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namespace TestCases.DDF{
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using NPOI.DDF;
using NPOI.Util;
using NPOI.Util.IO;
public class TestEscherContainerRecord
private String ESCHER_DATA_PATH;
public TestEscherContainerRecord()
ESCHER_DATA_PATH = @"..\..\..\TestCases\DDF\data\";
public void TestFillFields()
EscherRecordFactory f = new DefaultEscherRecordFactory();
byte[] data = HexRead.ReadFromString("0F 02 11 F1 00 00 00 00");
EscherRecord r = f.CreateRecord(data, 0);
r.FillFields(data, 0, f);
Assert.IsTrue(r is EscherContainerRecord);
Assert.AreEqual((short)0x020F, r.Options);
Assert.AreEqual(unchecked((short)0xF111), r.RecordId);
data = HexRead.ReadFromString("0F 02 11 F1 08 00 00 00" +
" 02 00 22 F2 00 00 00 00");
r = f.CreateRecord(data, 0);
r.FillFields(data, 0, f);
EscherRecord c = r.GetChild(0);
Assert.IsFalse(c is EscherContainerRecord);
Assert.AreEqual(unchecked((short)0x0002), c.Options);
Assert.AreEqual(unchecked((short)0xF222), c.RecordId);
public void TestSerialize()
UnknownEscherRecord r = new UnknownEscherRecord();
byte[] data = new byte[8];
r.Serialize(0, data);
Assert.AreEqual("[3F, 12, 12, F1, 00, 00, 00, 00, ]", HexDump.ToHex(data));
EscherRecord childRecord = new UnknownEscherRecord();
data = new byte[16];
r.Serialize(0, data);
Assert.AreEqual("[3F, 12, 12, F1, 08, 00, 00, 00, 99, 99, 01, FF, 00, 00, 00, 00, ]", HexDump.ToHex(data));
public void TestToString()
EscherContainerRecord r = new EscherContainerRecord();
String nl = Environment.NewLine;
Assert.AreEqual("EscherContainerRecord (SpContainer):" + nl +
" isContainer: True" + nl +
" options: 0x000F" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF004" + nl +
" numchildren: 0" + nl
, r.ToString());
EscherOptRecord r2 = new EscherOptRecord();
r2.Options = unchecked((short)0x9876) ;
String expected;
expected = "EscherContainerRecord (SpContainer):" + nl +
" isContainer: True" + nl +
" options: 0x000F" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF004" + nl +
" numchildren: 1" + nl +
" children: " + nl +
" Child 0:" + nl +
"EscherOptRecord:" + nl +
" isContainer: False" + nl +
" options: 0x0003" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF00B" + nl +
" numchildren: 0" + nl +
" properties:" + nl;
Assert.AreEqual(expected, r.ToString());
expected = "EscherContainerRecord (SpContainer):" + nl +
" isContainer: True" + nl +
" options: 0x000F" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF004" + nl +
" numchildren: 2" + nl +
" children: " + nl +
" Child 0:" + nl +
"EscherOptRecord:" + nl +
" isContainer: False" + nl +
" options: 0x0003" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF00B" + nl +
" numchildren: 0" + nl +
" properties:" + nl +
" Child 1:" + nl +
"EscherOptRecord:" + nl +
" isContainer: False" + nl +
" options: 0x0003" + nl +
" recordId: 0xF00B" + nl +
" numchildren: 0" + nl +
" properties:" + nl;
Assert.AreEqual(expected, r.ToString());
private class TestRecordA : EscherRecord
public override int FillFields(byte[] data, int offset, EscherRecordFactory recordFactory)
{ return 0; }
public override int Serialize(int offset, byte[] data, EscherSerializationListener listener)
{ return 0; }
public override int RecordSize { get { return 10; } }
public override String RecordName { get { return ""; } }
public void TestRecordSize()
EscherContainerRecord r = new EscherContainerRecord();
r.AddChildRecord(new TestRecordA());
Assert.AreEqual(18, r.RecordSize);
* We were having problems with Reading too much data on an UnknownEscherRecord,
* but hopefully we now Read the correct size.
public void TestBug44857()
//File f = new File(ESCHER_DATA_PATH, "Container.dat");
FileStream finp = new FileStream(ESCHER_DATA_PATH+"Container.dat",FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read);
byte[] data = IOUtils.ToByteArray(finp);
// This used to fail with an OutOfMemory
EscherContainerRecord record = new EscherContainerRecord();
record.FillFields(data, 0, new DefaultEscherRecordFactory());