// $Id: CompareModesDialog.cs,v 1.4 2007/10/21 15:30:40 harald_meyer Exp $
// Michael S. Muegel mike _at_ muegel dot org
// Licensed under the Widgets license, see LICENSE.txt for details.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using wx;
namespace wx.SampleDisplay{
public class CompareModesDialog : Dialog
public CompareModesDialog( Window parent, int id, Display display )
: base( parent, id , "VideoMode Euqlity/Match Results",
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
// Instructions
HtmlWindow html_instr = new HtmlWindow(this);
// Force HTML font sizes to be same on all platforms
html_instr.SetFonts("", "", new int[] { 7, 8, 10, 12, 16, 22, 30 });
html_instr.SetPage("Testing current display's video modes for equality and \"match\" (non-zero fields are equal except for refresh, which is allowed to have a greater value).");
// Test results
ListCtrl list_results = new ListCtrl( this, -1,
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, ListCtrl.wxLC_REPORT|wxSUNKEN_BORDER );
list_results.InsertColumn(0, "Mode1");
list_results.InsertColumn(1, "Mode2");
list_results.InsertColumn(2, "Mode1 == Mode2");
list_results.InsertColumn(3, "Mode1.Matches(Mode2)");
VideoMode[] modes = display.GetModes();
int row = 0;
for (int m1 = 0; m1 < modes.Length; m1++)
for (int m2 = 0; m2 < modes.Length; m2++)
// The ListCtrl API is ugly IMHO in wxLC_REPORT mode. Should
// have seperate InsertRow() method and then use SetItem
// for each cell vs. InsertItem() does both for the 0 column.
list_results.InsertItem(row, modes[m1].ToString());
list_results.SetItem(row, 1, modes[m2].ToString());
list_results.SetItem(row, 2, (modes[m1] == modes[m2]).ToString());
list_results.SetItem(row, 3, modes[m1].Matches(modes[m2]).ToString());
// Ensure ListCtrl is as wide as it's data
int width = 0;
for (int col = 0; col <= 3; col++)
int sizing_mode = (col <= 1) ? ListCtrl.wxLIST_AUTOSIZE :
list_results.SetColumnWidth(col, sizing_mode);
width += list_results.GetColumnWidth(col);
list_results.SetSizeHints(width + 25, 400);
// OK button (built-in handler for wxID_OK will be invoked when
// button is clicked
Button btn_ok = new Button( this, wxID_OK, "OK" );
BoxSizer sizer = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL );
sizer.Add( html_instr, 0, Stretch.wxEXPAND|Direction.wxALL, 5 );
sizer.Add( list_results, 1, Stretch.wxEXPAND|Direction.wxALL, 5 );
sizer.Add( btn_ok, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|Direction.wxALL, 5 );
AutoLayout = true;
SetSizer( sizer );
} // namespace