/// Author: Joe Audette
/// Created: 2008-07-05
/// Last Modified: 2009-06-25
/// The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
/// Common Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/cpl.php)
/// which can be found in the file CPL.TXT at the root of this distribution.
/// By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
/// the terms of this license.
/// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Globalization;
using mojoPortal.Business;
using mojoPortal.Business.Commerce;
using mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers.PaymentGateway;
using mojoPortal.Web;
using mojoPortal.Web.Framework;
using WebStore.Business;
using log4net;
namespace WebStore.Helpers{
public class WebStorePayPalPDTHandlerProvider : PayPalPDTHandlerProvider
private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(WebStorePayPalPDTHandlerProvider));
public const string ProviderName = "WebStorePayPalPDTHandlerProvider";
public override string HandleRequestAndReturnUrlForRedirect(
string rawResponse,
StringDictionary pdtItems,
string transactionId,
PayPalLog standardCheckoutLog)
string redirectUrl = string.Empty;
if (standardCheckoutLog.SerializedObject.Length == 0) { return redirectUrl; }
Cart cart = (Cart)SerializationHelper.DeserializeFromString(typeof(Cart), standardCheckoutLog.SerializedObject);
Store store = new Store(cart.StoreGuid);
bool debugPayPal = WebConfigSettings.DebugPayPal;
string firstName = string.Empty;
string lastName = string.Empty;
string paymentStatus = string.Empty;
string payerEmail = string.Empty;
string currencyUsed = string.Empty;
string paymentGross = string.Empty;
string payPalFee = string.Empty;
string payPalTax = string.Empty;
string payPalShipping = string.Empty;
string payPalSettlement = string.Empty;
string pendingReason = string.Empty;
string reasonCode = string.Empty;
string paymentType = string.Empty;
string customerAddress = string.Empty;
string customerCity = string.Empty;
string customerState = string.Empty;
string customerPostalCode = string.Empty;
string customerCountry = string.Empty;
string customerPhone = string.Empty;
string customerBusinessName = string.Empty;
string customerMemo = string.Empty;
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("first_name"))
firstName = pdtItems["first_name"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("last_name"))
lastName = pdtItems["last_name"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("payment_status"))
paymentStatus = pdtItems["payment_status"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("payer_email"))
payerEmail = pdtItems["payer_email"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("mc_gross"))
paymentGross = pdtItems["mc_gross"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("mc_fee"))
payPalFee = pdtItems["mc_fee"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("tax"))
payPalTax = pdtItems["tax"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("shipping"))
payPalShipping = pdtItems["shipping"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("mc_currency"))
currencyUsed = pdtItems["mc_currency"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("pending_reason"))
pendingReason = pdtItems["pending_reason"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("reason_code"))
reasonCode = pdtItems["reason_code"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("txn_type"))
paymentType = pdtItems["txn_type"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("settle_amount"))
payPalSettlement = pdtItems["settle_amount"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("address_street"))
customerAddress = pdtItems["address_street"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("address_city"))
customerCity = pdtItems["address_city"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("address_state"))
customerState = pdtItems["address_state"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("address_zip"))
customerPostalCode = pdtItems["address_zip"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("address_country"))
customerCountry = pdtItems["address_country"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("contact_phone"))
customerPhone = pdtItems["contact_phone"];
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("payer_business_name"))
customerBusinessName = pdtItems["payer_business_name"];
// TODO: we need to store this somewhere on the cart/order
// its the message the user enters in special instructions on paypal checkout
if (pdtItems.ContainsKey("memo"))
customerMemo = pdtItems["memo"];
//Regardless of the specified currency, the format will have decimal point
//with exactly two digits to the right and an optional thousands separator to the left,
//which must be a comma; for example, EUR 2.000,00 must be specified as 2000.00 or 2,000.00
// So we want to parse it with US Culture
CultureInfo currencyCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
//if (currencyUsed.Length > 0)
// currencyCulture = ResourceHelper.GetCurrencyCulture(currencyUsed);
// if (debugPayPal) { log.Info("PayPal currencyUsed was " + currencyUsed); }
// SiteSettings siteSettings = new SiteSettings(store.SiteGuid);
// //Currency currency = new Currency(store.DefaultCurrencyId);
// //currencyCulture = ResourceHelper.GetCurrencyCulture(currency.Code);
// Currency currency = siteSettings.GetCurrency();
// currencyCulture = ResourceHelper.GetCurrencyCulture(currency.Code);
// currencyUsed = currency.Code;
if (debugPayPal) { log.Info("PayPal rawResponse was " + rawResponse); }
if (debugPayPal) { log.Info("PayPal final currency culture was " + currencyUsed); }
decimal grossAmount = 0;
decimal.TryParse(paymentGross, NumberStyles.Currency, currencyCulture, out grossAmount);
decimal feeAmount = 0;
decimal.TryParse(payPalFee, NumberStyles.Currency, currencyCulture, out feeAmount);
decimal taxAmount = 0;
decimal.TryParse(payPalTax, NumberStyles.Currency, currencyCulture, out taxAmount);
decimal shippingAmount = 0;
decimal.TryParse(payPalShipping, NumberStyles.Currency, currencyCulture, out shippingAmount);
decimal settleAmount = 0;
decimal.TryParse(payPalSettlement, NumberStyles.Currency, currencyCulture, out settleAmount);
if (debugPayPal)
log.Info("PayPal paymentGross was " + paymentGross + " which was parsed as " + grossAmount.ToString());
log.Info("PayPal payPalFee was " + payPalFee + " which was parsed as " + feeAmount.ToString());
log.Info("PayPal payPalTax was " + payPalTax + " which was parsed as " + taxAmount.ToString());
log.Info("PayPal payPalShipping was " + payPalShipping + " which was parsed as " + shippingAmount.ToString());
log.Info("PayPal payPalSettlement was " + payPalSettlement + " which was parsed as " + settleAmount.ToString());
PayPalLog payPalLog = new PayPalLog();
payPalLog.PDTProviderName = standardCheckoutLog.PDTProviderName;
payPalLog.IPNProviderName = standardCheckoutLog.IPNProviderName;
payPalLog.ReturnUrl = standardCheckoutLog.ReturnUrl;
payPalLog.ProviderName = standardCheckoutLog.ProviderName;
payPalLog.SiteGuid = standardCheckoutLog.SiteGuid;
payPalLog.StoreGuid = standardCheckoutLog.StoreGuid;
payPalLog.UserGuid = standardCheckoutLog.UserGuid;
payPalLog.ApiVersion = standardCheckoutLog.ApiVersion;
payPalLog.CartGuid = standardCheckoutLog.CartGuid;
payPalLog.SerializedObject = standardCheckoutLog.SerializedObject;
payPalLog.CartTotal = standardCheckoutLog.CartTotal;
payPalLog.PayPalAmt = grossAmount;
payPalLog.FeeAmt = feeAmount;
if (settleAmount > 0)
payPalLog.SettleAmt = settleAmount;
payPalLog.SettleAmt = (grossAmount - feeAmount);
payPalLog.TaxAmt = taxAmount;
payPalLog.CurrencyCode = currencyUsed;
payPalLog.TransactionId = transactionId;
payPalLog.RawResponse = rawResponse;
payPalLog.Response = "PDTSuccess";
payPalLog.RequestType = "PDT";
payPalLog.PayerId = payerEmail;
payPalLog.PaymentType = paymentType;
payPalLog.PaymentStatus = paymentStatus;
payPalLog.PendingReason = pendingReason;
payPalLog.ReasonCode = reasonCode;
// see if this cart has already been proceesed
Order existingOrder = new Order(cart.CartGuid);
// order already exists
if (existingOrder.OrderGuid != Guid.Empty)
// lookup order status if needed make it fullfillable
// then redirect to order detail page
if (existingOrder.StatusGuid == OrderStatus.OrderStatusReceivedGuid)
if (paymentStatus == "Completed")
existingOrder.StatusGuid = OrderStatus.OrderStatusFulfillableGuid;
StoreHelper.ConfirmOrder(store, existingOrder);
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("error sending confirmation email", ex);
// this was set in Checkout.aspx and should return to order detail page
if (standardCheckoutLog.ReturnUrl.Length > 0)
redirectUrl = standardCheckoutLog.ReturnUrl;
payPalLog.ReasonCode = "existing order found";
return redirectUrl;
// if we get here the cart has not yet been processed into an order
Guid orderStatus;
if (paymentStatus == "Completed")
orderStatus = OrderStatus.OrderStatusFulfillableGuid;
orderStatus = OrderStatus.OrderStatusReceivedGuid;
// update the order with customer shipping info
cart.OrderInfo.DeliveryCompany = customerBusinessName;
cart.OrderInfo.DeliveryAddress1 = customerAddress;
cart.OrderInfo.DeliveryCity = customerCity;
cart.OrderInfo.DeliveryFirstName = firstName;
cart.OrderInfo.DeliveryLastName = lastName;
cart.OrderInfo.DeliveryPostalCode = customerPostalCode;
cart.OrderInfo.DeliveryState = customerState;
cart.OrderInfo.DeliveryCountry = customerCountry;
if (customerPhone.Length > 0)
cart.OrderInfo.CustomerTelephoneDay = customerPhone;
if (payerEmail.Length > 0)
cart.OrderInfo.CustomerEmail = payerEmail;
cart.TaxTotal = taxAmount;
cart.OrderTotal = grossAmount;
if (shippingAmount > 0)
cart.ShippingTotal = shippingAmount;
payPalLog.SerializedObject = SerializationHelper.SerializeToString(cart);
Order order = Order.CreateOrder(
if (standardCheckoutLog.ReturnUrl.Length > 0)
redirectUrl = standardCheckoutLog.ReturnUrl;
if (orderStatus == OrderStatus.OrderStatusFulfillableGuid)
StoreHelper.ConfirmOrder(store, order);
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("error sending confirmation email", ex);
return redirectUrl;