QuadTree.cs :  » GIS » GMap.NET » GMap » NET » WindowsPresentation » C# / CSharp Open Source

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namespace GMap.NET.WindowsPresentation{
   using System;
   using System.Collections.Generic;
   using System.Diagnostics;
   using System.IO;
   using System.Windows;
   using System.Windows.Controls;
   using System.Windows.Shapes;
   using System.Windows.Media;
   using System.Xml;

   /// <summary>
   /// This class efficiently stores and retrieves arbitrarily sized and positioned
   /// objects in a quad-tree data structure.  This can be used to do efficient hit
   /// detection or visiblility checks on objects in a virtualized canvas.
   /// The object does not need to implement any special interface because the Rect Bounds
   /// of those objects is handled as a separate argument to Insert.
   /// </summary>
   public class QuadTree<T> where T : class
      Rect _bounds; // overall bounds we are indexing.
      Quadrant _root;
      IDictionary<T, Quadrant> _table;

      /// <summary>
      /// Each node stored in the tree has a position, width & height.
      /// </summary>
      internal class QuadNode
         Rect _bounds;
         QuadNode _next; // linked in a circular list.
         T _node; // the actual visual object being stored here.

         /// <summary>
         /// Construct new QuadNode to wrap the given node with given bounds
         /// </summary>
         /// <param name="node">The node</param>
         /// <param name="bounds">The bounds of that node</param>
         public QuadNode(T node, Rect bounds)
            _node = node;
            _bounds = bounds;

         /// <summary>
         /// The node
         /// </summary>
         public T Node
               return _node;
               _node = value;

         /// <summary>
         /// The Rect bounds of the node
         /// </summary>
         public Rect Bounds
               return _bounds;

         /// <summary>
         /// QuadNodes form a linked list in the Quadrant.
         /// </summary>
         public QuadNode Next
               return _next;
               _next = value;

      /// <summary>
      /// The canvas is split up into four Quadrants and objects are stored in the quadrant that contains them
      /// and each quadrant is split up into four child Quadrants recurrsively.  Objects that overlap more than
      /// one quadrant are stored in the _nodes list for this Quadrant.
      /// </summary>
      internal class Quadrant
         Quadrant _parent;
         Rect _bounds; // quadrant bounds.

         QuadNode _nodes; // nodes that overlap the sub quadrant boundaries.

         // The quadrant is subdivided when nodes are inserted that are 
         // completely contained within those subdivisions.
         Quadrant _topLeft;
         Quadrant _topRight;
         Quadrant _bottomLeft;
         Quadrant _bottomRight;

            public void ShowQuadTree(Canvas c)
                Rectangle r = new Rectangle();
                r.Width = _bounds.Width;
                r.Height = _bounds.Height;
                Canvas.SetLeft(r, _bounds.Left);
                Canvas.SetTop(r, _bounds.Top);
                r.Stroke = Brushes.DarkRed;
                r.StrokeThickness = 1;
                r.StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection(new double[] { 2.0, 3.0 });

                if (_topLeft != null) _topLeft.ShowQuadTree(c);
                if (_topRight != null) _topRight.ShowQuadTree(c);
                if (_bottomLeft != null) _bottomLeft.ShowQuadTree(c);
                if (_bottomRight != null) _bottomRight.ShowQuadTree(c);

            public void Dump(LogWriter w)
                w.WriteAttribute("Bounds", _bounds.ToString());
                if (_nodes != null)
                    QuadNode n = _nodes;
                        n = n.Next; // first node.
                        w.WriteAttribute("Bounds", n.Bounds.ToString());
                    } while (n != _nodes);
                DumpQuadrant("TopLeft", _topLeft, w);
                DumpQuadrant("TopRight", _topRight, w);
                DumpQuadrant("BottomLeft", _bottomLeft, w);
                DumpQuadrant("BottomRight", _bottomRight, w);

            public void DumpQuadrant(string label, Quadrant q, LogWriter w)
                if (q != null)
                    w.WriteAttribute("Name", label);

         /// <summary>
         /// Construct new Quadrant with a given bounds all nodes stored inside this quadrant
         /// will fit inside this bounds.  
         /// </summary>
         /// <param name="parent">The parent quadrant (if any)</param>
         /// <param name="bounds">The bounds of this quadrant</param>
         public Quadrant(Quadrant parent, Rect bounds)
            _parent = parent;
            Debug.Assert(bounds.Width != 0 && bounds.Height != 0);
            if(bounds.Width == 0 || bounds.Height == 0)
               // todo: localize
               throw new ArgumentException("Bounds of quadrant cannot be zero width or height");
            _bounds = bounds;

         /// <summary>
         /// The parent Quadrant or null if this is the root
         /// </summary>
         internal Quadrant Parent
               return _parent;

         /// <summary>
         /// The bounds of this quadrant
         /// </summary>
         internal Rect Bounds
               return _bounds;

         /// <summary>
         /// Insert the given node
         /// </summary>
         /// <param name="node">The node </param>
         /// <param name="bounds">The bounds of that node</param>
         /// <returns></returns>
         internal Quadrant Insert(T node, Rect bounds)
            Debug.Assert(bounds.Width != 0 && bounds.Height != 0);
            if(bounds.Width == 0 || bounds.Height == 0)
               // todo: localize
               throw new ArgumentException("Bounds of quadrant cannot be zero width or height");

            double w = _bounds.Width / 2;
            if(w == 0)
               w = 1;
            double h = _bounds.Height / 2;
            if(h == 0)
               h = 1;

            // assumption that the Rect struct is almost as fast as doing the operations
            // manually since Rect is a value type.

            Rect topLeft = new Rect(_bounds.Left, _bounds.Top, w, h);
            Rect topRight = new Rect(_bounds.Left + w, _bounds.Top, w, h);
            Rect bottomLeft = new Rect(_bounds.Left, _bounds.Top + h, w, h);
            Rect bottomRight = new Rect(_bounds.Left + w, _bounds.Top + h, w, h);

            Quadrant child = null;

            // See if any child quadrants completely contain this node.
               if(_topLeft == null)
                  _topLeft = new Quadrant(this, topLeft);
               child = _topLeft;
            else if(topRight.Contains(bounds))
               if(_topRight == null)
                  _topRight = new Quadrant(this, topRight);
               child = _topRight;
            else if(bottomLeft.Contains(bounds))
               if(_bottomLeft == null)
                  _bottomLeft = new Quadrant(this, bottomLeft);
               child = _bottomLeft;
            else if(bottomRight.Contains(bounds))
               if(_bottomRight == null)
                  _bottomRight = new Quadrant(this, bottomRight);
               child = _bottomRight;

            if(child != null)
               return child.Insert(node, bounds);
               QuadNode n = new QuadNode(node, bounds);
               if(_nodes == null)
                  n.Next = n;
                  // link up in circular link list.
                  QuadNode x = _nodes;
                  n.Next = x.Next;
                  x.Next = n;
               _nodes = n;
               return this;

         /// <summary>
         /// Returns all nodes in this quadrant that intersect the given bounds.
         /// The nodes are returned in pretty much random order as far as the caller is concerned.
         /// </summary>
         /// <param name="nodes">List of nodes found in the given bounds</param>
         /// <param name="bounds">The bounds that contains the nodes you want returned</param>
         internal void GetIntersectingNodes(List<QuadNode> nodes, Rect bounds)
            double w = _bounds.Width / 2;
            double h = _bounds.Height / 2;

            // assumption that the Rect struct is almost as fast as doing the operations
            // manually since Rect is a value type.

            Rect topLeft = new Rect(_bounds.Left, _bounds.Top, w, h);
            Rect topRight = new Rect(_bounds.Left + w, _bounds.Top, w, h);
            Rect bottomLeft = new Rect(_bounds.Left, _bounds.Top + h, w, h);
            Rect bottomRight = new Rect(_bounds.Left + w, _bounds.Top + h, w, h);

            // See if any child quadrants completely contain this node.
            if(topLeft.IntersectsWith(bounds) && _topLeft != null)
               _topLeft.GetIntersectingNodes(nodes, bounds);

            if(topRight.IntersectsWith(bounds) && _topRight != null)
               _topRight.GetIntersectingNodes(nodes, bounds);

            if(bottomLeft.IntersectsWith(bounds) && _bottomLeft != null)
               _bottomLeft.GetIntersectingNodes(nodes, bounds);

            if(bottomRight.IntersectsWith(bounds) && _bottomRight != null)
               _bottomRight.GetIntersectingNodes(nodes, bounds);

            GetIntersectingNodes(_nodes, nodes, bounds);

         /// <summary>
         /// Walk the given linked list of QuadNodes and check them against the given bounds.
         /// Add all nodes that intersect the bounds in to the list.
         /// </summary>
         /// <param name="last">The last QuadNode in a circularly linked list</param>
         /// <param name="nodes">The resulting nodes are added to this list</param>
         /// <param name="bounds">The bounds to test against each node</param>
         static void GetIntersectingNodes(QuadNode last, List<QuadNode> nodes, Rect bounds)
            if(last != null)
               QuadNode n = last;
                  n = n.Next; // first node.
               } while(n != last);

         /// <summary>
         /// Return true if there are any nodes in this Quadrant that intersect the given bounds.
         /// </summary>
         /// <param name="bounds">The bounds to test</param>
         /// <returns>boolean</returns>
         internal bool HasIntersectingNodes(Rect bounds)
               return false;
            double w = _bounds.Width / 2;
            double h = _bounds.Height / 2;

            // assumption that the Rect struct is almost as fast as doing the operations
            // manually since Rect is a value type.

            Rect topLeft = new Rect(_bounds.Left, _bounds.Top, w, h);
            Rect topRight = new Rect(_bounds.Left + w, _bounds.Top, w, h);
            Rect bottomLeft = new Rect(_bounds.Left, _bounds.Top + h, w, h);
            Rect bottomRight = new Rect(_bounds.Left + w, _bounds.Top + h, w, h);

            bool found = false;

            // See if any child quadrants completely contain this node.
            if(topLeft.IntersectsWith(bounds) && _topLeft != null)
               found = _topLeft.HasIntersectingNodes(bounds);

            if(!found && topRight.IntersectsWith(bounds) && _topRight != null)
               found = _topRight.HasIntersectingNodes(bounds);

            if(!found && bottomLeft.IntersectsWith(bounds) && _bottomLeft != null)
               found = _bottomLeft.HasIntersectingNodes(bounds);

            if(!found && bottomRight.IntersectsWith(bounds) && _bottomRight != null)
               found = _bottomRight.HasIntersectingNodes(bounds);
               found = HasIntersectingNodes(_nodes, bounds);
            return found;

         /// <summary>
         /// Walk the given linked list and test each node against the given bounds/
         /// </summary>
         /// <param name="last">The last node in the circularly linked list.</param>
         /// <param name="bounds">Bounds to test</param>
         /// <returns>Return true if a node in the list intersects the bounds</returns>
         static bool HasIntersectingNodes(QuadNode last, Rect bounds)
            if(last != null)
               QuadNode n = last;
                  n = n.Next; // first node.
                     return true;
               } while(n != last);
            return false;

         /// <summary>
         /// Remove the given node from this Quadrant.
         /// </summary>
         /// <param name="node">The node to remove</param>
         /// <returns>Returns true if the node was found and removed.</returns>
         internal bool RemoveNode(T node)
            bool rc = false;
            if(_nodes != null)
               QuadNode p = _nodes;
               while(p.Next.Node != node && p.Next != _nodes)
                  p = p.Next;
               if(p.Next.Node == node)
                  rc = true;
                  QuadNode n = p.Next;
                  if(p == n)
                     // list goes to empty
                     _nodes = null;
                     if(_nodes == n)
                        _nodes = p;
                     p.Next = n.Next;
            return rc;


      /// <summary>
      /// This determines the overall quad-tree indexing strategy, changing this bounds
      /// is expensive since it has to re-divide the entire thing - like a re-hash operation.
      /// </summary>
      public Rect Bounds
            return _bounds;
            _bounds = value;

      /// <summary>
      /// Insert a node with given bounds into this QuadTree.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="node">The node to insert</param>
      /// <param name="bounds">The bounds of this node</param>
      public void Insert(T node, Rect bounds)
         if(_bounds.Width == 0 || _bounds.Height == 0)
            // todo: localize.
            throw new InvalidOperationException("You must set a non-zero bounds on the QuadTree first");
         if(bounds.Width == 0 || bounds.Height == 0)
            // todo: localize.
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Inserted node must have a non-zero width and height");
         if(_root == null)
            _root = new Quadrant(null, _bounds);

         Quadrant parent = _root.Insert(node, bounds);

         if(_table == null)
            _table = new Dictionary<T, Quadrant>();
         _table[node] = parent;

      /// <summary>
      /// Get a list of the nodes that intersect the given bounds.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="bounds">The bounds to test</param>
      /// <returns>List of zero or mode nodes found inside the given bounds</returns>
      public IEnumerable<T> GetNodesInside(Rect bounds)
         foreach(QuadNode n in GetNodes(bounds))
            yield return n.Node;

      /// <summary>
      /// Get a list of the nodes that intersect the given bounds.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="bounds">The bounds to test</param>
      /// <returns>List of zero or mode nodes found inside the given bounds</returns>
      public bool HasNodesInside(Rect bounds)
         if(_root != null)
         return false;

      /// <summary>
      /// Get list of nodes that intersect the given bounds.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="bounds">The bounds to test</param>
      /// <returns>The list of nodes intersecting the given bounds</returns>
      IEnumerable<QuadNode> GetNodes(Rect bounds)
         List<QuadNode> result = new List<QuadNode>();
         if(_root != null)
            _root.GetIntersectingNodes(result, bounds);
         return result;

      /// <summary>
      /// Remove the given node from this QuadTree.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="node">The node to remove</param>
      /// <returns>True if the node was found and removed.</returns>
      public bool Remove(T node)
         if(_table != null)
            Quadrant parent = null;
            if(_table.TryGetValue(node, out parent))
               return true;
         return false;

      /// <summary>
      /// Rebuild all the Quadrants according to the current QuadTree Bounds.
      /// </summary>
      void ReIndex()
         _root = null;
         foreach(QuadNode n in GetNodes(_bounds))
            // todo: it would be more efficient if we added a code path that allowed
            // reuse of the QuadNode wrappers.
            Insert(n.Node, n.Bounds);
        public void ShowQuadTree(Canvas container)
            if (_root != null)

        public void Dump(LogWriter w)
            if (_root != null)

    public class LogWriter : IDisposable
        XmlWriter _xw;
        int _indent;
        int _maxdepth;

        public LogWriter(TextWriter w)
            XmlWriterSettings s = new XmlWriterSettings();
            s.Indent = true;            
            _xw = XmlWriter.Create(w, s);

        public int MaxDepth
                return _maxdepth;

        public void Open(string label)
            if (_indent > _maxdepth) _maxdepth = _indent;

        public void Close()
        public void WriteAttribute(string name, string value)
            _xw.WriteAttributeString(name, value);

   #region IDisposable Members

        public void Dispose()

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing && _xw != null)
                using (_xw)
                _xw = null;


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