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32feet.NET » InTheHand » Net » Bluetooth » Widcomm » WidcommSocketExceptions.cs
// 32feet.NET - Personal Area Networking for .NET
// InTheHand.Net.Widcomm.WidcommSocketExceptions
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 In The Hand Ltd, All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Alan J. McFarlane, All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the In The Hand Community License - see License.txt

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Sockets;
#if !NETCF
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Security.Permissions;

namespace InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Widcomm{
    internal static class WidcommSocketExceptions
        internal static SocketException Create(REM_DEV_INFO_RETURN_CODE err, string location)
            int errorCode = 10000;
            return new REM_DEV_INFO_RETURN_CODE_WidcommSocketException(errorCode, err, location);

        internal static SocketException Create(DISCOVERY_RESULT result, string location)
            return new DISCOVERY_RESULT_WidcommSocketException(SocketError_StartDiscovery_Failed, result, location);

        internal static SocketException Create(PORT_RETURN_CODE result, string location)
            return new PORT_RETURN_CODE_WidcommSocketException(SocketError_StartDiscovery_Failed, result, location);

        internal static SocketException Create_SDP_RETURN_CODE(SdpService.SDP_RETURN_CODE ret, string location)
            return new SDP_RETURN_CODE_WidcommSocketException(
                SocketError_Listener_SdpError, ret, location);

        internal static SocketException Create_NoResultCode(int errorCode, string location)
            return new NoResultCodeWidcommSocketException(errorCode, location);

        internal static SocketException Create_StartInquiry(string location)
            return Create_NoResultCode(SocketError_StartInquiry_Failed, location);

        internal static SocketException CreateConnectFailed(string location)
            return Create_NoResultCode(SocketError_ConnectFailed, location);

        internal static SocketException ConnectionIsPeerClosed()
            return Create_NoResultCode(SocketError_ConnectionClosed, "WidcommRfcommStream_Closed");

        internal static SocketException Create_StartDiscovery(WBtRc ee)
            return Create_NoResultCode(SocketError_StartDiscovery_Failed, "StartDiscoverySDP"
                + ((ee == unchecked((WBtRc)(-1)) /*|| ee == WBtRc.WBT_SUCCESS*/) ? string.Empty
                    : string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ", {0} = 0x{1:X}", ee, (uint)ee)));
#if WinXP
        //static SocketError ___err;
        const int SocketError_ConnectFailed = 10061; //ConnectionRefused = 10061,
        const int SocketError_SystemNotReady10091 = 10091;
        const int SocketError_VersionNotSupported10092 = 10092;
        const int SocketError_Fault10014 = 10014;
        internal const int SocketError_StartInquiry_Failed = SocketError_SystemNotReady10091;
        internal const int SocketError_SetSecurityLevel_Client_Fail = -1;
        internal const int SocketError_StartDiscovery_Failed = SocketError_VersionNotSupported10092;
        internal const int SocketError_NoSuchService = 10061;
        internal const int SocketError_ServiceNoneRfcommScn = 10061;
        internal const int SocketError_ConnectionClosed = 10057;
        const int SocketError_Listener_SdpError = SocketError_Fault10014;


    abstract class WidcommSocketException
        : SocketException
        readonly string m_location;

        protected WidcommSocketException(int errorCode, string location)
            : base(errorCode)
            m_location = location;

        public override string Message
                return /*base.Message
                    + "; " +*/ ErrorCodeAndDescription
                    + (m_location == null ? null : ("; " + m_location));
        protected abstract string ErrorCodeAndDescription { get;}

        #region Serializable
#if !NETCF
        private const string SzName_location = "_location";

        protected WidcommSocketException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            : base(info, context)
            m_location = info.GetString(SzName_location);

        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, SerializationFormatter=true)]
        public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            base.GetObjectData(info, context);
            info.AddValue(SzName_location, m_location);

    class NoResultCodeWidcommSocketException
        : WidcommSocketException
        internal NoResultCodeWidcommSocketException(int errorCode, string location)
            : base(errorCode, location)

        protected override string ErrorCodeAndDescription
            get { return null; }

        #region Serializable
#if !NETCF
        protected NoResultCodeWidcommSocketException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            : base(info, context)

    abstract class GenericReturnCodeWidcommSocketException<T>
        : WidcommSocketException
        where T : IConvertible // Really want a constraint of "enum", see SetEnum...
        protected readonly Int32 m_ret;  // MUST call SetEnum after setting this.
        protected string m_retName;

        internal GenericReturnCodeWidcommSocketException(int errorCode, T ret, string location)
            : base(errorCode, location)
            if (!typeof(T).IsEnum) { // Need to check the constraint at runtime. :-(
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Internal error -- The generic parameter must be an Enum type.");
            m_ret = ret.ToInt32(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        protected void SetEnum()
            // Would like to do: "m_retName = (T)m_ret;"  But that would need a 
            // constraint of "where T : enum" which isn't possible in C# (but is
            // in IL).  So have to do something else...
#if !NETCF
            m_retName = Enum.Format(typeof(T), m_ret, "G");
            object ee = Enum.Parse(typeof(T), m_ret.ToString(), false);
            m_retName = ee.ToString();

        protected override string ErrorCodeAndDescription
                return string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                    typeof(T).Name // e.g. PORT_RETURN_CODE
                    + "={0}=0x{1:X}", m_retName, m_ret);

        #region Serializable
#if !NETCF
        private const string SzName_ret = "_ret";
        protected GenericReturnCodeWidcommSocketException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            : base(info, context)
            m_ret = info.GetInt32(SzName_ret);

        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
        public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            base.GetObjectData(info, context);
            info.AddValue(SzName_ret, m_ret);

    // REPLACE XX four times
    class XX_WidcommSocketException
        : GenericReturnCodeWidcommSocketException<XX>
        internal XX_WidcommSocketException(int errorCode, XX ret, string location)
            : base(errorCode, ret, location)

        #region Serializable
#if !NETCF
        protected XX_WidcommSocketException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            : base(info, context)

    class REM_DEV_INFO_RETURN_CODE_WidcommSocketException
        : GenericReturnCodeWidcommSocketException<REM_DEV_INFO_RETURN_CODE>
        internal REM_DEV_INFO_RETURN_CODE_WidcommSocketException(int errorCode, REM_DEV_INFO_RETURN_CODE ret, string location)
            : base(errorCode, ret, location)

        #region Serializable
#if !NETCF
        protected REM_DEV_INFO_RETURN_CODE_WidcommSocketException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            : base(info, context)

    class PORT_RETURN_CODE_WidcommSocketException
        : GenericReturnCodeWidcommSocketException<PORT_RETURN_CODE>
        internal PORT_RETURN_CODE_WidcommSocketException(int errorCode, PORT_RETURN_CODE ret, string location)
            : base(errorCode, ret, location)

        #region Serializable
#if !NETCF
        protected PORT_RETURN_CODE_WidcommSocketException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            : base(info, context)

    class DISCOVERY_RESULT_WidcommSocketException
        : GenericReturnCodeWidcommSocketException<DISCOVERY_RESULT>
        internal DISCOVERY_RESULT_WidcommSocketException(int errorCode, DISCOVERY_RESULT ret, string location)
            : base(errorCode, ret, location)

        #region Serializable
#if !NETCF
        protected DISCOVERY_RESULT_WidcommSocketException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            : base(info, context)

    class SDP_RETURN_CODE_WidcommSocketException
        : GenericReturnCodeWidcommSocketException<SdpService.SDP_RETURN_CODE>
        internal SDP_RETURN_CODE_WidcommSocketException(int errorCode, SdpService.SDP_RETURN_CODE ret, string location)
            : base(errorCode, ret, location)

        #region Serializable
#if !NETCF
        protected SDP_RETURN_CODE_WidcommSocketException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            : base(info, context)

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