// wx.NET - UpdateUIEvent.cs
// The wxUpdateUIEvent wrapper class.
// Written by Jason Perkins (jason@379.com)
// (C) 2003 by 379, Inc.
// Licensed under the wxWidgets license, see LICENSE.txt for details.
// $Id: UpdateUIEvent.cs,v 1.8 2007/12/08 23:21:15 harald_meyer Exp $
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace wx{
public class UpdateUIEvent : CommandEvent
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxUpdateUIEvent_ctor(int commandId);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxUpdUIEvt_Enable(IntPtr self, bool enable);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxUpdUIEvt_Check(IntPtr self, bool check);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxUpdateUIEvent_CanUpdate(IntPtr window);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxUpdateUIEvent_GetChecked(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxUpdateUIEvent_GetEnabled(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxUpdateUIEvent_GetSetChecked(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxUpdateUIEvent_GetSetEnabled(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxUpdateUIEvent_GetSetText(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxUpdateUIEvent_GetText(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int wxUpdateUIEvent_GetMode();
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int wxUpdateUIEvent_GetUpdateInterval();
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxUpdateUIEvent_ResetUpdateTime();
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxUpdateUIEvent_SetMode(int mode);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxUpdateUIEvent_SetText(IntPtr self, IntPtr text);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxUpdateUIEvent_SetUpdateInterval(int updateInterval);
public UpdateUIEvent(IntPtr wxObject)
: base(wxObject) { }
public UpdateUIEvent()
: this(0) { }
public UpdateUIEvent(int commandId)
: this(wxUpdateUIEvent_ctor(commandId)) { }
public bool Enabled
set { wxUpdUIEvt_Enable(wxObject, value); }
public bool Check
set { wxUpdUIEvt_Check(wxObject, value); }
public static bool CanUpdate(Window window)
return wxUpdateUIEvent_CanUpdate(Object.SafePtr(window));
public bool Checked
get { return wxUpdateUIEvent_GetChecked(wxObject); }
public bool GetEnabled()
return wxUpdateUIEvent_GetEnabled(wxObject);
public bool SetChecked
get { return wxUpdateUIEvent_GetSetChecked(wxObject); }
public bool SetEnabled
get { return wxUpdateUIEvent_GetSetEnabled(wxObject); }
public bool SetText
get { return wxUpdateUIEvent_GetSetText(wxObject); }
public string Text
get { return new wxString(wxUpdateUIEvent_GetText(wxObject), true); }
wxString wxvalue = wxString.SafeNew(value);
wxUpdateUIEvent_SetText(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(wxvalue));
public static UpdateUIMode Mode
get { return (UpdateUIMode)wxUpdateUIEvent_GetMode(); }
set { wxUpdateUIEvent_SetMode((int)value); }
public static int UpdateInterval
get { return wxUpdateUIEvent_GetUpdateInterval(); }
set { wxUpdateUIEvent_SetUpdateInterval(value); }
public static void ResetUpdateTime()