf.IsRemoteDevicePresent(bd_addr);

        /// <summary>
        /// CBtIf::IsRemoteDeviceConnected
        /// </summary>
        /// -
        /// <remarks>
        /// <note>"added BTW, SDK 5.0"</note>
        /// <note>"added BTW-CE and SDK"</note>
        /// </remarks>
        internal bool IsRemoteDeviceConnected(byte[] bd_addr)
            return m_btIf.IsRemoteDeviceConnected(bd_addr);


        /// <summary>
        /// Mark that we're running on a thread provided from within the Widcomm API.
        /// </summary>
        /// -
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>These annotations should be added at the concrete level of the
        /// stack and not at the swappable interface level, i.e. not at WidcommRfcommPort
        /// but at WidcommRfcommStream.  That's a bit further from the native callback
        /// method but it means that we can test this area in unit-tests where we
        /// use mock IRfcommPort etc.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        internal static void EntryIsWidcommThread()
            //if (IsWidcommThread) { // DEBUG
            //} else { // DEBUG
#if !NETCF
            checked { ++_InWidcommCallbackThreadCount; }
            int v = GetStaticData<int>(_slotInWidcommCallbackThreadCount);
            checked { ++v; }
            Thread.SetData(_slotInWidcommCallbackThreadCount, v);

        internal static void ExitIsWidcommThread()
#if !NETCF
            checked { --_InWidcommCallbackThreadCount; }
            if (_InWidcommCallbackThreadCount < 0) {
                Debug.Fail("_InWidcommThreadCount exit became -ve: " + _InWidcommCallbackThreadCount);
                _InWidcommCallbackThreadCount = 0;
            int v = GetStaticData<int>(_slotInWidcommCallbackThreadCount);
            checked { --v; }
            if (v < 0) {
                Debug.Fail("_InWidcommThreadCount exit became -ve: " + v);
                v = 0;
            Thread.SetData(_slotInWidcommCallbackThreadCount, v);

        internal static bool IsWidcommCallbackThread
                return false;
#if !NETCF
                int c = _InWidcommCallbackThreadCount;
                int c = GetStaticData<int>(_slotInWidcommCallbackThreadCount);
                bool flag = (c > 0);
                Debug.Assert(c >= 0, "NEG _InWidcommThreadCount!! is: " + c);
                if (flag) {
                } else {
                    //WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("(NOT IsWidcommThread)");
                return flag;

        internal static void ReportIfWidcommThread(string name)
            if (!IsWidcommSingleThread) {
                WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("NOT {0} on our Widcomm SINGLE thread!", name);
            if (IsWidcommCallbackThread) {
                Debug.Assert(!IsWidcommSingleThread, "Does Widcomm use the main thread for callbacks!!??");
                WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("{0} on Widcomm callback thread!", name);
            if (IsWidcommSingleThread && IsWidcommCallbackThread) { // COVERAGE

        public static bool IsWidcommSingleThread
#if !NETCF
                return _IsWidcommSingleThread;
                bool v = GetStaticData<bool>(_slotIsWidcommSingleThread);
                return v;
#if !NETCF
                _IsWidcommSingleThread = value;
                Thread.SetData(_slotIsWidcommSingleThread, value);

        static T GetStaticData<T>(LocalDataStoreSlot slot) where T : struct
            object o = Thread.GetData(slot);
            T v = o == null ? default(T) : (T)o;
            return v;


    internal enum SdpSearchScope

    sealed class ServiceDiscoveryParams
        readonly internal BluetoothAddress address;
        readonly internal Guid serviceGuid;
        readonly internal SdpSearchScope searchScope;

        internal ServiceDiscoveryParams(BluetoothAddress address, Guid serviceGuid, SdpSearchScope searchScope)
            this.address = address;
            this.serviceGuid = serviceGuid;
            if (searchScope != SdpSearchScope.Anywhere
                    && searchScope != SdpSearchScope.ServiceClassOnly)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognized value for SdpSearchScope enum.", "searchScope");
            this.searchScope = searchScope;

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