using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Xml;
using umbraco;
using umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member;
namespace presentation.umbracoBase{
public class requestModule : IHttpModule
#region IHttpModule Members
public void Dispose()
throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
public void Init(HttpApplication httpApp)
httpApp.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(OnBeginRequest);
public void OnBeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication httpApp = (HttpApplication)sender;
//remove extension and split the url
object[] urlArray = httpApp.Context.Request.RawUrl.Replace(".aspx", "").Split('/');
if (urlArray[1].ToString() == "base")
//There has to be minimum 4 parts in the url for this to work... /base/library/method/[parameter].aspx
if (urlArray.Length >= 4)
string extensionAlias = urlArray[2].ToString();
string methodName = urlArray[3].ToString();
httpApp.Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
MyMethodStruct myMMS = getMethod(extensionAlias, methodName);
if (myMMS.isAllowed)
httpApp.Response.Output.Write(invokeMethod(myMMS, urlArray));
//Very static error msg...
httpApp.Response.Output.Write("<error>Extension not found or permission denied</error>");
//end the resposne
private string invokeMethod(MyMethodStruct myMethod, object[] paras)
//So method is either not found or not valid... this should probably be moved...
if (!myMethod.method.IsPublic || !myMethod.method.IsStatic)
return "<error>Method has to be public and static</error>";
else //And if it is lets continue trying to invoke it...
//lets check if we have parameters enough in the url..
if (myMethod.method.GetParameters().Length > (paras.Length - 4)) //Too few
return "<error>Not Enough parameters in url</error>";
//We have enough parameters... lets invoke..
//Create an instance of the type we need to invoke the method from.
Object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(myMethod.type);
Object response;
//umbracoBase.baseBinder bBinder = new baseBinder();
if (myMethod.method.GetParameters().Length == 0)
//response = myMethod.method.Invoke(obj, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, bBinder, null, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
response = myMethod.method.Invoke(obj, null); //Invoke with null as parameters as there are none
//We only need the parts of the url above the number 4 so we'll
//recast those to objects and add them to the object[]
//Getting the right lenght.. 4 is the magic number dum di dum..
object[] methodParams = new object[(paras.Length - 4)];
int i = 0;
foreach (ParameterInfo pInfo in myMethod.method.GetParameters())
Type myType = Type.GetType(pInfo.ParameterType.ToString());
methodParams[(i)] = Convert.ChangeType(paras[i + 4], myType);
//Invoke with methodParams
//response = myMethod.method.Invoke(obj, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, bBinder, methodParams, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
response = myMethod.method.Invoke(obj, methodParams);
if (response != null)
if (myMethod.method.ReturnType.ToString() == "System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator")
return ((System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator)response).Current.OuterXml;
string strResponse = ((string)response.ToString());
//do a quick "is this html?" check... if it is add CDATA...
if (strResponse.Contains("<") || strResponse.Contains(">"))
strResponse = "<![CDATA[" + strResponse + "]]>";
return "<value>" + strResponse + "</value>";
//Error msg...
return "<error>Null value returned</error>";
catch (Exception ex)
//Overall exception handling...
return "<error><![CDATA[MESSAGE:" + ex.Message + " STACKTRACE: " + ex.StackTrace + " ]]></error>";
private struct MyMethodStruct
public Type type;
public MethodInfo method;
public Assembly assembly;
public string alias;
public bool isAllowed;
private static MyMethodStruct getMethod(string extensionAlias, string methodName)
bool allowed = false;
XmlDocument baseDoc = new XmlDocument(); //RESTExtension document...
baseDoc.Load(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(GlobalSettings.Path + "/../config/restExtensions.xml"));
XmlNode baseExt = baseDoc.SelectSingleNode("/RestExtensions/ext [@alias='" + extensionAlias + "']/permission [@method='" + methodName + "']");
//basicly - if not there.. it's not allowed...
if (baseExt != null)
//Access for all ?
if (baseExt.Attributes["allowAll"] != null)
if (baseExt.Attributes["allowAll"].Value.ToString().ToLower() == "true")
allowed = true;
if (!allowed)
//Member Based permissions.. check for group, type and ID...
Member currentMem = library.library.GetCurrentMember(); // <-- /TODO/ uses bases own member class as umbracos doesn't work yet...
//not basic.. and not logged in? - out..
if (currentMem == null)
allowed = false;
else //do member authentication stuff...
allowed = memberAuthentication(baseExt, currentMem);
if (allowed)
XmlNode extNode = baseDoc.SelectSingleNode("/RestExtensions/ext [@alias='" + extensionAlias + "']");
string asml = extNode.Attributes["assembly"].Value;
string assemblyPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(GlobalSettings.Path + "/.." + asml + ".dll");
Assembly returnAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
string returnTypeName = extNode.Attributes["type"].Value;
Type returnType = returnAssembly.GetType(returnTypeName);
MyMethodStruct mms = new MyMethodStruct();
mms.alias = extensionAlias;
mms.assembly = returnAssembly;
mms.method = returnType.GetMethod(methodName);
mms.type = returnType;
mms.isAllowed = true;
return mms;
MyMethodStruct noMms = new MyMethodStruct();
noMms.isAllowed = false;
return noMms;
private static bool memberAuthentication(XmlNode baseExt, Member currentMem)
//Check group, type and ID
bool memberAccess = false;
if (baseExt.Attributes["allowGroup"] != null)
if (baseExt.Attributes["allowGroup"].Value != "")
//Groups array
string[] groupArray = baseExt.Attributes["allowGroup"].Value.Split(',');
foreach (MemberGroup mg in currentMem.Groups.Values)
foreach (string group in groupArray)
if (group == mg.Text)
memberAccess = true;
//Membertype allowed?
if (baseExt.Attributes["allowType"] != null && !memberAccess)
if (baseExt.Attributes["allowType"].Value != "")
//Types array
string[] typeArray = baseExt.Attributes["allowType"].Value.Split(',');
foreach (string type in typeArray)
if (type == currentMem.ContentType.Alias)
memberAccess = true;
//Member ID allowed? should this work with loginName instead?
if (baseExt.Attributes["allowMember"] != null && !memberAccess)
if (baseExt.Attributes["allowMember"].Value != "")
if (int.Parse((string)baseExt.Attributes["allowMember"].Value.Trim()) == currentMem.Id)
memberAccess = true;
return memberAccess;