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wx NET » wx » ToolBar.cs
// wx.NET - Tbarbase.cs
// The wxToolBar wrapper class.
// Written by Bryan Bulten (
// (C) 2003 Bryan Bulten
// Licensed under the wxWidgets license, see LICENSE.txt for details.
// $Id: ToolBar.cs,v 1.21 2007/12/08 23:21:15 harald_meyer Exp $

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace wx{
  public class ToolBarTool : Object
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBarToolBase_ctor(IntPtr tbar, int toolid, IntPtr label, IntPtr bmpNormal, IntPtr bmpDisabled, int kind, IntPtr clientData, IntPtr shortHelpString, IntPtr longHelpString);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBarToolBase_ctorCtrl(IntPtr tbar, IntPtr control);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxToolBarToolBase_GetId(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBarToolBase_GetControl(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBarToolBase_GetToolBar(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBarToolBase_IsButton(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBarToolBase_IsControl(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBarToolBase_IsSeparator(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern uint   wxToolBarToolBase_GetStyle(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxToolBarToolBase_GetKind(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBarToolBase_IsEnabled(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBarToolBase_IsToggled(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBarToolBase_CanBeToggled(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBarToolBase_GetLabel(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBarToolBase_GetShortHelp(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBarToolBase_GetLongHelp(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBarToolBase_GetClientData(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBarToolBase_Enable(IntPtr self, bool enable);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBarToolBase_Toggle(IntPtr self, bool toggle);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBarToolBase_SetToggle(IntPtr self, bool toggle);
        static extern bool   wxToolBarToolBase_SetShortHelp(IntPtr self, IntPtr help);
        [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
        static extern bool wxToolBarToolBase_SetLongHelp(IntPtr self, IntPtr help);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBarToolBase_Toggle(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBarToolBase_SetNormalBitmap(IntPtr self, IntPtr bmp);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBarToolBase_SetDisabledBitmap(IntPtr self, IntPtr bmp);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBarToolBase_SetLabel(IntPtr self, IntPtr label);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBarToolBase_SetClientData(IntPtr self, IntPtr clientData);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBarToolBase_Detach(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBarToolBase_Attach(IntPtr self, IntPtr tbar);

        public ToolBarTool(IntPtr wxObject) 
            : base(wxObject) { }

        public ToolBarTool(ToolBar tbar, int toolid, string label, Bitmap bmpNormal, Bitmap bmpDisabled, ItemKind kind, ClientData clientData, string shortHelpString, string longHelpString)
            : this(tbar, toolid, wxString.SafeNew(label), bmpNormal, bmpDisabled, kind, clientData, wxString.SafeNew(shortHelpString), wxString.SafeNew(longHelpString))
        public ToolBarTool(ToolBar tbar, int toolid, wxString label, Bitmap bmpNormal, Bitmap bmpDisabled, ItemKind kind, ClientData clientData, wxString shortHelpString, wxString longHelpString)
            : this(wxToolBarToolBase_ctor(Object.SafePtr(tbar), toolid, Object.SafePtr(label), Object.SafePtr(bmpNormal), Object.SafePtr(bmpDisabled), (int)kind, Object.SafePtr(clientData), Object.SafePtr(shortHelpString), Object.SafePtr(longHelpString))) { }

        public ToolBarTool(ToolBar tbar, Control control)
            : this(wxToolBarToolBase_ctorCtrl(Object.SafePtr(tbar), Object.SafePtr(control))) { }


    public int ID
            get {return wxToolBarToolBase_GetId(wxObject); }

    public Control Control
            get { return (Control)FindObject(wxToolBarToolBase_GetControl(wxObject)); }

    public ToolBar ToolBar
            get { return (ToolBar)FindObject(wxToolBarToolBase_GetToolBar(wxObject), typeof(ToolBar)); }


    public bool IsButton
            get { return wxToolBarToolBase_IsButton(wxObject); }

    bool IsControl
            get { return wxToolBarToolBase_IsControl(wxObject); }

    bool IsSeparator
            get { return wxToolBarToolBase_IsSeparator(wxObject); }


    public uint style
            get { return wxToolBarToolBase_GetStyle(wxObject); }

    public ItemKind Kind
            get { return (ItemKind)wxToolBarToolBase_GetKind(wxObject); }


    bool CanBeToggled()
            return wxToolBarToolBase_CanBeToggled(wxObject);


    public string Label
            get { return new wxString(wxToolBarToolBase_GetLabel(wxObject), true); }
                wxString wxvalue = wxString.SafeNew(value);
                wxToolBarToolBase_SetLabel(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(wxvalue));

    public string ShortHelp
            get { return new wxString(wxToolBarToolBase_GetShortHelp(wxObject), true); }
                wxString wxvalue = wxString.SafeNew(value);
                wxToolBarToolBase_SetShortHelp(wxObject, Object.SafePtr( wxvalue));

    public string LongHelp
            get { return new wxString(wxToolBarToolBase_GetLongHelp(wxObject), true); }
                wxString wxvalue = wxString.SafeNew(value);
                wxToolBarToolBase_SetLongHelp(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(wxvalue));

    public ClientData ClientData
            get { return (ClientData)Object.FindObject(wxToolBarToolBase_GetClientData(wxObject)); }
            set { wxToolBarToolBase_SetClientData(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value)); }


    public bool Enabled
            set { wxToolBarToolBase_Enable(wxObject, value); }
            get {return wxToolBarToolBase_IsEnabled(wxObject); }

    public bool Toggled
            set { wxToolBarToolBase_SetToggle(wxObject, value); }
            get { return wxToolBarToolBase_IsToggled(wxObject); }


    public Bitmap NormalBitmap
            set { wxToolBarToolBase_SetNormalBitmap(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value)); }

    public Bitmap DisabledBitmap
            set { wxToolBarToolBase_SetDisabledBitmap(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value)); }


    void Detach()

    void Attach(ToolBar tbar)
            wxToolBarToolBase_Attach(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(tbar));


  public class ToolBar : Control
    public const int wxTB_HORIZONTAL   = Orientation.wxHORIZONTAL;
    public const int wxTB_VERTICAL     = Orientation.wxVERTICAL;
    public const int wxTB_3DBUTTONS    = 0x0010;
    public const int wxTB_FLAT         = 0x0020;
    public const int wxTB_DOCKABLE     = 0x0040;
    public const int wxTB_NOICONS      = 0x0080;
    public const int wxTB_TEXT         = 0x0100;
    public const int wxTB_NODIVIDER    = 0x0200;
    public const int wxTB_NOALIGN      = 0x0400;

    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_ctor(IntPtr parent, int id, ref Point pos, ref Size size, uint style);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_AddTool1(IntPtr self, int toolid, IntPtr label, IntPtr bitmap, IntPtr bmpDisabled, int kind, IntPtr shortHelp, IntPtr longHelp, IntPtr data);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_AddTool2(IntPtr self, int toolid, IntPtr label, IntPtr bitmap, IntPtr shortHelp, int kind);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_AddCheckTool(IntPtr self, int toolid, IntPtr label, IntPtr bitmap, IntPtr bmpDisabled, IntPtr shortHelp, IntPtr longHelp, IntPtr data);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_AddRadioTool(IntPtr self, int toolid, IntPtr label, IntPtr bitmap, IntPtr bmpDisabled, IntPtr shortHelp, IntPtr longHelp, IntPtr data);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_AddControl(IntPtr self, IntPtr control);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_InsertControl(IntPtr self, int pos, IntPtr control);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_FindControl(IntPtr self, int toolid);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_AddSeparator(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_InsertSeparator(IntPtr self, int pos);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_RemoveTool(IntPtr self, int toolid);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBar_DeleteToolByPos(IntPtr self, int pos);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBar_DeleteTool(IntPtr self, int toolid);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBar_ClearTools(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBar_Realize(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBar_EnableTool(IntPtr self, int toolid, bool enable);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBar_ToggleTool(IntPtr self, int toolid, bool toggle);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_GetToolClientData(IntPtr self, int toolid);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBar_SetToolClientData(IntPtr self, int toolid, IntPtr clientData);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBar_GetToolState(IntPtr self, int toolid);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBar_GetToolEnabled(IntPtr self, int toolid);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBar_SetToolShortHelp(IntPtr self, int toolid, IntPtr helpString);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_GetToolShortHelp(IntPtr self, int toolid);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBar_SetToolLongHelp(IntPtr self, int toolid, IntPtr helpString);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_GetToolLongHelp(IntPtr self, int toolid);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBar_SetMargins(IntPtr self, int x, int y);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBar_SetToolPacking(IntPtr self, int packing);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBar_SetToolSeparation(IntPtr self, int separation);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBar_GetToolMargins(IntPtr self, ref int width, ref int height);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxToolBar_GetToolPacking(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxToolBar_GetToolSeparation(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBar_SetRows(IntPtr self, int nRows);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBar_SetMaxRowsCols(IntPtr self, int rows, int cols);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxToolBar_GetMaxRows(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxToolBar_GetMaxCols(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBar_SetToolBitmapSize(IntPtr self, int width, int height);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxToolBar_GetToolBitmapSize(IntPtr self, ref int width, ref int height);
        static extern void wxToolBar_GetToolSize(IntPtr self, ref int width, ref int height);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_FindToolForPosition(IntPtr self, int x, int y);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBar_IsVertical(IntPtr self);
        static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_AddTool3(IntPtr self, int toolid, IntPtr bitmap, IntPtr bmpDisabled, bool toggle, IntPtr clientData, IntPtr shortHelpString, IntPtr longHelpString);
        static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_AddTool4(IntPtr self, int toolid, IntPtr bitmap, IntPtr shortHelpString, IntPtr longHelpString);
        static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_AddTool5(IntPtr self, int toolid, IntPtr bitmap, IntPtr bmpDisabled, bool toggle, int xPos, int yPos, IntPtr clientData, IntPtr shortHelp, IntPtr longHelp);
        static extern IntPtr wxToolBar_InsertTool(IntPtr self, int pos, int toolid, IntPtr bitmap, IntPtr bmpDisabled, bool toggle, IntPtr clientData, IntPtr shortHelp, IntPtr longHelp);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxToolBar_AcceptsFocus(IntPtr self);


        public ToolBar(IntPtr wxObject) 
            : base(wxObject) { }

        public ToolBar(Window parent, int id)
            : this(parent, id, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTB_HORIZONTAL | /*Border.*/wxNO_BORDER) { }

        public ToolBar(Window parent, int id, Point pos)
            : this(parent, id, pos, wxDefaultSize, wxTB_HORIZONTAL | /*Border.*/wxNO_BORDER) { }

        public ToolBar(Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size)
            : this(parent, id, pos, size, wxTB_HORIZONTAL | /*Border.*/wxNO_BORDER) { }

        public ToolBar(Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size, uint style)
            : this(wxToolBar_ctor(Object.SafePtr(parent), id, ref pos, ref size, (uint)style)) { }
  // ctors with self created id
  public ToolBar(Window parent)
            : this(parent, Window.UniqueID, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTB_HORIZONTAL | /*Border.*/wxNO_BORDER) { }

        public ToolBar(Window parent, Point pos)
            : this(parent, Window.UniqueID, pos, wxDefaultSize, wxTB_HORIZONTAL | /*Border.*/wxNO_BORDER) { }

        public ToolBar(Window parent, Point pos, Size size)
            : this(parent, Window.UniqueID, pos, size, wxTB_HORIZONTAL | /*Border.*/wxNO_BORDER) { }

        public ToolBar(Window parent, Point pos, Size size, uint style)
      : this(parent, Window.UniqueID, pos, size, style) {}


        public ToolBarTool AddTool(int toolid, string label, Bitmap bitmap)
            return AddTool(toolid, label, bitmap, "", 0);

        public ToolBarTool AddTool(int toolid, string label, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap bmpDisabled, ItemKind kind, string shortHelp, string longHelp, ClientData clientData)
            return this.AddTool(toolid, wxString.SafeNew(label), bitmap, bmpDisabled, kind, wxString.SafeNew(shortHelp), wxString.SafeNew(longHelp), clientData);
        public ToolBarTool AddTool(int toolid, wxString label, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap bmpDisabled, ItemKind kind, wxString shortHelp, wxString longHelp, ClientData clientData)
            return new ToolBarTool(wxToolBar_AddTool1(wxObject, toolid, Object.SafePtr(label), Object.SafePtr(bitmap), Object.SafePtr(bmpDisabled), (int)kind, Object.SafePtr(shortHelp), Object.SafePtr(longHelp), Object.SafePtr(clientData)));

        public ToolBarTool AddTool(int toolid, string label, Bitmap bitmap, string shortHelp, ItemKind kind)
            return this.AddTool(toolid, wxString.SafeNew(label), bitmap, wxString.SafeNew(shortHelp), kind);
        public ToolBarTool AddTool(int toolid, wxString label, Bitmap bitmap, wxString shortHelp, ItemKind kind)
            return new ToolBarTool(wxToolBar_AddTool2(wxObject, toolid, Object.SafePtr(label), Object.SafePtr(bitmap), Object.SafePtr(shortHelp), (int)kind));

        public ToolBarTool AddTool(int toolid, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap bmpDisabled, bool toggle, ClientData clientData, string shortHelpString, string longHelpString)
            return this.AddTool(toolid, bitmap, bmpDisabled, toggle, clientData, wxString.SafeNew(shortHelpString), wxString.SafeNew(longHelpString));
        public ToolBarTool AddTool(int toolid, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap bmpDisabled, bool toggle, ClientData clientData, wxString shortHelpString, wxString longHelpString)
            return new ToolBarTool(wxToolBar_AddTool3(wxObject, toolid, Object.SafePtr(bitmap), Object.SafePtr(bmpDisabled), toggle, Object.SafePtr(clientData), Object.SafePtr(shortHelpString), Object.SafePtr(longHelpString)));

        public ToolBarTool AddTool(int toolid, Bitmap bitmap, string shortHelpString)
            { return AddTool(toolid, bitmap, shortHelpString, ""); }
        public ToolBarTool AddTool(int toolid, Bitmap bitmap, string shortHelpString, string longHelpString)
            return this.AddTool(toolid, bitmap, wxString.SafeNew(shortHelpString), wxString.SafeNew(longHelpString));
        public ToolBarTool AddTool(int toolid, Bitmap bitmap, wxString shortHelpString, wxString longHelpString)
            return new ToolBarTool(wxToolBar_AddTool4(wxObject, toolid, Object.SafePtr(bitmap), Object.SafePtr(shortHelpString), Object.SafePtr(longHelpString)));

        public ToolBarTool AddTool(int toolid, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap bmpDisabled, bool toggle, int xPos, int yPos, ClientData clientData, string shortHelp, string longHelp)
            return this.AddTool(toolid, bitmap, bmpDisabled, toggle, xPos, yPos, clientData, wxString.SafeNew(shortHelp), wxString.SafeNew(longHelp));
        public ToolBarTool AddTool(int toolid, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap bmpDisabled, bool toggle, int xPos, int yPos, ClientData clientData, wxString shortHelp, wxString longHelp)
            return new ToolBarTool(wxToolBar_AddTool5(wxObject, toolid, Object.SafePtr(bitmap), Object.SafePtr(bmpDisabled), toggle, xPos, yPos, Object.SafePtr(clientData), Object.SafePtr(shortHelp), Object.SafePtr(longHelp)));


        public ToolBarTool InsertTool(int pos, int toolid, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap bmpDisabled, bool toggle, ClientData clientData, string shortHelp, string longHelp)
            return this.InsertTool(pos, toolid, bitmap, bmpDisabled, toggle, clientData, wxString.SafeNew(shortHelp), wxString.SafeNew(longHelp));
        public ToolBarTool InsertTool(int pos, int toolid, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap bmpDisabled, bool toggle, ClientData clientData, wxString shortHelp, wxString longHelp)
            return new ToolBarTool(wxToolBar_InsertTool(wxObject, pos, toolid, Object.SafePtr(bitmap), Object.SafePtr(bmpDisabled), toggle, Object.SafePtr(clientData), Object.SafePtr(shortHelp), Object.SafePtr(longHelp)));


        public ToolBarTool AddCheckTool(int toolid, string label, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap bmpDisabled, string shortHelp, string longHelp)
            return this.AddCheckTool(toolid, wxString.SafeNew(label), bitmap, bmpDisabled, wxString.SafeNew(shortHelp), wxString.SafeNew(longHelp));

        public ToolBarTool AddRadioTool(int toolid, string label, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap bmpDisabled, string shortHelp, string longHelp)
            return this.AddRadioTool(toolid, wxString.SafeNew(label), bitmap, bmpDisabled, wxString.SafeNew(shortHelp), wxString.SafeNew(longHelp));
        public ToolBarTool AddRadioTool(int toolid, wxString label, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap bmpDisabled, wxString shortHelp, wxString longHelp)
            return new ToolBarTool(wxToolBar_AddRadioTool(wxObject, toolid, Object.SafePtr(label), Object.SafePtr(bitmap), Object.SafePtr(bmpDisabled), Object.SafePtr(shortHelp), Object.SafePtr(longHelp), Object.SafePtr(null)));


        public ToolBarTool AddControl(Control ctrl)
            return new ToolBarTool(wxToolBar_AddControl(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(ctrl)));

        public ToolBarTool InsertControl(int pos, Control ctrl)
            return new ToolBarTool(wxToolBar_InsertControl(wxObject, pos, Object.SafePtr(ctrl)));

        public ToolBarTool FindControl(int toolid)
            return (ToolBarTool)FindObject(wxToolBar_FindControl(wxObject, toolid), typeof(ToolBarTool));


        public ToolBarTool AddSeparator()
            return new ToolBarTool(wxToolBar_AddSeparator(wxObject));

        public ToolBarTool InsertSeparator(int pos)
            return new ToolBarTool(wxToolBar_InsertSeparator(wxObject, pos));


        public ToolBarTool RemoveTool(int toolid)
            return (ToolBarTool)FindObject(wxToolBar_RemoveTool(wxObject, toolid), typeof(ToolBarTool));

        public bool DeleteToolByPos(int pos)
            return wxToolBar_DeleteToolByPos(wxObject, pos);

        public bool DeleteTool(int toolid)
            return wxToolBar_DeleteTool(wxObject, toolid);

        public void ClearTools()


        public bool Realize()
            return wxToolBar_Realize(wxObject);


        public void EnableTool(int toolid, bool enable)
            wxToolBar_EnableTool(wxObject, toolid, enable);

        public void ToggleTool(int toolid, bool toggle)
            wxToolBar_ToggleTool(wxObject, toolid, toggle);


        public void SetToolClientData(int toolid, ClientData clientData)
            wxToolBar_SetToolClientData(wxObject, toolid, Object.SafePtr(clientData));

        public ClientData GetToolClientData(int toolid)
            return (ClientData)Object.FindObject(wxToolBar_GetToolClientData(wxObject, toolid));

        public bool GetToolState(int toolid)
            return wxToolBar_GetToolState(wxObject, toolid);

        public bool GetToolEnable(int toolid)
            return wxToolBar_GetToolEnabled(wxObject, toolid);


        public string GetToolShortHelp(int toolid)
            return new wxString(wxToolBar_GetToolShortHelp(wxObject, toolid), true);

        public void SetToolShortHelp(int toolid, string helpString)
            wxString wxhelpstring = wxString.SafeNew(helpString);
            wxToolBar_SetToolShortHelp(wxObject, toolid, Object.SafePtr(wxhelpstring));


        public string GetToolLongHelp(int toolid)
            return new wxString(wxToolBar_GetToolLongHelp(wxObject, toolid), true);

        public void SetToolLongHelp(int toolid, string helpString)
            wxString wxhelpstring = wxString.SafeNew(helpString);
            wxToolBar_SetToolLongHelp(wxObject, toolid, Object.SafePtr(wxhelpstring));


        public void SetMargins(int x, int y)
            Margins = new Size(x, y);

        public Size Margins
            get { 
                int width=-1;
                int height=-1;
          wxToolBar_GetToolMargins(wxObject, ref width, ref height);
                return new Size(width, height);
            set { wxToolBar_SetMargins(wxObject, value.Width, value.Height); }


        public int ToolPacking
            get { return wxToolBar_GetToolPacking(wxObject); }
            set { wxToolBar_SetToolPacking(wxObject, value); }


        public int Separation
            get { return wxToolBar_GetToolSeparation(wxObject); }
            set { wxToolBar_SetToolSeparation(wxObject, value); }


        public int Rows
            set { wxToolBar_SetRows(wxObject, value); }

        public int MaxRows
            get { return wxToolBar_GetMaxRows(wxObject); }

        public int MaxCols
            get { return wxToolBar_GetMaxCols(wxObject); }


        public void SetMaxRowsCols(int rows, int cols)
            wxToolBar_SetMaxRowsCols(wxObject, rows, cols);


        public Size ToolBitmapSize
            get {
                int width = -1;
                int height = -1;
                wxToolBar_GetToolBitmapSize(wxObject, ref width, ref height); 
                return new Size(width, height);
            set { wxToolBar_SetToolBitmapSize(wxObject, value.Width, value.Height); }


        public Size ToolSize
            get {
                int width = -1;
                int height = -1;
                wxToolBar_GetToolSize(wxObject, ref width, ref height);
                return new Size(width, height);


        public ToolBarTool FindToolForPosition(int x, int y)
            return (ToolBarTool)FindObject(wxToolBar_FindToolForPosition(wxObject, x, y), typeof(ToolBarTool));


        public bool IsVertical
            get { return wxToolBar_IsVertical(wxObject); }


        public override bool AcceptsFocus()
            return wxToolBar_AcceptsFocus(wxObject); 

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