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namespace TestCases.HSSF.Model{
using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using NPOI.HSSF.Model;
using NPOI.HSSF.Record.Formula;
using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel;
using TestCases.SS.Formula;
using NPOI.SS.UserModel;
* Test the low level formula Parser functionality. High level tests are to
* be done via usermodel/Cell.SetFormulaValue().
public class TestFormulaParser
* @return Parsed token array alReady Confirmed not <c>null</c>
/* package */
public static Ptg[] ParseFormula(String formula)
Ptg[] result = HSSFFormulaParser.Parse(formula, null);
Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Ptg array should not be null");
return result;
public void TestSimpleFormula()
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula("2+2");
Assert.AreEqual(3, ptgs.Length);
public void TestFormulaWithSpace1()
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula(" 2 + 2 ");
Assert.AreEqual(3, ptgs.Length);
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[0] is IntPtg));
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[1] is IntPtg));
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[2] is AddPtg));
public void TestFormulaWithSpace2()
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula("2+ sum( 3 , 4) ");
Assert.AreEqual(5, ptgs.Length);
public void TestFormulaWithSpaceNRef()
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula("sum( A2:A3 )");
Assert.AreEqual(2, ptgs.Length);
public void TestFormulaWithString()
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula("\"hello\" & \"world\" ");
Assert.AreEqual(3, ptgs.Length);
public void TestTRUE()
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula("TRUE");
Assert.AreEqual(1, ptgs.Length);
BoolPtg flag = (BoolPtg)ptgs[0];
Assert.AreEqual(true, flag.Value);
public void TestSumIf()
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula("SUMIF(A1:A5,\">4000\",B1:B5)");
Assert.AreEqual(4, ptgs.Length);
* Bug Reported by xt-jens.riis@nokia.com (Jens Riis)
* Refers to Bug <a href="http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=17582">#17582</a>
public void TestNonAlphaFormula()
String currencyCell = "F3";
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula("\"TOTAL[\"&" + currencyCell + "&\"]\"");
Assert.AreEqual(5, ptgs.Length);
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[0] is StringPtg), "Ptg[0] is1 a string");
StringPtg firstString = (StringPtg)ptgs[0];
Assert.AreEqual("TOTAL[", firstString.Value);
//the PTG order isn't 100% correct but it still works - dmui
public void TestMacroFunction()
// testNames.xls contains a VB function called 'myFunc'
HSSFWorkbook w = HSSFTestDataSamples.OpenSampleWorkbook("testNames.xls");
HSSFEvaluationWorkbook book = HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create(w);
Ptg[] ptg = HSSFFormulaParser.Parse("myFunc()", w);
// the name Gets encoded as the first arg
NamePtg tname = (NamePtg)ptg[0];
Assert.AreEqual("myFunc", tname.ToFormulaString(book));
AbstractFunctionPtg tfunc = (AbstractFunctionPtg)ptg[1];
public void TestEmbeddedSlash()
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula("HYPERLINK(\"http://www.jakarta.org\",\"Jakarta\")");
Assert.IsTrue(ptgs[0] is StringPtg, "first ptg is1 string");
Assert.IsTrue(ptgs[1] is StringPtg, "second ptg is1 string");
public void TestConcatenate()
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula("CONCATENATE(\"first\",\"second\")");
Assert.IsTrue(ptgs[0] is StringPtg, "first ptg is1 string");
Assert.IsTrue(ptgs[1] is StringPtg, "second ptg is1 string");
public void TestWorksheetReferences()
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
wb.CreateSheet("Quotes Needed Here &#$@");
NPOI.SS.UserModel.Sheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet("Test");
Row row = sheet.CreateRow(0);
Cell cell;
cell = row.CreateCell((short)0);
cell.CellFormula = ("NoQuotesNeeded!A1");
cell = row.CreateCell((short)1);
cell.CellFormula = ("'Quotes Needed Here &#$@'!A1");
public void TestUnaryMinus()
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula("-A1");
Assert.AreEqual(2, ptgs.Length);
Assert.IsTrue(ptgs[0] is RefPtg, "first ptg is1 reference");
Assert.IsTrue(ptgs[1] is UnaryMinusPtg, "second ptg is1 Minus");
public void TestUnaryPlus()
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula("+A1");
Assert.AreEqual(2, ptgs.Length);
Assert.IsTrue(ptgs[0] is RefPtg, "first ptg is1 reference");
Assert.IsTrue(ptgs[1] is UnaryPlusPtg, "second ptg is1 Plus");
public void TestLeadingSpaceInString()
String value = " hi ";
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula("\"" + value + "\"");
Assert.AreEqual(1, ptgs.Length);
Assert.IsTrue(ptgs[0] is StringPtg, "ptg0 is1 a StringPtg");
Assert.IsTrue(((StringPtg)ptgs[0]).Value.Equals(value), "ptg0 contains exact value");
public void TestLookupAndMatchFunctionArgs()
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula("lookup(A1, A3:A52, B3:B52)");
Assert.AreEqual(4, ptgs.Length);
Assert.IsTrue(ptgs[0].PtgClass == Ptg.CLASS_VALUE, "ptg0 has Value class");
ptgs = ParseFormula("match(A1, A3:A52)");
Assert.AreEqual(3, ptgs.Length);
Assert.IsTrue(ptgs[0].PtgClass == Ptg.CLASS_VALUE, "ptg0 has Value class");
/** bug 33160*/
public void TestLargeInt()
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula("40");
Assert.IsTrue(ptgs[0] is IntPtg, "ptg is1 Int, is1 " + ptgs[0].GetType());
ptgs = ParseFormula("40000");
Assert.IsTrue(ptgs[0] is IntPtg, "ptg should be IntPtg, is1 " + ptgs[0].GetType());
/** bug 33160, testcase by Amol Deshmukh*/
public void TestSimpleLongFormula()
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula("40000/2");
Assert.AreEqual(3, ptgs.Length);
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[0] is IntPtg), "IntPtg");
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[1] is IntPtg), "IntPtg");
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[2] is DividePtg), "DividePtg");
/** bug 35027, underscore in sheet name */
public void TestUnderscore()
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
NPOI.SS.UserModel.Sheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet("Test");
Row row = sheet.CreateRow(0);
Cell cell;
cell = row.CreateCell((short)0);
cell.CellFormula = ("Cash_Flow!A1");
// bug 38396 : Formula with exponential numbers not Parsed correctly.
public void TestExponentialParsing()
Ptg[] ptgs;
ptgs = ParseFormula("1.3E21/2");
Assert.AreEqual(3, ptgs.Length);
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[0] is NumberPtg), "NumberPtg");
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[1] is IntPtg), "IntPtg");
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[2] is DividePtg), "DividePtg");
ptgs = ParseFormula("1322E21/2");
Assert.AreEqual(3, ptgs.Length);
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[0] is NumberPtg), "NumberPtg");
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[1] is IntPtg), "IntPtg");
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[2] is DividePtg), "DividePtg");
ptgs = ParseFormula("1.3E1/2");
Assert.AreEqual(3, ptgs.Length);
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[0] is NumberPtg), "NumberPtg");
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[1] is IntPtg), "IntPtg");
Assert.IsTrue((ptgs[2] is DividePtg), "DividePtg");
public void TestExponentialInSheet()
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
NPOI.SS.UserModel.Sheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet("Test");
Row row = sheet.CreateRow(0);
Cell cell = row.CreateCell((short)0);
String formula = null;
cell.CellFormula = ("1.3E21/3");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("1.3E+21/3", formula, "Exponential formula string");
cell.CellFormula = ("-1.3E21/3");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("-1.3E+21/3", formula, "Exponential formula string");
cell.CellFormula = ("1322E21/3");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("1.322E+24/3", formula, "Exponential formula string");
cell.CellFormula = ("-1322E21/3");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("-1.322E+24/3", formula, "Exponential formula string");
cell.CellFormula = ("1.3E1/3");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("13/3", formula, "Exponential formula string");
cell.CellFormula = ("-1.3E1/3");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("-13/3", formula, "Exponential formula string");
cell.CellFormula = ("1.3E-4/3");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("0.00013/3", formula, "Exponential formula string");
cell.CellFormula = ("-1.3E-4/3");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("-0.00013/3", formula, "Exponential formula string");
cell.CellFormula = ("13E-15/3");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("1.3E-14/3", formula, "Exponential formula string");
cell.CellFormula = ("-13E-15/3");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("-1.3E-14/3", formula, "Exponential formula string");
cell.CellFormula = ("1.3E3/3");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("1300/3", formula, "Exponential formula string");
cell.CellFormula = ("-1.3E3/3");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("-1300/3", formula, "Exponential formula string");
cell.CellFormula = ("1300000000000000/3");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("1.3E+15/3", formula, "Exponential formula string");
cell.CellFormula = ("-1300000000000000/3");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("-1.3E+15/3", formula, "Exponential formula string");
cell.CellFormula = ("-10E-1/3.1E2*4E3/3E4");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("-1/310*4000/30000", formula, "Exponential formula string");
public void TestNumbers()
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
NPOI.SS.UserModel.Sheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet("Test");
Row row = sheet.CreateRow(0);
Cell cell = row.CreateCell((short)0);
String formula = null;
// starts from decimal point
cell.CellFormula = (".1");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("0.1", formula);
cell.CellFormula = ("+.1");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("+0.1", formula);
cell.CellFormula = ("-.1");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("-0.1", formula);
// has exponent
cell.CellFormula = ("10E1");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("100", formula);
cell.CellFormula = ("10E+1");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("100", formula);
cell.CellFormula = ("10E-1");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("1", formula);
public void TestRanges()
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
NPOI.SS.UserModel.Sheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet("Test");
Row row = sheet.CreateRow(0);
Cell cell = row.CreateCell((short)0);
String formula = null;
cell.CellFormula = ("A1.A2");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("A1:A2", formula);
cell.CellFormula = ("A1..A2");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("A1:A2", formula);
cell.CellFormula = ("A1...A2");
formula = cell.CellFormula;
Assert.AreEqual("A1:A2", formula);
* Test for bug observable at svn revision 618865 (5-Feb-2008)<br/>
* a formula consisting of a single no-arg function got rendered without the function braces
public void TestToFormulaStringZeroArgFunction()
HSSFWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbook();
Ptg[] ptgs = {
new FuncPtg(10),
Assert.AreEqual("NA()", HSSFFormulaParser.ToFormulaString(book, ptgs));
public void TestPercent()
Ptg[] ptgs;
ptgs = ParseFormula("5%");
Assert.AreEqual(2, ptgs.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[0].GetType(), typeof(IntPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[1].GetType(), typeof(PercentPtg));
// spaces OK
ptgs = ParseFormula(" 250 % ");
Assert.AreEqual(2, ptgs.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[0].GetType(), typeof(IntPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[1].GetType(), typeof(PercentPtg));
// double percent OK
ptgs = ParseFormula("12345.678%%");
Assert.AreEqual(3, ptgs.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[0].GetType(), typeof(NumberPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[1].GetType(), typeof(PercentPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[2].GetType(), typeof(PercentPtg));
// percent of a bracketed expression
ptgs = ParseFormula("(A1+35)%*B1%");
Assert.AreEqual(8, ptgs.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[4].GetType(), typeof(PercentPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[6].GetType(), typeof(PercentPtg));
// percent of a text quantity
ptgs = ParseFormula("\"8.75\"%");
Assert.AreEqual(2, ptgs.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[0].GetType(), typeof(StringPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[1].GetType(), typeof(PercentPtg));
// percent to the power of
ptgs = ParseFormula("50%^3");
Assert.AreEqual(4, ptgs.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[0].GetType(), typeof(IntPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[1].GetType(), typeof(PercentPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[2].GetType(), typeof(IntPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[3].GetType(), typeof(PowerPtg));
// things that Parse OK but would *evaluate* to an error
ptgs = ParseFormula("\"abc\"%");
Assert.AreEqual(2, ptgs.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[0].GetType(), typeof(StringPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[1].GetType(), typeof(PercentPtg));
ptgs = ParseFormula("#N/A%");
Assert.AreEqual(2, ptgs.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[0].GetType(), typeof(ErrPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(ptgs[1].GetType(), typeof(PercentPtg));
* Tests combinations of various operators in the absence of brackets
public void TestPrecedenceAndAssociativity()
Type[] expClss;
// TRUE=TRUE=2=2 evaluates to FALSE
expClss = new Type[] { typeof(BoolPtg), typeof(BoolPtg), typeof(EqualPtg),
typeof(IntPtg), typeof(EqualPtg), typeof(IntPtg), typeof(EqualPtg), };
ConfirmTokenClasses("TRUE=TRUE=2=2", expClss);
// 2^3^2 evaluates to 64 not 512
expClss = new Type[] { typeof(IntPtg), typeof(IntPtg), typeof(PowerPtg),
typeof(IntPtg), typeof(PowerPtg), };
ConfirmTokenClasses("2^3^2", expClss);
// "abc" & 2 + 3 & "def" evaluates to "abc5def"
expClss = new Type[] { typeof(StringPtg), typeof(IntPtg), typeof(IntPtg),
typeof(AddPtg), typeof(ConcatPtg), typeof(StringPtg), typeof(ConcatPtg), };
ConfirmTokenClasses("\"abc\"&2+3&\"def\"", expClss);
// (1 / 2) - (3 * 4)
expClss = new Type[] { typeof(IntPtg), typeof(IntPtg), typeof(DividePtg),
typeof(IntPtg), typeof(IntPtg), typeof(MultiplyPtg), typeof(SubtractPtg), };
ConfirmTokenClasses("1/2-3*4", expClss);
// 2 * (2^2)
expClss = new Type[] { typeof(IntPtg), typeof(IntPtg), typeof(IntPtg), typeof(PowerPtg), typeof(MultiplyPtg), };
// NOT: (2 *2) ^ 2 -> int int multiply int power
ConfirmTokenClasses("2*2^2", expClss);
// 2^200% -> 2 not 1.6E58
expClss = new Type[] { typeof(IntPtg), typeof(IntPtg), typeof(PercentPtg), typeof(PowerPtg), };
ConfirmTokenClasses("2^200%", expClss);
/* package */
public static Ptg[] ConfirmTokenClasses(String formula, Type[] expectedClasses)
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula(formula);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedClasses.Length, ptgs.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < expectedClasses.Length; i++)
if (expectedClasses[i] != ptgs[i].GetType())
Assert.Fail("difference at token[" + i + "]: expected ("
+ expectedClasses[i].Name + ") but got ("
+ ptgs[i].GetType().Name + ")");
return ptgs;
public void TestPower()
ConfirmTokenClasses("2^5", new Type[] { typeof(IntPtg), typeof(IntPtg), typeof(PowerPtg), });
private static Ptg ParseSingleToken(String formula, Type ptgClass)
Ptg[] ptgs = ParseFormula(formula);
Assert.AreEqual(1, ptgs.Length);
Ptg result = ptgs[0];
Assert.AreEqual(ptgClass, result.GetType());
return result;
public void TestParseNumber()
IntPtg ip;
// bug 33160
ip = (IntPtg)ParseSingleToken("40", typeof(IntPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(40, ip.Value);
ip = (IntPtg)ParseSingleToken("40000", typeof(IntPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(40000, ip.Value);
// check the upper edge of the IntPtg range:
ip = (IntPtg)ParseSingleToken("65535", typeof(IntPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(65535, ip.Value);
NumberPtg np = (NumberPtg)ParseSingleToken("65536", typeof(NumberPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(65536, np.Value, 0);
np = (NumberPtg)ParseSingleToken("65534.6", typeof(NumberPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(65534.6, np.Value, 0);
public void TestMissingArgs()
Type[] expClss;
expClss = new Type[] {
typeof(AttrPtg), // tAttrIf
typeof(AttrPtg), // tAttrSkip
typeof(AttrPtg), // tAttrSkip
ConfirmTokenClasses("if(A1, ,C1)", expClss);
expClss = new Type[] { typeof(MissingArgPtg), typeof(AreaPtg), typeof(MissingArgPtg),
typeof(FuncVarPtg), };
ConfirmTokenClasses("counta( , A1:B2, )", expClss);
public void TestParseErrorLiterals()
ConfirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.NULL_INTERSECTION, "#NULL!");
ConfirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.DIV_ZERO, "#DIV/0!");
ConfirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.VALUE_INVALID, "#VALUE!");
ConfirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.REF_INVALID, "#REF!");
ConfirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.NAME_INVALID, "#NAME?");
ConfirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.NUM_ERROR, "#NUM!");
ConfirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.N_A, "#N/A");
private static void ConfirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg expectedToken, String formula)
Assert.AreEqual(expectedToken, ParseSingleToken(formula, typeof(ErrPtg)));
* To aid Readability the parameters have been encoded with single quotes instead of double
* quotes. This method converts single quotes to double quotes before performing the Parse
* and result check.
private static void ConfirmStringParse(String singleQuotedValue)
// formula: internal quotes become double double, surround with double quotes
String formula = '"' + singleQuotedValue.Replace("'", "\"\"") + '"';
String expectedValue = singleQuotedValue.Replace('\'', '"');
StringPtg sp = (StringPtg)ParseSingleToken(formula, typeof(StringPtg));
Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, sp.Value);
public void TestParseStringLiterals_bug28754()
StringPtg sp;
sp = (StringPtg)ParseSingleToken("\"test\"\"ing\"", typeof(StringPtg));
catch (Exception e)
if (e.Message.StartsWith("Cannot Parse"))
throw new AssertFailedException("Identified bug 28754a");
throw e;
Assert.AreEqual("test\"ing", sp.Value);
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
NPOI.SS.UserModel.Sheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet();
wb.SetSheetName(0, "Sheet1");
Row row = sheet.CreateRow(0);
Cell cell = row.CreateCell((short)0);
cell.CellFormula = ("right(\"test\"\"ing\", 3)");
String actualCellFormula = cell.CellFormula;
if ("RIGHT(\"test\"ing\",3)".Equals(actualCellFormula))
throw new AssertFailedException("Identified bug 28754b");
Assert.AreEqual("RIGHT(\"test\"\"ing\",3)", actualCellFormula);
public void TestParseStringLiterals()
ConfirmStringParse("goto considered harmful");
ConfirmStringParse("goto 'considered' harmful");
ConfirmStringParse("' '");
ConfirmStringParse(" ' ");
public void TestParseSumIfSum()
String formulaString;
Ptg[] ptgs;
ptgs = ParseFormula("sum(5, 2, if(3>2, sum(A1:A2), 6))");
formulaString = HSSFFormulaParser.ToFormulaString(null, ptgs);
Assert.AreEqual("SUM(5,2,IF(3>2,SUM(A1:A2),6))", formulaString);
ptgs = ParseFormula("if(1<2,sum(5, 2, if(3>2, sum(A1:A2), 6)),4)");
formulaString = HSSFFormulaParser.ToFormulaString(null, ptgs);
Assert.AreEqual("IF(1<2,SUM(5,2,IF(3>2,SUM(A1:A2),6)),4)", formulaString);
public void TestParserErrors()
ParseExpectedException("1 2");
ParseExpectedException(" 12 . 345 ");
ParseExpectedException("1 .23 ");
ParseExpectedException("1 + #N / A * 2");
ParseExpectedException("#DIV/ 0+2");
ParseExpectedException("countif(A1:B5, C1, D1)");
private static void ParseExpectedException(String formula)
throw new AssertFailedException("expected Parse exception");
catch (Exception e)
public void TestSetFormulaWithRowBeyond32768_Bug44539()
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
NPOI.SS.UserModel.Sheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet();
wb.SetSheetName(0, "Sheet1");
Row row = sheet.CreateRow(0);
Cell cell = row.CreateCell((short)0);
cell.CellFormula = ("SUM(A32769:A32770)");
if ("SUM(A-32767:A-32766)".Equals(cell.CellFormula))
Assert.Fail("Identified bug 44539");
Assert.AreEqual("SUM(A32769:A32770)", cell.CellFormula);
public void TestSpaceAtStartOfFormula()
// Simulating cell formula of "= 4" (note space)
// The same Ptg array can be observed if an excel file is1 saved with that exact formula
AttrPtg spacePtg = AttrPtg.CreateSpace(AttrPtg.SpaceType.SPACE_BEFORE, 1);
Ptg[] ptgs = { spacePtg, new IntPtg(4), };
String formulaString;
formulaString = HSSFFormulaParser.ToFormulaString(null, ptgs);
catch (InvalidOperationException e)
if (e.Message.Equals("too much stuff left on the stack", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
throw new AssertFailedException("Identified bug 44609");
// else some unexpected error
throw e;
// FormulaParser strips spaces anyway
Assert.AreEqual("4", formulaString);
ptgs = new Ptg[] { new IntPtg(3), spacePtg, new IntPtg(4), spacePtg, AddPtg.instance, };
formulaString = HSSFFormulaParser.ToFormulaString(null, ptgs);
Assert.AreEqual("3+4", formulaString);
* Checks some internal error detecting logic ('stack underflow error' in toFormulaString)
public void TestTooFewOperandArgs()
// Simulating badly encoded cell formula of "=/1"
// Not sure if Excel could ever produce this
Ptg[] ptgs = {
// Excel would probably have put tMissArg here
new IntPtg(1),
HSSFFormulaParser.ToFormulaString(null, ptgs);
Assert.Fail("Expected exception was not thrown");
catch (InvalidOperationException e)
// expected during successful test
Assert.IsTrue(e.Message.StartsWith("Too few arguments supplied to operation"));
* Make sure that POI uses the right Func Ptg when encoding formulas. Functions with variable
* number of args should Get FuncVarPtg, functions with fixed args should Get FuncPtg.<p/>
* Prior to the fix for bug 44675 POI would encode FuncVarPtg for all functions. In many cases
* Excel tolerates the wrong Ptg and evaluates the formula OK (e.g. SIN), but in some cases
* (e.g. COUNTIF) Excel Assert.Fails to evaluate the formula, giving '#VALUE!' instead.
public void TestFuncPtgSelection()
Ptg[] ptgs;
ptgs = ParseFormula("countif(A1:A2, 1)");
Assert.AreEqual(3, ptgs.Length);
if (typeof(FuncVarPtg) == ptgs[2].GetType())
throw new AssertFailedException("Identified bug 44675");
Assert.AreEqual(typeof(FuncPtg), ptgs[2].GetType());
ptgs = ParseFormula("sin(1)");
Assert.AreEqual(2, ptgs.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(typeof(FuncPtg), ptgs[1].GetType());
public void TestWrongNumberOfFunctionArgs()
ConfirmArgCountMsg("sin()", "Too few arguments to function 'SIN'. Expected 1 but got 0.");
ConfirmArgCountMsg("countif(1, 2, 3, 4)", "Too many arguments to function 'COUNTIF'. Expected 2 but got 4.");
ConfirmArgCountMsg("index(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)", "Too many arguments to function 'INDEX'. At most 4 were expected but got 6.");
ConfirmArgCountMsg("vlookup(1, 2)", "Too few arguments to function 'VLOOKUP'. At least 3 were expected but got 2.");
private static void ConfirmArgCountMsg(String formula, String expectedMessage)
HSSFWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFFormulaParser.Parse(formula, book);
throw new AssertFailedException("Didn't Get Parse exception as expected");
catch (Exception e)
Assert.AreEqual(expectedMessage, e.Message);
public void TestParseErrorExpecteMsg()
throw new AssertFailedException("Didn't Get Parse exception as expected");
catch (Exception e)
Assert.AreEqual("Parse error near char 10 ';' in specified formula 'round(3.14;2)'. Expected ',' or ')'", e.Message);