// wx.NET - Colour.cs
// The wxColour wrapper class.
// Written by Jason Perkins (jason@379.com)
// (C) 2003 by 379, Inc.
// Licensed under the wxWidgets license, see LICENSE.txt for details.
// $Id: Colour.cs,v 1.14 2007/11/11 14:14:45 harald_meyer Exp $
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace wx{
public class Colour : Object
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxColour_ctor();
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxColour_ctorByName(IntPtr name);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxColour_ctorByParts(byte red, byte green, byte blue);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxColour_dtor(IntPtr self);
//[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxColour_RegisterDisposable(IntPtr self, Virtual_Dispose onDispose);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern byte wxColour_Red(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern byte wxColour_Blue(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern byte wxColour_Green(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxColour_Ok(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxColour_Set(IntPtr self, byte red, byte green, byte blue);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxColour_SetFromColour(IntPtr self, IntPtr src);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxColour_CreateByName(string name);
public static Colour wxBLACK = new Colour("Black");
public static Colour wxWHITE = new Colour("White");
public static Colour wxRED = new Colour("Red");
public static Colour wxBLUE = new Colour("Blue");
public static Colour wxGREEN = new Colour("Green");
public static Colour wxCYAN = new Colour("Cyan");
public static Colour wxLIGHT_GREY = new Colour("Light Gray");
public Colour(IntPtr wxObject)
: base(wxObject)
internal Colour(IntPtr wxObject, bool memOwn)
: base(wxObject)
this.memOwn = memOwn;
public Colour()
: this(wxColour_ctor(), true)
public Colour(string name)
: this(wxString.SafeNew(name.ToUpper()))
public Colour(wxString name)
: this(wxColour_ctorByName(Object.SafePtr(name)), true)
/*virtual_Dispose = new Virtual_Dispose(VirtualDispose);
wxColour_RegisterDisposable(wxObject, virtual_Dispose);*/
public Colour(byte red, byte green, byte blue)
: this(wxColour_ctorByParts(red, green, blue), true)
/*virtual_Dispose = new Virtual_Dispose(VirtualDispose);
wxColour_RegisterDisposable(wxObject, virtual_Dispose);*/
public override void Dispose()
if ((this != Colour.wxBLACK) && (this != Colour.wxWHITE) &&
(this != Colour.wxRED) && (this != Colour.wxBLUE) &&
(this != Colour.wxGREEN) && (this != Colour.wxCYAN) &&
(this != Colour.wxLIGHT_GREY))
public byte Red
get { return wxColour_Red(wxObject); }
public byte Green
get { return wxColour_Green(wxObject); }
public byte Blue
get { return wxColour_Blue(wxObject); }
public bool Ok()
return wxColour_Ok(wxObject);
public void Set(byte red, byte green, byte blue)
wxColour_Set(wxObject, red, green, blue);
internal void Set(IntPtr src)
wxColour_SetFromColour(wxObject, src);
public void Set(Colour src)
#if __WXGTK__
public static Colour CreateByName(string name)
wxString wxName=wxString.NewFrom(name);
return new Colour(wxColour_CreateByName(Object.SafePtr(wxName)), true);