// Author: Joe Audette
// Created: 2008-12-11
// Last Modified: 2009-07-22
// The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
// Common Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/cpl.php)
// which can be found in the file CPL.TXT at the root of this distribution.
// By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
// the terms of this license.
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using log4net;
using mojoPortal.Business;
using mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers;
using WebStore.Business;
using mojoPortal.Web;
namespace WebStore.UI.Helpers{
/// <summary>
///Indexes the products into the search index.
/// </summary>
public class ProductSearchIndexBuilder : IndexBuilderProvider
private static readonly ILog log
= LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(ProductSearchIndexBuilder));
private const string tabScript = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" > var myTabs = new YAHOO.widget.TabView(\"productdetails\"); </script>";
/// <summary>
/// This method is called when the site index is rebuilt
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pageSettings"></param>
/// <param name="indexPath"></param>
public override void RebuildIndex(
PageSettings pageSettings,
string indexPath)
if (WebConfigSettings.DisableSearchIndex) { return; }
if (pageSettings == null)
if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
log.Error("pageSettings object passed to ProductSearchIndexBuilder.RebuildIndex was null");
//don't index pending/unpublished pages
if (pageSettings.IsPending) { return; }
log.Info("ProductSearchIndexBuilder indexing page - "
+ pageSettings.PageName);
Guid webStoreFeatureGuid = new Guid("0cefbf18-56de-11dc-8f36-bac755d89593");
ModuleDefinition webStoreFeature = new ModuleDefinition(webStoreFeatureGuid);
List<PageModule> pageModules
= PageModule.GetPageModulesByPage(pageSettings.PageId);
// adding a try catch here because this is invoked even for non-implemented db platforms and it causes an error
DataTable dataTable
= Product.GetBySitePage(
foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
IndexItem indexItem = new IndexItem();
indexItem.SiteId = pageSettings.SiteId;
indexItem.PageId = pageSettings.PageId;
indexItem.PageName = pageSettings.PageName;
indexItem.ViewRoles = pageSettings.AuthorizedRoles;
indexItem.ModuleViewRoles = row["ViewRoles"].ToString();
indexItem.FeatureId = webStoreFeatureGuid.ToString();
indexItem.FeatureName = webStoreFeature.FeatureName;
indexItem.FeatureResourceFile = webStoreFeature.ResourceFile;
indexItem.ItemKey = row["Guid"].ToString();
indexItem.ModuleId = Convert.ToInt32(row["ModuleID"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
indexItem.ModuleTitle = row["ModuleTitle"].ToString();
indexItem.Title = row["Name"].ToString();
indexItem.ViewPage = row["Url"].ToString().Replace("/", string.Empty);
if (indexItem.ViewPage.Length > 0)
indexItem.UseQueryStringParams = false;
indexItem.ViewPage = "WebStore/ProductDetail.aspx";
indexItem.PageMetaDescription = row["MetaDescription"].ToString();
indexItem.PageMetaKeywords = row["MetaKeywords"].ToString();
indexItem.Content = row["Abstract"].ToString()
+ " " + row["Description"].ToString()
+ " " + row["MetaDescription"].ToString()
+ " " + row["MetaKeywords"].ToString();
// lookup publish dates
foreach (PageModule pageModule in pageModules)
if (indexItem.ModuleId == pageModule.ModuleId)
indexItem.PublishBeginDate = pageModule.PublishBeginDate;
indexItem.PublishEndDate = pageModule.PublishEndDate;
IndexHelper.RebuildIndex(indexItem, indexPath);
if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.Debug("Indexed " + indexItem.Title);
catch { }
public override void ContentChangedHandler(
object sender,
ContentChangedEventArgs e)
if (WebConfigSettings.DisableSearchIndex) { return; }
if (sender == null) return;
if (!(sender is Product)) return;
Product product = sender as Product;
SiteSettings siteSettings = CacheHelper.GetCurrentSiteSettings();
product.SiteId = siteSettings.SiteId;
product.SearchIndexPath = IndexHelper.GetSearchIndexPath(siteSettings.SiteId);
if (e.IsDeleted)
Store store = new Store(product.StoreGuid);
// get list of pages where this module is published
List<PageModule> pageModules
= PageModule.GetPageModulesByModule(store.ModuleId);
foreach (PageModule pageModule in pageModules)
if (ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(IndexItem), product))
if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.Debug("ProductSearchIndexBuilder.IndexItem queued");
if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.Error("Failed to queue a thread for ProductSearchIndexBuilder.IndexItem");
private static void IndexItem(object o)
if (WebConfigSettings.DisableSearchIndex) { return; }
if (o == null) return;
if (!(o is Product)) return;
Product content = o as Product;
private static void IndexItem(Product product)
if (WebConfigSettings.DisableSearchIndex) { return; }
if (product == null)
if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
log.Error("product object passed to ProductSearchIndexBuilder.IndexItem was null");
Store store = new Store(product.StoreGuid);
Module module = new Module(store.ModuleId);
Guid webStoreFeatureGuid = new Guid("0cefbf18-56de-11dc-8f36-bac755d89593");
ModuleDefinition webStoreFeature = new ModuleDefinition(webStoreFeatureGuid);
//// get list of pages where this module is published
List<PageModule> pageModules
= PageModule.GetPageModulesByModule(store.ModuleId);
foreach (PageModule pageModule in pageModules)
PageSettings pageSettings
= new PageSettings(
//don't index pending/unpublished pages
if (pageSettings.IsPending) { continue; }
IndexItem indexItem = new IndexItem();
if (product.SearchIndexPath.Length > 0)
indexItem.IndexPath = product.SearchIndexPath;
indexItem.SiteId = product.SiteId;
indexItem.PageId = pageSettings.PageId;
indexItem.PageName = pageSettings.PageName;
indexItem.ViewRoles = pageSettings.AuthorizedRoles;
indexItem.ModuleViewRoles = module.ViewRoles;
if (product.Url.Length > 0)
indexItem.ViewPage = product.Url.Replace("~/", string.Empty);
indexItem.UseQueryStringParams = false;
indexItem.ViewPage = "/WebStore/ProductDetail.aspx";
indexItem.ItemKey = product.Guid.ToString();
indexItem.ModuleId = store.ModuleId;
indexItem.ModuleTitle = module.ModuleTitle;
indexItem.Title = product.Name;
indexItem.PageMetaDescription = product.MetaDescription;
indexItem.PageMetaKeywords = product.MetaKeywords;
= product.Teaser
+ " " + product.Description.Replace(tabScript, string.Empty)
+ " " + product.MetaDescription
+ " " + product.MetaKeywords;
indexItem.FeatureId = webStoreFeatureGuid.ToString();
indexItem.FeatureName = webStoreFeature.FeatureName;
indexItem.FeatureResourceFile = webStoreFeature.ResourceFile;
indexItem.PublishBeginDate = pageModule.PublishBeginDate;
indexItem.PublishEndDate = pageModule.PublishEndDate;
if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.Debug("Indexed " + product.Name);