// namespace OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.DCB
// Copyright (c) 2003, OpenNETCF.org
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the OpenNETCF.org Shared Source License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the OpenNETCF.org Shared Source License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the OpenNETCF.org Shared Source License
// along with this library; if not, email licensing@opennetcf.org to request a copy.
// If you wish to contact the OpenNETCF Advisory Board to discuss licensing, please
// email licensing@opennetcf.org.
// For general enquiries, email enquiries@opennetcf.org or visit our website at:
// http://www.opennetcf.org
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
namespace OpenNETCF.IO.Serial{
// The Win32 DCB structure is implemented below in a C# class.
internal class DCB
private UInt32 DCBlength;
public UInt32 BaudRate;
BitVector32 Control;
internal UInt16 wReserved;
public UInt16 XonLim;
public UInt16 XoffLim;
public byte ByteSize;
public byte Parity;
public byte StopBits;
public sbyte XonChar;
public sbyte XoffChar;
public sbyte ErrorChar;
public sbyte EofChar;
public sbyte EvtChar;
internal UInt16 wReserved1;
private readonly BitVector32.Section sect1;
private readonly BitVector32.Section DTRsect;
private readonly BitVector32.Section sect2;
private readonly BitVector32.Section RTSsect;
public DCB()
// Initialize the length of the structure. Marshal.SizeOf returns
// the size of the unmanaged object (basically the object that
// gets marshalled).
this.DCBlength = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(this);
// initialize BitVector32
Control=new BitVector32(0);
// of the following 4 sections only 2 are needed
DTRsect=BitVector32.CreateSection(3,sect1); // this is where the DTR setting is stored
RTSsect=BitVector32.CreateSection(3,sect2); // this is where the RTS setting is stored
// We need to have to define reserved fields in the DCB class definition
// to preserve the size of the
// underlying structure to match the Win32 structure when it is
// marshaled. Use these fields to suppress compiler warnings.
internal void _SuppressCompilerWarnings()
wReserved +=0;
wReserved1 +=0;
// Enumeration for fDtrControl bit field.
public enum DtrControlFlags
Disable = 0,
Enable =1 ,
Handshake = 2
// Enumeration for fRtsControl bit field.
public enum RtsControlFlags
Disable = 0,
Enable = 1,
Handshake = 2,
Toggle = 3
// Helper constants for manipulating the bit fields.
// these are defined as an enum in order to preserve memory
enum ctrlBit {
fBinaryMask = 0x001,
fParityMask = 0x0002,
fOutxCtsFlowMask = 0x0004,
fOutxDsrFlowMask = 0x0008,
fDtrControlMask = 0x0030,
fDsrSensitivityMask = 0x0040,
fTXContinueOnXoffMask = 0x0080,
fOutXMask = 0x0100,
fInXMask = 0x0200,
fErrorCharMask = 0x0400,
fNullMask = 0x0800,
fRtsControlMask = 0x3000,
fAbortOnErrorMask = 0x4000
// get and set of bool works with the underlying BitVector32
// by using a mask for each bit field we can let the compiler
// and JIT do the work
public bool fBinary
get { return (Control[(int)ctrlBit.fBinaryMask]); }
set { Control[(int)ctrlBit.fBinaryMask]=value; }
public bool fParity
get { return (Control[(int)ctrlBit.fParityMask]); }
set { Control[(int)ctrlBit.fParityMask]=value; }
public bool fOutxCtsFlow
get { return (Control[(int)ctrlBit.fOutxCtsFlowMask]); }
set { Control[(int)ctrlBit.fOutxCtsFlowMask] = value; }
public bool fOutxDsrFlow
get { return (Control[(int)ctrlBit.fOutxDsrFlowMask]); }
set { Control[(int)ctrlBit.fOutxDsrFlowMask]=value; }
// we have to use a segment because the width of the underlying information
// is wider than just one bit
public DtrControlFlags fDtrControl
get {return (DtrControlFlags)Control[DTRsect]; }
set { Control[DTRsect]=(int)value; }
public bool fDsrSensitivity
get { return Control[(int)ctrlBit.fDsrSensitivityMask];}
set { Control[(int)ctrlBit.fDsrSensitivityMask] = value; }
public bool fTXContinueOnXoff
get { return Control[(int)ctrlBit.fTXContinueOnXoffMask]; }
set { Control[(int)ctrlBit.fTXContinueOnXoffMask]=value; }
public bool fOutX
get { return Control [(int)ctrlBit.fOutXMask]; }
set { Control[(int)ctrlBit.fOutXMask]=value; }
public bool fInX
get { return Control[(int)ctrlBit.fInXMask]; }
set { Control[(int)ctrlBit.fInXMask]=value; }
public bool fErrorChar
get { return Control[(int)ctrlBit.fErrorCharMask]; }
set { Control[(int)ctrlBit.fErrorCharMask]=value; }
public bool fNull
get { return Control[(int)ctrlBit.fNullMask]; }
set { Control[(int)ctrlBit.fNullMask]=value; }
// we have to use a segment because the width of the underlying information
// is wider than just one bit
public RtsControlFlags fRtsControl
get { return (RtsControlFlags)Control[RTSsect]; }
set { Control[RTSsect]=(int)value; }
public bool fAbortOnError
get { return Control[(int)ctrlBit.fAbortOnErrorMask]; }
set { Control[(int)ctrlBit.fAbortOnErrorMask]=value; }
// Method to dump the DCB to take a look and help debug issues.
public override String ToString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat(null, " BaudRate: {0}\r\n", BaudRate);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " Control: 0x{0:x}\r\n", Control.Data);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " fBinary: {0}\r\n", fBinary);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " fParity: {0}\r\n", fParity);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " fOutxCtsFlow: {0}\r\n", fOutxCtsFlow);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " fOutxDsrFlow: {0}\r\n", fOutxDsrFlow);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " fDtrControl: {0}\r\n", fDtrControl);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " fDsrSensitivity: {0}\r\n", fDsrSensitivity);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " fTXContinueOnXoff: {0}\r\n", fTXContinueOnXoff);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " fOutX: {0}\r\n", fOutX);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " fInX: {0}\r\n", fInX);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " fNull: {0}\r\n", fNull);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " fRtsControl: {0}\r\n", fRtsControl);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " fAbortOnError: {0}\r\n", fAbortOnError);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " XonLim: {0}\r\n", XonLim);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " XoffLim: {0}\r\n", XoffLim);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " ByteSize: {0}\r\n", ByteSize);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " Parity: {0}\r\n", Parity);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " StopBits: {0}\r\n", StopBits);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " XonChar: {0}\r\n", XonChar);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " XoffChar: {0}\r\n", XoffChar);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " ErrorChar: {0}\r\n", ErrorChar);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " EofChar: {0}\r\n", EofChar);
sb.AppendFormat(null, " EvtChar: {0}\r\n", EvtChar);
return sb.ToString();