IShellFolder.cs :  » Development » NDoc » ShellLib » C# / CSharp Open Source

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NDoc » ShellLib » IShellFolder.cs
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace ShellLib{
  internal interface IShellFolder 
    // Translates a file object's or folder's display name into an item identifier list.
    // Return value: error code, if any
    Int32 ParseDisplayName( 
      IntPtr hwnd,        // Optional window handle
      IntPtr pbc,          // Optional bind context that controls the parsing operation. This parameter is 
      // normally set to NULL. 
      String pszDisplayName,    // Null-terminated UNICODE string with the display name.
      ref UInt32 pchEaten,    // Pointer to a ULONG value that receives the number of characters of the 
      // display name that was parsed.
      out IntPtr ppidl,      // Pointer to an ITEMIDLIST pointer that receives the item identifier list for 
      // the object.
      ref UInt32 pdwAttributes);  // Optional parameter that can be used to query for file attributes.
    // this can be values from the SFGAO enum
    // Allows a client to determine the contents of a folder by creating an item identifier enumeration object 
    // and returning its IEnumIDList interface.
    // Return value: error code, if any
    Int32 EnumObjects( 
      IntPtr hwnd,        // If user input is required to perform the enumeration, this window handle 
      // should be used by the enumeration object as the parent window to take 
      // user input.
      Int32 grfFlags,        // Flags indicating which items to include in the enumeration. For a list 
      // of possible values, see the SHCONTF enum. 
      out IntPtr ppenumIDList);  // Address that receives a pointer to the IEnumIDList interface of the 
    // enumeration object created by this method. 

    // Retrieves an IShellFolder object for a subfolder.
    // Return value: error code, if any
    Int32 BindToObject( 
      IntPtr pidl,        // Address of an ITEMIDLIST structure (PIDL) that identifies the subfolder.
      IntPtr pbc,          // Optional address of an IBindCtx interface on a bind context object to be 
      // used during this operation.
      Guid riid,          // Identifier of the interface to return. 
      out IntPtr ppv);      // Address that receives the interface pointer.
    // Requests a pointer to an object's storage interface. 
    // Return value: error code, if any
    Int32 BindToStorage( 
      IntPtr pidl,        // Address of an ITEMIDLIST structure that identifies the subfolder relative 
      // to its parent folder. 
      IntPtr pbc,          // Optional address of an IBindCtx interface on a bind context object to be 
      // used during this operation.
      Guid riid,          // Interface identifier (IID) of the requested storage interface.
      out IntPtr ppv);      // Address that receives the interface pointer specified by riid.
    // Determines the relative order of two file objects or folders, given their item identifier lists.
    // Return value: If this method is successful, the CODE field of the HRESULT contains one of the following 
    // values (the code can be retrived using the helper function GetHResultCode):
    // Negative A negative return value indicates that the first item should precede the second (pidl1 < pidl2). 
    // Positive A positive return value indicates that the first item should follow the second (pidl1 > pidl2). 
    // Zero A return value of zero indicates that the two items are the same (pidl1 = pidl2). 
    Int32 CompareIDs( 
      Int32 lParam,        // Value that specifies how the comparison should be performed. The lower 
      // sixteen bits of lParam define the sorting rule. The upper sixteen bits of 
      // lParam are used for flags that modify the sorting rule. values can be from 
      // the SHCIDS enum
      IntPtr pidl1,        // Pointer to the first item's ITEMIDLIST structure.
      IntPtr pidl2);        // Pointer to the second item's ITEMIDLIST structure.

    // Requests an object that can be used to obtain information from or interact with a folder object.
    // Return value: error code, if any
    Int32 CreateViewObject( 
      IntPtr hwndOwner,      // Handle to the owner window.
      Guid riid,          // Identifier of the requested interface. 
      out IntPtr ppv);      // Address of a pointer to the requested interface. 

    // Retrieves the attributes of one or more file objects or subfolders. 
    // Return value: error code, if any
    Int32 GetAttributesOf( 
      UInt32 cidl,        // Number of file objects from which to retrieve attributes. 
      [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex=0)]
      IntPtr[] apidl,        // Address of an array of pointers to ITEMIDLIST structures, each of which 
      // uniquely identifies a file object relative to the parent folder.
      ref UInt32 rgfInOut);    // Address of a single ULONG value that, on entry, contains the attributes that 
    // the caller is requesting. On exit, this value contains the requested 
    // attributes that are common to all of the specified objects. this value can
    // be from the SFGAO enum
    // Retrieves an OLE interface that can be used to carry out actions on the specified file objects or folders.
    // Return value: error code, if any
    Int32 GetUIObjectOf( 
      IntPtr hwndOwner,      // Handle to the owner window that the client should specify if it displays 
      // a dialog box or message box.
      UInt32 cidl,        // Number of file objects or subfolders specified in the apidl parameter. 
      IntPtr[] apidl,        // Address of an array of pointers to ITEMIDLIST structures, each of which 
      // uniquely identifies a file object or subfolder relative to the parent folder.
      Guid riid,          // Identifier of the COM interface object to return.
      ref UInt32 rgfReserved,    // Reserved. 
      out IntPtr ppv);      // Pointer to the requested interface.

    // Retrieves the display name for the specified file object or subfolder. 
    // Return value: error code, if any
    Int32 GetDisplayNameOf(
      IntPtr pidl,        // Address of an ITEMIDLIST structure (PIDL) that uniquely identifies the file 
      // object or subfolder relative to the parent folder. 
      UInt32 uFlags,        // Flags used to request the type of display name to return. For a list of 
      // possible values, see the SHGNO enum. 
      out ShellApi.STRRET pName);      // Address of a STRRET structure in which to return the display name.
    // Sets the display name of a file object or subfolder, changing the item identifier in the process.
    // Return value: error code, if any
    Int32 SetNameOf( 
      IntPtr hwnd,        // Handle to the owner window of any dialog or message boxes that the client 
      // displays.
      IntPtr pidl,        // Pointer to an ITEMIDLIST structure that uniquely identifies the file object
      // or subfolder relative to the parent folder. 
      String pszName,        // Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the new display name. 
      UInt32 uFlags,        // Flags indicating the type of name specified by the lpszName parameter. For 
      // a list of possible values, see the description of the SHGNO enum. 
      out IntPtr ppidlOut);    // Address of a pointer to an ITEMIDLIST structure which receives the new ITEMIDLIST. 

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