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wx NET » wx » ControlWithItems.cs
// wx.NET - ControlWithItems.cs
// The ControlWithItems wrapper class.
// Written by Harald Meyer auf'm Hofe
// (C) 2007 Harald Meyer auf'm Hofe
// Licensed under the wxWidgets license, see LICENSE.txt for details.
// $Id: ControlWithItems.cs,v 1.3 2007/10/21 15:57:35 harald_meyer Exp $

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace wx{
    public class ControlWithItems : Control
        #region CAPI
        static extern void wxControlWithItems_SetSelection(IntPtr self, int n);
        static extern IntPtr wxControlWithItems_GetStringSelection(IntPtr self);
        [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
        static extern bool wxControlWithItems_SetStringSelection(IntPtr self, IntPtr value);

        static extern int wxControlWithItems_FindString(IntPtr self, IntPtr str);

        static extern void wxControlWithItems_Delete(IntPtr self, int n);
        static extern void wxControlWithItems_Clear(IntPtr self);

        static extern int wxControlWithItems_Append(IntPtr self, IntPtr item);
        static extern int wxControlWithItems_AppendWithData(IntPtr self, IntPtr item, IntPtr data);

        static extern int wxControlWithItems_GetCount(IntPtr self);
        static extern IntPtr wxControlWithItems_GetString(IntPtr self, int n);
        static extern int wxControlWithItems_GetSelection(IntPtr self);

        static extern int wxControlWithItems_Insert(IntPtr self, IntPtr item, int pos);
        static extern int wxControlWithItems_InsertWithData(IntPtr self, IntPtr item, int pos, IntPtr data);

        static extern IntPtr wxControlWithItems_GetStrings(IntPtr self);

        static extern IntPtr wxControlWithItems_GetClientObject(IntPtr self, int n);
        static extern void wxControlWithItems_SetClientObject(IntPtr self, int n, IntPtr data);
        [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
        static extern bool wxControlWithItems_HasClientObjectData(IntPtr self, int n);

        static extern void wxControlWithItems_SetString(IntPtr self, int n, IntPtr text);

        static extern void wxControlWithItems_Select(IntPtr self, int n);

        [DllImport("wx-c")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
        static extern bool wxControlWithItems_ShouldInheritColours(IntPtr self);

        [DllImport("wx-c")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
        static extern bool wxControlWithItems_IsEmpty(IntPtr self);

        #region CTor
        public ControlWithItems(IntPtr wxObject) 
      : base(wxObject) { }

        #region Public Properties
    public int Selection
                if (this.IsEmpty)
                    return -1;
                return wxControlWithItems_GetSelection(this.wxObject);
                wxControlWithItems_SetSelection(this.wxObject, value);

        /** Also refer to method SetStringSelection() that returns a Boolean that is true on success and false otherwise.
         * */
        public string StringSelection
                if (this.IsEmpty)
                    return "";
                return new wxString(wxControlWithItems_GetStringSelection(wxObject), true);
                wxString wxValue = new wxString(value);
                wxControlWithItems_SetStringSelection(wxObject, wxValue.wxObject);

        /** Returns the number of items.
         * */
        public int Count { get { return wxControlWithItems_GetCount(this.wxObject); } }

        /** True iff this is empty.
         * */
        public bool IsEmpty { get { return wxControlWithItems_IsEmpty(this.wxObject); } }

        /** All the currently known labels.
         * Read only property. Alternatively, use the indexer of this class.
         * */
        public string[] Strings
                string[] result = new string[this.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; ++i)
                    result[i] = this.GetString(i);
                return result;

        /** This is equivalent to the methods GetString() and SetString().
         * */
        public string this[int n]
            get { return this.GetString(n); }
            set { this.SetString(n, value); }

        #region Public Methods
        /** Set the label of the entry of index \c n.
         * Refer also to the indexer of this class.
         * */
        public void SetString(int n, string label)
            wxString wxLabel = new wxString(label);
            wxControlWithItems_SetString(this.wxObject, n, wxLabel.wxObject);
        /** Get the label of the entry of index \c n.
         * Refer also to the indexer of this class.
         * */
        public string GetString(int n)
            return new wxString(wxControlWithItems_GetString(this.wxObject, n));

        /**Finds an item whose label matches the given string.
         * \return The zero-based position of the item, or -1 if the string was not found.
        public int FindString(string str)
            return this.FindString(new wxString(str));
        public int FindString(wxString str)
            return wxControlWithItems_FindString(wxObject, str.wxObject);

        /** Select the designated label. Return \c true on success and \c false otherwise.
         * Refer also to property \c StringSelection().
         * */
        public bool SetStringSelection(string selectedLabel)
            wxString wxLabel=new wxString(selectedLabel);
            return wxControlWithItems_SetStringSelection(this.wxObject, wxLabel.wxObject);

        /** \name Client data of items
         * The .NET interface does not distinguish between client data and client object:
         * The interface only supports client objects. Refer  to class SystemObjectClientData.
        /** Reads client data for item \c n.
         * */
        public ClientData GetClientObject(int n)
            ClientData result = (ClientData)Object.FindObject(wxControlWithItems_GetClientObject(this.wxObject, n), typeof(ClientData));
            // this might seem surplus but in case changes to client data committed within the wx-c dll, this will
            // ensure an update of the client data list at least on reading the changed item.
            return result;

        public void SetClientData(int n, ClientData data)
            data.memOwn = false;
            wxControlWithItems_SetClientObject(this.wxObject, n, data.wxObject);

        public bool HasClientObjectData(int n)
            return wxControlWithItems_HasClientObjectData(this.wxObject, n);

        /** \name Maintaining items.
         * */
        public void Append(string[] items)
            foreach(string item in items)
        public int Append(string item)
            return this.Append(item, null);
        public int Append(wxString item, ClientData clientData)
            if (clientData == null)
                return wxControlWithItems_Append(this.wxObject, item.wxObject);
                int result=wxControlWithItems_AppendWithData(this.wxObject, item.wxObject, clientData.wxObject);
                return result;
        /** This will append \c item to the end of the item list and associate it with the provided client data.
         * The client data may be \c null. 
         * \result The index of the new item.
         * */
        public int Append(string item, ClientData clientData)
            return this.Append(new wxString(item), clientData);

        public int Insert(string item, int pos)
            return this.Insert(item, pos, null);
        public int Insert(wxString item, int pos, ClientData clientData)
            if (clientData == null)
                return wxControlWithItems_Insert(this.wxObject, item.wxObject, pos);
                int result = wxControlWithItems_InsertWithData(this.wxObject, item.wxObject, pos, clientData.wxObject);
                return result;

        /** Inserts the item into the list before pos, associating the given, typed or untyped, client data pointer with the item.
         * Not valid for ListBox.wxLB_SORT or ComboBox.wxCB_SORT styles, use Append() instead.
         * \result The return value is the index of the newly inserted item. If the insertion failed for some reason, -1 is returned.
        public int Insert(string item, int pos, ClientData clientData)
            return this.Insert(new wxString(item), pos, clientData);

        /** Deletes all items.
         * */
        public void Clear()

        public void Delete(int n)
            wxControlWithItems_Delete(this.wxObject, n);

        public override bool ShouldInheritColours()
            return wxControlWithItems_ShouldInheritColours(this.wxObject);
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