Dbgrid.cs :  » GUI » wx-NET » wx » SampleDbGrid » C# / CSharp Open Source

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wx NET » wx » SampleDbGrid » Dbgrid.cs
// wx.NET/Samples - Dbgrid.cs
// wx.NET "dbgrid" sample.
// Written by Alexander Olk (xenomorph2@onlinehome.de)
// (C) 2003 by Alexander Olk
// Licensed under the wxWidgets license, see LICENSE.txt for details.
// $Id: Dbgrid.cs,v 1.10 2007/12/08 23:06:38 harald_meyer Exp $

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Odbc;
using wx.DataAccess;

/** Sample binding a data set to a grid control.
 * This reads data from a database. So, this feature has to be installed properly.
namespace wx.SampleDbGrid{ 
  public class MyDbGrid : DbGrid
    private MyFrame myFrame;
    public MyDbGrid(MyFrame parent, int id, Point pos, Size size)
      : base(parent, id, pos, size)
      myFrame = parent;  
      EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK(new EventListener(OnGridCellLeftClick));    
    public void OnGridCellLeftClick(object sender, Event e)
      GridEvent ge = (GridEvent) e;
      DataRow dr = GetRow(ge.Row);
      myFrame.NameText = dr["name"].ToString();
      myFrame.StreetText = dr["street"].ToString();
      myFrame.CityText = dr["city"].ToString();
      myFrame.IdText = dr["id"].ToString();    


  public class MyFrame : wx.Frame
    enum Cmd { About, Quit, Save, Row }
    private OdbcConnection dbcon = null;
    private OdbcDataAdapter dbadapter = null;
    private MyDbGrid grid = null;
    private DbGrid grid2 = null;
    private TextCtrl name_text = null;
    private TextCtrl street_text = null;
    private TextCtrl city_text = null;
    private TextCtrl id_text = null;
    public static bool globalError = false;
    public static string DSNstring = "";
    public static string UIDstring = "";
    public static string DATABASEstring = "";


    public MyFrame(string title, Point pos, Size size)
      : base(title, pos, size)
      // Set the window icon 

      Icon = new wx.Icon("../Samples/DbGrid/mondrian.png");

      // Set up a menu

      wx.Menu fileMenu = new wx.Menu();
      fileMenu.Append((int)Cmd.Quit, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Quit this program");

      wx.Menu helpMenu = new wx.Menu();
      helpMenu.Append((int)Cmd.About, "&About...\tF1", "Show about dialog");

      wx.MenuBar menuBar = new wx.MenuBar();
      menuBar.Append(fileMenu, "&File");
      menuBar.Append(helpMenu, "&Help");

      MenuBar = menuBar;
      BoxSizer new_main_sizer = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxHORIZONTAL );
      BoxSizer main_sizer = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL );
      main_sizer.Add( new StaticText( this, -1, "MyDbGrid"), 0, Direction.wxALL, 5 );
      grid = new MyDbGrid( this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, new Size(580,200) );      
      BoxSizer helpSizer = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxHORIZONTAL );
      helpSizer.Add(grid, 1, Direction.wxALL | Stretch.wxEXPAND, 5 );
      helpSizer.Add(0, 200, 0, 0, 0 );
      main_sizer.Add( helpSizer, 1, Direction.wxALL, 5);
      main_sizer.Add( new StaticLine( this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, StaticLine.wxLI_HORIZONTAL ), 0, Stretch.wxEXPAND | Direction.wxALL, 5 );
      main_sizer.Add( new StaticText( this, -1, "Second DbGrid CreateGridFromColumnMapping (does nothing, shows only creation with this method)"), 0, Direction.wxALL, 5 );
      grid2 = new DbGrid(this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, new Size(580,200));
      BoxSizer helpSizer2 = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxHORIZONTAL );
      helpSizer2.Add(grid2, 1, Direction.wxALL | Stretch.wxEXPAND, 5 );
      helpSizer2.Add(0, 200, 0, 0, 0 );
      main_sizer.Add( helpSizer2, 1, Direction.wxALL, 5);
      new_main_sizer.Add(main_sizer, 0, Direction.wxALL, 0);
      FlexGridSizer fgs = new FlexGridSizer( 5, 2, 5, 5 );
      fgs.Add( new StaticText( this, -1, "Name:" ), 0, Direction.wxALL | Alignment.wxALIGN_RIGHT, 2 );
      name_text = new TextCtrl( this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, new Size( 100, 21 ) );
      fgs.Add( name_text, 0, Direction.wxALL | Alignment.wxALIGN_LEFT, 2);
      fgs.Add( new StaticText( this, -1, "Street:" ), 0, Direction.wxALL | Alignment.wxALIGN_RIGHT, 2 );
      street_text = new TextCtrl( this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, new Size( 100, 21 ) );
      fgs.Add( street_text, 0, Direction.wxALL | Alignment.wxALIGN_LEFT, 2);
      fgs.Add( new StaticText( this, -1, "City:" ), 0, Direction.wxALL | Alignment.wxALIGN_RIGHT, 2 );
      city_text = new TextCtrl( this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, new Size( 100, 21 ) );
      fgs.Add( city_text, 0, Direction.wxALL | Alignment.wxALIGN_LEFT, 2);
      fgs.Add( new StaticText( this, -1, "ID:" ), 0, Direction.wxALL | Alignment.wxALIGN_RIGHT, 2 );
      id_text = new TextCtrl( this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, new Size( 100, 21 ) );
      fgs.Add( id_text, 0, Direction.wxALL | Alignment.wxALIGN_LEFT, 2);    

      fgs.Add( new Button(this, (int)Cmd.Save, "Save"), 0, Direction.wxALL, 2 );
      fgs.Add( new Button(this, (int)Cmd.Row, "New Row"), 0, Direction.wxALL, 2 );
      new_main_sizer.Add( new StaticLine( this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, StaticLine.wxLI_VERTICAL ), 0, Stretch.wxEXPAND | Direction.wxALL, 5 );      
      new_main_sizer.Add(fgs, 0, Direction.wxALL, 5);
      AutoLayout = true;
      SetSizer( new_main_sizer, true );
      new_main_sizer.Fit( this );
      new_main_sizer.SetSizeHints( this );

      // Set up a status bar

      StatusText = "Welcome to wxWidgets!";
      UserDialog ud = new UserDialog( null, -1, "Enter database strings..." );
      int retval = ud.ShowModal();

      if ( retval == 0 )
        globalError = true;

      // Set up the event table

      EVT_MENU((int)Cmd.Quit,    new EventListener(OnQuit));
      EVT_MENU((int)Cmd.About,   new EventListener(OnAbout));
      EVT_BUTTON((int)Cmd.Save, new EventListener(OnSave));
      EVT_BUTTON((int)Cmd.Row, new EventListener(OnNewRow));
      EVT_CLOSE( new EventListener( OnClose ) );
    public void SetupDatabase()
      // Set up Odbc and DbGrid
      dbcon = new OdbcConnection();
      dbcon.ConnectionString ="DSN=" + DSNstring + ";UID=" + UIDstring + ";DATABASE=" + DATABASEstring;
      catch ( DllNotFoundException ex )
        string tmps = ex.ToString();
        if ( tmps.IndexOf( "odbc32" ) != -1 )
          string msg = "Couldn't find lib odbc32.\n\n" +
            "When you are using Linux please make a link in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib to your libodbc.so\n\n" +
            "For example: ln -s libodbc.so.1 libodbc32.so";
          MessageDialog.MessageBox( msg, "Error...", Dialog.wxOK | Dialog.wxICON_INFORMATION );
          globalError = true;
      catch ( System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException oex )
        string msg = "Couldn't open database \"" + DATABASEstring + "\"\n\n" +
          "Did you choose the correct DSN, DATABASE and UID values ?\n" +
          "Are your odbc settings correct ?\n\n" + 
          "Did you create a database \"" + DATABASEstring + "\" with a table \"testtable\" ?\n\n" +
          "If not, create one with the following create command:\n\n" +
          "CREATE TABLE testtable(\n" + 
          "  id  VARCHAR(19),\n" +
          "  name VARCHAR(200),\n" +
          "  street VARCHAR(200),\n" +
          "  city VARCHAR(200)\n" +
        MessageDialog.MessageBox( msg, "Error...", Dialog.wxOK | Dialog.wxICON_INFORMATION );
        globalError = true;
      if ( ! globalError )
        dbadapter = new OdbcDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM testtable order by id", dbcon);      
        dbadapter.Fill(grid.dataSet, "testtable");
        dbadapter.Fill(grid2.dataSet, "testtable");
        // do the mapping before CreateGrid
        // db columnname, new columnname, optional columnwidth
        grid.AddColumnMapping("id", "ID", 40);            
        grid.AddColumnMapping("name", "Name", 120);
        grid.AddColumnMapping("street", "Street",120);
        grid.AddColumnMapping("city", "City", 120);
        grid.CreateGridFromDataSet("testtable");  // creates grid with the data in grid.dataSet
        grid2.AddColumnMapping("city", "City", 120);
        grid2.AddColumnMapping("street", "Street",120);      
        //grid2.AddColumnMapping("id", "ID", 40);            
        grid2.AddColumnMapping("name", "Name", 120);
        grid2.CreateGridFromColumnMapping("testtable");  // creates grid with the data in grid.dataSet
        DataRow dr = grid.GetRow(0);
        if ( dr != null )
          name_text.Value = dr["name"].ToString();
          street_text.Value = dr["street"].ToString();
          city_text.Value = dr["city"].ToString();
          id_text.Value = dr["id"].ToString();
    public string NameText
      set { name_text.Value = value; }
    public string StreetText
      set { street_text.Value = value; }
    public string CityText
      set { city_text.Value = value; }
    public string IdText
      set { id_text.Value = value; }

    public void OnQuit(object sender, wx.Event e)
    public void OnClose( object sender, Event e )
      catch ( Exception ex )
        Console.WriteLine( "DBConnection allready closed." );


    public void OnAbout(object sender, wx.Event e)
      string msg = "This is the About dialog of the DbGrid sample.";
      wx.MessageDialog.ShowModal(this, msg, "About DbGrid", Dialog.wxOK | Dialog.wxICON_INFORMATION);

    public void OnSave(object sender, Event e)
      DataSet ds = grid.dataSet.GetChanges();
      if (ds == null ) return;
      DataTable table = ds.Tables["testtable"];
      foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) {
        int i = 0;
        string[]  parm = new string[4];
        foreach (DataColumn col in table.Columns) {
        string dbstring = "";
        switch (row.RowState)
          case DataRowState.Added:
            dbstring = "INSERT INTO testtable(id, name, street, city) " +
                "VALUES ( '"+parm[0]+"', '"+parm[1]+"', '"+parm[2]+"', '"+parm[3]+"')";
          case DataRowState.Modified:
            dbstring = "UPDATE testtable SET "+
                "name = '"+parm[1]+"', street = '"+parm[2]+"', city = '"+parm[3]+"' WHERE id = '"+parm[0]+"'";
        if (dbstring.Length > 0)
          OdbcCommand updatecmd = new OdbcCommand(dbstring, dbcon);
          catch (Exception ex)
            MessageDialog.ShowModal(this, ex.ToString(), "Error", Dialog.wxOK | Dialog.wxICON_ERROR);            


    public void OnNewRow(object sender, Event e)
  public class UserDialog : Dialog
    // Do not change the code between region and endregion ( incl. region and endregion )...
    #region "TowxNET IDS: UserDialog"
    public enum Cmd {
    // Do not change the code between region and endregion ( incl. region and endregion )...
    #region "TowxNET Objects: UserDialog"
    protected BoxSizer sizer_1;
    protected FlexGridSizer grid_sizer_1;
    protected StaticText label_1;
    protected TextCtrl text_ctrl_1;
    protected StaticText label_2;
    protected TextCtrl text_ctrl_2;
    protected StaticText label_3;
    protected TextCtrl text_ctrl_3;
    protected StaticLine static_line_1;
    protected BoxSizer sizer_2;
    protected Button okButton;
    protected Button cancelButton;
    private int modalRetval = 0;
    public UserDialog( Window parent, int id, string title )
      : base( parent, id , "Enter database strings...", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE )
      okButton.Click += new EventListener( OnButton );
      cancelButton.Click += new EventListener( OnButton );
    // Do not change the code between region and endregion ( incl. region and endregion )...
    #region "TowxNET CTOR: UserDialog"
    public void InitializeComponent()
      label_1 = new StaticText( this, -1, "DSN:" );
      text_ctrl_1 = new TextCtrl( this, -1, "test" );
      label_2 = new StaticText( this, -1, "UID:" );
      text_ctrl_2 = new TextCtrl( this, -1, "alex" );
      label_3 = new StaticText( this, -1, "DATABASE:" );
      text_ctrl_3 = new TextCtrl( this, -1, "test" );
      static_line_1 = new StaticLine( this, -1 );
      okButton = new Button( this, (int)Cmd.ID_BUTTON_OK, "OK", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
      cancelButton = new Button( this, (int)Cmd.ID_BUTON_CANCEL, "Cancel", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
      Title = "Enter database strings...";
      text_ctrl_1.SetSize( 150, 22 );
      text_ctrl_2.SetSize( 150, 22 );
      text_ctrl_3.SetSize( 150, 22 );
      grid_sizer_1 = new FlexGridSizer( 3, 2, 0, 0 );
      grid_sizer_1.Add( label_1, 0, wx.Direction.wxALL|wx.Alignment.wxALIGN_RIGHT|wx.Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5 );
      grid_sizer_1.Add( text_ctrl_1, 0, wx.Direction.wxALL, 5 );
      grid_sizer_1.Add( label_2, 0, wx.Direction.wxALL|wx.Alignment.wxALIGN_RIGHT|wx.Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5 );
      grid_sizer_1.Add( text_ctrl_2, 0, wx.Direction.wxALL, 5 );
      grid_sizer_1.Add( label_3, 0, wx.Direction.wxALL|wx.Alignment.wxALIGN_RIGHT|wx.Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5 );
      grid_sizer_1.Add( text_ctrl_3, 0, wx.Direction.wxALL, 5 );
      sizer_2 = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxHORIZONTAL );
      sizer_2.Add( 10, 20, 1, wx.Stretch.wxEXPAND, 0 );
      sizer_2.Add( okButton, 0, wx.Direction.wxALL, 5 );
      sizer_2.Add( cancelButton, 0, wx.Direction.wxALL, 5 );
      sizer_1 = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL );
      sizer_1.Add( grid_sizer_1, 1, wx.Stretch.wxEXPAND, 0 );
      sizer_1.Add( static_line_1, 0, wx.Stretch.wxEXPAND, 0 );
      sizer_1.Add( sizer_2, 0, wx.Stretch.wxEXPAND, 0 );
      sizer_1.Fit( this );
      sizer_1.SetSizeHints( this );
      AutoLayout = true;
      SetSizer( sizer_1 );
    public void OnButton( object sender, Event e )
      if ( e.ID == (int)Cmd.ID_BUTTON_OK )
        modalRetval = 1;
      MyFrame.DSNstring = text_ctrl_1.Value;
      MyFrame.UIDstring = text_ctrl_2.Value;
      MyFrame.DATABASEstring = text_ctrl_3.Value;
      EndModal( modalRetval );

  public class DBGRID : wx.App
    public override bool OnInit()
      MyFrame frame = new MyFrame("DbGrid wxWidgets App", new Point(50,50), new Size(700,400));
      if ( MyFrame.globalError ) return false;

      return true;

    static void Main()
      DBGRID app = new DBGRID();
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