// Paint.NET //
// Copyright (C) dotPDN LLC, Rick Brewster, Tom Jackson, and contributors. //
// Portions Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. //
// See src/Resources/Files/License.txt for full licensing and attribution //
// details. //
// . //
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.GpcWrapper{
internal sealed class Polygon
public int NofContours;
public bool[] ContourIsHole;
public VertexList[] Contour;
public Polygon()
// path should contain only polylines ( use Flatten )
// furthermore the constructor assumes that all Subpathes of path except the first one are holes
public Polygon(GraphicsPath path)
byte[] pathTypes = path.PathTypes;
NofContours = 0;
foreach (byte b in pathTypes)
if ((b & ((byte)PathPointType.CloseSubpath)) != 0)
ContourIsHole = new bool[NofContours];
Contour = new VertexList[NofContours];
for (int i = 0; i < NofContours; i++)
ContourIsHole[i] = (i == 0);
int contourNr = 0;
List<PointF> contour = new List<PointF>();
PointF[] pathPoints = path.PathPoints;
for (int i = 0; i < pathPoints.Length; i++)
if ((pathTypes[i] & ((byte)PathPointType.CloseSubpath)) != 0)
PointF[] pointArray = contour.ToArray();
VertexList vl = new VertexList(pointArray);
Contour[contourNr++] = vl;
public GraphicsPath ToGraphicsPath()
GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
for (int i = 0; i < NofContours; i++)
PointF[] points = Contour[i].ToPoints();
if (ContourIsHole[i])
return path;
public Polygon Clip(CombineMode operation, Polygon polygon)
return Clip(operation, this, polygon);
public static bool Check(CombineMode combineMode)
switch (combineMode)
case CombineMode.Exclude:
case CombineMode.Intersect:
case CombineMode.Union:
case CombineMode.Xor:
return true;
case CombineMode.Complement:
case CombineMode.Replace:
return false;
public static void Validate(CombineMode combineMode)
if (Check(combineMode))
throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException();
private static NativeConstants.gpc_op Convert(CombineMode combineMode)
switch (combineMode)
case CombineMode.Exclude:
return NativeConstants.gpc_op.GPC_DIFF;
case CombineMode.Intersect:
return NativeConstants.gpc_op.GPC_INT;
case CombineMode.Union:
return NativeConstants.gpc_op.GPC_UNION;
case CombineMode.Xor:
return NativeConstants.gpc_op.GPC_XOR;
case CombineMode.Complement:
case CombineMode.Replace:
throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException();
public static Polygon Clip(CombineMode clipMode, Polygon subject_polygon, Polygon clip_polygon)
NativeConstants.gpc_op gpcOp = Convert(clipMode);
NativeStructs.gpc_polygon gpc_polygon = new NativeStructs.gpc_polygon();
NativeStructs.gpc_polygon gpc_subject_polygon = PolygonTo_gpc_polygon(subject_polygon);
NativeStructs.gpc_polygon gpc_clip_polygon = PolygonTo_gpc_polygon(clip_polygon);
NativeMethods.gpc_polygon_clip(gpcOp, ref gpc_subject_polygon, ref gpc_clip_polygon, ref gpc_polygon);
Polygon polygon = gpc_polygon_ToPolygon(gpc_polygon);
NativeMethods.gpc_free_polygon(ref gpc_polygon);
return polygon;
private static NativeStructs.gpc_polygon PolygonTo_gpc_polygon(Polygon polygon)
NativeStructs.gpc_polygon gpc_pol = new NativeStructs.gpc_polygon();
gpc_pol.num_contours = polygon.NofContours;
int[] hole = new int[polygon.NofContours];
for (int i = 0; i < polygon.NofContours; i++)
hole[i] = (polygon.ContourIsHole[i] ? 1 : 0);
gpc_pol.hole = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(polygon.NofContours * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int) /*hole[0]*/));
if (polygon.NofContours > 0)
Marshal.Copy(hole, 0, gpc_pol.hole, polygon.NofContours);
gpc_pol.contour = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(polygon.NofContours * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeStructs.gpc_vertex_list)));
IntPtr ptr = gpc_pol.contour;
for (int i = 0; i < polygon.NofContours; i++)
NativeStructs.gpc_vertex_list gpc_vtx_list = new NativeStructs.gpc_vertex_list();
gpc_vtx_list.num_vertices = polygon.Contour[i].NofVertices;
gpc_vtx_list.vertex = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(polygon.Contour[i].NofVertices * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeStructs.gpc_vertex)));
IntPtr ptr2 = gpc_vtx_list.vertex;
for (int j = 0; j < polygon.Contour[i].NofVertices; j++)
NativeStructs.gpc_vertex gpc_vtx = new NativeStructs.gpc_vertex();
gpc_vtx.x = polygon.Contour[i].Vertex[j].X;
gpc_vtx.y = polygon.Contour[i].Vertex[j].Y;
Marshal.StructureToPtr(gpc_vtx, ptr2, false);
ptr2 = (IntPtr)(((int)ptr2) + Marshal.SizeOf(gpc_vtx));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(gpc_vtx_list, ptr, false);
ptr = (IntPtr)(((int)ptr) + Marshal.SizeOf(gpc_vtx_list));
return gpc_pol;
private static Polygon gpc_polygon_ToPolygon(NativeStructs.gpc_polygon gpc_polygon)
Polygon polygon = new Polygon();
polygon.NofContours = gpc_polygon.num_contours;
polygon.ContourIsHole = new bool[polygon.NofContours];
polygon.Contour = new VertexList[polygon.NofContours];
short[] holeShort = new short[polygon.NofContours];
IntPtr ptr = gpc_polygon.hole;
if (polygon.NofContours > 0)
Marshal.Copy(gpc_polygon.hole, holeShort, 0, polygon.NofContours);
for (int i = 0; i < polygon.NofContours; i++)
polygon.ContourIsHole[i] = (holeShort[i] != 0);
ptr = gpc_polygon.contour;
for (int i = 0; i < polygon.NofContours; i++)
NativeStructs.gpc_vertex_list gpc_vtx_list = (NativeStructs.gpc_vertex_list)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(NativeStructs.gpc_vertex_list));
polygon.Contour[i] = new VertexList();
polygon.Contour[i].NofVertices = gpc_vtx_list.num_vertices;
polygon.Contour[i].Vertex = new Vertex[polygon.Contour[i].NofVertices];
IntPtr ptr2 = gpc_vtx_list.vertex;
for (int j = 0; j < polygon.Contour[i].NofVertices; j++)
NativeStructs.gpc_vertex gpc_vtx = (NativeStructs.gpc_vertex)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr2, typeof(NativeStructs.gpc_vertex));
polygon.Contour[i].Vertex[j].X = gpc_vtx.x;
polygon.Contour[i].Vertex[j].Y = gpc_vtx.y;
ptr2 = (IntPtr)(((int)ptr2) + Marshal.SizeOf(gpc_vtx));
ptr = (IntPtr)(((int)ptr) + Marshal.SizeOf(gpc_vtx_list));
return polygon;
private static void Free_gpc_polygon(NativeStructs.gpc_polygon gpc_pol)
IntPtr ptr = gpc_pol.contour;
for (int i = 0; i < gpc_pol.num_contours; i++)
NativeStructs.gpc_vertex_list gpc_vtx_list = (NativeStructs.gpc_vertex_list)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(NativeStructs.gpc_vertex_list));
ptr = (IntPtr)(((int)ptr) + Marshal.SizeOf(gpc_vtx_list));