namespace GMap.NET.Projections{
using System;
class MercatorProjectionYandex : PureProjection
const double MinLatitude = -85.05112878;
const double MaxLatitude = 85.05112878;
const double MinLongitude = -177;
const double MaxLongitude = 177;
const double RAD_DEG = 180 / Math.PI;
const double DEG_RAD = Math.PI / 180;
const double MathPiDiv4 = Math.PI / 4;
Size tileSize = new Size(256, 256);
public override Size TileSize
return tileSize;
public override double Axis
return 6356752.3142;
public override double Flattening
return (1.0 / 298.257223563);
public override Point FromLatLngToPixel(double lat, double lng, int zoom)
lat = Clip(lat, MinLatitude, MaxLatitude);
lng = Clip(lng, MinLongitude, MaxLongitude);
double rLon = lng * DEG_RAD; // Math.PI / 180;
double rLat = lat * DEG_RAD; // Math.PI / 180;
double a = 6378137;
double k = 0.0818191908426;
double z = Math.Tan(MathPiDiv4 + rLat / 2) / Math.Pow((Math.Tan(MathPiDiv4 + Math.Asin(k * Math.Sin(rLat)) / 2)), k);
double z1 = Math.Pow(2, 23 - zoom);
double DX = ((20037508.342789 + a * rLon) * 53.5865938 / z1);
double DY = ((20037508.342789 - a * Math.Log(z)) * 53.5865938 / z1);
Point ret = Point.Empty;
ret.X = (int) DX;
ret.Y = (int) DY;
return ret;
public override PointLatLng FromPixelToLatLng(int x, int y, int zoom)
Size s = GetTileMatrixSizePixel(zoom);
double mapSizeX = s.Width;
double mapSizeY = s.Height;
double a = 6378137;
double c1 = 0.00335655146887969;
double c2 = 0.00000657187271079536;
double c3 = 0.00000001764564338702;
double c4 = 0.00000000005328478445;
double z1 = (23 - zoom);
double mercX = (x * Math.Pow(2, z1)) / 53.5865938 - 20037508.342789;
double mercY = 20037508.342789 - (y *Math.Pow(2, z1)) / 53.5865938;
double g = Math.PI /2 - 2 *Math.Atan(1 / Math.Exp(mercY /a));
double z = g + c1 * Math.Sin(2 * g) + c2 * Math.Sin(4 * g) + c3 * Math.Sin(6 * g) + c4 * Math.Sin(8 * g);
PointLatLng ret = PointLatLng.Empty;
ret.Lat = z * RAD_DEG;
ret.Lng = mercX / a * RAD_DEG;
return ret;
/// <summary>
/// Clips a number to the specified minimum and maximum values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">The number to clip.</param>
/// <param name="minValue">Minimum allowable value.</param>
/// <param name="maxValue">Maximum allowable value.</param>
/// <returns>The clipped value.</returns>
double Clip(double n, double minValue, double maxValue)
return Math.Min(Math.Max(n, minValue), maxValue);
public override Size GetTileMatrixMinXY(int zoom)
return new Size(0, 0);
public override Size GetTileMatrixMaxXY(int zoom)
int xy = (1 << zoom);
return new Size(xy - 1, xy - 1);