OrderedMultiDictionaryTests.cs :  » Development » TULP2G » Wintellect » PowerCollections » Tests » C# / CSharp Open Source

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// Written by Peter Golde
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005, Wintellect
// Use and restribution of this code is subject to the license agreement 
// contained in the file "License.txt" accompanying this file.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Wintellect.PowerCollections.Tests;

namespace Wintellect.PowerCollections.Tests{
    using MyInt = OrderedDictionaryTests.MyInt;

    public class OrderedMultiDictionaryTests
        // Check the contents of a Multi-Dictionary non-destructively. Keys and Values must be in order.
        internal static void CheckOrderedMultiDictionaryContents<TKey, TValue>(OrderedMultiDictionary<TKey, TValue> dict, TKey[] keys, TValue[][] values, TKey nonKey, TValue nonValue, BinaryPredicate<TKey> keyEquals, BinaryPredicate<TValue> valueEquals)
            int iKey, iValue;
            ICollection<TValue> getValues;

            if (keyEquals == null)
                keyEquals = delegate(TKey x, TKey y) { return object.Equals(x, y); };
            if (valueEquals == null)
                valueEquals = delegate(TValue x, TValue y) { return object.Equals(x, y); };

            // Check Count.
            Assert.AreEqual(keys.Length, dict.Count);

            // Check indexer, ContainsKey, Contains, TryGetValue for each key.
            for (iKey = 0; iKey < keys.Length; ++iKey) {
                Assert.IsTrue(dict.Contains(new KeyValuePair<TKey, ICollection<TValue>>(keys[iKey], values[iKey])));

                bool b = ((IDictionary<TKey,ICollection<TValue>>)dict).TryGetValue(keys[iKey], out getValues);
                iValue = 0;
                foreach (TValue val in getValues) {
                    Assert.IsTrue(valueEquals(values[iKey][iValue], val));

                iValue = 0;
                foreach (TValue val in values[iKey]) {
                    Assert.IsTrue(dict.Contains(keys[iKey], val));

                iValue = 0;
                foreach (TValue val in dict[keys[iKey]]) {
                    Assert.IsTrue(valueEquals(values[iKey][iValue], val));
                Assert.IsTrue(iValue == values[iKey].Length);

            // Check Keys collection.
            iKey = 0;
            foreach (TKey key in dict.Keys) {
                Assert.IsTrue(keyEquals(keys[iKey], key));
            Assert.IsTrue(iKey == keys.Length);
            InterfaceTests.TestReadonlyCollectionGeneric<TKey>(dict.Keys, keys, true, null, keyEquals);

            // Check Values collection
            iKey = 0; iValue = 0;
            int valueCount = 0;
            foreach (TValue val in dict.Values) {
                Assert.IsTrue(valueEquals(values[iKey][iValue], val));
                if (iValue == values[iKey].Length) {
                    iValue = 0;
            Assert.IsTrue(iKey == keys.Length);

            int a = 0;
            TValue[] vals = new TValue[valueCount];
            for (iKey = 0; iKey < keys.Length; ++iKey) {
                for (iValue = 0; iValue < values[iKey].Length; ++iValue) {
                    vals[a++] = values[iKey][iValue];
            InterfaceTests.TestReadonlyCollectionGeneric<TValue>(dict.Values, vals, true, null, valueEquals);

            // Check KeyValuePairs collection.
            iKey = 0; iValue = 0;
            valueCount = 0;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> pair in dict.KeyValuePairs) {
                Assert.IsTrue(keyEquals(keys[iKey], pair.Key));
                Assert.IsTrue(valueEquals(values[iKey][iValue], pair.Value));
                if (iValue == values[iKey].Length) {
                    iValue = 0;
            Assert.IsTrue(iKey == keys.Length);

            a = 0;
            KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] pairs = new KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[valueCount];
            for (iKey = 0; iKey < keys.Length; ++iKey) {
                for (iValue = 0; iValue < values[iKey].Length; ++iValue) {
                    pairs[a++] = new KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>(keys[iKey], values[iKey][iValue]);
            InterfaceTests.TestReadonlyCollectionGeneric<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>(dict.KeyValuePairs, pairs, true, null, InterfaceTests.KeyValueEquals<TKey,TValue>(keyEquals, valueEquals));

            // Tests Contains, ContainsKey, TryGetValue for wrong values.
            Assert.IsFalse(((IDictionary<TKey, ICollection<TValue>>)dict).TryGetValue(nonKey, out getValues));
            for (iKey = 0; iKey < keys.Length; ++iKey) {
                Assert.IsFalse(dict.Contains(keys[iKey], nonValue));
                Assert.IsFalse(dict.Contains(new KeyValuePair<TKey, ICollection<TValue>>(keys[iKey], new TValue[1] { nonValue })));

            // Test IDictionary<TKey,IEnumerable<TValue>> implementation
            InterfaceTests.TestReadWriteMultiDictionaryGeneric<TKey, TValue>(dict, keys, values, nonKey, nonValue, true, "OrderedMultiDictionary", keyEquals, valueEquals);

        // Do random add,remove,replaces and create an array.
        private int[,] AddRemoveRandom(Random rand, OrderedMultiDictionary<int, string> dict, bool useDups, int iter)
            const int MAXKEY = 100, MAXVAL = 50;
            int[,] counts = new int[MAXKEY, MAXVAL];

            for (int x = 0; x < iter; ++x) {
                int key = rand.Next(MAXKEY);
                int val = rand.Next(MAXVAL);
                string valString = string.Format("A{0:0000}", val);

                if (counts[key, val] == 0) {
                    if (rand.Next(30) == 0) {
                        // Do a replace
                        dict.Replace(key, valString);
                        for (int i = 0; i < MAXVAL; ++i)
                            counts[key, i] = 0;
                        counts[key, val] = 1;
                    else {
                        // Do an add
                        dict.Add(key, valString);
                        counts[key, val] = 1;
                else {
                    if (rand.Next(30) == 0) {
                        // Do a replace
                        dict.Replace(key, valString);
                        for (int i = 0; i < MAXVAL; ++i)
                            counts[key, i] = 0;
                        counts[key, val] = 1;
                    else if (rand.Next(5) < 2) {
                        // Do an add
                        dict.Add(key, valString);
                        if (useDups)
                            counts[key, val] += 1;
                    else {
                        // Do a remove
                        dict.Remove(key, valString);
                        counts[key, val] -= 1;

            return counts;

        // Check an ordered multi-dictionary against an array.
        private void CheckAgainstArray(OrderedMultiDictionary<int, string> dict, int[,] array)
            List<string[]> values = new List<string[]>();
            List<int> keys = new List<int>();
            List<string> vals = new List<string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < array.GetLength(0); ++i) {
                bool hasval = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < array.GetLength(1); ++j) {
                    if (array[i, j] > 0) {
                        hasval = true;
                        for (int x = 0; x < array[i, j]; ++x)
                            vals.Add(string.Format("A{0:0000}", j));

                if (hasval) {

            int[] keysArray = keys.ToArray();
            string[][] valsArray = values.ToArray();

            CheckOrderedMultiDictionaryContents<int, string>(dict,
                -1, "Foo", null, null);

        public void RandomAdd()
            Random rand = new Random(14);
            OrderedMultiDictionary<int,string> dict = new OrderedMultiDictionary<int,string>(true);

            int[,] array = AddRemoveRandom(rand, dict, true, 3000);
            CheckAgainstArray(dict, array);

        public void Add()
            // Test without duplicate values.
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double>(false);

            dict1.Add("foo", 3.5);
            dict1.Add("foo", -1.2);
            dict1.Add(null, 11.1);
            dict1.Add("foo", 8.8);
            dict1.Add(null, 11.1);
            dict1.Add("bar", 9.8);
            dict1.Add("foo", 8.8);
            dict1.Add("gib", 7.1);
            dict1.Add("S", -9);
            dict1.Add(null, 5.5);

            CheckOrderedMultiDictionaryContents<string, double>(dict1,
                new string[] { null, "bar", "foo", "gib", "S" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 5.5, 11.1 }, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 7.1 }, new double[] { -9 } },
                "zip", -100, null, null);

            // Test with duplicate values.
            dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double>(true);

            dict1.Add("foo", 3.5);
            dict1.Add("foo", -1.2);
            dict1.Add(null, 11.1);
            dict1.Add("foo", 8.8);
            dict1.Add(null, 11.1);
            dict1.Add("bar", 9.8);
            dict1.Add("foo", 8.8);
            dict1.Add("gib", 7.1);
            dict1.Add("S", -9);
            dict1.Add(null, 5.5);

            CheckOrderedMultiDictionaryContents<string, double>(dict1,
                new string[] { null, "bar", "foo", "gib", "S" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 5.5, 11.1, 11.1 }, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8, 8.8 }, new double[] { 7.1 }, new double[] { -9 } },
                "zip", -100, null, null);

            // Test duplicate values with distinct equal values.
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string> dict2 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string>(false, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
            dict2.Add("foo", "BAR");
            dict2.Add("Foo", "bar");
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements<string>(dict2.Keys, new string[] { "Foo" });
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements<string>(dict2["FOO"], new string[] { "bar" });
            dict2 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string>(true, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); 
            dict2.Add("foo", "BAR");
            dict2.Add("Foo", "bar");
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements<string>(dict2.Keys, new string[] { "foo" });
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements<string>(dict2["FOO"], new string[] { "BAR", "bar" });
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements < KeyValuePair<string, string>>
                (dict2.KeyValuePairs, new KeyValuePair<string, string>[] { new KeyValuePair<string,string>("foo", "BAR"),
                  new KeyValuePair<string,string>("Foo", "bar")}, InterfaceTests.KeyValueEquals<string,string>());

        public void AddMany1()
            // Test without duplicate values.
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double>(false, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            dict1.AddMany("foo", AlgorithmsTests.EnumerableFromArray(new double[] { 9.8, 1.2, -9, 9.8, -9, 4 }));
            dict1.AddMany("hi", new double[0]);
            dict1.AddMany("FOO", AlgorithmsTests.EnumerableFromArray(new double[] { 8, -9 }));

            Assert.AreEqual(1, dict1.Count);
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict1.Keys, new string[] { "FOO" });
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict1["fOo"], new double[] { -9, 1.2, 4, 8, 9.8 });
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements<KeyValuePair<string, double>>
                (dict1.KeyValuePairs, new KeyValuePair<string, double>[] { 
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("FOO", -9),
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("foo", 1.2),
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("foo", 4),
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("FOO",8),
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("foo",9.8)

            // Test with duplicate values
            dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double>(true, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            dict1.AddMany("foo", AlgorithmsTests.EnumerableFromArray(new double[] { 9.8, 1.2, -9, 9.8, -9, 4 }));
            dict1.AddMany("hi", new double[0]);
            dict1.AddMany("a", new double[] { 2, 1, 2 });
            dict1.AddMany("FOO", AlgorithmsTests.EnumerableFromArray(new double[] { 8, -9 }));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, dict1.Count);
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict1.Keys, new string[] { "a", "foo"});
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict1["fOo"], new double[] { -9, -9, -9, 1.2, 4, 8, 9.8, 9.8 });
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements<KeyValuePair<string, double>>
                (dict1.KeyValuePairs, new KeyValuePair<string, double>[] { 
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("a", 1),
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("a", 2),
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("a", 2),
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("foo", -9),
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("foo", -9),
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("FOO", -9),
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("foo", 1.2),
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("foo", 4),
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("FOO",8),
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("foo",9.8),
                            new KeyValuePair<string,double>("foo",9.8)

        public void Replace()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(true);

            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add("bar", 7);
            dict1.Add("foo", 6);
            dict1.Add("z", 3);
            dict1.Add("bar", 8);
            dict1.Add("z", 3);
            dict1.Add("foo", 1);

            dict1.Replace("foo", 13);
            dict1.Replace("z", 19);
            dict1.Replace("hello", 193);
            dict1.Replace("foo", 123);
            dict1.Add("foo", 123);

                new string[] { "bar", "foo", "hello", "z" },
                new int[][] { new int[] { 7, 8 }, new int[] { 123, 123 }, new int[] {193}, new int[] { 19 } },
                "sailor", 19921, null, null);

        public void ReplaceMany()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(false);

            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add("bar", 7);
            dict1.Add("foo", 6);
            dict1.Add("z", 3);
            dict1.Add("bar", 8);
            dict1.Add("z", 3);
            dict1.Add("foo", 1);
            dict1.Add("bill", 9);

            dict1.ReplaceMany("bill", new int[0]);
            dict1.ReplaceMany("foo", new int[] { 13, 4 });
            dict1.ReplaceMany("z", new int[] { 19 });
            dict1.ReplaceMany("hello", new int[] { 193, -11, 193 });
            dict1.ReplaceMany("goodbye", new int[0]);
            dict1.ReplaceMany("foo", new int[] { 123, 0, 4 });
            dict1.Add("foo", 29);

                new string[] { "bar", "foo", "hello", "z" },
                new int[][] { new int[] { 7, 8 }, new int[] { 0, 4, 29, 123 }, new int[] { -11, 193 }, new int[] { 19 } },
                "sailor", 19921, null, null);

        public void RemoveKey()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(true);

            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add("bar", 7);
            dict1.Add("foo", 6);
            dict1.Add("z", 3);
            dict1.Add("bar", 8);
            dict1.Add("z", 10);
            dict1.Add("z", 3);
            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add("bill", 9);



                new string[] { "bar", "z" },
                new int[][] { new int[] { 7, 8 }, new int[] { 3, 3, 10 }},
                "sailor", 19921, null, null);

        public void RemoveManyKeys()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(true);

            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add("bar", 7);
            dict1.Add("foo", 6);
            dict1.Add("z", 3);
            dict1.Add("bar", 8);
            dict1.Add("z", 10);
            dict1.Add("z", 3);
            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add("bill", 9);


            Assert.AreEqual(2, dict1.RemoveMany(new string[] { "bill", "smell", "foo", "bill" }));

                new string[] { "bar", "z" },
                new int[][] { new int[] { 7, 8 }, new int[] { 3, 3, 10 } },
                "sailor", 19921, null, null);

        public void Remove()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(true);

            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add("bar", 7);
            dict1.Add("foo", 6);
            dict1.Add("z", 3);
            dict1.Add("bar", 8);
            dict1.Add("z", 10);
            dict1.Add("z", 3);
            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add("bill", 9);
            dict1.Add("foo", 4);

            Assert.IsTrue(dict1.Remove("foo", 4));
            Assert.IsTrue(dict1.Remove("foo", 4));
            Assert.IsTrue(dict1.Remove("z", 10));
            Assert.IsFalse(dict1.Remove("z", 10));
            Assert.IsFalse(dict1.Remove("foo", 11));
            Assert.IsFalse(dict1.Remove(null, 0));
            Assert.IsTrue(dict1.Remove("bill", 9));

                new string[] { "bar", "foo", "z" },
                new int[][] { new int[] { 7, 8 }, new int[] { 4, 6 }, new int[] { 3, 3 } },
                "sailor", 19921, null, null);

        public void RemoveMany1()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(true);

            dict1.Add("bill", 7);
            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add("bar", 7);
            dict1.Add("foo", 6);
            dict1.Add("z", 3);
            dict1.Add("bar", 8);
            dict1.Add("z", 10);
            dict1.Add("z", 3);
            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add("bill", 9);
            dict1.Add("foo", 4);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, dict1.RemoveMany("foo", new int[] { 4, 11, 4 }));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, dict1.RemoveMany("z", new int[] { 9, 2, 10 }));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, dict1.RemoveMany("z", new int[] { 10, 16, 144, 10 }));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, dict1.RemoveMany("foo", new int[0]));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, dict1.RemoveMany(null, new int[2] { 1, 2 }));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, dict1.RemoveMany("bill", new int[] { 9, 7 }));

                new string[] { "bar", "foo", "z" },
                new int[][] { new int[] { 7, 8 }, new int[] { 4, 6 }, new int[] { 3, 3 } },
                "sailor", 19921, null, null);

        public void Clear()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(true);

            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add("bill", 7);
            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add("bar", 7);
            dict1.Add("foo", 6);
            dict1.Add("z", 3);
            dict1.Add("bar", 8);
            dict1.Add("z", 10);
            dict1.Add(null, 3);
            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add("bill", 9);
            dict1.Add("foo", 4);


            Assert.AreEqual(0, dict1.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, Algorithms.Count(dict1.Keys));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, Algorithms.Count(dict1.Values));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, Algorithms.Count(dict1.KeyValuePairs));

            CheckOrderedMultiDictionaryContents(dict1, new string[0], new int[0][], "foo", 4, null, null);

        public void Count()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(true);

            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add(null, 7);
            dict1.Add("bar", 11);
            dict1.Add("foo", 7);
            dict1.Add(null, 7);
            dict1.Add("hello", 11);
            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, dict1.Count);

            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict2 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(false);

            dict2.Add("foo", 4);
            dict2.Add(null, 7);
            dict2.Add("bar", 11);
            dict2.Add("foo", 7);
            dict2.Add(null, 7);
            dict2.Add("hello", 11);
            dict2.Add("foo", 4);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, dict2.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, dict2.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, dict2.Count);

        public void ContainsKey()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(true);

            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add(null, 7);
            dict1.Add("bar", 11);
            dict1.Add("foo", 7);
            dict1.Add(null, 7);
            dict1.Add("hello", 11);
            dict1.Add("foo", 4);

            dict1.Remove("hello", 11);
            dict1.Remove(null, 7);
            dict1.Remove(null, 7);

        public void Contains()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(true);

            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add(null, 7);
            dict1.Add("bar", 11);
            dict1.Add("foo", 7);
            dict1.Add(null, 7);
            dict1.Add("hello", 11);
            dict1.Add("foo", 4);

            Assert.IsTrue(dict1.Contains(null, 7));
            Assert.IsTrue(dict1.Contains("foo", 4));
            Assert.IsTrue(dict1.Contains("bar", 11));
            Assert.IsTrue(dict1.Contains("hello", 11));
            Assert.IsFalse(dict1.Contains("HELLO", 11));
            Assert.IsFalse(dict1.Contains("bar", 12));
            Assert.IsFalse(dict1.Contains("foo", 0));
            dict1.Remove("hello", 11);
            Assert.IsFalse(dict1.Contains("hello", 11));
            dict1.Remove(null, 7);
            Assert.IsTrue(dict1.Contains(null, 7));
            dict1.Remove(null, 7);
            Assert.IsFalse(dict1.Contains(null, 7));

        public void KeysCollection()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(false, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            dict1.Add("foo", 4);
            dict1.Add(null, 2);
            dict1.Add("bar", 3);
            dict1.Add("sailor", 0);
            dict1.Add("FOO", 9);
            dict1.Add("b", 7);
            dict1.Add("Foo", -1);
            dict1.Add("BAR", 3);
            dict1.Remove("b", 7);

            InterfaceTests.TestReadonlyCollectionGeneric<string>(dict1.Keys, new string[] { null, "BAR", "Foo", "sailor" }, true, null);


            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict2 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(false, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict2.Keys, new string[] { });

        public void ValuesCollection1()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<double, string> dict = new OrderedMultiDictionary<double, string>(false, Comparer<double>.Default, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            dict.Add(7, "Gizzle");
            dict.Add(4, "foo");
            dict.Add(6, "Foo");
            dict.Add(3, "FOO");
            dict.Add(3, "baz");
            dict.Add(3, "bar");
            dict.Add(4, "FOo");
            dict.Add(3, "BAZ");
            dict.Add(5, "bAZ");
            dict.Add(7, "hello");
            dict.Add(7, "foo");

            ICollection<string> vals = dict.Values;

            string[] expected = {
                "bar", "BAZ", "FOO", "FOo", "bAZ", "Foo", "foo", "Gizzle", "hello"};

            InterfaceTests.TestReadonlyCollectionGeneric<string>(vals, expected, true, null);


        public void ValuesCollection2()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<double, string> dict = new OrderedMultiDictionary<double, string>(true, Comparer<double>.Default, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            dict.Add(7, "Gizzle");
            dict.Add(4, "foo");
            dict.Add(6, "Foo");
            dict.Add(3, "FOO");
            dict.Add(3, "baz");
            dict.Add(3, "bar");
            dict.Add(4, "FOo");
            dict.Add(3, "BAZ");
            dict.Add(5, "bAZ");
            dict.Add(7, "hello");
            dict.Add(7, "foo");

            ICollection<string> vals = dict.Values;

            string[] expected = {
                "bar", "baz", "BAZ", "FOO", "foo", "FOo", "bAZ", "Foo", "foo", "Gizzle", "hello"};

            InterfaceTests.TestReadonlyCollectionGeneric<string>(vals, expected, true, null);


        public void KeyValuesCollection1()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string> dict = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string>(false, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            dict.Add("7A", "Gizzle");
            dict.Add("4a", "foo");
            dict.Add("6A", "Foo");
            dict.Add("3a", "FOO");
            dict.Add("3A", "baz");
            dict.Add("3a", "bar");
            dict.Add("4a", "FOo");
            dict.Add("3A", "BAZ");
            dict.Add("5a", "bAZ");
            dict.Add("7a", "hello");
            dict.Add("7A", "foo");

            ICollection<KeyValuePair<string,string>> pairs = dict.KeyValuePairs;

            string[] expectedKeys = {
                "3a", "3A", "3a", "4a", "5a", "6A", "7A", "7A", "7a"};
            string[] expectedVals = {
                "bar", "BAZ", "FOO", "FOo", "bAZ", "Foo", "foo", "Gizzle", "hello"};
            KeyValuePair<string, string>[] expectedPairs = new KeyValuePair<string, string>[expectedKeys.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < expectedKeys.Length; ++i)
                expectedPairs[i] = new KeyValuePair<string, string>(expectedKeys[i], expectedVals[i]);

            InterfaceTests.TestReadonlyCollectionGeneric<KeyValuePair<string,string>>(pairs, expectedPairs, true, null);

            Assert.IsTrue(pairs.Contains(new KeyValuePair<string,string>("3a", "baz")));
            Assert.IsTrue(pairs.Contains(new KeyValuePair<string,string>("3A", "baz")));
            Assert.IsTrue(pairs.Contains(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("6a", "foo")));
            Assert.IsFalse(pairs.Contains(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("7A", "bar")));


        public void KeyValuesCollection2()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string> dict = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string>(true, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            dict.Add("7A", "Gizzle");
            dict.Add("4A", "foo");
            dict.Add("6A", "Foo");
            dict.Add("3a", "FOO");
            dict.Add("3A", "baz");
            dict.Add("3a", "bar");
            dict.Add("4a", "FOo");
            dict.Add("3a", "BAZ");
            dict.Add("5a", "bAZ");
            dict.Add("7a", "hello");
            dict.Add("7A", "foo");

            ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, string>> pairs = dict.KeyValuePairs;

            string[] expectedKeys = {
            "3a", "3A", "3a", "3a", "4A", "4a", "5a", "6A", "7A", "7A", "7a"};
            string[] expectedVals = {
            "bar", "baz", "BAZ", "FOO", "foo", "FOo", "bAZ", "Foo", "foo", "Gizzle", "hello"};
            KeyValuePair<string, string>[] expectedPairs = new KeyValuePair<string, string>[expectedKeys.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < expectedKeys.Length; ++i)
                expectedPairs[i] = new KeyValuePair<string, string>(expectedKeys[i], expectedVals[i]);

            InterfaceTests.TestReadonlyCollectionGeneric<KeyValuePair<string, string>>(pairs, expectedPairs, true, null);

            Assert.IsTrue(pairs.Contains(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("3a", "baz")));
            Assert.IsTrue(pairs.Contains(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("3A", "baz")));
            Assert.IsTrue(pairs.Contains(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("6a", "foo")));
            Assert.IsFalse(pairs.Contains(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("7A", "bar")));

        public void Indexer()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string>(true, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            dict1.Add("foo", "BAR");
            dict1.Add(null, "hello");
            dict1.Add("Hello", "sailor");
            dict1.Add(null, "hi");
            dict1.Add("foo", "bar");
            dict1.Add("HELLO", null);
            dict1.Add("foo", "a");
            dict1.Add("Foo", "A");
            dict1.Add("trail", "mix");

            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict1[null], new string[] { "hello", "hi" });
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict1["hELLo"], new string[] { null, "sailor" });
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict1["foo"], new string[] { "a", "A", "BAR", "bar" });
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict1["trail"], new string[] { "mix" });
            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict1["nothing"], new string[] {  });

        public void GetValueCount()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string>(true, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            dict1.Add("foo", "BAR");
            dict1.Add(null, "hello");
            dict1.Add("Hello", "sailor");
            dict1.Add(null, "hi");
            dict1.Add("foo", "bar");
            dict1.Add("HELLO", null);
            dict1.Add("foo", "a");
            dict1.Add("Foo", "A");
            dict1.Add("hello", null);
            dict1.Add("trail", "mix");

            Assert.AreEqual(2, dict1[null].Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, dict1["hELLo"].Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, dict1["foo"].Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, dict1["trail"].Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, dict1["nothing"].Count);

            dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string>(false, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            dict1.Add("foo", "BAR");
            dict1.Add(null, "hello");
            dict1.Add("Hello", "sailor");
            dict1.Add(null, "hi");
            dict1.Add("foo", "bar");
            dict1.Add("HELLO", null);
            dict1.Add("foo", "a");
            dict1.Add("Foo", "A");
            dict1.Add("hello", null);
            dict1.Add("trail", "mix");

            Assert.AreEqual(2, dict1[null].Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, dict1["hELLo"].Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, dict1["foo"].Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, dict1["trail"].Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, dict1["nothing"].Count);


        public void IMultiDictionaryInterface()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string>(true);

            dict1.Add("foo", "bar");
            dict1.Add(null, "hello");
            dict1.Add("hello", "sailor");
            dict1.Add(null, "hi");
            dict1.Add("foo", "bar");
            dict1.Add("hello", null);
            dict1.Add("foo", "a");
            dict1.Add("foo", "a");
            dict1.Add("hello", null);
            dict1.Add("trail", "mix");

            CheckOrderedMultiDictionaryContents<string, string>(dict1,
                new string[] { null, "foo", "hello", "trail" },
                new string[][] { new string[] { "hello", "hi" }, new string[] { "a", "a", "bar", "bar" }, new string[] { null, null, "sailor" }, new string[] { "mix" } },
                "zippy", "pinhead", null, null);

            dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string>(false);

            dict1.Add("foo", "bar");
            dict1.Add(null, "hello");
            dict1.Add("hello", "sailor");
            dict1.Add(null, "hi");
            dict1.Add("foo", "bar");
            dict1.Add("hello", null);
            dict1.Add("foo", "a");
            dict1.Add("foo", "a");
            dict1.Add("hello", null);

            dict1.Add("trail", "mix");
            CheckOrderedMultiDictionaryContents<string, string>(dict1,
                new string[] { null, "foo", "hello", "trail" },
                new string[][] { new string[] { "hello", "hi" }, new string[] { "a", "bar" }, new string[] { null, "sailor" }, new string[] { "mix" } },
                "zippy", "pinhead", null, null);


        public void CustomComparison()
            Comparison<string> reverseFirstLetter = delegate(string x, string y) {
                if (x[0] < y[0])
                    return 1;
                else if (x[0] > y[0])
                    return -1;
                    return 0;

            OrderedMultiDictionary<string,string> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string,string>(false, reverseFirstLetter);

            dict1.Add("hello", "AAA");
            dict1.Add("hi", "aaa");
            dict1.Add("qubert", "hello");
            dict1.Add("queztel", "hello");
            dict1.Add("alpha", "omega");
            dict1.Add("alzabar", "oz");

            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict1.KeyValuePairs, new KeyValuePair<string,string>[] {
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("queztel", "hello"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("hi", "aaa"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("hello", "AAA"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("alpha", "omega"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("alzabar", "oz")});

            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict1.Keys, new string[] { "queztel", "hi", "alpha" });

            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string> dict2 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string>(false, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Compare, reverseFirstLetter);

            dict2.Add("qubert", "dinosaur");
            dict2.Add("Hello", "AAA");
            dict2.Add("Hi", "aaa");
            dict2.Add("qubert", "hello");
            dict2.Add("queztel", "hello");
            dict2.Add("alpha", "omega");
            dict2.Add("Alpha", "oz");
            dict2.Add("qubert", "hippy");

            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict2.KeyValuePairs, new KeyValuePair<string, string>[] {
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("Alpha", "oz"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("Hello", "AAA"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("Hi", "aaa"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("qubert", "hippy"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("qubert", "dinosaur"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("queztel", "hello")});

        [Test, ExpectedException(typeof(InvalidOperationException))]
        public void NotComparable1()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<OrderedDictionaryTests.UncomparableClass1, string> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<OrderedDictionaryTests.UncomparableClass1, string>(false);

        [Test, ExpectedException(typeof(InvalidOperationException))]
        public void NotComparable2()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, OrderedDictionaryTests.UncomparableClass2> dict2 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, OrderedDictionaryTests.UncomparableClass2>(true);

        public void Clone()
            Comparison<string> reverseFirstLetter = delegate(string x, string y) {
                if (x[0] < y[0])
                    return 1;
                else if (x[0] > y[0])
                    return -1;
                    return 0;

            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string>(false, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Compare, reverseFirstLetter);

            dict1.Add("qubert", "dinosaur");
            dict1.Add("Hello", "AAA");
            dict1.Add("Hi", "aaa");
            dict1.Add("qubert", "hello");
            dict1.Add("queztel", "hello");
            dict1.Add("alpha", "omega");
            dict1.Add("Alpha", "oz");
            dict1.Add("qubert", "hippy");

            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string> dict2 = dict1.Clone();

            Assert.IsTrue(dict1 != dict2);

            dict2.Add("qubert", "hoover");
            dict2.Add("hello", "banana");

            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict1.KeyValuePairs, new KeyValuePair<string, string>[] {
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("Alpha", "oz"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("Hello", "AAA"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("Hi", "aaa"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("qubert", "hippy"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("qubert", "dinosaur"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("queztel", "hello")});

            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict2.KeyValuePairs, new KeyValuePair<string, string>[] {
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("Alpha", "oz"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("hello", "banana"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("Hello", "AAA"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("Hi", "aaa"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("qubert", "hoover"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("qubert", "dinosaur")});

            dict2 = ((OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string>)((ICloneable)dict1).Clone());

            Assert.IsTrue(dict1 != dict2);

            dict2.Add("qubert", "hoover");
            dict2.Add("hello", "banana");

            InterfaceTests.TestEnumerableElements(dict2.KeyValuePairs, new KeyValuePair<string, string>[] {
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("Alpha", "oz"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("hello", "banana"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("Hello", "AAA"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("Hi", "aaa"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("qubert", "hoover"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,string>("qubert", "dinosaur")});

            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict4 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(true);
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict5;
            dict5 = dict4.Clone();
            Assert.IsFalse(dict4 == dict5);
            Assert.IsTrue(dict4.Count == 0 && dict5.Count == 0);
            dict4.Add("hello", 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(dict4.Count == 1 && dict5.Count == 0);
            dict5.Add("hi", 7);
            Assert.IsTrue(dict4.Count == 0 && dict5.Count == 1);

        void CompareClones<K, V>(OrderedMultiDictionary<K, V> d1, OrderedMultiDictionary<K, V> d2)
            IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<K, V>> e1 = d1.KeyValuePairs.GetEnumerator();
            IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<K, V>> e2 = d2.KeyValuePairs.GetEnumerator();

            // Check that the dictionaries are equal, but not reference equals (e.g., have been cloned).
            while (e1.MoveNext()) {
                if (e1.Current.Key == null)
                else {
                    Assert.IsFalse(object.ReferenceEquals(e1.Current.Key, e2.Current.Key));

                if (e1.Current.Value == null)
                else {
                    Assert.IsFalse(object.ReferenceEquals(e1.Current.Value, e2.Current.Value));

        public void CloneContents()
            Comparison<MyInt> myIntComparison = 
                delegate(MyInt v1, MyInt v2) { 
                    if (v1 == null) 
                        return (v2 == null) ? 0 : -1; 
                    else if (v2 == null)
                        return 1;
                        return v2.value.CompareTo(v1.value); 

            OrderedMultiDictionary<int, MyInt> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<int, MyInt>(true,
                delegate(int v1, int v2) { return - v2.CompareTo(v1); },

            dict1.Add(4, new MyInt(143));
            dict1.Add(7, new MyInt(2));
            dict1.Add(11, new MyInt(9));
            dict1.Add(7, new MyInt(119));
            dict1.Add(18, null);
            dict1.Add(4, new MyInt(16));
            dict1.Add(7, null);
            dict1.Add(7, new MyInt(119));
            OrderedMultiDictionary<int, MyInt> dict2 = dict1.CloneContents();
            CompareClones(dict1, dict2);

            OrderedMultiDictionary<MyInt, int> dict3 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<MyInt, int>(false, myIntComparison);

            dict3.Add(new MyInt(4), 143);
            dict3.Add(new MyInt(7), 2);
            dict3.Add(new MyInt(11), 9);
            dict3.Add(new MyInt(7), 119);
            dict3.Add(new MyInt(18), 0);
            dict3.Add(new MyInt(4), 16);
            dict3.Add(null, 11);
            dict3.Add(new MyInt(7), 119);

            OrderedMultiDictionary<MyInt, int> dict4 = dict3.CloneContents();
            CompareClones(dict3, dict4);

            Comparison<UtilTests.CloneableStruct> comparison = delegate(UtilTests.CloneableStruct s1, UtilTests.CloneableStruct s2) {
                return s1.value.CompareTo(s2.value);
            OrderedMultiDictionary<UtilTests.CloneableStruct, UtilTests.CloneableStruct> dict5 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<UtilTests.CloneableStruct, UtilTests.CloneableStruct>(true, comparison, comparison);
            dict5.Add(new UtilTests.CloneableStruct(7) , new UtilTests.CloneableStruct(-14));
            dict5.Add(new UtilTests.CloneableStruct(16) , new UtilTests.CloneableStruct(13));
            dict5.Add(new UtilTests.CloneableStruct(7) , new UtilTests.CloneableStruct(-14));
            dict5.Add(new UtilTests.CloneableStruct(7) , new UtilTests.CloneableStruct(31415));
            dict5.Add(new UtilTests.CloneableStruct(1111) , new UtilTests.CloneableStruct(0));
            OrderedMultiDictionary<UtilTests.CloneableStruct, UtilTests.CloneableStruct> dict6 = dict5.CloneContents();

            IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<UtilTests.CloneableStruct, UtilTests.CloneableStruct>> e1 = dict5.KeyValuePairs.GetEnumerator();
            IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<UtilTests.CloneableStruct, UtilTests.CloneableStruct>> e2 = dict6.KeyValuePairs.GetEnumerator();

            Assert.IsTrue(dict5.Count == dict6.Count);

            // Check that the dictionaries are equal, but not identical (e.g., have been cloned).
            while (e1.MoveNext()) {


        class NotCloneable: IComparable<NotCloneable>
            public int  CompareTo(NotCloneable other)
               return 0;

            public bool  Equals(NotCloneable other)
               return true;

        [Test, ExpectedException(typeof(InvalidOperationException))]
        public void CantCloneContents()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<int, NotCloneable> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<int, NotCloneable>(true);

            dict1[4] = new NotCloneable[] { new NotCloneable() };
            dict1[5] = new NotCloneable[] { new NotCloneable(), new NotCloneable() };

            OrderedMultiDictionary<int, NotCloneable> dict2 = dict1.CloneContents();

        public void FailFastEnumerator()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(true);

            dict1.Add("foo", 12);
            dict1.Add("foo", 15);
            dict1.Add("foo", 3);
            dict1.Add("foo", 12);
            dict1.Add("bar", 1);
            dict1.Add("bar", 17);

            int iter = 0;
            try {
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> pair in dict1.KeyValuePairs) {
                    if (pair.Key == "foo")
                        dict1.Replace("bar", 19);
            catch (Exception e) {
                Assert.IsTrue(e is InvalidOperationException);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, iter);

            iter = 0;
            try {
                foreach (string key in dict1.Keys) {
                    if (key == "foo")
                        dict1.Add("grump", 117);
            catch (Exception e) {
                Assert.IsTrue(e is InvalidOperationException);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, iter);

            iter = 0;
            try {
                foreach (int value in dict1["foo"]) {
                    if (value == 12)
                        dict1.Remove("grump", 117);
            catch (Exception e) {
                Assert.IsTrue(e is InvalidOperationException);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, iter);

            iter = 0;
            try {
                foreach (string key in dict1.Keys) {
                    if (key == "foo")
            catch (Exception e) {
                Assert.IsTrue(e is InvalidOperationException);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, iter);


        public void KeyComparerProperty()
            IComparer<int> comparer1 = new GOddEvenComparer();
            OrderedMultiDictionary<int, string> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<int, string>(false, comparer1);
            Assert.AreSame(comparer1, dict1.KeyComparer);
            OrderedMultiDictionary<decimal, string> dict2 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<decimal, string>(true);
            Assert.AreSame(Comparer<decimal>.Default, dict2.KeyComparer);
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string> dict3 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string>(true, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase, StringComparer.CurrentCulture);
            Assert.AreSame(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase, dict3.KeyComparer);

            Comparison<int> comparison1 = ComparersTests.CompareOddEven;
            OrderedMultiDictionary<int, string> dict4 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<int, string>(true, comparison1);
            OrderedMultiDictionary<int, string> dict5 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<int, string>(false, comparison1, delegate(string x, string y) { return - x.CompareTo(y); });
            Assert.AreEqual(dict4.KeyComparer, dict5.KeyComparer);
            Assert.IsFalse(dict4.KeyComparer == dict5.KeyComparer);
            Assert.IsFalse(object.Equals(dict4.KeyComparer, dict1.KeyComparer));
            Assert.IsFalse(object.Equals(dict4.KeyComparer, Comparer<int>.Default));
            Assert.IsTrue(dict4.KeyComparer.Compare(7, 6) < 0);

            Assert.AreSame(dict1.KeyComparer, dict1.Clone().KeyComparer);
            Assert.AreSame(dict2.KeyComparer, dict2.Clone().KeyComparer);
            Assert.AreSame(dict3.KeyComparer, dict3.Clone().KeyComparer);
            Assert.AreSame(dict4.KeyComparer, dict4.Clone().KeyComparer);
            Assert.AreSame(dict5.KeyComparer, dict5.Clone().KeyComparer);

        public void ValueComparerProperty()
            IComparer<int> comparer1 = new GOddEvenComparer();
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(true, StringComparer.InvariantCulture, comparer1);
            Assert.AreSame(comparer1, dict1.ValueComparer);
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, decimal> dict2 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, decimal>(false);
            Assert.AreSame(Comparer<decimal>.Default, dict2.ValueComparer);
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string> dict3 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, string>(true, StringComparer.InvariantCulture, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            Assert.AreSame(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase, dict3.ValueComparer);

            Comparison<int> comparison1 = ComparersTests.CompareOddEven;
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict4 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(true, delegate(string x, string y) { return x.CompareTo(y); }, comparison1);
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int> dict5 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, int>(false, delegate(string x, string y) { return - x.CompareTo(y); }, comparison1);
            Assert.AreEqual(dict4.ValueComparer, dict5.ValueComparer);
            Assert.IsFalse(dict4.ValueComparer == dict5.ValueComparer);
            Assert.IsFalse(object.Equals(dict4.ValueComparer, dict1.ValueComparer));
            Assert.IsFalse(object.Equals(dict4.ValueComparer, Comparer<int>.Default));
            Assert.IsTrue(dict4.ValueComparer.Compare(7, 6) < 0);

            Assert.AreSame(dict1.ValueComparer, dict1.Clone().ValueComparer);
            Assert.AreSame(dict2.ValueComparer, dict2.Clone().ValueComparer);
            Assert.AreSame(dict3.ValueComparer, dict3.Clone().ValueComparer);
            Assert.AreSame(dict4.ValueComparer, dict4.Clone().ValueComparer);
            Assert.AreSame(dict5.ValueComparer, dict5.Clone().ValueComparer);

        // Check the contents of a Multi-Dictionary non-destructively. Keys and Values must be in order.
        internal static void CheckView<TKey, TValue>(OrderedMultiDictionary<TKey, TValue>.View dict, TKey[] keys, TValue[][] values, TKey nonKey, TValue nonValue, bool cantAddNonKey, BinaryPredicate<TKey> keyEquals, BinaryPredicate<TValue> valueEquals)
            int iKey, iValue;
            ICollection<TValue> getValues;

            if (keyEquals == null)
                keyEquals = delegate(TKey x, TKey y) { return object.Equals(x, y); };
            if (valueEquals == null)
                valueEquals = delegate(TValue x, TValue y) { return object.Equals(x, y); };

            // Check Count.
            Assert.AreEqual(keys.Length, dict.Count);

            // Check indexer, ContainsKey, Contains, TryGetValue for each key.
            for (iKey = 0; iKey < keys.Length; ++iKey) {
                Assert.IsTrue(dict.Contains(new KeyValuePair<TKey, ICollection<TValue>>(keys[iKey], values[iKey])));

                bool b = ((IDictionary<TKey, ICollection<TValue>>)dict).TryGetValue(keys[iKey], out getValues);
                iValue = 0;
                foreach (TValue val in getValues) {
                    Assert.IsTrue(valueEquals(values[iKey][iValue], val));

                iValue = 0;
                foreach (TValue val in values[iKey]) {
                    Assert.IsTrue(dict.Contains(keys[iKey], val));

                iValue = 0;
                foreach (TValue val in dict[keys[iKey]]) {
                    Assert.IsTrue(valueEquals(values[iKey][iValue], val));
                Assert.IsTrue(iValue == values[iKey].Length);

            // Check Keys collection.
            iKey = 0;
            foreach (TKey key in dict.Keys) {
                Assert.IsTrue(keyEquals(keys[iKey], key));
            Assert.IsTrue(iKey == keys.Length);
            InterfaceTests.TestReadonlyCollectionGeneric<TKey>(dict.Keys, keys, true, null);

            // Check Values collection
            iKey = 0; iValue = 0;
            int valueCount = 0;
            foreach (TValue val in dict.Values) {
                Assert.IsTrue(valueEquals(values[iKey][iValue], val));
                if (iValue == values[iKey].Length) {
                    iValue = 0;
            Assert.IsTrue(iKey == keys.Length);

            int a = 0;
            TValue[] vals = new TValue[valueCount];
            for (iKey = 0; iKey < keys.Length; ++iKey) {
                for (iValue = 0; iValue < values[iKey].Length; ++iValue) {
                    vals[a++] = values[iKey][iValue];
            InterfaceTests.TestReadonlyCollectionGeneric<TValue>(dict.Values, vals, true, null);

            // Check KeyValuePairs collection.
            iKey = 0; iValue = 0;
            valueCount = 0;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> pair in dict.KeyValuePairs) {
                Assert.IsTrue(keyEquals(keys[iKey], pair.Key));
                Assert.IsTrue(valueEquals(values[iKey][iValue], pair.Value));
                if (iValue == values[iKey].Length) {
                    iValue = 0;
            Assert.IsTrue(iKey == keys.Length);

            a = 0;
            KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] pairs = new KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[valueCount];
            for (iKey = 0; iKey < keys.Length; ++iKey) {
                for (iValue = 0; iValue < values[iKey].Length; ++iValue) {
                    pairs[a++] = new KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>(keys[iKey], values[iKey][iValue]);
            InterfaceTests.TestReadonlyCollectionGeneric<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>(dict.KeyValuePairs, pairs, true, null);

            // Tests Contains, ContainsKey, TryGetValue for wrong values.
            Assert.IsFalse(((IDictionary<TKey, ICollection<TValue>>)dict).TryGetValue(nonKey, out getValues));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, dict[nonKey].Count);
            for (iKey = 0; iKey < keys.Length; ++iKey) {
                Assert.IsFalse(dict.Contains(keys[iKey], nonValue));
                Assert.IsFalse(dict.Contains(new KeyValuePair<TKey, ICollection<TValue>>(keys[iKey], new TValue[1] { nonValue })));

            if (cantAddNonKey) {
                // Make sure Add throws exception
                try {
                    dict[nonKey] = new TValue[1] { nonValue };
                    Assert.Fail("should throw");
                catch (Exception e) {
                    Assert.IsTrue(e is ArgumentException);

                try {
                    dict.Add(nonKey, nonValue);
                    Assert.Fail("should throw");
                catch (Exception e) {
                    Assert.IsTrue(e is ArgumentException);
            // Test IDictionary<TKey,IEnumerable<TValue>> implementation
            InterfaceTests.TestReadWriteMultiDictionaryGeneric<TKey, TValue>(dict, keys, values, nonKey, nonValue, true, "OrderedMultiDictionary", null, null);

        public void RangeFrom()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double>(false);

            dict1.Add("foo", 3.5);
            dict1.Add("foo", -1.2);
            dict1.Add(null, 11.1);
            dict1.Add("foo", 8.8);
            dict1.Add(null, 11.1);
            dict1.Add("bar", 9.8);
            dict1.Add("foo", 8.8);
            dict1.Add("gib", 7.1);
            dict1.Add("S", -9);
            dict1.Add(null, 5.5);
            dict1.Add("gib", 1.1);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.RangeFrom("bar", true),
                new string[] { "bar", "foo", "gib", "S" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] { -9 } },
                null, 5.5, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.RangeFrom("bar", false),
                new string[] { "foo", "gib", "S" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] {1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] { -9 } },
                "bar", 9.8, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.RangeFrom("alpha", false),
                new string[] { "bar", "foo", "gib", "S" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] { -9 } },
                "aaa", 5.5, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.RangeFrom("hello", false),
                new string[] { "S" },
                new double[][] {new double[] { -9 } },
                "foo", 3.5, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.RangeFrom("S", true),
                new string[] { "S" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { -9 } },
                "foo", 3.5, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.RangeFrom("Z", true),
                new string[] {  },
                new double[][] { },
                "foo", 3.5, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.RangeFrom("bar", true).Reversed(),
                new string[] { "S", "gib", "foo", "bar" },
                new double[][] {new double[] { -9 }, new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 },new double[] { 9.8 }   },
                "alpha", 5.5, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.RangeFrom("bar", false). Reversed(),
                new string[] { "S", "gib", "foo" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { -9 }, new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 } },
                "bar", 9.8, true, null, null);


        public void RangeTo()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double>(false);

            dict1.Add("foo", 3.5);
            dict1.Add("foo", -1.2);
            dict1.Add(null, 11.1);
            dict1.Add("foo", 8.8);
            dict1.Add(null, 11.1);
            dict1.Add("bar", 9.8);
            dict1.Add("foo", 8.8);
            dict1.Add("gib", 7.1);
            dict1.Add("S", -9);
            dict1.Add(null, 5.5);
            dict1.Add("gib", 1.1);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.RangeTo("gib", true),
                new string[] { null, "bar", "foo", "gib" },
                new double[][] { new double[] {5.5, 11.1}, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 } },
                "S", -9, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.RangeTo("gib", false),
                new string[] { null, "bar", "foo" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 5.5, 11.1 }, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 } },
                "gib", 1.1, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.RangeTo("Z", false),
                new string[] { null, "bar", "foo", "gib", "S" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 5.5, 11.1 }, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] {-9} },
                "Zelda", -11, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.RangeTo(null, false),
                new string[] {  },
                new double[][] { },
                null, 5.5, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.RangeTo("gib", true).Reversed(),
                new string[] { "gib", "foo", "bar", null },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { 5.5, 11.1 }  },
                "S", -9, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.RangeTo("gib", false).Reversed(),
                new string[] { "foo", "bar", null },
                new double[][] { new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { 5.5, 11.1 } },
                "gib", 1.1, true, null, null);


        public void Range()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double>(false);

            dict1.Add("foo", 3.5);
            dict1.Add("foo", -1.2);
            dict1.Add(null, 11.1);
            dict1.Add("foo", 8.8);
            dict1.Add(null, 11.1);
            dict1.Add("bar", 9.8);
            dict1.Add("foo", 8.8);
            dict1.Add("gib", 7.1);
            dict1.Add("S", -9);
            dict1.Add(null, 5.5);
            dict1.Add("gib", 1.1);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.Range(null, true, "S", true),
                new string[] { null, "bar", "foo", "gib", "S" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 5.5, 11.1 }, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] { -9 } },
                "Speedo", -14, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.Range(null, false, "S", true),
                new string[] { "bar", "foo", "gib", "S" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] { -9 } },
                null, -14, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.Range(null, true, "S", false),
                new string[] { null, "bar", "foo", "gib"},
                new double[][] { new double[] { 5.5, 11.1 }, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 } },
                "S", -9, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.Range(null, false, "S", false),
                new string[] { "bar", "foo", "gib" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 } },
                "Speedo", -14, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.Range(null, true, "S", true).Reversed(),
                new string[] {"S", "gib", "foo", "bar", null },
                new double[][] { new double[] { -9 }, new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { 5.5, 11.1 } },
                "Speedo", -14, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.Range(null, false, "S", true).Reversed(),
                new string[] { "S", "gib", "foo", "bar" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { -9 }, new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 9.8 } },
                null, -14, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.Range(null, true, "S", false).Reversed(),
                new string[] { "gib", "foo", "bar", null },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { 5.5, 11.1 } },
                "S", -9, true, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.Range(null, false, "S", false).Reversed(),
                new string[] { "gib", "foo", "bar" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 9.8 } },
               "Speedo", -14, true, null, null);

        public void Reversed()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double>(false);

            dict1.Add("foo", 3.5);
            dict1.Add("foo", -1.2);
            dict1.Add(null, 11.1);
            dict1.Add("foo", 8.8);
            dict1.Add(null, 11.1);
            dict1.Add("bar", 9.8);
            dict1.Add("foo", 8.8);
            dict1.Add("gib", 7.1);
            dict1.Add("S", -9);
            dict1.Add(null, 5.5);
            dict1.Add("gib", 1.1);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.Reversed(),
                new string[] {"S", "gib", "foo", "bar", null },
                new double[][] { new double[] { -9 }, new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { 5.5, 11.1 } },
                "Speedo", -14, false, null, null);

            CheckView<string, double>(dict1.Reversed().Reversed(),
                new string[] { null, "bar", "foo", "gib", "S" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 5.5, 11.1 }, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] { -9 } },
                "Speedo", -14, false, null, null);

        public void RangeClear()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double> dict1 = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double>(false);
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double> dict2;

            dict1.Add("foo", 3.5);
            dict1.Add("foo", -1.2);
            dict1.Add(null, 11.1);
            dict1.Add("foo", 8.8);
            dict1.Add(null, 11.1);
            dict1.Add("bar", 9.8);
            dict1.Add("foo", 8.8);
            dict1.Add("gib", 7.1);
            dict1.Add("S", -9);
            dict1.Add(null, 5.5);
            dict1.Add("gib", 1.1);

            dict2 = dict1.Clone();
            dict2.Range("bar", false, "gib", true).Clear();
            CheckOrderedMultiDictionaryContents<string, double>(dict2,
                new string[] { null, "bar", "S" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 5.5, 11.1 }, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { -9 } },
                "foo", 3.5, null, null);

            dict2 = dict1.Clone();
            dict2.RangeTo("gib", true).Clear();
            CheckOrderedMultiDictionaryContents<string, double>(dict2,
                new string[] { "S" },
                new double[][] {new double[] { -9 } },
                "foo", 3.5, null, null);

            dict2 = dict1.Clone();
            dict2.RangeTo("gib", false).Clear();
            CheckOrderedMultiDictionaryContents<string, double>(dict2,
                new string[] { "gib", "S" },
                new double[][] {new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 }, new double[] { -9 } },
                "foo", 3.5, null, null);

            dict2 = dict1.Clone();
            dict2.RangeFrom("gib", false).Clear();
            CheckOrderedMultiDictionaryContents<string, double>(dict2,
                new string[] { null, "bar", "foo", "gib"},
                new double[][] { new double[] { 5.5, 11.1 }, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 }, new double[] { 1.1, 7.1 } },
                "S", 3.7, null, null);

            dict2 = dict1.Clone();
            dict2.RangeFrom("gib", true).Clear();
            CheckOrderedMultiDictionaryContents<string, double>(dict2,
                new string[] { null, "bar", "foo" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 5.5, 11.1 }, new double[] { 9.8 }, new double[] { -1.2, 3.5, 8.8 } },
                "S", 3.7, null, null);

            dict2 = dict1.Clone();
            dict2.Range(null, true, "S", true).Clear();
            CheckOrderedMultiDictionaryContents<string, double>(dict2,
                new string[] { },
                new double[][] { },
                "S", 3.7, null, null);

            dict2 = dict1.Clone();
            CheckOrderedMultiDictionaryContents<string, double>(dict2,
                new string[] { },
                new double[][] {  },
                "S", 3.7, null, null);

        public void SerializeStrings()
            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double> d = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double>(true, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            d.Add("hEllo", 13);
            d.Add("foo", 7);
            d.Add("world", -9.5);
            d.Add("hello", 11);
            d.Add("elvis", 0.9);
            d.Add("ELVIS", 1.4);
            d.Add(null, 1.4);
            d.Add("FOO", 7);
            d.Add("hello", 12);

            OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double> result = (OrderedMultiDictionary<string, double>)InterfaceTests.SerializeRoundTrip(d);

            CheckOrderedMultiDictionaryContents<String, double>(result,
                new string[] { null, "eLVis", "FOO", "Hello", "WORLD" },
                new double[][] { new double[] { 1.4 }, new double[] { 0.9, 1.4 }, new double[] { 7, 7 }, new double[] { 11, 12, 13 }, new double[] { -9.5 } },
                "zippy", 123, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Equals, null);



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