// Paint.NET //
// Copyright (C) dotPDN LLC, Rick Brewster, Tom Jackson, and contributors. //
// Portions Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. //
// See src/Resources/Files/License.txt for full licensing and attribution //
// details. //
// . //
using PaintDotNet.IndirectUI;
using PaintDotNet.PropertySystem;
using PaintDotNet.SystemLayer;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace PaintDotNet.Effects{
public sealed class GaussianBlurEffect
: InternalPropertyBasedEffect
public enum PropertyNames
Radius = 0
public static string StaticName
return PdnResources.GetString("BlurEffect.Name");
public static Image StaticImage
return PdnResources.GetImageResource("Icons.BlurEffect.png").Reference;
public GaussianBlurEffect()
: base(StaticName,
protected override PropertyCollection OnCreatePropertyCollection()
List<Property> props = new List<Property>();
props.Add(new Int32Property(PropertyNames.Radius, 2, 0, 200));
return new PropertyCollection(props);
protected override ControlInfo OnCreateConfigUI(PropertyCollection props)
ControlInfo configUI = CreateDefaultConfigUI(props);
// TODO: add units text property to slider?
configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(PropertyNames.Radius, ControlInfoPropertyNames.DisplayName, PdnResources.GetString("BlurEffect.ConfigDialog.SliderLabel"));
//aecg.SliderUnitsName = PdnResources.GetString("BlurEffect.ConfigDialog.SliderUnitsName");
return configUI;
public static int[] CreateGaussianBlurRow(int amount)
int size = 1 + (amount * 2);
int[] weights = new int[size];
for (int i = 0; i <= amount; ++i)
// 1 + aa - aa + 2ai - ii
weights[i] = 16 * (i + 1);
weights[weights.Length - i - 1] = weights[i];
return weights;
[Obsolete("Do not use this method. It will be removed in a future release.")]
public static int[][] CreateGaussianBlurMatrix(int amount)
int size = 1 + (amount * 2);
int center = size / 2;
int[][] weights = new int[size][];
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
weights[i] = new int[size];
for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j)
weights[i][j] = (int)(16 * Math.Sqrt(((j - center) * (j - center)) + ((i - center) * (i - center))));
int max = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j)
if (weights[i][j] > max)
max = weights[i][j];
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j)
weights[i][j] = max - weights[i][j];
return weights;
private int radius;
protected override void OnSetRenderInfo(PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken newToken, RenderArgs dstArgs, RenderArgs srcArgs)
this.radius = newToken.GetProperty<Int32Property>(PropertyNames.Radius).Value;
base.OnSetRenderInfo(newToken, dstArgs, srcArgs);
protected override unsafe void OnRender(Rectangle[] rois, int startIndex, int length)
if (this.radius == 0)
for (int ri = startIndex; ri < startIndex + length; ++ri)
DstArgs.Surface.CopySurface(SrcArgs.Surface, rois[ri].Location, rois[ri]);
Surface dst = DstArgs.Surface;
Surface src = SrcArgs.Surface;
int r = this.radius;
int[] w = CreateGaussianBlurRow(r);
int wlen = w.Length;
int localStoreSize = wlen * 6 * sizeof(long);
byte* localStore = stackalloc byte[localStoreSize];
byte* p = localStore;
long* waSums = (long*)p;
p += wlen * sizeof(long);
long* wcSums = (long*)p;
p += wlen * sizeof(long);
long* aSums = (long*)p;
p += wlen * sizeof(long);
long* bSums = (long*)p;
p += wlen * sizeof(long);
long* gSums = (long*)p;
p += wlen * sizeof(long);
long* rSums = (long*)p;
p += wlen * sizeof(long);
ulong arraysLength = (ulong)(sizeof(long) * wlen);
for (int ri = startIndex; ri < startIndex + length; ++ri)
Rectangle rect = rois[ri];
if (rect.Height >= 1 && rect.Width >= 1)
for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; ++y)
Memory.SetToZero(localStore, (ulong)localStoreSize);
long waSum = 0;
long wcSum = 0;
long aSum = 0;
long bSum = 0;
long gSum = 0;
long rSum = 0;
ColorBgra* dstPtr = dst.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y);
for (int wx = 0; wx < wlen; ++wx)
int srcX = rect.Left + wx - r;
waSums[wx] = 0;
wcSums[wx] = 0;
aSums[wx] = 0;
bSums[wx] = 0;
gSums[wx] = 0;
rSums[wx] = 0;
if (srcX >= 0 && srcX < src.Width)
for (int wy = 0; wy < wlen; ++wy)
int srcY = y + wy - r;
if (srcY >= 0 && srcY < src.Height)
ColorBgra c = src.GetPointUnchecked(srcX, srcY);
int wp = w[wy];
waSums[wx] += wp;
wp *= c.A + (c.A >> 7);
wcSums[wx] += wp;
wp >>= 8;
aSums[wx] += wp * c.A;
bSums[wx] += wp * c.B;
gSums[wx] += wp * c.G;
rSums[wx] += wp * c.R;
int wwx = w[wx];
waSum += wwx * waSums[wx];
wcSum += wwx * wcSums[wx];
aSum += wwx * aSums[wx];
bSum += wwx * bSums[wx];
gSum += wwx * gSums[wx];
rSum += wwx * rSums[wx];
wcSum >>= 8;
if (waSum == 0 || wcSum == 0)
dstPtr->Bgra = 0;
int alpha = (int)(aSum / waSum);
int blue = (int)(bSum / wcSum);
int green = (int)(gSum / wcSum);
int red = (int)(rSum / wcSum);
dstPtr->Bgra = ColorBgra.BgraToUInt32(blue, green, red, alpha);
for (int x = rect.Left + 1; x < rect.Right; ++x)
for (int i = 0; i < wlen - 1; ++i)
waSums[i] = waSums[i + 1];
wcSums[i] = wcSums[i + 1];
aSums[i] = aSums[i + 1];
bSums[i] = bSums[i + 1];
gSums[i] = gSums[i + 1];
rSums[i] = rSums[i + 1];
waSum = 0;
wcSum = 0;
aSum = 0;
bSum = 0;
gSum = 0;
rSum = 0;
int wx;
for (wx = 0; wx < wlen - 1; ++wx)
long wwx = (long)w[wx];
waSum += wwx * waSums[wx];
wcSum += wwx * wcSums[wx];
aSum += wwx * aSums[wx];
bSum += wwx * bSums[wx];
gSum += wwx * gSums[wx];
rSum += wwx * rSums[wx];
wx = wlen - 1;
waSums[wx] = 0;
wcSums[wx] = 0;
aSums[wx] = 0;
bSums[wx] = 0;
gSums[wx] = 0;
rSums[wx] = 0;
int srcX = x + wx - r;
if (srcX >= 0 && srcX < src.Width)
for (int wy = 0; wy < wlen; ++wy)
int srcY = y + wy - r;
if (srcY >= 0 && srcY < src.Height)
ColorBgra c = src.GetPointUnchecked(srcX, srcY);
int wp = w[wy];
waSums[wx] += wp;
wp *= c.A + (c.A >> 7);
wcSums[wx] += wp;
wp >>= 8;
aSums[wx] += wp * (long)c.A;
bSums[wx] += wp * (long)c.B;
gSums[wx] += wp * (long)c.G;
rSums[wx] += wp * (long)c.R;
int wr = w[wx];
waSum += (long)wr * waSums[wx];
wcSum += (long)wr * wcSums[wx];
aSum += (long)wr * aSums[wx];
bSum += (long)wr * bSums[wx];
gSum += (long)wr * gSums[wx];
rSum += (long)wr * rSums[wx];
wcSum >>= 8;
if (waSum == 0 || wcSum == 0)
dstPtr->Bgra = 0;
int alpha = (int)(aSum / waSum);
int blue = (int)(bSum / wcSum);
int green = (int)(gSum / wcSum);
int red = (int)(rSum / wcSum);
dstPtr->Bgra = ColorBgra.BgraToUInt32(blue, green, red, alpha);