// wx.NET - TabCtrl.cs
// The wxTabCtrl wrapper class.
// Written by Alexander Olk (xenomorph2@onlinehome.de)
// (C) 2004 by Alexander Olk
// Licensed under the wxWidgets license, see LICENSE.txt for details.
// $Id: TabCtrl.cs,v 1.11 2007/11/25 18:32:34 harald_meyer Exp $
#if ! __WXMSW__ || ! wxUSE_TAB_DIALOG
#warning TabCtrl will not be available since this is not configured
#warning TabCtrl will not be available since wx.NET is not compiled for exclusive use under Windows
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace wx{
public class TabEvent : Event
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxTabEvent_ctor(int commandType, int id, int nSel, int nOldSel);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int wxTabEvent_GetSelection(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxTabEvent_SetSelection(IntPtr self, int nSel);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int wxTabEvent_GetOldSelection(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxTabEvent_SetOldSelection(IntPtr self, int nOldSel);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxTabEvent_Veto(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxTabEvent_Allow(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxTabEvent_IsAllowed(IntPtr self);
public TabEvent(IntPtr wxObject)
: base(wxObject) { }
public TabEvent(int commandType, int id, int nSel, int nOldSel)
: base(wxTabEvent_ctor(commandType, id, nSel, nOldSel)) { }
public int Selection
get { return wxTabEvent_GetSelection(wxObject); }
set { wxTabEvent_SetSelection(wxObject, value); }
public int OldSelection
get { return wxTabEvent_GetOldSelection(wxObject); }
set { wxTabEvent_SetOldSelection(wxObject, value); }
public void Veto()
public void Allow()
public bool Allowed
get { return wxTabEvent_IsAllowed(wxObject); }
public class TabCtrl : Control
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxTabCtrl_ctor();
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxTabCtrl_ctor2(IntPtr parent, int id, int posX, int posY, int width, int height, uint style, IntPtr name);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int wxTabCtrl_GetSelection(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int wxTabCtrl_GetCurFocus(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxTabCtrl_GetImageList(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int wxTabCtrl_GetItemCount(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxTabCtrl_GetItemRect(IntPtr self, int item, out Rectangle rect);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int wxTabCtrl_GetRowCount(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxTabCtrl_GetItemText(IntPtr self, int item);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int wxTabCtrl_GetItemImage(IntPtr self, int item);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxTabCtrl_GetItemData(IntPtr self, int item);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int wxTabCtrl_SetSelection(IntPtr self, int item);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxTabCtrl_SetImageList(IntPtr self, IntPtr imageList);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxTabCtrl_SetItemText(IntPtr self, int item, IntPtr text);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxTabCtrl_SetItemImage(IntPtr self, int item, int image);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxTabCtrl_SetItemData(IntPtr self, int item, IntPtr data);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxTabCtrl_SetItemSize(IntPtr self, ref Size size);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxTabCtrl_Create(IntPtr self, IntPtr parent, int id, int posX, int posY, int width, int height, uint style, IntPtr name);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxTabCtrl_SetPadding(IntPtr self, ref Size padding);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxTabCtrl_DeleteAllItems(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxTabCtrl_DeleteItem(IntPtr self, int item);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int wxTabCtrl_HitTest(IntPtr self, ref Point pt, out int flags);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxTabCtrl_InsertItem(IntPtr self, int item, IntPtr text, int imageId, IntPtr data);
public TabCtrl(IntPtr wxObject)
: base(wxObject) { }
public TabCtrl()
: base(wxTabCtrl_ctor()) {}
public TabCtrl(Window parent, int id)
: this(parent, id, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, "tabCtrl") {}
public TabCtrl(Window parent, int id, Point pos)
: this(parent, id, pos, wxDefaultSize, 0, "tabCtrl") {}
public TabCtrl(Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size)
: this(parent, id, pos, size, 0, "tabCtrl") {}
public TabCtrl(Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size, uint style)
: this(parent, id, pos, size, style, "tabCtrl") {}
public TabCtrl(Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size, uint style, string name)
: this(parent, id, pos, size, style, wxString.SafeNew(name)) {}
public TabCtrl(Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size, uint style, wxString name)
: base(wxTabCtrl_ctor2(Object.SafePtr(parent), id, pos.X, pos.Y, size.Width, size.Height, (uint)style, Object.SafePtr(name))) {}
// ctors with self created id
public TabCtrl(Window parent)
: this(parent, Window.UniqueID, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, "tabCtrl") {}
public TabCtrl(Window parent, Point pos)
: this(parent, Window.UniqueID, pos, wxDefaultSize, 0, "tabCtrl") {}
public TabCtrl(Window parent, Point pos, Size size)
: this(parent, Window.UniqueID, pos, size, 0, "tabCtrl") {}
public TabCtrl(Window parent, Point pos, Size size, uint style)
: this(parent, Window.UniqueID, pos, size, style, "tabCtrl") {}
public TabCtrl(Window parent, Point pos, Size size, uint style, string name)
: this(parent, Window.UniqueID, pos, size, style, name) {}
public bool Create(Window parent, int id)
return Create(parent, id, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, "tabCtrl");
public bool Create(Window parent, int id, Point pos)
return Create(parent, id, pos, wxDefaultSize, 0, "tabCtrl");
public bool Create(Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size)
return Create(parent, id, pos, size, 0, "tabCtrl");
public bool Create(Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size, uint style)
return Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, "tabCtrl");
public bool Create(Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size, uint style, string name)
return this.Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, wxString.SafeNew(name));
public bool Create(Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size, uint style, wxString name)
return wxTabCtrl_Create(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(parent), id, pos.X, pos.Y, size.Width, size.Height, (uint)style, Object.SafePtr(name));
public int Selection
get { return wxTabCtrl_GetSelection(wxObject); }
set { wxTabCtrl_SetSelection(wxObject, value); }
public int CurFocus
get { return wxTabCtrl_GetCurFocus(wxObject); }
public ImageList ImageList
get { return (ImageList)FindObject(wxTabCtrl_GetImageList(wxObject), typeof(ImageList)); }
set { wxTabCtrl_SetImageList(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value)); }
public int ItemCount
get { return wxTabCtrl_GetItemCount(wxObject); }
public bool GetItemRect(int item, out Rectangle rect)
return wxTabCtrl_GetItemRect(wxObject, item, out rect);
public int RowCount
get { return wxTabCtrl_GetRowCount(wxObject); }
public string GetItemText(int item)
return new wxString(wxTabCtrl_GetItemText(wxObject, item), true);
public int GetItemImage(int item)
return wxTabCtrl_GetItemImage(wxObject, item);
public IntPtr GetItemData(int item)
return wxTabCtrl_GetItemData(wxObject, item);
public bool SetItemText(int item, string text)
wxString wxtext=wxString.SafeNew(text);
return wxTabCtrl_SetItemText(wxObject, item, Object.SafePtr(wxtext));
public bool SetItemImage(int item, int image)
return wxTabCtrl_SetItemImage(wxObject, item, image);
public bool SetItemData(int item, IntPtr data)
return wxTabCtrl_SetItemData(wxObject, item, data);
public Size ItemSize
set { wxTabCtrl_SetItemSize(wxObject, ref value); }
public Size Padding
set { wxTabCtrl_SetPadding(wxObject, ref value); }
public bool DeleteAllItems()
return wxTabCtrl_DeleteAllItems(wxObject);
public bool DeleteItem(int item)
return wxTabCtrl_DeleteItem(wxObject, item);
public int HitTest(Point pt, out int flags)
return wxTabCtrl_HitTest(wxObject, ref pt, out flags);
public bool InsertItem(int item, string text)
return InsertItem(item, text, -1, IntPtr.Zero);
public bool InsertItem(int item, string text, int imageId)
return InsertItem(item, text, imageId, IntPtr.Zero);
public bool InsertItem(int item, string text, int imageId, IntPtr data)
wxString wxtext=wxString.SafeNew(text);
return wxTabCtrl_InsertItem(wxObject, item, Object.SafePtr(wxtext), imageId, data);
public event EventListener SelectionChange
add { AddCommandListener(Event.wxEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGED, ID, value, this); }
remove { RemoveHandler(value, this); }
public event EventListener SelectionChanging
add { AddCommandListener(Event.wxEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGING, ID, value, this); }
remove { RemoveHandler(value, this); }